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124 lines (91 loc) · 6.49 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, As of version v1.0.0, this project as a whole will adhere to Semantic Versioning, however individual components may get bumped in order to maintain version sync with their peers. Until v1.0.0 is reached, minor version (0.X.0) updates may include breaking changes, however this will be avoided where possible and clearly documented if it occurs.







v0.6.1 - 2020-08-13


  • Added changelog/release note generator script


  • Fixed an issue with route-model binding in ModuleLoaders failing if no typehint provided (phased/state)

v0.6.0 - 2020-08-08


  • Added Dependency Injection for Vuex::load & Vuex::lazyLoad


  • Fixed deeply nested modules weren't properly merged in axios interceptors (#10)

v0.5.0 - 2020-08-03


  • added Phased/Routing/Commands/GeneratePhaseRouter::getJsonOutput($withConfig) helper to encode & retrieve output
  • added phase.assets.ssr.server & phase.assets.ssr.client configuration for js bundles.
  • added Vuex::get
  • Front end log levels. passing { logLevel: 'debug' } as the options to the hydrate method, for example will enable the most verbose logging.
  • 'example' app with cypress/pest test suite, tailwindcss, laravel auth
  • Added gzipped filesize output to buildscript
  • removed default stylesheet sass/app.scss from config
  • helper functions added to example app such as 'resolve route by phase name' (phaseRoute example/app/helpers.php)
  • added vue-ssr-failed attribute to blade file when an error occurs during rendering
  • [experimental] added Phased/State/Factories/VuexFactory::get(...) method to access previously saved state.
  • Migrated test suite to use PestPHP & Cypress (for browser based tests)


  • Migrated test suite to use pest
  • Phased/Routing/Commands/GeneratePhaseRouter::getFormattedRoutes() changed from protected to public
  • Phased/Routing/Commands/GeneratePhaseRouter::outputTable() changed from protected to public
  • Phased/Routing/Commands/GeneratePhaseRouter::outputJson() changed from protected to public
  • Phased/Routing/Factories/PhaseFactory::addRoute() signature changed from variadic (...$args) to ($uri, $action)


  • Automatic axios redirects. This may be revived in a future release.


  • auto axios redirects (301/302) have been removed. For direct entry redirects (301/302) the standard laravel redirects can be used. For SPA redirects, these must by manually set using vue-router.

v0.4.0 - 2020-03-15


  • Now follows any axios redirects (with page transition, enabled by default)
  • Customizable <head> section (meta tags, etc) using optional parts/head.blade.php
  • Route code splitting now available using the option codeSplit: true in webpack.mix.js


  • All automated ajax requests append phase=true to the query string.


  • After using vue-router, then navigating to an external site, pressing 'back' no longer displays json

v0.3.0 - 2020-03-07


  • Server Side Rendering option available in config('phase.ssr') (true/false)
  • Client Hydration via config('phase.hydrate') (SSR & no JS bundle)
  • NODE_PATH= env variable has been added and is required for SSR support to operate


  • ** Breaking ** main vue app should now export default new Vue and not mount the app (no el: '#app'). This allows for SSR to be toggled on/off.
  • ** Breaking ** It is now mandatory & non-configurable that the main entry is app.js.


  • ** Breaking ** js option in assets configuration is no longer used since SSR option has been added, and has been removed. If your js bundle was named something other than app.js this is a breaking change.


  • @phased/state no longer relies on window making it usable for other environments (primarily SSR, potentially NativeScript-vue)

v0.2.0 - 2020-03-01


  • webpack watch mode now watches for changes to routes/web.php
  • php artisan make:loader {module} Generate empty Module Loader stubs
  • Phased\State\Factories\VuexFactory::dd() dd's the current store data
  • Phased\State\Middleware\ModuleLoaderMiddleware::class module loading middleware. Can now load common vuex state for groups or routes. ->middleware('load:authors,all|posts,all|books,active,1)


  • ** Breaking ** moved PhaseRoutes import from @phased/webpack-plugin/routes to @phased/phase/routes when using the @phased/phase meta package. If using the webpack-plugin directly, there is no change.
  • Changed private methods to protected in Phased\State\Factories\VuexFactory


  • laravel-mix plugin no longer requires an empty object passed as a minimum options configuration... (.phase() works again)

0.1.0 - 2020-02-13


  • response()->vuex() and response()->phase() now behave the same. response()->phase() is preferred.
  • Phased\State\Factories\VuexFactory::lazyLoad($namespace, $key) has been introduced so now ModuleLoaders can easily be lazy loaded without modification
  • Phased\State\Factories\VuexFactory::commit($mutation, $value) has been added
  • Phased\State\Factories\VuexFactory::dispatch($action, $value) has been added
  • Added automatic actions/mutations to axios interceptors


  • response()->vuex() is deprecated, and response()->phase() is the preferred, however there are currently no plans to remove it.
  • Phased\State\Factories\VuexFactory::store(...) is deprecated however there are no current plans for removal


  • @phased/laravel-mix plugin should better track updates to routes/web.php during npm run hot/watch
  • config('phase') should pick up a project config/phase.php overrides again
  • phpunit phased/routing tests were fixed
  • ->toVuex() with only one argument again saves to base state i.e. ->toVuex('user') => $store.state.user