diff --git a/integration/vite-build-test.ts b/integration/vite-build-test.ts
index 3fec1a9b55b..dd6c7681b63 100644
--- a/integration/vite-build-test.ts
+++ b/integration/vite-build-test.ts
@@ -1,402 +1,380 @@
import * as path from "node:path";
import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";
-import shell from "shelljs";
+import getPort from "get-port";
import glob from "glob";
import {
- createAppFixture,
- createFixture,
- js,
-} from "./helpers/create-fixture.js";
-import type { Fixture, AppFixture } from "./helpers/create-fixture.js";
-import { PlaywrightFixture, selectHtml } from "./helpers/playwright-fixture.js";
-test.describe("Vite build", () => {
- let fixture: Fixture;
- let appFixture: AppFixture;
- test.beforeAll(async () => {
- fixture = await createFixture({
- compiler: "vite",
- files: {
- "remix.config.js": js`
- throw new Error("Remix should not access remix.config.js when using Vite");
- export default {};
- `,
- ".env": `
- `,
- "vite.config.ts": js`
- import { defineConfig } from "vite";
- import { vitePlugin as remix } from "@remix-run/dev";
- import mdx from "@mdx-js/rollup";
- export default defineConfig({
- build: {
- // force emitting asset files instead of inlined as data-url
- assetsInlineLimit: 0,
- },
- plugins: [
- mdx(),
- remix(),
- ],
- });
- `,
- "app/root.tsx": js`
- import { Links, Meta, Outlet, Scripts } from "@remix-run/react";
- export default function Root() {
- return (
+ createProject,
+ viteBuild,
+ viteRemixServe,
+ viteConfig,
+ grep,
+} from "./helpers/vite.js";
+let port: number;
+let cwd: string;
+let stop: () => void;
+const js = String.raw;
+test.beforeAll(async () => {
+ port = await getPort();
+ cwd = await createProject({
+ "remix.config.js": js`
+ throw new Error("Remix should not access remix.config.js when using Vite");
+ export default {};
+ `,
+ ".env": `
+ `,
+ "vite.config.ts": js`
+ import { defineConfig } from "vite";
+ import { vitePlugin as remix } from "@remix-run/dev";
+ import mdx from "@mdx-js/rollup";
+ export default defineConfig({
+ ${await viteConfig.server({ port })}
+ build: {
+ // force emitting asset files instead of inlined as data-url
+ assetsInlineLimit: 0,
+ },
+ plugins: [
+ mdx(),
+ remix(),
+ ],
+ });
+ `,
+ "app/root.tsx": js`
+ import { Links, Meta, Outlet, Scripts } from "@remix-run/react";
+ export default function Root() {
+ return (
- );
- }
- `,
- "app/assets/test.css": ".test{color:red}",
- "app/routes/ssr-only-css-url-files.tsx": js`
- import cssUrl from "../assets/test.css?url";
- import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react"
- export const loader: LoaderFunction = () => {
- return { cssUrl };
- };
- export default function SsrOnlyCssUrlFilesRoute() {
- const loaderData = useLoaderData();
- return (
- );
- }
- `,
- "app/routes/ssr-code-split.tsx": js`
- import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react"
- export const loader: LoaderFunction = async () => {
- const lib = await import("../ssr-code-split-lib");
- return lib.ssrCodeSplitTest();
- };
- export default function SsrCodeSplitRoute() {
- const loaderData = useLoaderData();
- return (
- );
- }
- `,
- "app/ssr-code-split-lib.ts": js`
- export function ssrCodeSplitTest() {
- return "ssrCodeSplitTest";
- }
- `,
- },
- });
- appFixture = await createAppFixture(fixture);
- });
- test.afterAll(() => {
- appFixture.close();
+ );
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/routes/_index.tsx": js`
+ import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
+ import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
+ import { serverOnly1, serverOnly2 } from "../utils.server";
+ export const loader = () => {
+ return json({ serverOnly1 })
+ }
+ export const action = () => {
+ console.log(serverOnly2)
+ return null
+ }
+ export default function() {
+ const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setMounted(true);
+ }, []);
+ return (
+ <>
+ {!mounted ?
+ >
+ );
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/utils.server.ts": js`
+ export const serverOnly1 = "SERVER_ONLY_1"
+ export const serverOnly2 = "SERVER_ONLY_2"
+ `,
+ "app/routes/resource.ts": js`
+ import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
+ import { serverOnly1, serverOnly2 } from "../utils.server";
+ export const loader = () => {
+ return json({ serverOnly1 })
+ }
+ export const action = () => {
+ console.log(serverOnly2)
+ return null
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/routes/mdx.mdx": js`
+ import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+ import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
+ import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
+ import { serverOnly1, serverOnly2 } from "../utils.server";
+ export const loader = () => {
+ return json({
+ serverOnly1,
+ content: "MDX route content from loader",
+ })
+ }
+ export const action = () => {
+ console.log(serverOnly2)
+ return null
+ }
+ export function MdxComponent() {
+ const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setMounted(true);
+ }, []);
+ const { content } = useLoaderData();
+ const text = content + (mounted
+ ? ": mounted"
+ : ": not mounted");
+ return
+ }
+ ## MDX Route
+ `,
+ "app/routes/code-split1.tsx": js`
+ import { CodeSplitComponent } from "../code-split-component";
+ export default function CodeSplit1Route() {
+ return
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/routes/code-split2.tsx": js`
+ import { CodeSplitComponent } from "../code-split-component";
+ export default function CodeSplit2Route() {
+ return
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/code-split-component.tsx": js`
+ import classes from "./code-split.module.css";
+ export function CodeSplitComponent() {
+ return
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/code-split.module.css": js`
+ .test {
+ background-color: rgb(255, 170, 0);
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/routes/dotenv.tsx": js`
+ import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
+ import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
+ export const loader = () => {
+ return json({
+ loaderContent: process.env.ENV_VAR_FROM_DOTENV_FILE ?? '.env file was NOT loaded, which is a good thing',
+ })
+ }
+ export default function DotenvRoute() {
+ const { loaderContent } = useLoaderData();
+ return
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/assets/test.txt": "test",
+ "app/routes/ssr-only-assets.tsx": js`
+ import txtUrl from "../assets/test.txt?url";
+ import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react"
+ export const loader: LoaderFunction = () => {
+ return { txtUrl };
+ };
+ export default function SsrOnlyAssetsRoute() {
+ const loaderData = useLoaderData();
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/assets/test.css": ".test{color:red}",
+ "app/routes/ssr-only-css-url-files.tsx": js`
+ import cssUrl from "../assets/test.css?url";
+ import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react"
+ export const loader: LoaderFunction = () => {
+ return { cssUrl };
+ };
+ export default function SsrOnlyCssUrlFilesRoute() {
+ const loaderData = useLoaderData();
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/routes/ssr-code-split.tsx": js`
+ import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react"
+ export const loader: LoaderFunction = async () => {
+ const lib = await import("../ssr-code-split-lib");
+ return lib.ssrCodeSplitTest();
+ };
+ export default function SsrCodeSplitRoute() {
+ const loaderData = useLoaderData();
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ `,
+ "app/ssr-code-split-lib.ts": js`
+ export function ssrCodeSplitTest() {
+ return "ssrCodeSplitTest";
+ }
+ `,
- test("server code is removed from client build", async () => {
- let clientBuildDir = path.join(fixture.projectDir, "build/client");
- // detect client asset files
- let assetFiles = glob.sync("**/*.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)", {
- cwd: clientBuildDir,
- absolute: true,
- });
+ let { stderr, status } = viteBuild({ cwd });
+ expect(
+ stderr
+ .toString()
+ // This can be removed when this issue is fixed: https://github.com/remix-run/remix/issues/9055
+ .replace('Generated an empty chunk: "resource".', "")
+ .trim()
+ ).toBeFalsy();
+ expect(status).toBe(0);
+ stop = await viteRemixServe({ cwd, port });
+test.afterAll(() => stop());
- // grep for server-only values in client assets
- let result = shell
- .grep("-l", /SERVER_ONLY_1|SERVER_ONLY_2/, assetFiles)
- .stdout.trim()
- .split("\n")
- .filter((line) => line.length > 0);
+test("Vite / build / server code is removed from client build", async () => {
+ expect(grep(path.join(cwd, "build/client"), /SERVER_ONLY_1/).length).toBe(0);
+ expect(grep(path.join(cwd, "build/client"), /SERVER_ONLY_2/).length).toBe(0);
- expect(result).toHaveLength(0);
- });
+test("Vite / build / renders matching MDX routes", async ({ page }) => {
+ let pageErrors: Error[] = [];
+ page.on("pageerror", (error) => pageErrors.push(error));
- test("server renders matching routes", async () => {
- let res = await fixture.requestDocument("/");
- expect(res.status).toBe(200);
- expect(selectHtml(await res.text(), "#content")).toBe(`
- Index
- Loading...
+ await page.goto(`http://localhost:${port}/mdx`, {
+ waitUntil: "networkidle",
+ await expect(page.locator("[data-mdx-route]")).toHaveText(
+ "MDX route content from loader: mounted"
+ );
+ expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
- test("hydrates", async ({ page }) => {
- let app = new PlaywrightFixture(appFixture, page);
- await app.goto("/");
- expect(await page.locator("#content h2").textContent()).toBe("Index");
- expect(await page.locator("#content h3[data-mounted]").textContent()).toBe(
- "Mounted"
- );
- });
+test("Vite / build / emits SSR-only assets to the client assets directory", async ({
+ page,
+}) => {
+ let pageErrors: Error[] = [];
+ page.on("pageerror", (error) => pageErrors.push(error));
- test("server renders matching MDX routes", async ({ page }) => {
- let res = await fixture.requestDocument("/mdx");
- expect(res.status).toBe(200);
- expect(selectHtml(await res.text(), "[data-mdx-route]")).toBe(
- `
MDX route content from loader: not mounted
- );
+ await page.goto(`http://localhost:${port}/ssr-only-assets`, {
+ waitUntil: "networkidle",
- test("hydrates matching MDX routes", async ({ page }) => {
- let pageErrors: unknown[] = [];
- page.on("pageerror", (error) => pageErrors.push(error));
+ await page.getByRole("link", { name: "txtUrl" }).click();
+ await page.waitForURL("**/assets/test-*.txt");
+ await expect(page.getByText("test")).toBeVisible();
+ expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
- let app = new PlaywrightFixture(appFixture, page);
- await app.goto("/mdx");
- await expect(page.locator("[data-mdx-route]")).toContainText(
- "MDX route content from loader: mounted"
- );
+test("Vite / build /emits SSR-only .css?url files to the client assets directory", async ({
+ page,
+}) => {
+ let pageErrors: Error[] = [];
+ page.on("pageerror", (error) => pageErrors.push(error));
- expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
+ await page.goto(`http://localhost:${port}/ssr-only-css-url-files`, {
+ waitUntil: "networkidle",
- test("emits SSR-only assets to the client assets directory", async ({
- page,
- }) => {
- let app = new PlaywrightFixture(appFixture, page);
- await app.goto("/ssr-only-assets");
- await page.getByRole("link", { name: "txtUrl" }).click();
- await page.waitForURL("**/assets/test-*.txt");
- await expect(page.getByText("test")).toBeVisible();
- });
+ await page.getByRole("link", { name: "cssUrl" }).click();
+ await page.waitForURL("**/assets/test-*.css");
+ await expect(page.getByText(".test{")).toBeVisible();
+ expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
- test("emits SSR-only .css?url files to the client assets directory", async ({
- page,
- }) => {
- let app = new PlaywrightFixture(appFixture, page);
- await app.goto("/ssr-only-css-url-files");
+test("Vite / build / supports code-split JS from SSR build", async ({
+ page,
+}) => {
+ let pageErrors: Error[] = [];
+ page.on("pageerror", (error) => pageErrors.push(error));
- await page.getByRole("link", { name: "cssUrl" }).click();
- await page.waitForURL("**/assets/test-*.css");
- await expect(page.getByText(".test{")).toBeVisible();
+ await page.goto(`http://localhost:${port}/ssr-code-split`, {
+ waitUntil: "networkidle",
- test("supports code-split JS from SSR build", async ({ page }) => {
- let pageErrors: unknown[] = [];
- page.on("pageerror", (error) => pageErrors.push(error));
+ await expect(page.locator("[data-ssr-code-split]")).toHaveText(
+ "ssrCodeSplitTest"
+ );
+ expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
- let app = new PlaywrightFixture(appFixture, page);
- await app.goto(`/ssr-code-split`);
- expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
+test("Vite / build / removes assets (other than code-split JS) and CSS files from SSR build", async () => {
+ let assetFiles = glob.sync("build/server/assets/**/*", { cwd });
+ let [asset, ...rest] = assetFiles;
+ expect(rest).toEqual([]); // Provide more useful test output if this fails
+ expect(asset).toMatch(/ssr-code-split-lib-.*\.js/);
- await expect(page.locator("[data-ssr-code-split]")).toHaveText(
- "ssrCodeSplitTest"
- );
+test("Vite / build / supports code-split CSS", async ({ page }) => {
+ let pageErrors: unknown[] = [];
+ page.on("pageerror", (error) => pageErrors.push(error));
- expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
+ await page.goto(`http://localhost:${port}/code-split1`, {
+ waitUntil: "networkidle",
- test("removes assets (other than code-split JS) and CSS files from SSR build", async () => {
- let assetFiles = glob.sync("*", {
- cwd: path.join(fixture.projectDir, "build/server/assets"),
- });
- let [asset, ...rest] = assetFiles;
- expect(rest).toEqual([]); // Provide more useful test output if this fails
- expect(asset).toMatch(/ssr-code-split-lib-.*\.js/);
+ expect(
+ await page
+ .locator("#code-split1 span")
+ .evaluate((e) => window.getComputedStyle(e).backgroundColor)
+ ).toBe("rgb(255, 170, 0)");
+ await page.goto(`http://localhost:${port}/code-split2`, {
+ waitUntil: "networkidle",
+ expect(
+ await page
+ .locator("#code-split2 span")
+ .evaluate((e) => window.getComputedStyle(e).backgroundColor)
+ ).toBe("rgb(255, 170, 0)");
- test("supports code-split css", async ({ page }) => {
- let pageErrors: unknown[] = [];
- page.on("pageerror", (error) => pageErrors.push(error));
- let app = new PlaywrightFixture(appFixture, page);
- await app.goto("/code-split1");
- expect(
- await page
- .locator("#code-split1 span")
- .evaluate((e) => window.getComputedStyle(e).backgroundColor)
- ).toBe("rgb(255, 170, 0)");
- await app.goto("/code-split2");
- expect(
- await page
- .locator("#code-split2 span")
- .evaluate((e) => window.getComputedStyle(e).backgroundColor)
- ).toBe("rgb(255, 170, 0)");
- expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
- });
+ expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
- test("doesn't load .env file", async ({ page }) => {
- let pageErrors: unknown[] = [];
- page.on("pageerror", (error) => pageErrors.push(error));
+test("Vite / build / doesn't load .env file", async ({ page }) => {
+ let pageErrors: unknown[] = [];
+ page.on("pageerror", (error) => pageErrors.push(error));
- let app = new PlaywrightFixture(appFixture, page);
- await app.goto(`/dotenv`);
- expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
+ await page.goto(`http://localhost:${port}/dotenv`, {
+ waitUntil: "networkidle",
+ });
+ expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
- let loaderContent = page.locator("[data-dotenv-route-loader-content]");
- await expect(loaderContent).toHaveText(
- ".env file was NOT loaded, which is a good thing"
- );
+ let loaderContent = page.locator("[data-dotenv-route-loader-content]");
+ await expect(loaderContent).toHaveText(
+ ".env file was NOT loaded, which is a good thing"
+ );
- expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);
- });
+ expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]);