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PyRCN: A Toolbox for Exploration and Application of Reservoir Computing Networks


  • Author: Peter Steiner, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Simon Stone and Peter Birkholz
  • Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, International Federation of Automatic Control, Elsevier.
  • Weblink:

Summary and Contents

This repository contains supplemental material for the research paper entitled "PyRCN: A toolbox for Exploration and Application of Reservoir Computing Networks".

PyRCN is a toolbox for Reservoir Computing Networks (RCNs), which belong to a group of machine learning techniques that project the input space non-linearly into a high-dimensional feature spaace. Since we introduce PyRCN, this repository contains all code examples and the entire benchmark test to compare PyRCN with other toolboxes.

File list

  • The following scripts are provided in this repository
    • scripts/ UNIX Bash script to set up a virtual environment with all required packages.
    • scripts/ UNIX Bash script to reproduce the results in the paper.
    • scripts/ UNIX Bash script to start the Jupyter Server for the experiments.
    • scripts/create_venv.ps1: Windows PowerShell script to set up a virtual environment with all required packages.
    • scripts/run.ps1: Windows PowerShell script to reproduce the results in the paper.
    • scripts/run_jupyter-lab.ps1: Windows PowerShell script to start the Jupyter Server for the experiments.
  • The following python code is provided in src
    • pyESN/: The pyESN class by cknd
    • src/ Adapter classes to make other toolboxes sklearn-compatible.
    • src/ Wrapper functions for ARIMA.
    • src/ Functions to export results as CSV files.
    • src/ Wrapper class around sklearn.model_selection.PredefinedSplit to support splitting a dataset in training/validation/test.
    • src/ Utility functions for preprocessing the dataset.
    • src/ The main script to reproduce all results for stock price volatility prediction.
    • src/PyRCN-Intro.ipynb: The Jupyter-Notebook containing the examples how to set up RCNs using PyRCN and its included building blocks.
  • requirements.txt: Text file containing all required Python modules to be installed.
  • The README displayed here.
  • LICENSE: Textfile containing the license for this source code. You can find
  • data/: The directory data contains
    • *.csv: Different datasets provided by Gabriel Trierweiler Ribeiro for [1], used for training, validation and test. Of particular interest are:
    • CAT.csv: Caterpillar stock price volatility.
    • EBAY.csv: Ebay stock price volatility.
    • MSFT.csv: Microsoft stock price volatility.
  • results/
    • (Pre)-trained models can be downloaded from here
    • The models and results are stored as sklearn.model_select.RandomizedSearchCV objects.


The easiest way to reproduce the results is to run the Jupyter Notebooks. This is highly recommended, because this does not require a local installation.


To run the scripts or to start the Jupyter Notebook locally, at first, please ensure that you have a valid Python distribution installed on your system. Here, at least Python 3.8 is required.

Next, you need to clone the repository. please note that we require the remote repository PyESN to be cloned as well. To do so, please clone the repository using clone --recurse-submodules In that way, the directory PyESN does not remain empty.

Next, please navigate to the newly created directory by typing cd PyRCN-Benchmark in the command line. From there, you can then call scripts/run_jupyter-lab.ps1 or scripts/ This will install a new Python venv, which is our recommended way of getting started.

To manually reproduce the results, you should create a new Python venv as well. Therefore, you can run the script on a UNIX bash or create_venv.ps1 that will automatically install all packages from PyPI. Afterwards, just type source .virtualenv/bin/activate in a UNIX bash or .virtualenv/Scripts/activate.ps1 in a PowerShell.

The individual steps to reproduce the results should be in the same order as in the paper. Great would be self-explanatory names for each step.

At first, we define the datasets to be loaded and load them. They are already stored in data.

We restrict the data to the stock price volatility of the current day (t0).

import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict

    datasets = OrderedDict({"CAT": 0, "EBAY": 1, "MSFT": 2})
    data = [None] * len(datasets)

    for dataset, k in datasets.items():
        data[k] = pd.read_csv(f"./data/{dataset}.csv")["t0"].to_frame()

At first, we reproduce the HAR experiments. Essentially, this is a feature transformation of the time series by adding the moving average across 5 and 22 days to the original dataset, which consequently has now three dimensions. We achieve that with the sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion. Afterwards, we normalize the inputs to be between 0 and 1, and regress from the HAR features to the target without regularization.

Since the target is normalized between 0 and 1 as well, we use the

from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer, MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import FeatureUnion, Pipeline
from sklearn.compose import TransformedTargetRegressor
from preprocessing import compute_average_volatility

day_volatility_transformer = FunctionTransformer(
                func=compute_average_volatility, kw_args={"window_length": 1})
week_volatility_transformer = FunctionTransformer(
    func=compute_average_volatility, kw_args={"window_length": 5})
month_volatility_transformer = FunctionTransformer(
    func=compute_average_volatility, kw_args={"window_length": 22})
har_features = FeatureUnion(
    transformer_list=[("day", day_volatility_transformer),
                      ("week", week_volatility_transformer),
                      ("month", month_volatility_transformer)])
har_pipeline = Pipeline(
    steps=[("har_features", har_features),
           ("scaler", MinMaxScaler()),
           ("lstsq", TransformedTargetRegressor(

We optimize a model using a random search.

from preprocessing import ts2super
import itertools
from model_selection import PredefinedTrainValidationTestSplit
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

# Prepare data
df = pd.concat([ts2super(d, 0, H) for d in data])
X = df.iloc[:, 0].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y = df.iloc[:, -1].values.reshape(-1, 1)
test_fold = [
    [k] * len(ts2super(d, 0, H)) for k, d in enumerate(data)]
test_fold = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(test_fold))

ps = PredefinedTrainValidationTestSplit(
    test_fold=test_fold, validation=False)

# Run model selection
search = GridSearchCV(
    estimator=har_pipeline, param_grid={}, cv=ps,
    scoring={"MSE": "neg_mean_squared_error",
             "RMSE": "neg_root_mean_squared_error", "R2": "r2"},
    refit="R2", return_train_score=True).fit(X, y)

We load and transform test data.

from file_handling import load_data

test_data = load_data("../data/test.csv")
X = feature_trf.transform(test_data)
X_test = scaler.transform(X)

Finally, we predict the test data.

y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

After you finished your experiments, please do not forget to deactivate the venv by typing deactivate in your command prompt.

The aforementioned steps are summarized in the script The easiest way to reproduce the results is to either download and extract this Github repository in the desired directory, open a Linux Shell and call or open a Windows PowerShell and call run.ps1.

In that way, again, a Python venv is created, where all required packages (specified by requirements.txt) are installed. Afterwards, the script is excecuted with all default arguments activated in order to reproduce all results in the paper.

If you want to suppress any options, simply remove the particular option.


This research was supported by Europäischer Sozialfonds (ESF), the Free State of Saxony (Application number: 100327771) and Ghent University under the Special Research Award number BOF19/PDO/134.

We kindly thank Gabriel Trierweiler Ribeiro for his support and expertise regarding the stock price volatility datasets.

License and Referencing

This program is licensed under the GPLv3 license. If you in any way use this code for research that results in publications, please cite our original article listed above.

You can use the following BibTeX entry

	title = {PyRCN: A Toolbox for Exploration and Application of Reservoir Computing Networks},
	journal = {Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence},
	volume = {113},
	pages = {104964},
	year = {2022},
	issn = {0952-1976},
	doi = {10.1016/j.engappai.2022.104964},
	url = {},
	author = {Peter Steiner and Azarakhsh Jalalvand and Simon Stone and Peter Birkholz},


[1] Gabriel Trierweiler Ribeiro, André Alves Portela Santos, Viviana Cocco Mariani, Leandro dos Santos Coelho. (2021). Novel hybrid model based on echo state neural network applied to the prediction of stock price return volatility. Expert Systems with Applications, 184, 115490. 10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115490