Library to interact with the GEB smart contracts. Manage your safes, mint RAI, inspect the system state, and much more.
The library is written in Typescript with full typing support. It allows access to the low level API to directly interact with the contracts.
npm install geb.js
At the moment, Geb.js requires to use Ether.js V5. In the future we will support Web3.
npm install ethers
Full API documentation is available here.
This is a complete example of how you can inspect a SAFE and also open a new one using your own proxy:
import { ethers, utils as ethersUtils } from 'ethers'
import { Geb, utils } from 'geb.js'
// Setup Ether.js
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet('0xdefiisawesome...', provider)
// Create the main GEB object
const geb = new Geb('kovan', provider)
// Get a SAFE
const safe = await geb.getSafe(4)
console.log(`Safe id 4 has: ${utils.wadToFixed(safe.debt).toString()} RAI of debt.`)
console.log(`It will get liquidated if ETH price falls below ${(await safe.liquidationPrice())?.toString()} USD.`)
// Open a new SAFE, lock ETH and draw RAI in a single transaction using a proxy
// Note: Before doing this you need to create your own proxy
// We first need to check that the system didn't reach the debt ceiling so that we can
// mint more RAI.
const globalDebt = await geb.contracts.safeEngine.globalDebt()
const debtCeiling = await geb.contracts.safeEngine.globalDebtCeiling()
const raiToDraw = ethersUtils.parseEther('15')
if(globalDebt.add(raiToDraw).gt(debtCeiling)) {
throw new Error('Debt ceiling too low, not possible to draw this amount of RAI.')
// We're good to mint some RAI!
const proxy = await geb.getProxyAction(wallet.address)
const tx = proxy.openLockETHAndGenerateDebt(
ethersUtils.parseEther('1'), // Lock 1 Ether
utils.ETH_A, // Of collateral ETH
raiToDraw // And draw 15 RAI
tx.gasPrice = ethers.BigNumber.from('80').mul('1000000000') // Set the gas price to 80 Gwei
const pending = await wallet.sendTransaction(tx) // Send the transaction
console.log(`Transaction ${pending.hash} waiting to be mined...`)
await pending.wait() // Wait for it to be mined
console.log('Transaction mined, safe opened!')
In the examples below we assume the variables are defined like in the complete example above.
- Deploy a new proxy
- Partial repay of safe debt
- Complete repay of safe debt
- Withdraw Ether collateral
- Make direct contract calls
- Multicall
const tx = geb.deployProxy()
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
const proxy = await geb.getProxyAction("0xdefidream...")
// You first need to approve your proxy to spend your RAI
let tx = geb.contracts.coin.approve(proxy.proxyAddress, ethers.constants.MaxUint256)
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
// Repay 1 RAI of debt to SAFE #4
tx = proxy.repayDebt(4, ethersUtils.parseEther('1'))
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
const proxy = await geb.getProxyAction("0xdefidream...")
// You first need to approve your proxy to spend your RAI
let tx = geb.contracts.coin.approve(proxy.proxyAddress, ethers.constants.MaxUint256)
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
// Repay all debt of SAFE #4
tx = proxy.repayAllDebt(4)
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
const proxy = await geb.getProxyAction("0xdefidream...")
// Unlock 1 ETH of collateral from SAFE #4 and transfer it to its owner
const tx = proxy.freeETH(4, ethersUtils.parseEther('1'))
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
const proxy = await geb.getProxyAction("0xdefidream...")
const safe = await geb.getSafe(4)
// You first need to approve your proxy to spend your RAI
let tx = geb.contracts.coin.approve(proxy.proxyAddress, ethers.constants.MaxUint256)
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
// Pay back everything and get your ETH back into your wallet
const tx = proxy.repayAllDebtAndFreeETH(4, safe.collateral)
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
Geb.js exposes all contract APIs of all core contracts in the Geb.contracts
object. Solidity functions that are read-only (view
or pure
) return asynchronously the expected value from the chain. State changing functions will return a transaction object to passed to ether.js
or web3
// Fetch some system parameters from their respective contracts
const surplusBuffer = await geb.contracts.accountingEngine.surplusBuffer()
const { stabilityFee } = await geb.contracts.taxCollector.collateralTypes(utils.ETH_A)
// Liquidate a Safe
const tx = geb.contracts.liquidationEngine.liquidateSAFE(utils.ETH_A,"0xdefidream...");
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
Useful to bundle read-only calls in a single RPC call:
const [ globalDebt, collateralInfo ] = await geb.multiCall([
geb.contracts.safeEngine.globalDebt(true), // !! Note the last parameter set to true.
geb.contracts.safeEngine.collateralTypes(utils.ETH_A, true),