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刘小泽写于2021.10.18 |
题目:Single-cell transcriptome identifies FCGR3B upregulated subtype of alveolar macrophages in patients with critical COVID-19
数据分析文章:scRNA分析重症COVID-19患者多个样本,得到一种单核细胞衍生的肺泡巨噬细胞 (MoAMs) 亚型,并且FCGR3B基因在其中特异性表达,提供了一个新的biomarker。
- 对照1:10例健康气管样本( Deprez et al., 2020)
- 对照2:4例健康肺样本(Madissoon et al., 2019)
- BALF单细胞数据(支气管肺泡灌洗液, broncho-alveolar lavage fluid):总共14个样本,包括对照、轻度和重症患者样本 (Liao et al., 2020)
利用Liao文章的marker基因,大致分成macrophages, myeloid dendritic cells, and T-cells,但发现很多cluster的细胞类型不好确定【A) Control. B) Moderate. C) Severe BALF clusters using Liao et al markers】
于是自己又细分亚群,分别得到19, 17, and 18个cluster, 21939, 7316 and 37197 cells
包括了:basal cells, vascular cells, dendritic cells, ionocytes, monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages, plasma cells, and alveolar epithelial cells
并发症包括了:encoding cytokines and cytokine receptors, or associated with rare infectious diseases, rare syndromes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes
因此,这个cluster11就被标记为monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages (MoAMs),它的marker 基因就是_CCl3L1_ ,而且这个MoAMs亚型在 moderate or control样本中都没发现
- host immune response signaling networks related to TNFα
- cytokine and interferon gamma responses
- response to type1 interferon and biotic stimulus
- innate immune and inflammatory responses
做了一个气泡图【 A) Control. B) Moderate and C) Severe BALF】,不过感觉没啥必要,既然选择cluster11的前20,那么肯定这些基因(横坐标)就主导啊
- regulate both adaptive and innate immune responses which are crucial for the defense against infection and prevention of chronic inflammation or autoimmune diseases
- FcRs mediate important immune responses such as release of cytokines or phagocytosis (Ben Mkaddem et al., 2019)
在bulk PBMC data进行验证 (Arunachalam et al., 2020) ,并且发现在non-classical monocytes中表达更多
在 bulk data set from nasopharyngeal swabs数据集验证(左图),另外之前看cluster11特异性表达CCL3L1,那么同样在重症的CCL3L1高表达细胞中,FCGR3B表达同样高
不过,不同于_FCGR3B_,CCL3L1_和_TNFAIP6 (indicator of COVID-19 severity) 在其他数据集中并非一直是重症表达量高于对照组。所以最后的目光又集中于_FCGR3B_ 这一个基因了
qPCR positive COVID-19 patients (n = 31) and qPCR negative controls (n = 11),发现:
- 左图(单纯covid):50% had greater than 1.5-fold change of FCGR3B compared with 28.1% in controls
- 右图(covid+并发症):57.1% of patients with severe COVID-19 with comorbidity had greater than 1.5-fold change of FCGR3B compared with 28.1% in controls
当然,最后还拓展了一下,做了个体外并发症(肥胖)关联实验,发现:FCGR3B as a potential modulator of COVID-19 severity in patients with obesity