diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..225d086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ "root": true,
+ "rules": {
+ "newline-before-return": 0,
+ "prefer-const": 0,
+ "no-fallthrough": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-duplicate-enum-values": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/indent": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-extra-semi": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility": 1,
+ "no-trailing-spaces": "warn",
+ "@typescript-eslint/ban-types": "warn",
+ "max-len": [
+ "warn",
+ 200
+ ],
+ "brace-style": [
+ "warn",
+ "stroustrup"
+ ],
+ "curly": "warn",
+ "semi": [
+ "warn",
+ "always"
+ ],
+ "indent": [
+ "warn",
+ 2,
+ {
+ "SwitchCase": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": [
+ "error",
+ {
+ "allowExpressions": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": [
+ "warn",
+ {
+ "args": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "extends": [
+ "eslint:recommended",
+ "plugin:@typescript-eslint/eslint-recommended",
+ "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended",
+ "plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict"
+ ],
+ "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
+ "parserOptions": {
+ "ecmaVersion": 2020,
+ "sourceType": "module"
+ },
+ "plugins": [
+ "@typescript-eslint",
+ "eslint-plugin-disable-autofix"
+ ]
diff --git a/.github/workflows/lint.yml b/.github/workflows/lint.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca2845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/lint.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+name: "lint"
+ push:
+ branches: ["main"]
+ paths:
+ - "**/*.ts"
+ pull_request:
+ branches: ["main"]
+ paths:
+ - "**/*.ts"
+ lint:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ node-version: [20.x]
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+ with:
+ node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
+ - run: npm install
+ - run: npm run lint
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a16ad27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+name: "test"
+ push:
+ branches: ["main"]
+ paths:
+ - "**/*.js"
+ - "**/*.ts"
+ pull_request:
+ branches: ["*"]
+ paths:
+ - "**/*.js"
+ - "**/*.ts"
+ test:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ node-version: [20.x]
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+ with:
+ node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
+ - run: npm install
+ - run: npm run test
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dd8cb13..e88fead 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,123 +1,322 @@
-# pixi-actions
-This is a fork of [srpatel/pixi-actions](https://github.com/srpatel/pixi-actions) that closely mimics `SKAction` from `SpriteKit`.
+# PixiJS Actions
-It is a simple actions library for PixiJS that allows you to easily apply complex animations and events to display objects. Action are a way to animate nodes without having to write a lot of boilerplate.
+Powerful, lightweight animations in PixiJS.
-## Usage
-Install via npm:
+_A [PixiJS](https://pixijs.com/) implementation of [Apple's SKActions](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/spritekit/skaction) (forked from [srpatel/pixi-actions](https://github.com/srpatel/pixi-actions))._
+## Quick start
+npm install pixijs-actions
-npm install pixi-actions
+yarn add pixijs-actions
-TypeScript type information are included, if you are using it. The library exports using ES6 modules.
+## Getting started with Actions
+*Create, configure, and run actions in PixiJS.*
+You tell nodes to run an instace of `Action` when you want to animate contents of your canvas. When the canvas processes frames of animation, the actions are executed. Some actions are completed in a single frame of animation, while other actions apply changes over multiple frames of animation before completing. The most common use for actions is to animate changes to a node’s properties. For example, you can create actions that move a node, scale or rotate it, or fade its transparency. However, actions can also change the node tree or even execute custom code.
-You can then import the classes you need:
+## Basic usage
-import { Action, ActionTimingMode } from 'pixi-actions';
+import { Action } from '@pixi/actions';
+const fadeOutAndRemove = Action.sequence([
+ Action.fadeOut(1.0),
+ Action.removeFromParent()
+## Installation
+First install the package.
+// npm
+npm install pixijs-actions
+// yarn
+yarn add pixijs-actions
-Register a ticker with your PIXI app:
+> The library exports as an ES6 module, and includes TypeScript types.
+> The global mixins and their typings are automatically registered when you import the library.
+Register the global actions ticker with your PixiJS app (or other render loop):
-import { Action } from 'pixi-actions';
+import { Action } from 'pixijs-actions';
+const myApp = new PIXI.Application({ ... });
-let app = new PIXI.Application({ ... });
-app.ticker.add((delta) => Action.tick(delta / 60));
+// PixiJS v8:
+myApp.ticker.add(ticker => Action.tick(ticker.deltaTime));
+// or PixiJS v6 + v7:
+myApp.ticker.add(dt => Action.tick(dt));
-Note that the delta supplied to the ticker function is in frames. If you want to use duration instead (recommended), you should divide by your frames per second.
-Then, you can create and play actions! Remember, creating an action is not enough - you must also call `.play()`, or the action will never start.
-| Command | Details |
-| :--------------------------------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `const action = Action.moveTo(...)` | Create an action. See the table below for full details on how to do this. |
-| `action.runOn(displayObject);` | Start the action. It will continue to execute until it finishes or is paused. |
-| `action.queueAction(nextAction);` | Dynamically queue an action to be run once another finishes. It may be simpler to use `Action.sequence([ ... ])` instead (see below) if you know the action you want to queue at the point you create the action. |
-| `Action.removeActionsForTarget(target);` | Remove all actions associated with a given target. |
-See the table below for a full list of all the available actions.
-## Action
-| Action | Details |
-| :-------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `Action.moveTo(x, y, duration, timingMode); ` | Animate a node to a specified position. |
-| `Action.scaleTo(x, y, duration, timingMode); ` | Animate a node's scale to specified values. |
-| `Action.rotateTo(rotation, duration, timingMode); ` | Animate a node's rotation to a specified value. Note that this uses the `rotation` property, which is in _radians_. There is an `angle` property which uses degrees, but there is no Action for it (yet!). |
-| `Action.fadeTo(alpha, duration, timingMode); ` | Animate a node's alpha to a specified value. |
-| `Action.fadeOut(duration, timingMode); ` | Animate a node's alpha to 0. |
-| `Action.fadeIn(duration, timingMode); ` | Animate a node's alpha to 1. |
-| `Action.fadeOutAndRemove(duration, timingMode); ` | Animate a node's alpha to 0, and remove it from its parent once invisible. |
-| `Action.removeFromParent(); ` | Remove a node from its parent. |
-| `Action.delay(duration); ` | Wait for a specified interval. |
-| `Action.runFunc(callback); ` | Run a specified function. It will be called with the action itself as "this", which is probably not what you want. Take care, or use the ES6 "=>" notation to preserve the `this` of the caller. |
-| `Action.repeat(action, repeats); ` | Repeat a specified action a given number of times. |
-| `Action.repeatForever(action); ` | Repeat a specified action forever. |
-| `Action.sequence(actions); ` | Perform the specified actions one after the other. |
-| `Action.group(actions); ` | Perform the specified actions in parallel. This action won't finish until _all_ of its child actions have finished. |
-Easing defaults to linear if omitted. Time is in the same units supplied to `Action.tick`.
-You can set the default timing mode with `Action.DefaultTimingMode`.
-## Examples
-These examples all assume existence of a node `sprite` which has been added to the stage. For example, created by `const sprite = PIXI.Sprite.from(...);`.
- Code |
- Animation |
- Action.sequence([
- Action.moveTo(100, 0, 1.0, ActionTimingMode.linear),
- Action.moveTo(100, 100, 1.0, ActionTimingMode.linear),
- Action.moveTo(0, 100, 1.0, ActionTimingMode.linear),
- Action.moveTo(0, 0, 1.0, ActionTimingMode.linear)
- ])
-).runOn(sprite); |
-  |
- Action.sequence([
- Action.parallel([
- Action.moveTo(100, 0, 1.0),
- Action.fadeOut(1.0)
- ]),
- Action.moveTo(100, 100, 0.0),
- Action.parallel([
- Action.moveTo(0, 100, 1.0),
- Action.fadeIn(1.0)
- ]),
- Action.moveTo(0, 0, 0.0),
- ])
-).runOn(sprite); |
-  Please excuse the poor gif quality! |
-## Gotchas
-Actions are automatically stopped if the target node has no parent. However, if you remove a more distant ancestor than the parent from the stage, then the action will not be stopped, and further, that action keeps a reference to the target. That means the target cannot be garbage collected whilst the action runs.
-Normally, this is not a problem. Since most actions only last for a specified duration, the action will eventually stop (even though it'll have no visible impact whilst it runs) and both it and the node can then be garbage collected.
-However, some actions can run indefinitely (e.g. `Action.repeatForever(:)`). In this case, you must either:
-- Stop those actions whenever you remove the ancestor from the stage (with `action.stop()`).
-- Remove the target node from its parent, even though you are removing an ancestor from the stage as well (`node.parent.removeChild(node);`).
-- Clear all actions associated with the node (`Action.clear(node);`).
+Now you are ready to start using actions.
+## Action Initializers
+*Use these functions to create actions.*
+Most actions implement specific predefined animations that are ready to use. If your animation needs fall outside of the suite provided here, then you should implement a custom action.
+| Action | Description | Reversible? |
+| :----- | :---------- | :---------- |
+| `Action.group(actions)` | Run multiple actions in parallel. | Yes |
+| `Action.sequence(actions)` | Run multiple actions sequentially. | Yes |
+| `Action.repeat(action, count)` | Repeat an action a specified number of times. | Yes |
+| `Action.repeatForever(action)` | Repeat an action indefinitely. | Yes |
+| `Action.moveBy(dx, dy, duration)` | Move a node by a relative amount. | Yes |
+| `Action.moveByVector(vector, duration)` | Move a node by a relative vector (e.g. `PIXI.Point`). | Yes |
+| `Action.moveByX(dx, duration)` | Move a node horizontally by a relative amount. | Yes |
+| `Action.moveByY(dy, duration)` | Move a node vertically by a relative amount. | Yes |
+| `Action.moveTo(x, y, duration)` | Move a node to a specified position. | _*No_ |
+| `Action.moveToPoint(point, duration)` | Move a node to a specified position (e.g. `PIXI.Point`). | _*No_ |
+| `Action.moveToX(x, duration)` | Move a node to a specified horizontal position. | _*No_ |
+| `Action.moveToY(y, duration)` | Move a node to a specified vertical position. | _*No_ |
+| `Action.scaleBy(delta, duration)` | Scale a node by a relative amount. | Yes |
+| `Action.scaleBy(dx, dy, duration)` | Scale a node by a relative amount. | Yes |
+| `Action.scaleByVector(vector, duration)` | Scale a node by a given vector (e.g. `PIXI.Point`). | Yes |
+| `Action.scaleXBy(dx, duration)` | Scale a node by a relative amount. | Yes |
+| `Action.scaleYBy(dy, duration)` | Scale a node by a relative amount. | Yes |
+| `Action.scaleTo(scale, duration)` | Scale a node to a specified value. | _*No_ |
+| `Action.scaleTo(x, y, duration)` | Scale a node to a specified value. | _*No_ |
+| `Action.scaleToSize(vector, duration)` | Scale a node to a specified size (e.g. `PIXI.Point`). | _*No_ |
+| `Action.scaleXTo(x, duration)` | Scale a node to a specified value in the X-axis. | _*No_ |
+| `Action.scaleYTo(y, duration)` | Scale a node to a specified value in the Y-axis. | _*No_ |
+| `Action.fadeIn(duration)` | Fade the alpha to `1.0`. | Yes |
+| `Action.fadeOut(duration)` | Fade the alpha to `0.0`. | Yes |
+| `Action.fadeAlphaBy(delta, duration)` | Fade the alpha by a relative value. | Yes |
+| `Action.fadeAlphaTo(alpha, duration)` | Fade the alpha to a specified value. | _*No_ |
+| `Action.rotateBy(delta, duration)` | Rotate a node by a relative value (in radians). | Yes |
+| `Action.rotateByDegrees(delta, duration)` | Rotate a node by a relative value (in degrees). | Yes |
+| `Action.rotateTo(radians, duration)` | Rotate a node to a specified value (in radians). | _*No_ |
+| `Action.rotateToDegrees(degrees, duration)` | Rotate a node to a specified value (in degrees). | _*No_ |
+| `Action.speedBy(delta, duration)` | Change how fast a node executes actions by a relative value. | Yes |
+| `Action.speedTo(speed, duration)` | Set how fast a node executes actions. | _*No_ |
+| `Action.hide()` | Set a node's `visible` property to `false`. | Yes |
+| `Action.unhide()` | Set a node's `visible` property to `true`. | Yes |
+| `Action.removeFromParent()` | Remove a node from its parent. | _†Identical_ |
+| `Action.waitForDuration(duration)` | Idle for a specified interval. | _†Identical_ |
+| `Action.waitForDurationWithRange(duration, range)` | Idle for a randomized period of time. | _†Identical_ |
+| `Action.run(block)` | Execute a block of code immediately. | _†Identical_ |
+| `Action.customAction(duration, stepHandler)` | Execute a custom stepping function over the duration. | _†Identical_ |
+#### Reversing Actions
+All actions have a `.reversed()` method which will return an action with the reverse action on it. Some actions are **not reversible**, and these cases are noted in the table above:
+- _**†Identical:**_ The reverse action will be identical to the action.
+- _**\*No:**_ The reverse action will idle for the equivalent duration.
+### TimingMode
+The default timing mode for actions is `TimingMode.linear`.
+You can set a custom `TimingMode` (see options below), or you can provide a custom timing mode function.
+| | InOut | In | Out | Description |
+| --------------- | ----- | -- | --- | ----------- |
+| **Linear** | `linear` | - | - | Constant motion with no acceleration or deceleration. |
+| **Sine** | `easeInOutSine` | `easeInSine` | `easeOutSine` | Gentle start and end, with accelerated motion in the middle. |
+| **Circ** | `easeInOutCirc` | `easeInCirc` | `easeOutCirc` | Smooth start and end, faster acceleration in the middle, circular motion. |
+| **Cubic** | `easeInOutCubic` | `easeInCubic` | `easeOutCubic` | Gradual acceleration and deceleration, smooth motion throughout. |
+| **Quad** | `easeInOutQuad` | `easeInQuad` | `easeOutQuad` | Smooth acceleration and deceleration, starts and ends slowly, faster in the middle. |
+| **Quartic** | `easeInOutQuart` | `easeInQuart` | `easeOutQuart` | Slower start and end, increased acceleration in the middle. |
+| **Quintic** | `easeInOutQuint` | `easeInQuint` | `easeOutQuint` | Very gradual start and end, smoother acceleration in the middle. |
+| **Expo** | `easeInOutExpo` | `easeInExpo` | `easeOutExpo` | Very slow start, exponential acceleration, slow end. |
+| **Back** | `easeInOutBack` | `easeInBack` | `easeOutBack` | Starts slowly, overshoots slightly, settles into final position. |
+| **Bounce** | `easeInOutBounce` | `easeInBounce` | `easeOutBounce` | Bouncy effect at the start or end, with multiple rebounds. |
+| **Elastic** | `easeInOutElastic` | `easeInElastic` | `easeOutElastic` | Stretchy motion with overshoot and multiple oscillations. |
+### Custom actions
+Actions are reusable, so you can create complex animations once, and then run them on many display objects.
+/** A nice gentle rock back and forth. */
+const rockBackAndForth = Action.repeatForever(
+ Action.sequence([
+ Action.group([
+ Action.moveXBy(5, 0.33),
+ Action.rotateByDegrees(-2, 0.33),
+ ]).setTimingMode(TimingMode.easeOutQuad),
+ Action.group([
+ Action.moveXBy(-10, 0.34),
+ Action.rotateByDegrees(4, 0.34),
+ ]).setTimingMode(TimingMode.easeInOutQuad),
+ Action.group([
+ Action.moveXBy(5, 0.33),
+ Action.rotateByDegrees(-2, 0.33),
+ ]).setTimingMode(TimingMode.easeInQuad),
+ ])
+// Run it over here
+// Run it somewhere else
+You can combine these with dynamic actions for more variety:
+const MyActions = {
+ squash: (amount: number, duration: number = 0.3) => Action.sequence([
+ Action.scaleTo(amount, 1 / amount, duration / 2).setTimingMode(TimingMode.easeOutSine),
+ Action.scaleTo(1, duration / 2).setTimingMode(TimingMode.easeInSine)
+ ]),
+ stretch: (amount: number, duration: number = 0.3) => Action.sequence([
+ Action.scaleTo(1 / amount, amount, duration / 2).setTimingMode(TimingMode.easeOutSine),
+ Action.scaleTo(1, duration / 2).setTimingMode(TimingMode.easeInSine)
+ ]),
+ squashAndStretch: (amount: number, duration: number = 0.3) => Action.sequence([
+ MyActions.squash(amount, duration / 2),
+ MyActions.stretch(amount, duration / 2),
+ ]),
+// Small squish!
+// Big squish!
+## Using Actions with display objects
+Display objects are extended with a few new methods and properties.
+| Property | Description |
+| :----- | :------ |
+| `speed` | A speed modifier applied to all actions executed by a node and its descendants. Defaults to `1.0`. |
+| `isPaused` | A boolean value that determines whether actions on the node and its descendants are processed. Defaults to `false`. |
+| Method | Description |
+| :----- | :------ |
+| `run(action)` | Runs an action. |
+| `run(action, completion)` | Runs an action with a completion handler. |
+| `runWithKey(action, withKey)` | Runs an action, and store it so it can be retrieved later. |
+| `runAsPromise(action): Promise` | Rus an action as a promise. |
+| `action(forKey): Action \| undefined` | Returns an action associated with a specific key. |
+| `hasActions(): boolean` | Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the node is executing actions. |
+| `removeAllActions(): void` | Ends and removes all actions from the node. |
+| `removeAction(forKey): void` | Removes an action associated with a specific key. |
+// Repeat an action forever!
+const spin = Action.repeatForever(Action.rotateBy(5, 1.0));
+mySprite.runWithKey(spin, 'spinForever');
+// Or remove it later.
+## Creating Custom Actions
+Beyond combining the built-ins with chaining actions like `sequence()`, `group()`, `repeat()` and `repeatForever()`, you can provide code that implements your own action.
+### Basic - Custom Action
+You can also use the built-in `Action.customAction(duration, stepHandler)` to provide a custom actions:
+const rainbowColors = Action.customAction(5.0, (target, t, dt) => {
+ // Calculate color based on time "t".
+ const colorR = Math.sin(0.3 * t + 0) * 127 + 128;
+ const colorG = Math.sin(0.3 * t + 2) * 127 + 128;
+ const colorB = Math.sin(0.3 * t + 4) * 127 + 128;
+ // Apply random color with time-based variation.
+ target.tint = (colorR << 16) + (colorG << 8) + colorB;
+// Start rainbow effect
+mySprite.runWithKey(Action.repeatForever(rainbowColors), 'rainbow');
+// Stop rainbow effect
+> **Step functions:**
+> - `target` = The display object.
+> - `t` = Progress of time from 0 to 1, which has been passed through the `timingMode` function.
+> - `dt` = delta/change in `t` since last step. Use for relative actions.
+> _Note: `t` can be outside of 0 and 1 in timing mode functions which overshoot, such as `TimingMode.easeInOutBack`._
+This interpolation function will be called as many times as the renderer asks over the course of its duration.
+### Advanced - Custom Subclass Action
+For more control, you can provide a custom subclass Action which can capture and manipulate state on the underlying action ticker.
+class MyTintAction extends Action {
+ constructor(
+ protected readonly color: 'red' | 'blue',
+ duration: number,
+ ) {
+ super(duration);
+ this.timingMode = TimingMode.easeInOutSine;
+ }
+ /** (Optional) Setup any initial state here. */
+ _setupTicker(target: PIXI.DisplayObject): any {
+ // If your action has any target-specific state, it should go here.
+ // Anything you return in this function will be availabler as `ticker.data`.
+ return {
+ startColor: new PIXI.Color(target.tint),
+ endColor: new PIXI.Color(this.color === 'red' ? 0xFF0000 : 0x0000FF),
+ };
+ }
+ /** Stepping function. Update the target here. */
+ updateAction(
+ target: PIXI.DisplayObject,
+ progress: number, // Progress from 0 to 1 after timing mode
+ progressDelta: number, // Change in progress
+ ticker: any, // Use `ticker.data` to access any ticker state.
+ deltaTime: number, // The amount of time elapsed (scaled by `speed`).
+ ): void {
+ const start = ticker.data.startColor;
+ const end = ticker.data.endColor;
+ const color = new PIXI.Color().setValue([
+ start.red + (end.red - start.red) * progress,
+ start.green + (end.green - start.green) * progress,
+ start.blue + (end.blue - start.blue) * progress
+ ]);
+ target.tint = color;
+ }
+ /** Provide a function that reverses the current action. */
+ reversed(): Action {
+ const oppositeColor = this.color === 'red' ? 'blue' : 'red';
+ return new MyTintAction(oppositeColor, this.duration)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed);
+ }
diff --git a/dist/Action.d.ts b/dist/Action.d.ts
index 99d30cd..39277c4 100644
--- a/dist/Action.d.ts
+++ b/dist/Action.d.ts
@@ -1,40 +1,80 @@
import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
import { TimingModeFn } from './TimingMode';
+/** Time measured in seconds. */
+type TimeInterval = number;
+/** Targeted display node. */
+type TargetNode = PIXI.DisplayObject;
+/** Any two dimensional vector. */
interface VectorLike {
x: number;
y: number;
-/** Time / duration (in seconds) */
-declare type TimeInterval = number;
-/** Targeted display node. */
-declare type TargetNode = PIXI.DisplayObject;
* Action is an animation that is executed by a display object in the scene.
* Actions are used to change a display object in some way (like move its position over time).
* Trigger @see {Action.tick(...)} to update actions.
- * Optionally set Action.categoryMask to allow different action categories to run independently (i.e. UI and Game World).
+ * Optionally set Action.categoryMask to allow different action categories to run independently
+ * (i.e. UI and Game World).
export declare abstract class Action {
readonly duration: TimeInterval;
+ speed: number;
timingMode: TimingModeFn;
categoryMask: number;
/** All currently running actions. */
- static readonly actions: Action[];
- /** Set a global default timing mode. */
- static DefaultTimingMode: TimingModeFn;
- /** Set the global default action category. */
- static DefaultCategoryMask: number;
- /** Creates an action that runs a collection of actions sequentially. */
- static sequence(actions: Action[]): Action;
- /** Creates an action that runs a collection of actions in parallel. */
+ protected static readonly _actions: Action[];
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that runs a collection of actions in parallel.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the actions that comprise the group all start immediately and run in
+ * parallel. The duration of the group action is the longest duration among the collection of
+ * actions. If an action in the group has a duration less than the group’s duration, the action
+ * completes, then idles until the group completes the remaining actions. This matters most when
+ * creating a repeating action that repeats a group.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new group action that contains the reverse of each
+ * action specified in the group.
+ */
static group(actions: Action[]): Action;
- /** Creates an action that repeats another action a specified number of times. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that runs a collection of actions sequentially.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the first action in the sequence starts and runs to completion.
+ * Subsequent actions in the sequence run in a similar fashion until all of the actions in the
+ * sequence have executed. The duration of the sequence action is the sum of the durations of the
+ * actions in the sequence.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new sequence action that reverses the order of the
+ * actions. Each action in the reversed sequence is itself reversed. For example, if an action
+ * sequence is {1,2,3}, the reversed sequence would be {3R,2R,1R}.
+ */
+ static sequence(actions: Action[]): Action;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that repeats another action a specified number of times.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the associated action runs to completion and then repeats, until the
+ * count is reached.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new action that is the reverse of the specified action
+ * and then repeats it the same number of times.
+ */
static repeat(action: Action, repeats: number): Action;
- /** Creates an action that repeats another action forever. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that repeats another action forever.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the associated action runs to completion and then repeats.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new action that is the reverse of the specified action
+ * and then repeats it forever.
+ */
static repeatForever(action: Action): Action;
- /** Creates an action that idles for a specified period of time. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that idles for a specified period of time.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action is the same action.
+ */
static waitForDuration(duration: TimeInterval): Action;
* Creates an action that idles for a randomized period of time.
@@ -42,214 +82,335 @@ export declare abstract class Action {
* @param average The average amount of time to wait.
* @param rangeSize The range of possible values for the duration.
- * @param randomSeed (Optional) A scalar between 0 and 1. Defaults to `Math.random()`.
* @example Action.waitForDurationWithRange(10.0, 5.0) // duration will be 7.5 -> 12.5
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action is the same action.
+ */
+ static waitForDurationWithRange(average: TimeInterval, rangeSize: TimeInterval): Action;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
- static waitForDurationWithRange(average: TimeInterval, rangeSize: TimeInterval, randomSeed?: number): Action;
- /** Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position. */
static moveBy(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static moveByVector(vec: VectorLike, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that moves a node horizontally relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node horizontally relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static moveByX(x: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that moves a node vertically relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node vertically relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static moveByY(y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that moves a node to a new position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node to a new position.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
static moveTo(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that moves a node to a new position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node to a new position.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
static moveToPoint(point: VectorLike, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that moves a node horizontally. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node horizontally.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
static moveToX(x: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that moves a node vertically. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node vertically.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
static moveToY(y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that rotates the node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node by a relative value (in radians).
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static rotateBy(rotation: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that rotates the node to an absolute value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node by a relative value (in degrees).
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ static rotateByDegrees(degrees: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node to an absolute value (in radians).
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
static rotateTo(rotation: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node to an absolute value (in degrees).
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
+ static rotateToDegrees(degrees: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes how fast the node executes actions by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ static speedBy(speed: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes how fast the node executes actions.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
+ static speedTo(speed: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the scale of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ static scaleBy(value: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
static scaleBy(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node by a relative value. */
- static scaleBySize(size: VectorLike, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that changes the x scale of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ static scaleByVector(vector: VectorLike, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x scale of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static scaleXBy(x: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that changes the y scale of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the y scale of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static scaleYBy(y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
+ static scaleTo(value: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
static scaleTo(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
static scaleToSize(size: VectorLike, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that changes the y scale values of a node. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the y scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
static scaleXTo(x: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that changes the x scale values of a node. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
static scaleYTo(y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 1.0. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 1.0.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reverse is equivalent to fadeOut(duration).
+ */
static fadeIn(duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 0.0. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 0.0.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reverse is equivalent to fadeIn(duration).
+ */
static fadeOut(duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node to a new value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node to a new value.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
static fadeAlphaTo(alpha: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
- /** Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static fadeAlphaBy(alpha: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that hides a node.
+ *
+ * This action has an instantaneous duration. When the action executes, the node’s visible
+ * property is set to true.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reversed action is equivalent to show().
+ */
+ static hide(): Action;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that makes a node visible.
+ *
+ * This action has an instantaneous duration. When the action executes, the node’s visible
+ * property is set to false.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reversed action is equivalent to hide().
+ */
+ static unhide(): Action;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that removes the node from its parent.
+ *
+ * This action has an instantaneous duration.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action is the same action.
+ */
static removeFromParent(): Action;
- /** Creates an action that executes a block. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that executes a block.
+ *
+ * This action takes place instantaneously.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse action executes the same block.
+ */
static run(fn: () => void): Action;
* Creates an action that executes a stepping function over its duration.
* The function will be triggered on every redraw until the action completes, and is passed
- * the target and the elasped time as a scalar between 0 and 1 (which is passed through the timing mode function).
- */
- static custom(duration: number, stepFn: (target: TargetNode, x: number) => void): Action;
- /** Clear all actions with this target. */
- static removeActionsForTarget(target: TargetNode | undefined): void;
- /** Clears all actions. */
- static removeAllActions(): void;
- /** Play an action. */
- protected static playAction(action: Action): Action;
- /** Stop an action. */
- protected static stopAction(action: Action): Action;
- /** Tick all actions forward.
- *
- * @param dt Delta time
+ * the target and the elasped time as a scalar between 0 and 1 (which is passed through the timing
+ * mode function).
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse action executes the same block.
+ */
+ static customAction(duration: number, stepFn: (target: TargetNode, x: number) => void): Action;
+ /**
+ * Tick all actions forward.
+ *
+ * @param deltaTimeMs Delta time in milliseconds.
* @param categoryMask (Optional) Bitmask to filter which categories of actions to update.
* @param onErrorHandler (Optional) Handler errors from each action's tick.
- static tick(dt: number, categoryMask?: number, onErrorHandler?: (error: any) => void): void;
- protected static tickAction(action: Action, delta: number): void;
- /** The display object the action is running against. Set during `runOn` and cannot be changed. */
+ static tick(deltaTimeMs: number, categoryMask?: number | undefined, onErrorHandler?: (error: any) => void): void;
+ constructor(duration: TimeInterval, speed?: number, timingMode?: TimingModeFn, categoryMask?: number);
+ /**
+ * Update function for the action.
+ *
+ * @param target The affected display object.
+ * @param progress The elapsed progress of the action, with the timing mode function applied. Generally a scalar number between 0.0 and 1.0.
+ * @param progressDelta Relative change in progress since the previous animation change. Use this for relative actions.
+ * @param actionTicker The actual ticker running this update.
+ * @param deltaTime The amount of time elapsed in this tick. This number is scaled by both speed of target and any parent actions.
+ */
+ abstract updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, actionTicker: ActionTicker, deltaTime: number): void;
+ /** Duration of the action after the speed scalar is applied. */
+ get scaledDuration(): number;
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that reverses the behavior of another action.
+ *
+ * This method always returns an action object; however, not all actions are reversible.
+ * When reversed, some actions return an object that either does nothing or that performs the same action as the original action.
+ */
+ abstract reversed(): Action;
+ /**
+ * Do first time setup here.
+ *
+ * Anything you return here will be available as `ticker.data`.
+ */
+ protected _setupTicker(target: TargetNode, ticker: ActionTicker): any;
+ /** Set the action's speed scale. Defaults to 1.0. */
+ setSpeed(speed: number): this;
+ /** Set a timing mode function for this action. Defaults to TimingMode.linear. */
+ setTimingMode(timingMode: TimingModeFn): this;
+ /**
+ * Set a category mask for this action.
+ *
+ * Use this to tick different categories of actions separately (e.g. separate different UI).
+ *
+ * @deprecated use speed instead
+ */
+ setCategory(categoryMask: number): this;
+declare class ActionTicker {
+ key: string | undefined;
target: TargetNode;
- /** A speed factor that modifies how fast an action runs. */
- speed: number;
+ action: Action;
+ protected static _running: ActionTicker[];
+ static runAction(key: string | undefined, target: TargetNode, action: Action): void;
+ static removeAction(actionTicker: ActionTicker): ActionTicker;
+ static hasTargetActions(target: TargetNode): boolean;
+ static getTargetActionTickerForKey(target: TargetNode, key: string): ActionTicker | undefined;
+ static getTargetActionForKey(target: TargetNode, key: string): Action | undefined;
+ static removeTargetActionForKey(target: TargetNode, key: string): void;
+ static removeAllTargetActions(target: TargetNode): void;
+ /**
+ * Tick all actions forward.
+ *
+ * @param deltaTimeMs Delta time given in milliseconds.
+ * @param categoryMask (Optional) Bitmask to filter which categories of actions to update.
+ * @param onErrorHandler (Optional) Handler errors from each action's tick.
+ */
+ static stepAllActionsForward(deltaTimeMs: number, categoryMask?: number | undefined, onErrorHandler?: (error: any) => void): void;
+ /** Any instance data that will live for the duration of the ticker. */
+ data: any;
/** Time elapsed in the action. */
elapsed: number;
- /** Whether the action has completed. Set by `Action. */
+ /** Whether the action ticker has been setup. This is triggered on the first iteration. */
+ isSetup: boolean;
+ /** Whether the action has completed. */
isDone: boolean;
- /** Actions that will be triggered when this action completes. */
- protected queuedActions: Action[];
+ /** Whether the action ticker will mark the action as done when time elapsed >= duration. */
+ autoComplete: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Relative speed of the action ticker.
+ *
+ * Defaults to the action's speed and is capture at creation time, and updated on
+ * the setup tick.
+ */
+ speed: number;
+ /**
+ * Expected duration of the action ticker.
+ *
+ * Defaults to the action's scaled duration and is capture at creation time, and updated on
+ * the setup tick.
+ */
+ duration: number;
+ constructor(key: string | undefined, target: TargetNode, action: Action);
/** Whether action is in progress (or has not yet started). */
get isPlaying(): boolean;
/** The relative time elapsed between 0 and 1. */
- protected get timeDistance(): number;
+ get timeDistance(): number;
* The relative time elapsed between 0 and 1, eased by the timing mode function.
* Can be a value beyond 0 or 1 depending on the timing mode function.
protected get easedTimeDistance(): number;
- constructor(duration: TimeInterval, timingMode?: TimingModeFn, categoryMask?: number);
- /** Must be implmented by each class. */
- abstract tick(progress: number): boolean;
- /** Run an action on this target. */
- runOn(target: TargetNode): this;
- /** Set an action to run after this action. */
- queueAction(next: Action): this;
- /** Reset an action to the start. */
- reset(): this;
- /** Stop and reset an action. */
- stop(): this;
- /** Set a timing mode function for this action. */
- withTimingMode(timingMode: TimingModeFn): this;
- /** Set a category mask for this action. Used to group different actions together. */
- setCategory(categoryMask: number): this;
- /** Set which display object should be targeted. Internal use only. */
- setTarget(target: TargetNode): this;
- /**
- * For relative actions, increments time by delta, and returns the change in easedTimeDistance.
- *
- * @param delta change in time to apply
- * @returns the relative change in easedTimeDistance.
- */
- protected applyDelta(delta: number): number;
-export declare class SequenceAction extends Action {
- index: number;
- actions: Action[];
- constructor(actions: Action[]);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
- reset(): this;
- setTarget(target: TargetNode): this;
-export declare class ScaleToAction extends Action {
- protected readonly x: number | undefined;
- protected readonly y: number | undefined;
- protected startX: number;
- protected startY: number;
- constructor(x: number | undefined, y: number | undefined, duration: TimeInterval);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
-export declare class ScaleByAction extends Action {
- protected readonly x: number;
- protected readonly y: number;
- constructor(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
-export declare class RemoveFromParentAction extends Action {
- constructor();
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
-export declare class CustomAction extends Action {
- protected stepFn: (target: TargetNode, x: number) => void;
- constructor(duration: TimeInterval, stepFn: (target: TargetNode, x: number) => void);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
-export declare class RunBlockAction extends Action {
- protected block: () => any;
- constructor(block: () => void);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
-export declare class RotateToAction extends Action {
- protected readonly rotation: number;
- protected startRotation: number;
- constructor(rotation: number, duration: TimeInterval);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
-export declare class RotateByAction extends Action {
- protected readonly rotation: number;
- constructor(rotation: number, duration: TimeInterval);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
-export declare class RepeatAction extends Action {
- protected action: Action;
- protected maxRepeats: number;
- protected n: number;
- /**
- * @param action Targeted action.
- * @param repeats A negative value indicates looping forever.
- */
- constructor(action: Action, repeats: number);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
- reset(): this;
- setTarget(target: TargetNode): this;
-export declare class MoveToAction extends Action {
- protected readonly x: number | undefined;
- protected readonly y: number | undefined;
- protected startX: number;
- protected startY: number;
- constructor(x: number | undefined, y: number | undefined, duration: TimeInterval);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
-export declare class GroupAction extends Action {
- protected index: number;
- protected actions: Action[];
- constructor(actions: Action[]);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
- reset(): this;
- setTarget(target: TargetNode): this;
-export declare class FadeToAction extends Action {
- protected startAlpha: number;
- protected alpha: number;
- constructor(alpha: number, duration: TimeInterval);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
-export declare class FadeByAction extends Action {
- protected readonly alpha: number;
- constructor(alpha: number, duration: TimeInterval, timingMode?: TimingModeFn);
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
-export declare class DelayAction extends Action {
- tick(delta: number): boolean;
+ /** @returns Any unused time delta. Negative value means action is still in progress. */
+ stepActionForward(timeDelta: number): number;
+ * Register the global mixins for PIXI.DisplayObject.
+ *
+ * @param displayObject A reference to `PIXI.DisplayObject`.
+ */
+export declare function registerGlobalMixin(displayObject: any): void;
export {};
diff --git a/dist/Action.js b/dist/Action.js
index 8eb13a2..c4ea843 100644
--- a/dist/Action.js
+++ b/dist/Action.js
@@ -1,52 +1,86 @@
import { TimingMode } from './TimingMode';
+import { getIsPaused, getSpeed } from './util';
+const EPSILON = 0.0000000001;
+const DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180;
+// ----- Action: -----
* Action is an animation that is executed by a display object in the scene.
* Actions are used to change a display object in some way (like move its position over time).
* Trigger @see {Action.tick(...)} to update actions.
- * Optionally set Action.categoryMask to allow different action categories to run independently (i.e. UI and Game World).
+ * Optionally set Action.categoryMask to allow different action categories to run independently
+ * (i.e. UI and Game World).
export class Action {
- //
- // ----------------- Action Instance Methods: -----------------
- //
- constructor(duration, timingMode = Action.DefaultTimingMode, categoryMask = Action.DefaultCategoryMask) {
- this.duration = duration;
- this.timingMode = timingMode;
- this.categoryMask = categoryMask;
- /** A speed factor that modifies how fast an action runs. */
- this.speed = 1.0;
- /** Time elapsed in the action. */
- this.elapsed = 0.0;
- /** Whether the action has completed. Set by `Action. */
- this.isDone = false;
- /** Actions that will be triggered when this action completes. */
- this.queuedActions = [];
- }
// ----------------- Chaining Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that runs a collection of actions sequentially. */
- static sequence(actions) {
- return new SequenceAction(actions);
- }
- /** Creates an action that runs a collection of actions in parallel. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that runs a collection of actions in parallel.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the actions that comprise the group all start immediately and run in
+ * parallel. The duration of the group action is the longest duration among the collection of
+ * actions. If an action in the group has a duration less than the group’s duration, the action
+ * completes, then idles until the group completes the remaining actions. This matters most when
+ * creating a repeating action that repeats a group.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new group action that contains the reverse of each
+ * action specified in the group.
+ */
static group(actions) {
return new GroupAction(actions);
- /** Creates an action that repeats another action a specified number of times. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that runs a collection of actions sequentially.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the first action in the sequence starts and runs to completion.
+ * Subsequent actions in the sequence run in a similar fashion until all of the actions in the
+ * sequence have executed. The duration of the sequence action is the sum of the durations of the
+ * actions in the sequence.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new sequence action that reverses the order of the
+ * actions. Each action in the reversed sequence is itself reversed. For example, if an action
+ * sequence is {1,2,3}, the reversed sequence would be {3R,2R,1R}.
+ */
+ static sequence(actions) {
+ return new SequenceAction(actions);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that repeats another action a specified number of times.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the associated action runs to completion and then repeats, until the
+ * count is reached.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new action that is the reverse of the specified action
+ * and then repeats it the same number of times.
+ */
static repeat(action, repeats) {
- return new RepeatAction(action, repeats);
+ const length = Math.max(0, Math.round(repeats));
+ return Action.sequence(Array.from({ length }, () => action));
- /** Creates an action that repeats another action forever. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that repeats another action forever.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the associated action runs to completion and then repeats.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new action that is the reverse of the specified action
+ * and then repeats it forever.
+ */
static repeatForever(action) {
- return new RepeatAction(action, -1);
+ return new RepeatForeverAction(action);
// ----------------- Delaying Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that idles for a specified period of time. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that idles for a specified period of time.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action is the same action.
+ */
static waitForDuration(duration) {
return new DelayAction(duration);
@@ -56,124 +90,284 @@ export class Action {
* @param average The average amount of time to wait.
* @param rangeSize The range of possible values for the duration.
- * @param randomSeed (Optional) A scalar between 0 and 1. Defaults to `Math.random()`.
* @example Action.waitForDurationWithRange(10.0, 5.0) // duration will be 7.5 -> 12.5
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action is the same action.
- static waitForDurationWithRange(average, rangeSize, randomSeed) {
- const randomComponent = rangeSize * (randomSeed !== null && randomSeed !== void 0 ? randomSeed : Math.random()) - rangeSize * 0.5;
- return new DelayAction(average + randomComponent);
+ static waitForDurationWithRange(average, rangeSize) {
+ return new DelayAction(average + (rangeSize * Math.random() - rangeSize * 0.5));
// ----------------- Linear Path Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static moveBy(x, y, duration) {
return new MoveByAction(x, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static moveByVector(vec, duration) {
return Action.moveBy(vec.x, vec.y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node horizontally relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node horizontally relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static moveByX(x, duration) {
return Action.moveBy(x, 0, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node vertically relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node vertically relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static moveByY(y, duration) {
return Action.moveBy(0, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node to a new position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node to a new position.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
static moveTo(x, y, duration) {
return new MoveToAction(x, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node to a new position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node to a new position.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
static moveToPoint(point, duration) {
return Action.moveTo(point.x, point.y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node horizontally. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node horizontally.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
static moveToX(x, duration) {
return new MoveToAction(x, undefined, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node vertically. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node vertically.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
static moveToY(y, duration) {
return new MoveToAction(undefined, y, duration);
// ----------------- Rotation Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that rotates the node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node by a relative value (in radians).
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static rotateBy(rotation, duration) {
return new RotateByAction(rotation, duration);
- /** Creates an action that rotates the node to an absolute value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node by a relative value (in degrees).
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ static rotateByDegrees(degrees, duration) {
+ return Action.rotateBy(degrees * DEG_TO_RAD, duration);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node to an absolute value (in radians).
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
static rotateTo(rotation, duration) {
return new RotateToAction(rotation, duration);
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node to an absolute value (in degrees).
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
+ static rotateToDegrees(degrees, duration) {
+ return Action.rotateTo(degrees * DEG_TO_RAD, duration);
+ }
- // ----------------- Scale Actions: -----------------
+ // ----------------- Speed Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes how fast the node executes actions by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ static speedBy(speed, duration) {
+ return new SpeedByAction(speed, duration);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes how fast the node executes actions.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
+ static speedTo(speed, duration) {
+ return new SpeedToAction(speed, duration);
+ }
static scaleBy(x, y, duration) {
- return new ScaleByAction(x, y, duration);
+ return duration === undefined
+ ? new ScaleByAction(x, x, y)
+ : new ScaleByAction(x, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node by a relative value. */
- static scaleBySize(size, duration) {
- return Action.scaleBy(size.x, size.y, duration);
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ static scaleByVector(vector, duration) {
+ return Action.scaleBy(vector.x, vector.y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the x scale of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x scale of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static scaleXBy(x, duration) {
- return Action.scaleBy(x, 0, duration);
+ return Action.scaleBy(x, 0.0, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the y scale of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the y scale of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static scaleYBy(y, duration) {
- return Action.scaleBy(0, y, duration);
+ return Action.scaleBy(0.0, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node. */
static scaleTo(x, y, duration) {
- return new ScaleToAction(x, y, duration);
+ return duration === undefined
+ ? new ScaleToAction(x, x, y)
+ : new ScaleToAction(x, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
static scaleToSize(size, duration) {
return Action.scaleTo(size.x, size.y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the y scale values of a node. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the y scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
static scaleXTo(x, duration) {
return new ScaleToAction(x, undefined, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the x scale values of a node. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
static scaleYTo(y, duration) {
return new ScaleToAction(undefined, y, duration);
// ----------------- Transparency Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 1.0. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 1.0.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reverse is equivalent to fadeOut(duration).
+ */
static fadeIn(duration) {
- return Action.fadeAlphaTo(1, duration);
+ return new FadeInAction(duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 0.0. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 0.0.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reverse is equivalent to fadeIn(duration).
+ */
static fadeOut(duration) {
- return Action.fadeAlphaTo(0.0, duration);
+ return new FadeOutAction(duration);
- /** Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node to a new value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node to a new value.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
static fadeAlphaTo(alpha, duration) {
return new FadeToAction(alpha, duration);
- /** Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
static fadeAlphaBy(alpha, duration) {
return new FadeByAction(alpha, duration);
// ----------------- Display Object Actions: -----------------
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that hides a node.
+ *
+ * This action has an instantaneous duration. When the action executes, the node’s visible
+ * property is set to true.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reversed action is equivalent to show().
+ */
+ static hide() {
+ return new SetVisibleAction(false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that makes a node visible.
+ *
+ * This action has an instantaneous duration. When the action executes, the node’s visible
+ * property is set to false.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reversed action is equivalent to hide().
+ */
+ static unhide() {
+ return new SetVisibleAction(true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that removes the node from its parent.
+ *
+ * This action has an instantaneous duration.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action is the same action.
+ */
static removeFromParent() {
return new RemoveFromParentAction();
// ----------------- Transparency Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that executes a block. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that executes a block.
+ *
+ * This action takes place instantaneously.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse action executes the same block.
+ */
static run(fn) {
return new RunBlockAction(fn);
@@ -181,353 +375,337 @@ export class Action {
* Creates an action that executes a stepping function over its duration.
* The function will be triggered on every redraw until the action completes, and is passed
- * the target and the elasped time as a scalar between 0 and 1 (which is passed through the timing mode function).
+ * the target and the elasped time as a scalar between 0 and 1 (which is passed through the timing
+ * mode function).
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse action executes the same block.
- static custom(duration, stepFn) {
+ static customAction(duration, stepFn) {
return new CustomAction(duration, stepFn);
// ----------------- Global Methods: -----------------
- /** Clear all actions with this target. */
- static removeActionsForTarget(target) {
- for (let i = Action.actions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- const action = this.actions[i];
- if (action.target === target) {
- Action.actions.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- /** Clears all actions. */
- static removeAllActions() {
- Action.actions.splice(0, this.actions.length);
- }
- /** Play an action. */
- static playAction(action) {
- Action.actions.push(action);
- return action;
- }
- /** Stop an action. */
- static stopAction(action) {
- const index = Action.actions.indexOf(action);
- if (index >= 0) {
- Action.actions.splice(index, 1);
- }
- return action;
- }
- /** Tick all actions forward.
+ /**
+ * Tick all actions forward.
- * @param dt Delta time
+ * @param deltaTimeMs Delta time in milliseconds.
* @param categoryMask (Optional) Bitmask to filter which categories of actions to update.
* @param onErrorHandler (Optional) Handler errors from each action's tick.
- static tick(dt, categoryMask = 0x1, onErrorHandler) {
- for (let i = Action.actions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- const action = Action.actions[i];
- if (categoryMask !== undefined && (categoryMask & action.categoryMask) === 0) {
- continue;
- }
- try {
- Action.tickAction(action, dt);
- }
- catch (error) {
- // Isolate individual action errors.
- if (onErrorHandler !== undefined) {
- onErrorHandler(error);
- }
- }
- }
+ static tick(deltaTimeMs, categoryMask = undefined, onErrorHandler) {
+ ActionTicker.stepAllActionsForward(deltaTimeMs, categoryMask, onErrorHandler);
- static tickAction(action, delta) {
- if (!action.target) {
- console.warn('Action was unexpectedly missing target display object when running!');
- }
- // If the action is targeted, but is no longer valid or on the stage
- // we garbage collect its actions.
- if (action.target == null
- || action.target.destroyed
- || action.target.parent === undefined) {
- const index = Action.actions.indexOf(action);
- if (index > -1) {
- Action.actions.splice(index, 1);
- }
- return;
- }
- // Tick the action
- const isDone = action.tick(delta * action.speed);
- if (isDone) {
- action.isDone = true;
- // Remove completed action.
- const index = Action.actions.indexOf(action);
- if (index > -1) {
- Action.actions.splice(index, 1);
- }
- // Check queued actions.
- for (let j = 0; j < action.queuedActions.length; j++) {
- this.playAction(action.queuedActions[j]);
- }
- action.queuedActions = [];
- }
- }
- /** Whether action is in progress (or has not yet started). */
- get isPlaying() {
- return this.isDone === false;
+ constructor(duration, speed = 1.0, timingMode = TimingMode.linear, categoryMask = 0x1) {
+ this.duration = duration;
+ this.speed = speed;
+ this.timingMode = timingMode;
+ this.categoryMask = categoryMask;
- /** The relative time elapsed between 0 and 1. */
- get timeDistance() {
- return Math.min(1, this.elapsed / this.duration);
+ /** Duration of the action after the speed scalar is applied. */
+ get scaledDuration() {
+ return this.duration / this.speed;
- * The relative time elapsed between 0 and 1, eased by the timing mode function.
+ * Do first time setup here.
- * Can be a value beyond 0 or 1 depending on the timing mode function.
+ * Anything you return here will be available as `ticker.data`.
- get easedTimeDistance() {
- return this.timingMode(this.timeDistance);
- }
- /** Run an action on this target. */
- runOn(target) {
- this.setTarget(target);
- Action.playAction(this);
- return this;
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ return undefined;
- /** Set an action to run after this action. */
- queueAction(next) {
- this.queuedActions.push(next);
+ /** Set the action's speed scale. Defaults to 1.0. */
+ setSpeed(speed) {
+ this.speed = speed;
return this;
- /** Reset an action to the start. */
- reset() {
- this.isDone = false;
- this.elapsed = 0;
- return this;
- }
- /** Stop and reset an action. */
- stop() {
- Action.stopAction(this);
- this.reset();
- return this;
- }
- /** Set a timing mode function for this action. */
- withTimingMode(timingMode) {
+ /** Set a timing mode function for this action. Defaults to TimingMode.linear. */
+ setTimingMode(timingMode) {
this.timingMode = timingMode;
return this;
- /** Set a category mask for this action. Used to group different actions together. */
- setCategory(categoryMask) {
- this.categoryMask = categoryMask;
- return this;
- }
- /** Set which display object should be targeted. Internal use only. */
- setTarget(target) {
- if (this.target && target !== this.target) {
- console.warn('setTarget() called on Action that already has another target. Recycling actions is currently unsupported. Behavior may be unexpected.');
- }
- this.target = target;
- return this;
- }
- // ----- Implementation: -----
- * For relative actions, increments time by delta, and returns the change in easedTimeDistance.
+ * Set a category mask for this action.
+ *
+ * Use this to tick different categories of actions separately (e.g. separate different UI).
- * @param delta change in time to apply
- * @returns the relative change in easedTimeDistance.
+ * @deprecated use speed instead
- applyDelta(delta) {
- const before = this.easedTimeDistance;
- this.elapsed += delta;
- return this.easedTimeDistance - before;
+ setCategory(categoryMask) {
+ this.categoryMask = categoryMask;
+ return this;
// ----------------- Global Settings: -----------------
/** All currently running actions. */
-Action.actions = [];
+Action._actions = [];
-// ----------------- Global Settings: -----------------
-/** Set a global default timing mode. */
-Action.DefaultTimingMode = TimingMode.linear;
-/** Set the global default action category. */
-Action.DefaultCategoryMask = 0x1 << 0;
-// ----------------- Built-ins: -----------------
+// ----------------- Built-in Actions: -----------------
-export class SequenceAction extends Action {
+class GroupAction extends Action {
constructor(actions) {
- // Total duration:
- actions.reduce((total, action) => total + action.duration, 0));
+ // Max duration:
+ Math.max(...actions.map(action => action.scaledDuration)));
this.index = 0;
this.actions = actions;
- tick(delta) {
- // If empty, we are done!
- if (this.index == this.actions.length)
- return true;
- // Otherwise, tick the first element
- if (this.actions[this.index].tick(delta)) {
- this.index++;
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ ticker.autoComplete = false;
+ return {
+ childTickers: this.actions.map(action => new ActionTicker(undefined, target, action))
+ };
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker, timeDelta) {
+ const relativeTimeDelta = timeDelta * this.speed;
+ let allDone = true;
+ for (const childTicker of ticker.data.childTickers) {
+ if (!childTicker.isDone) {
+ allDone = false;
+ childTicker.stepActionForward(relativeTimeDelta);
+ }
+ }
+ if (allDone) {
+ ticker.isDone = true;
- return false;
- reset() {
- super.reset();
- this.index = 0;
- for (const i in this.actions) {
- this.actions[i].reset();
+ reversed() {
+ return new GroupAction(this.actions.map(action => action.reversed()));
+ }
+class SequenceAction extends Action {
+ constructor(actions) {
+ super(
+ // Total duration:
+ actions.reduce((total, action) => total + action.scaledDuration, 0));
+ this.actions = actions;
+ }
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ ticker.autoComplete = false;
+ return {
+ childTickers: this.actions.map(action => new ActionTicker(undefined, target, action))
+ };
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker, timeDelta) {
+ let allDone = true;
+ let remainingTimeDelta = timeDelta * this.speed;
+ for (const childTicker of ticker.data.childTickers) {
+ if (!childTicker.isDone) {
+ if (remainingTimeDelta > 0 || childTicker.duration === 0) {
+ remainingTimeDelta = childTicker.stepActionForward(remainingTimeDelta);
+ }
+ else {
+ allDone = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (remainingTimeDelta < 0) {
+ allDone = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (allDone) {
+ ticker.isDone = true;
- return this;
- setTarget(target) {
- this.actions.forEach(action => action.setTarget(target));
- return super.setTarget(target);
+ reversed() {
+ const reversedSequence = [...this.actions].reverse().map(action => action.reversed());
+ return new SequenceAction(reversedSequence);
-export class ScaleToAction extends Action {
+class RepeatForeverAction extends Action {
+ constructor(action) {
+ super(Infinity);
+ this.action = action;
+ if (action.duration <= 0) {
+ throw new Error('The action to be repeated must have a non-instantaneous duration.');
+ }
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new RepeatForeverAction(this.action.reversed());
+ }
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ return {
+ childTicker: new ActionTicker(undefined, target, this.action)
+ };
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker, timeDelta) {
+ let childTicker = ticker.data.childTicker;
+ let remainingTimeDelta = timeDelta * this.speed;
+ remainingTimeDelta = childTicker.stepActionForward(remainingTimeDelta);
+ if (remainingTimeDelta > 0) {
+ childTicker.elapsed = 0.0; // reset
+ childTicker.stepActionForward(remainingTimeDelta);
+ }
+ }
+class ScaleToAction extends Action {
constructor(x, y, duration) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
- tick(delta) {
- if (this.elapsed === 0) {
- this.startX = this.target.scale.x;
- this.startY = this.target.scale.y;
- }
- this.elapsed += delta;
- const factor = this.easedTimeDistance;
- const newXScale = this.x === undefined ? this.target.scale.x : this.startX + (this.x - this.startX) * factor;
- const newYScale = this.y === undefined ? this.target.scale.y : this.startY + (this.y - this.startY) * factor;
- this.target.scale.set(newXScale, newYScale);
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ return {
+ startX: target.scale.x,
+ startY: target.scale.y
+ };
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker) {
+ target.scale.set(this.x === undefined ? target.scale.x : ticker.data.startX + (this.x - ticker.data.startX) * progress, this.y === undefined ? target.scale.y : ticker.data.startY + (this.y - ticker.data.startY) * progress);
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new DelayAction(this.scaledDuration);
-export class ScaleByAction extends Action {
+class ScaleByAction extends Action {
constructor(x, y, duration) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
- tick(delta) {
- const factorDelta = this.applyDelta(delta);
- this.target.scale.set(this.target.scale.x + this.x * factorDelta, this.target.scale.y + this.y * factorDelta);
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ return {
+ dx: target.scale.x * this.x - target.scale.x,
+ dy: target.scale.y * this.y - target.scale.y
+ };
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker) {
+ target.scale.set(target.scale.x + ticker.data.dx * progressDelta, target.scale.y + ticker.data.dy * progressDelta);
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new ScaleByAction(-this.x, -this.y, this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
-export class RemoveFromParentAction extends Action {
+class SetVisibleAction extends Action {
+ constructor(visible) {
+ super(0);
+ this.visible = visible;
+ }
+ updateAction(target) {
+ target.visible = this.visible;
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new SetVisibleAction(!this.visible);
+ }
+class RemoveFromParentAction extends Action {
constructor() {
- tick(delta) {
- var _a, _b;
- if ((_a = this.target) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.parent) {
- (_b = this.target.parent) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.removeChild(this.target);
- }
- return true;
+ updateAction(target) {
+ var _a;
+ (_a = target.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeChild(target);
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return this;
-export class CustomAction extends Action {
+class CustomAction extends Action {
constructor(duration, stepFn) {
this.stepFn = stepFn;
- tick(delta) {
- this.elapsed += delta;
- this.stepFn(this.target, this.easedTimeDistance);
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta) {
+ this.stepFn(target, progress, progressDelta);
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return this;
-export class RunBlockAction extends Action {
+class RunBlockAction extends Action {
constructor(block) {
this.block = block;
- tick(delta) {
- this.block.call(this);
- return true;
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta) {
+ this.block();
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return this;
-export class RotateToAction extends Action {
- constructor(rotation, duration) {
+class SpeedToAction extends Action {
+ constructor(_speed, duration) {
- this.rotation = rotation;
+ this._speed = _speed;
- tick(delta) {
- if (this.elapsed === 0) {
- this.startRotation = this.target.rotation;
- }
- this.elapsed += delta;
- const factor = this.easedTimeDistance;
- this.target.rotation = this.startRotation + (this.rotation - this.startRotation) * factor;
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ return {
+ startSpeed: target.speed
+ };
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker) {
+ target.rotation = ticker.data.startRotation + (this._speed - ticker.data.startSpeed) * progress;
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new DelayAction(this.scaledDuration);
+ }
+class SpeedByAction extends Action {
+ constructor(_speed, duration) {
+ super(duration);
+ this._speed = _speed;
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker) {
+ target.rotation += this._speed * progressDelta;
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new SpeedByAction(-this._speed, this.duration);
-export class RotateByAction extends Action {
+class RotateToAction extends Action {
constructor(rotation, duration) {
this.rotation = rotation;
- tick(delta) {
- const factorDelta = this.applyDelta(delta);
- this.target.rotation += this.rotation * factorDelta;
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ return {
+ startRotation: target.rotation
+ };
-export class RepeatAction extends Action {
- /**
- * @param action Targeted action.
- * @param repeats A negative value indicates looping forever.
- */
- constructor(action, repeats) {
- super(
- // Duration:
- repeats === -1 ? Infinity : action.duration * repeats);
- this.n = 0;
- this.action = action;
- this.maxRepeats = repeats;
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker) {
+ target.rotation = ticker.data.startRotation + (this.rotation - ticker.data.startRotation) * progress;
- tick(delta) {
- if (this.action.tick(delta)) {
- this.n += 1;
- if (this.maxRepeats >= 0 && this.n >= this.maxRepeats) {
- return true;
- }
- else {
- // Reset delta.
- this.reset();
- }
- }
- return false;
+ reversed() {
+ return new DelayAction(this.scaledDuration);
- reset() {
- super.reset();
- this.action.reset();
- return this;
+class RotateByAction extends Action {
+ constructor(rotation, duration) {
+ super(duration);
+ this.rotation = rotation;
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta) {
+ target.rotation += this.rotation * progressDelta;
- setTarget(target) {
- this.action.setTarget(target);
- return super.setTarget(target);
+ reversed() {
+ return new RotateByAction(-this.rotation, this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
-export class MoveToAction extends Action {
+class MoveToAction extends Action {
constructor(x, y, duration) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
- tick(delta) {
- if (this.elapsed === 0) {
- this.startX = this.target.x;
- this.startY = this.target.y;
- }
- this.elapsed += delta;
- const factor = this.easedTimeDistance;
- const newX = this.x === undefined ? this.target.position.x : this.startX + (this.x - this.startX) * factor;
- const newY = this.y === undefined ? this.target.position.y : this.startY + (this.y - this.startY) * factor;
- this.target.position.set(newX, newY);
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ return {
+ startX: target.x,
+ startY: target.y
+ };
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker) {
+ target.position.set(this.x === undefined ? target.position.x : ticker.data.startX + (this.x - ticker.data.startX) * progress, this.y === undefined ? target.position.y : ticker.data.startY + (this.y - ticker.data.startY) * progress);
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new DelayAction(this.scaledDuration);
class MoveByAction extends Action {
@@ -536,82 +714,279 @@ class MoveByAction extends Action {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
- tick(delta) {
- const factorDelta = this.applyDelta(delta);
- if (this.target) {
- this.target.position.x += this.x * factorDelta;
- this.target.position.y += this.y * factorDelta;
- }
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta) {
+ target.position.x += this.x * progressDelta;
+ target.position.y += this.y * progressDelta;
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new MoveByAction(-this.x, -this.y, this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
-export class GroupAction extends Action {
- constructor(actions) {
- super(
- // Max duration:
- Math.max(...actions.map(action => action.duration)));
- this.index = 0;
- this.actions = actions;
+class FadeToAction extends Action {
+ constructor(alpha, duration) {
+ super(duration);
+ this.alpha = alpha;
- tick(delta) {
- // Tick all elements!
- let allDone = true;
- for (const action of this.actions) {
- if (action.isDone) {
- continue;
- }
- if (action.tick(delta)) {
- action.isDone = true;
- }
- else {
- allDone = false;
- }
- }
- return allDone;
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ return {
+ startAlpha: target.alpha
+ };
- reset() {
- super.reset();
- this.index = 0;
- for (const i in this.actions) {
- this.actions[i].reset();
- }
- return this;
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker) {
+ target.alpha = ticker.data.startAlpha + (this.alpha - ticker.data.startAlpha) * progress;
- setTarget(target) {
- this.actions.forEach(action => action.setTarget(target));
- return super.setTarget(target);
+ reversed() {
+ return new DelayAction(this.scaledDuration);
-export class FadeToAction extends Action {
+class FadeInAction extends Action {
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ return {
+ startAlpha: target.alpha
+ };
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker) {
+ target.alpha = ticker.data.startAlpha + (1.0 - ticker.data.startAlpha) * progress;
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new FadeOutAction(this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
+ }
+class FadeOutAction extends Action {
+ _setupTicker(target, ticker) {
+ return {
+ startAlpha: target.alpha
+ };
+ }
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta, ticker) {
+ target.alpha = ticker.data.startAlpha + (0.0 - ticker.data.startAlpha) * progress;
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new FadeInAction(this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
+ }
+class FadeByAction extends Action {
constructor(alpha, duration) {
this.alpha = alpha;
- tick(delta) {
- if (this.elapsed === 0) {
- this.startAlpha = this.target.alpha;
- }
- this.elapsed += delta;
- const factor = this.timingMode(this.timeDistance);
- this.target.alpha = this.startAlpha + (this.alpha - this.startAlpha) * factor;
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ updateAction(target, progress, progressDelta) {
+ target.alpha += this.alpha * progressDelta;
+ }
+ reversed() {
+ return new FadeByAction(-this.alpha, this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
-export class FadeByAction extends Action {
- constructor(alpha, duration, timingMode = Action.DefaultTimingMode) {
- super(duration);
- this.alpha = alpha;
+class DelayAction extends Action {
+ updateAction() {
+ // Idle
- tick(delta) {
- const factorDelta = this.applyDelta(delta);
- this.target.alpha += this.alpha * factorDelta;
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ reversed() {
+ return this;
-export class DelayAction extends Action {
- tick(delta) {
- this.elapsed += delta;
- return this.elapsed >= this.duration;
+// ----- Action Ticker: -----
+class ActionTicker {
+ static runAction(key, target, action) {
+ if (key !== undefined) {
+ const existingAction = this._running
+ .find(a => a.target === target && a.key === key);
+ if (existingAction !== undefined) {
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(existingAction);
+ }
+ }
+ this._running.push(new ActionTicker(key, target, action));
+ }
+ static removeAction(actionTicker) {
+ const index = ActionTicker._running.indexOf(actionTicker);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ ActionTicker._running.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ return actionTicker;
+ }
+ static hasTargetActions(target) {
+ return ActionTicker._running.find(at => at.target === target) !== undefined;
+ }
+ static getTargetActionTickerForKey(target, key) {
+ return ActionTicker._running.find(at => at.target === target && at.key === key);
+ }
+ static getTargetActionForKey(target, key) {
+ var _a;
+ return (_a = this.getTargetActionTickerForKey(target, key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.action;
+ }
+ static removeTargetActionForKey(target, key) {
+ const actionTicker = this.getTargetActionTickerForKey(target, key);
+ if (!actionTicker) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(actionTicker);
+ }
+ static removeAllTargetActions(target) {
+ for (let i = ActionTicker._running.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const actionTicker = ActionTicker._running[i];
+ if (actionTicker.target === target) {
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(actionTicker);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tick all actions forward.
+ *
+ * @param deltaTimeMs Delta time given in milliseconds.
+ * @param categoryMask (Optional) Bitmask to filter which categories of actions to update.
+ * @param onErrorHandler (Optional) Handler errors from each action's tick.
+ */
+ static stepAllActionsForward(deltaTimeMs, categoryMask = undefined, onErrorHandler) {
+ const deltaTime = deltaTimeMs * 0.001;
+ for (let i = ActionTicker._running.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const actionTicker = ActionTicker._running[i];
+ if (categoryMask !== undefined && (categoryMask & actionTicker.action.categoryMask) === 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getIsPaused(actionTicker.target)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ try {
+ actionTicker.stepActionForward(deltaTime * getSpeed(actionTicker.target));
+ }
+ catch (error) {
+ // Isolate individual action errors.
+ if (onErrorHandler !== undefined) {
+ onErrorHandler(error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ constructor(key, target, action) {
+ this.key = key;
+ this.target = target;
+ this.action = action;
+ /** Time elapsed in the action. */
+ this.elapsed = 0.0;
+ /** Whether the action ticker has been setup. This is triggered on the first iteration. */
+ this.isSetup = false;
+ /** Whether the action has completed. */
+ this.isDone = false;
+ /** Whether the action ticker will mark the action as done when time elapsed >= duration. */
+ this.autoComplete = true;
+ this.speed = action.speed;
+ this.duration = action.scaledDuration;
+ }
+ /** Whether action is in progress (or has not yet started). */
+ get isPlaying() {
+ return this.isDone === false;
+ }
+ /** The relative time elapsed between 0 and 1. */
+ get timeDistance() {
+ return this.duration === 0 ? 1 : Math.min(1, this.elapsed / this.action.scaledDuration);
+ /**
+ * The relative time elapsed between 0 and 1, eased by the timing mode function.
+ *
+ * Can be a value beyond 0 or 1 depending on the timing mode function.
+ */
+ get easedTimeDistance() {
+ return this.action.timingMode(this.timeDistance);
+ }
+ /** @returns Any unused time delta. Negative value means action is still in progress. */
+ stepActionForward(timeDelta) {
+ if (!this.isSetup) {
+ this.speed = this.action.speed;
+ this.duration = this.action.duration;
+ this.data = this.action._setupTicker(this.target, this);
+ this.isSetup = true;
+ }
+ const target = this.target;
+ const action = this.action;
+ // If action no longer valid, or target not on the stage
+ // we garbage collect its actions.
+ if (target == null
+ || target.destroyed
+ || target.parent === undefined) {
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ const scaledTimeDelta = timeDelta * this.speed /* target speed is applied at the root */;
+ if (this.duration === 0) {
+ // Instantaneous action.
+ action.updateAction(this.target, 1.0, 1.0, this, scaledTimeDelta);
+ this.isDone = true;
+ // Remove completed action.
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(this);
+ return timeDelta; // relinquish the full time.
+ }
+ if (timeDelta === 0) {
+ return -1; // Early exit, no progress.
+ }
+ const beforeProgress = this.easedTimeDistance;
+ this.elapsed += scaledTimeDelta;
+ const progress = this.easedTimeDistance;
+ const progressDelta = progress - beforeProgress;
+ action.updateAction(this.target, progress, progressDelta, this, scaledTimeDelta);
+ if (this.isDone || (this.autoComplete && this.timeDistance >= EPSILON_ONE)) {
+ this.isDone = true;
+ // Remove completed action.
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(this);
+ return this.elapsed > this.duration ? this.elapsed - this.duration : 0;
+ }
+ return -1; // relinquish no time
+ }
+ActionTicker._running = [];
+// ----- Global Mixin: -----
+ * Register the global mixins for PIXI.DisplayObject.
+ *
+ * @param displayObject A reference to `PIXI.DisplayObject`.
+ */
+export function registerGlobalMixin(displayObject) {
+ const _prototype = displayObject.prototype;
+ // - Properties:
+ _prototype.speed = 1.0;
+ _prototype.isPaused = false;
+ // - Methods:
+ _prototype.run = function (_action, completion) {
+ const action = completion ? Action.sequence([_action, Action.run(completion)]) : _action;
+ ActionTicker.runAction(undefined, this, action);
+ };
+ _prototype.runWithKey = function (action, key) {
+ ActionTicker.runAction(key, this, action);
+ };
+ _prototype.runAsPromise = function (action, timeoutBufferMs = 100) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
+ const node = this;
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ const timeLimitMs = timeoutBufferMs + (node.speed * action.duration * 1000);
+ const timeoutCheck = setTimeout(() => reject('Took too long to complete.'), timeLimitMs);
+ node.run(action, () => {
+ clearTimeout(timeoutCheck);
+ resolve();
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ _prototype.action = function (forKey) {
+ return ActionTicker.getTargetActionForKey(this, forKey);
+ };
+ _prototype.hasActions = function () {
+ return ActionTicker.hasTargetActions(this);
+ };
+ _prototype.removeAllActions = function () {
+ ActionTicker.removeAllTargetActions(this);
+ };
+ _prototype.removeAction = function (forKey) {
+ ActionTicker.removeTargetActionForKey(this, forKey);
+ };
//# sourceMappingURL=Action.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dist/Action.js.map b/dist/Action.js.map
index 685c214..466b215 100644
--- a/dist/Action.js.map
+++ b/dist/Action.js.map
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dist/ActionTimingMode.d.ts b/dist/ActionTimingMode.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 77f27bc..0000000
--- a/dist/ActionTimingMode.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * Timing mode function.
- * @see https://easings.net for examples
- */
-export declare type TimingModeFn = (input: number) => number;
- * Built-in timing mode functions.
- */
-export declare class ActionTimingMode {
- static linear: TimingModeFn;
- static easeIn: TimingModeFn;
- static easeOut: TimingModeFn;
- static easeInEaseOut: TimingModeFn;
- static smooth: TimingModeFn;
- static smooth2: TimingModeFn;
- static smoother: TimingModeFn;
- static pow2out: TimingModeFn;
diff --git a/dist/ActionTimingMode.js b/dist/ActionTimingMode.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4807eb2..0000000
--- a/dist/ActionTimingMode.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * Built-in timing mode functions.
- */
-export class ActionTimingMode {
-ActionTimingMode.linear = x => x;
-ActionTimingMode.easeIn = x => x * x;
-ActionTimingMode.easeOut = x => 1 - (1 - x) * (1 - x);
-ActionTimingMode.easeInEaseOut = x => x < 0.5 ? 2 * x * x : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 2) / 2;
-// srpatel/pixi-actions timing modes:
-ActionTimingMode.smooth = (x) => x * x * (3 - 2 * x);
-ActionTimingMode.smooth2 = (x) => ActionTimingMode.smooth(ActionTimingMode.smooth(x));
-ActionTimingMode.smoother = (a) => a * a * a * (a * (a * 6 - 15) + 10);
-ActionTimingMode.pow2out = (x) => Math.pow(x - 1, 2) * (-1) + 1;
-//# sourceMappingURL=ActionTimingMode.js.map
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--- a/dist/ActionTimingMode.js.map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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index 4778804..d19381c 100644
--- a/dist/TimingMode.d.ts
+++ b/dist/TimingMode.d.ts
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* @see {TimingMode} for https://easings.net imports
-export declare type TimingModeFn = (progress: number) => number;
+export type TimingModeFn = (progress: number) => number;
/** A number 0 -> 1 */
-declare type Progress = number;
+type Progress = number;
* Timing mode functions
* https://easings.net/
diff --git a/dist/index.d.ts b/dist/index.d.ts
index 122e42e..10d01e7 100644
--- a/dist/index.d.ts
+++ b/dist/index.d.ts
@@ -1,2 +1,64 @@
-export * from "./TimingMode";
+import { Action } from "./Action";
export * from "./Action";
+export * from "./TimingMode";
+declare module 'pixi.js' {
+ interface DisplayObject {
+ /**
+ * A boolean value that determines whether actions on the node and its descendants are processed.
+ */
+ isPaused: boolean;
+ /**
+ * A speed modifier applied to all actions executed by a node and its descendants.
+ */
+ speed: number;
+ /**
+ * Adds an action to the list of actions executed by the node.
+ *
+ * The new action is processed the next time the scene’s animation loop is processed.
+ *
+ * After the action completes, your completion block is called, but only if the action runs to
+ * completion. If the action is removed before it completes, the completion handler is never
+ * called.
+ *
+ * @param action The action to perform.
+ * @param completion (Optional) A completion block called when the action completes.
+ */
+ run(action: Action, completion?: () => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Adds an identifiable action to the list of actions executed by the node.
+ *
+ * The action is stored so that it can be retrieved later. If an action using the same key is
+ * already running, it is removed before the new action is added.
+ *
+ * @param action The action to perform.
+ * @param withKey A unique key used to identify the action.
+ */
+ runWithKey(action: Action, key: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Adds an action to the list of actions executed by the node.
+ *
+ * The new action is processed the next time the scene’s animation loop is processed.
+ *
+ * Runs the action as a promise.
+ *
+ * @param action The action to perform.
+ */
+ runAsPromise(action: Action): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Returns an action associated with a specific key.
+ */
+ action(forKey: string): Action | undefined;
+ /**
+ * Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the node is executing actions.
+ */
+ hasActions(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Ends and removes all actions from the node.
+ */
+ removeAllActions(): void;
+ /**
+ * Removes an action associated with a specific key.
+ */
+ removeAction(forKey: string): void;
+ }
diff --git a/dist/index.js b/dist/index.js
index b97727e..464bd76 100644
--- a/dist/index.js
+++ b/dist/index.js
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
-export * from "./TimingMode";
+import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
+import { registerGlobalMixin } from "./Action";
+// ----- Library exports -----
export * from "./Action";
+export * from "./TimingMode";
+// ----- [Side-effect] Load global mixin: -----
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
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index 7a883cb..8fb3c27 100644
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c834afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/util.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
+/** @returns Whether the target is paused, including via any ancestors. */
+export declare function getIsPaused(target: PIXI.DisplayObject): boolean;
+/** @returns The targets action speed, after factoring in any ancestors. */
+export declare function getSpeed(target: PIXI.DisplayObject): number;
diff --git a/dist/util.js b/dist/util.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee3b5e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/** @returns Whether the target is paused, including via any ancestors. */
+export function getIsPaused(target) {
+ let leaf = target;
+ do {
+ if (leaf.isPaused) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ leaf = leaf.parent;
+ } while (leaf);
+ return false;
+/** @returns The targets action speed, after factoring in any ancestors. */
+export function getSpeed(target) {
+ let leaf = target;
+ let speed = leaf.speed;
+ while (leaf.parent) {
+ speed *= leaf.parent.speed;
+ leaf = leaf.parent;
+ }
+ return speed;
+//# sourceMappingURL=util.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbc094b
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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+/** @type {import('ts-jest').JestConfigWithTsJest} */
+module.exports = {
+ roots: ['/src'],
+ preset: 'ts-jest',
+ testEnvironment: 'node',
+ testPathIgnorePatterns: [
+ '/node_modules/'
+ ],
+ verbose: false,
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+ }
+ },
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+ "dev": true,
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+ "string-width": "^4.1.0",
+ "strip-ansi": "^6.0.0"
+ }
+ },
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+ "dev": true
+ },
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+ "dev": true,
+ "requires": {
+ "imurmurhash": "^0.1.4",
+ "signal-exit": "^3.0.7"
+ }
+ },
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+ "dev": true
+ },
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+ "dev": true,
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+ "y18n": "^5.0.5",
+ "yargs-parser": "^21.1.1"
+ }
+ },
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+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/yargs-parser/-/yargs-parser-21.1.1.tgz",
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+ "dev": true
+ },
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diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index b7a2523..396fd8e 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,28 +1,55 @@
- "name": "pixi-actions",
- "version": "1.0.6",
- "description": "An actions system for PixiJS based on SpriteKit's SKActions. Forked from srpatel/pixi-actions.",
+ "name": "pixijs-actions",
+ "version": "0.9.0",
+ "author": "Reece Como ",
+ "authors": [
+ "Reece Como ",
+ "sunil patel "
+ ],
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "description": "Powerful, lightweight animations in PixiJS. A TypeScript implementation of Apple's SKActions, forked from srpatel/pixijs-actions.",
+ "repository": "https://github.com/reececomo/pixijs-actions",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/reececomo/pixijs-actions#readme",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
+ "lint": "eslint src --ext .ts",
+ "fix": "eslint src --ext .ts --fix",
+ "test": "jest --runInBand",
+ "coverage": "jest --runInBand --collectCoverage",
"build": "tsc --build",
"clean": "tsc --build --clean"
- "repository": "https://github.com/reececomo/pixi-actions",
- "authors": [
- "Reece Como ",
- "sunil patel "
+ "files": [
+ "dist/"
- "license": "MIT",
"keywords": [
+ "actions",
+ "animate",
+ "animation",
+ "interpolation",
+ "lerp",
+ "phaser",
+ "pixi-action",
- "pixijs"
+ "pixijs",
+ "skaction",
+ "transition",
+ "tween",
+ "tweening"
"peerDependencies": {
- "pixi.js": "^6.1.0"
+ "pixi.js": ">=6.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
"pixi.js": "^6.1.0",
- "typescript": "^4.2.3"
+ "typescript": "^4.2.3",
+ "@types/jest": "^29.2.6",
+ "jest": "^29.3.1",
+ "ts-jest": "^29.0.5",
+ "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.1.0",
+ "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.1.0",
+ "eslint": "^8.57.0",
+ "eslint-plugin-disable-autofix": "^4.2.0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Action.ts b/src/Action.ts
index f7790c8..9e935c9 100644
--- a/src/Action.ts
+++ b/src/Action.ts
@@ -1,28 +1,36 @@
import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
import { TimingMode, TimingModeFn } from './TimingMode';
+import { getIsPaused, getSpeed } from './util';
-interface VectorLike {
- x: number;
- y: number;
+const EPSILON = 0.0000000001;
+const DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180;
-/** Path of points. */
-type PathLike = VectorLike[];
-/** Time / duration (in seconds) */
+/** Time measured in seconds. */
type TimeInterval = number;
/** Targeted display node. */
type TargetNode = PIXI.DisplayObject;
+/** Any two dimensional vector. */
+interface VectorLike {
+ x: number;
+ y: number;
+// ----- Action: -----
* Action is an animation that is executed by a display object in the scene.
* Actions are used to change a display object in some way (like move its position over time).
* Trigger @see {Action.tick(...)} to update actions.
- * Optionally set Action.categoryMask to allow different action categories to run independently (i.e. UI and Game World).
+ * Optionally set Action.categoryMask to allow different action categories to run independently
+ * (i.e. UI and Game World).
export abstract class Action {
@@ -31,106 +39,174 @@ export abstract class Action {
/** All currently running actions. */
- public static readonly actions: Action[] = [];
- //
- // ----------------- Global Settings: -----------------
- //
- /** Set a global default timing mode. */
- public static DefaultTimingMode: TimingModeFn = TimingMode.linear;
- /** Set the global default action category. */
- public static DefaultCategoryMask: number = 0x1 << 0;
+ protected static readonly _actions: Action[] = [];
// ----------------- Chaining Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that runs a collection of actions sequentially. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that runs a collection of actions in parallel.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the actions that comprise the group all start immediately and run in
+ * parallel. The duration of the group action is the longest duration among the collection of
+ * actions. If an action in the group has a duration less than the group’s duration, the action
+ * completes, then idles until the group completes the remaining actions. This matters most when
+ * creating a repeating action that repeats a group.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new group action that contains the reverse of each
+ * action specified in the group.
+ */
+ public static group(actions: Action[]): Action {
+ return new GroupAction(actions);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that runs a collection of actions sequentially.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the first action in the sequence starts and runs to completion.
+ * Subsequent actions in the sequence run in a similar fashion until all of the actions in the
+ * sequence have executed. The duration of the sequence action is the sum of the durations of the
+ * actions in the sequence.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new sequence action that reverses the order of the
+ * actions. Each action in the reversed sequence is itself reversed. For example, if an action
+ * sequence is {1,2,3}, the reversed sequence would be {3R,2R,1R}.
+ */
public static sequence(actions: Action[]): Action {
return new SequenceAction(actions);
- /** Creates an action that runs a collection of actions in parallel. */
- public static group(actions: Action[]): Action {
- return new GroupAction(actions);
- }
- /** Creates an action that repeats another action a specified number of times. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that repeats another action a specified number of times.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the associated action runs to completion and then repeats, until the
+ * count is reached.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new action that is the reverse of the specified action
+ * and then repeats it the same number of times.
+ */
public static repeat(action: Action, repeats: number): Action {
- return new RepeatAction(action, repeats);
+ const length = Math.max(0, Math.round(repeats));
+ return Action.sequence(Array.from({ length }, () => action));
- /** Creates an action that repeats another action forever. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that repeats another action forever.
+ *
+ * When the action executes, the associated action runs to completion and then repeats.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible; it creates a new action that is the reverse of the specified action
+ * and then repeats it forever.
+ */
public static repeatForever(action: Action): Action {
- return new RepeatAction(action, -1);
+ return new RepeatForeverAction(action);
// ----------------- Delaying Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that idles for a specified period of time. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that idles for a specified period of time.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action is the same action.
+ */
public static waitForDuration(duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new DelayAction(duration);
- /**
- * Creates an action that idles for a randomized period of time.
- * The resulting action will wait for averageDuration ± (rangeSize / 2).
- *
- * @param average The average amount of time to wait.
- * @param rangeSize The range of possible values for the duration.
- * @param randomSeed (Optional) A scalar between 0 and 1. Defaults to `Math.random()`.
- *
- * @example Action.waitForDurationWithRange(10.0, 5.0) // duration will be 7.5 -> 12.5
- */
- public static waitForDurationWithRange(average: TimeInterval, rangeSize: TimeInterval, randomSeed?: number): Action {
- const randomComponent = rangeSize * (randomSeed ?? Math.random()) - rangeSize * 0.5;
- return new DelayAction(average + randomComponent);
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that idles for a randomized period of time.
+ * The resulting action will wait for averageDuration ± (rangeSize / 2).
+ *
+ * @param average The average amount of time to wait.
+ * @param rangeSize The range of possible values for the duration.
+ *
+ * @example Action.waitForDurationWithRange(10.0, 5.0) // duration will be 7.5 -> 12.5
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action is the same action.
+ */
+ public static waitForDurationWithRange(average: TimeInterval, rangeSize: TimeInterval): Action {
+ return new DelayAction(average + (rangeSize * Math.random() - rangeSize * 0.5));
// ----------------- Linear Path Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
public static moveBy(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new MoveByAction(x, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
public static moveByVector(vec: VectorLike, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return Action.moveBy(vec.x, vec.y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node horizontally relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node horizontally relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
public static moveByX(x: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return Action.moveBy(x, 0, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node vertically relative to its current position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node vertically relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
public static moveByY(y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return Action.moveBy(0, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node to a new position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node to a new position.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
public static moveTo(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new MoveToAction(x, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node to a new position. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node to a new position.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
public static moveToPoint(point: VectorLike, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return Action.moveTo(point.x, point.y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node horizontally. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node horizontally.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
public static moveToX(x: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new MoveToAction(x, undefined, duration);
- /** Creates an action that moves a node vertically. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that moves a node vertically.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * move the node.
+ */
public static moveToY(y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new MoveToAction(undefined, y, duration);
@@ -139,56 +215,152 @@ export abstract class Action {
// ----------------- Rotation Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that rotates the node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node by a relative value (in radians).
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
public static rotateBy(rotation: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new RotateByAction(rotation, duration);
- /** Creates an action that rotates the node to an absolute value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node by a relative value (in degrees).
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ public static rotateByDegrees(degrees: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
+ return Action.rotateBy(degrees * DEG_TO_RAD, duration);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node to an absolute value (in radians).
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
public static rotateTo(rotation: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new RotateToAction(rotation, duration);
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that rotates the node to an absolute value (in degrees).
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
+ public static rotateToDegrees(degrees: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
+ return Action.rotateTo(degrees * DEG_TO_RAD, duration);
+ }
+ //
+ // ----------------- Speed Actions: -----------------
+ //
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes how fast the node executes actions by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ public static speedBy(speed: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
+ return new SpeedByAction(speed, duration);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes how fast the node executes actions.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
+ public static speedTo(speed: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
+ return new SpeedToAction(speed, duration);
+ }
// ----------------- Scale Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node by a relative value. */
- public static scaleBy(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
- return new ScaleByAction(x, y, duration);
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the scale of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ public static scaleBy(value: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
+ public static scaleBy(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
+ public static scaleBy(x: number, y: number | TimeInterval, duration?: TimeInterval): Action {
+ return duration === undefined
+ ? new ScaleByAction(x, x, y)
+ : new ScaleByAction(x, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node by a relative value. */
- public static scaleBySize(size: VectorLike, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
- return Action.scaleBy(size.x, size.y, duration);
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
+ public static scaleByVector(vector: VectorLike, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
+ return Action.scaleBy(vector.x, vector.y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the x scale of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x scale of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
public static scaleXBy(x: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
- return Action.scaleBy(x, 0, duration);
+ return Action.scaleBy(x, 0.0, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the y scale of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the y scale of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
public static scaleYBy(y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
- return Action.scaleBy(0, y, duration);
+ return Action.scaleBy(0.0, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node. */
- public static scaleTo(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
- return new ScaleToAction(x, y, duration);
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
+ public static scaleTo(value: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
+ public static scaleTo(x: number, y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action;
+ public static scaleTo(x: number, y: number | TimeInterval, duration?: TimeInterval): Action {
+ return duration === undefined
+ ? new ScaleToAction(x, x, y)
+ : new ScaleToAction(x, y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x and y scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
public static scaleToSize(size: VectorLike, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return Action.scaleTo(size.x, size.y, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the y scale values of a node. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the y scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
public static scaleXTo(x: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new ScaleToAction(x, undefined, duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the x scale values of a node. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the x scale values of a node.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
public static scaleYTo(y: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new ScaleToAction(undefined, y, duration);
@@ -197,22 +369,39 @@ export abstract class Action {
// ----------------- Transparency Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 1.0. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 1.0.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reverse is equivalent to fadeOut(duration).
+ */
public static fadeIn(duration: TimeInterval): Action {
- return Action.fadeAlphaTo(1, duration);
+ return new FadeInAction(duration);
- /** Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 0.0. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that changes the alpha value of the node to 0.0.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reverse is equivalent to fadeIn(duration).
+ */
public static fadeOut(duration: TimeInterval): Action {
- return Action.fadeAlphaTo(0.0, duration);
+ return new FadeOutAction(duration);
- /** Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node to a new value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node to a new value.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action has the same duration but does not
+ * change anything.
+ */
public static fadeAlphaTo(alpha: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new FadeToAction(alpha, duration);
- /** Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node by a relative value. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that adjusts the alpha value of a node by a relative value.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible.
+ */
public static fadeAlphaBy(alpha: number, duration: TimeInterval): Action {
return new FadeByAction(alpha, duration);
@@ -221,6 +410,37 @@ export abstract class Action {
// ----------------- Display Object Actions: -----------------
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that hides a node.
+ *
+ * This action has an instantaneous duration. When the action executes, the node’s visible
+ * property is set to true.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reversed action is equivalent to show().
+ */
+ public static hide(): Action {
+ return new SetVisibleAction(false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that makes a node visible.
+ *
+ * This action has an instantaneous duration. When the action executes, the node’s visible
+ * property is set to false.
+ *
+ * This action is reversible. The reversed action is equivalent to hide().
+ */
+ public static unhide(): Action {
+ return new SetVisibleAction(true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that removes the node from its parent.
+ *
+ * This action has an instantaneous duration.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse of this action is the same action.
+ */
public static removeFromParent(): Action {
return new RemoveFromParentAction();
@@ -229,603 +449,886 @@ export abstract class Action {
// ----------------- Transparency Actions: -----------------
- /** Creates an action that executes a block. */
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that executes a block.
+ *
+ * This action takes place instantaneously.
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse action executes the same block.
+ */
public static run(fn: () => void): Action {
return new RunBlockAction(fn);
- /**
- * Creates an action that executes a stepping function over its duration.
- *
- * The function will be triggered on every redraw until the action completes, and is passed
- * the target and the elasped time as a scalar between 0 and 1 (which is passed through the timing mode function).
- */
- public static custom(duration: number, stepFn: (target: TargetNode, x: number) => void): Action {
- return new CustomAction(duration, stepFn);
- }
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that executes a stepping function over its duration.
+ *
+ * The function will be triggered on every redraw until the action completes, and is passed
+ * the target and the elasped time as a scalar between 0 and 1 (which is passed through the timing
+ * mode function).
+ *
+ * This action is not reversible; the reverse action executes the same block.
+ */
+ public static customAction(duration: number, stepFn: (target: TargetNode, x: number) => void): Action {
+ return new CustomAction(duration, stepFn);
+ }
// ----------------- Global Methods: -----------------
- /** Clear all actions with this target. */
- public static removeActionsForTarget(target: TargetNode | undefined): void {
- for (let i = Action.actions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- const action: Action = this.actions[i];
+ /**
+ * Tick all actions forward.
+ *
+ * @param deltaTimeMs Delta time in milliseconds.
+ * @param categoryMask (Optional) Bitmask to filter which categories of actions to update.
+ * @param onErrorHandler (Optional) Handler errors from each action's tick.
+ */
+ public static tick(deltaTimeMs: number, categoryMask: number | undefined = undefined, onErrorHandler?: (error: any) => void): void {
+ ActionTicker.stepAllActionsForward(deltaTimeMs, categoryMask, onErrorHandler);
+ }
+ public constructor(
+ public readonly duration: TimeInterval,
+ public speed: number = 1.0,
+ public timingMode: TimingModeFn = TimingMode.linear,
+ public categoryMask: number = 0x1,
+ ) {}
- if (action.target === target) {
- Action.actions.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
+ //
+ // ----------------- Action Instance Methods: -----------------
+ //
+ /**
+ * Update function for the action.
+ *
+ * @param target The affected display object.
+ * @param progress The elapsed progress of the action, with the timing mode function applied. Generally a scalar number between 0.0 and 1.0.
+ * @param progressDelta Relative change in progress since the previous animation change. Use this for relative actions.
+ * @param actionTicker The actual ticker running this update.
+ * @param deltaTime The amount of time elapsed in this tick. This number is scaled by both speed of target and any parent actions.
+ */
+ public abstract updateAction(
+ target: TargetNode,
+ progress: number,
+ progressDelta: number,
+ actionTicker: ActionTicker,
+ deltaTime: number
+ ): void;
+ /** Duration of the action after the speed scalar is applied. */
+ public get scaledDuration(): number {
+ return this.duration / this.speed;
- /** Clears all actions. */
- public static removeAllActions(): void {
- Action.actions.splice(0, this.actions.length);
+ /**
+ * Creates an action that reverses the behavior of another action.
+ *
+ * This method always returns an action object; however, not all actions are reversible.
+ * When reversed, some actions return an object that either does nothing or that performs the same action as the original action.
+ */
+ public abstract reversed(): Action;
+ /**
+ * Do first time setup here.
+ *
+ * Anything you return here will be available as `ticker.data`.
+ */
+ protected _setupTicker(target: TargetNode, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ return undefined;
- /** Play an action. */
- protected static playAction(action: Action): Action {
- Action.actions.push(action);
- return action;
+ /** Set the action's speed scale. Defaults to 1.0. */
+ public setSpeed(speed: number): this {
+ this.speed = speed;
+ return this;
- /** Stop an action. */
- protected static stopAction(action: Action): Action {
- const index = Action.actions.indexOf(action);
- if (index >= 0) {
- Action.actions.splice(index, 1);
- }
- return action;
+ /** Set a timing mode function for this action. Defaults to TimingMode.linear. */
+ public setTimingMode(timingMode: TimingModeFn): this {
+ this.timingMode = timingMode;
+ return this;
- /** Tick all actions forward.
+ /**
+ * Set a category mask for this action.
- * @param dt Delta time
- * @param categoryMask (Optional) Bitmask to filter which categories of actions to update.
- * @param onErrorHandler (Optional) Handler errors from each action's tick.
+ * Use this to tick different categories of actions separately (e.g. separate different UI).
+ *
+ * @deprecated use speed instead
- public static tick(dt: number, categoryMask: number = 0x1, onErrorHandler?: (error: any) => void): void {
- for (let i = Action.actions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- const action: Action = Action.actions[i];
- if (categoryMask !== undefined && (categoryMask & action.categoryMask) === 0) {
- continue;
- }
- try {
- Action.tickAction(action, dt);
- }
- catch (error) {
- // Isolate individual action errors.
- if (onErrorHandler !== undefined) {
- onErrorHandler(error);
- }
- }
- }
+ public setCategory(categoryMask: number): this {
+ this.categoryMask = categoryMask;
+ return this;
- protected static tickAction(action: Action, delta: number): void {
- if (!action.target) {
- console.warn('Action was unexpectedly missing target display object when running!');
- }
+// ----------------- Built-in Actions: -----------------
- // If the action is targeted, but is no longer valid or on the stage
- // we garbage collect its actions.
- if (
- action.target == null
- || action.target.destroyed
- || action.target.parent === undefined
- ) {
- const index = Action.actions.indexOf(action);
- if (index > -1) {
- Action.actions.splice(index, 1);
- }
+class GroupAction extends Action {
+ protected index: number = 0;
+ protected actions: Action[];
- return;
- }
+ public constructor(actions: Action[]) {
+ super(
+ // Max duration:
+ Math.max(...actions.map(action => action.scaledDuration))
+ );
- // Tick the action
- const isDone = action.tick(delta * action.speed);
- if (isDone) {
- action.isDone = true;
+ this.actions = actions;
+ }
- // Remove completed action.
- const index = Action.actions.indexOf(action);
- if (index > -1) {
- Action.actions.splice(index, 1);
- }
+ protected _setupTicker(target: TargetNode, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ ticker.autoComplete = false;
- // Check queued actions.
- for (let j = 0; j < action.queuedActions.length; j++) {
- this.playAction(action.queuedActions[j]);
- }
- action.queuedActions = [];
- }
+ return {
+ childTickers: this.actions.map(action => new ActionTicker(undefined, target, action))
+ };
- //
- // ----------------- Action Instance Properties: -----------------
- //
- /** The display object the action is running against. Set during `runOn` and cannot be changed. */
- public target!: TargetNode;
+ public updateAction(
+ target: TargetNode,
+ progress: number,
+ progressDelta: number,
+ ticker: ActionTicker,
+ timeDelta: number,
+ ): void {
+ const relativeTimeDelta = timeDelta * this.speed;
- /** A speed factor that modifies how fast an action runs. */
- public speed: number = 1.0;
+ let allDone = true;
+ for (const childTicker of ticker.data.childTickers as ActionTicker[]) {
+ if (!childTicker.isDone) {
+ allDone = false;
+ childTicker.stepActionForward(relativeTimeDelta);
+ }
+ }
- /** Time elapsed in the action. */
- public elapsed: number = 0.0;
+ if (allDone) {
+ ticker.isDone = true;
+ }
+ }
- /** Whether the action has completed. Set by `Action. */
- public isDone: boolean = false;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new GroupAction(this.actions.map(action => action.reversed()));
+ }
- /** Actions that will be triggered when this action completes. */
- protected queuedActions: Action[] = [];
+class SequenceAction extends Action {
+ protected actions: Action[];
- /** Whether action is in progress (or has not yet started). */
- public get isPlaying(): boolean {
- return this.isDone === false;
+ public constructor(actions: Action[]) {
+ super(
+ // Total duration:
+ actions.reduce((total, action) => total + action.scaledDuration, 0)
+ );
+ this.actions = actions;
- /** The relative time elapsed between 0 and 1. */
- protected get timeDistance(): number {
- return Math.min(1, this.elapsed / this.duration)
- }
+ protected _setupTicker(target: TargetNode, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ ticker.autoComplete = false;
- /**
- * The relative time elapsed between 0 and 1, eased by the timing mode function.
- *
- * Can be a value beyond 0 or 1 depending on the timing mode function.
- */
- protected get easedTimeDistance(): number {
- return this.timingMode(this.timeDistance);
+ return {
+ childTickers: this.actions.map(action => new ActionTicker(undefined, target, action))
+ };
- //
- // ----------------- Action Instance Methods: -----------------
- //
- constructor(
- public readonly duration: TimeInterval,
- public timingMode: TimingModeFn = Action.DefaultTimingMode,
- public categoryMask: number = Action.DefaultCategoryMask,
- ) {}
+ public updateAction(
+ target: TargetNode,
+ progress: number,
+ progressDelta: number,
+ ticker: ActionTicker,
+ timeDelta: number,
+ ): void {
+ let allDone = true;
+ let remainingTimeDelta = timeDelta * this.speed;
- /** Must be implmented by each class. */
- public abstract tick(progress: number): boolean;
+ for (const childTicker of ticker.data.childTickers as ActionTicker[]) {
+ if (!childTicker.isDone) {
- /** Run an action on this target. */
- public runOn(target: TargetNode): this {
- this.setTarget(target);
- Action.playAction(this);
- return this;
- }
+ if (remainingTimeDelta > 0 || childTicker.duration === 0) {
+ remainingTimeDelta = childTicker.stepActionForward(remainingTimeDelta);
+ }
+ else {
+ allDone = false;
+ break;
+ }
- /** Set an action to run after this action. */
- public queueAction(next: Action): this {
- this.queuedActions.push(next);
- return this;
- }
+ if (remainingTimeDelta < 0) {
+ allDone = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- /** Reset an action to the start. */
- public reset(): this {
- this.isDone = false;
- this.elapsed = 0;
- return this;
+ if (allDone) {
+ ticker.isDone = true;
+ }
- /** Stop and reset an action. */
- public stop(): this {
- Action.stopAction(this);
- this.reset();
- return this;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ const reversedSequence = [...this.actions].reverse().map(action => action.reversed());
+ return new SequenceAction(reversedSequence);
- /** Set a timing mode function for this action. */
- public withTimingMode(timingMode: TimingModeFn): this {
- this.timingMode = timingMode;
- return this;
- }
+class RepeatForeverAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
+ protected readonly action: Action
+ ) {
+ super(Infinity);
- /** Set a category mask for this action. Used to group different actions together. */
- public setCategory(categoryMask: number): this {
- this.categoryMask = categoryMask;
- return this;
+ if (action.duration <= 0) {
+ throw new Error('The action to be repeated must have a non-instantaneous duration.');
+ }
- /** Set which display object should be targeted. Internal use only. */
- public setTarget(target: TargetNode): this {
- if (this.target && target !== this.target) {
- console.warn('setTarget() called on Action that already has another target. Recycling actions is currently unsupported. Behavior may be unexpected.');
- }
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new RepeatForeverAction(this.action.reversed());
+ }
- this.target = target;
- return this;
+ protected _setupTicker(target: TargetNode, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ return {
+ childTicker: new ActionTicker(undefined, target, this.action)
+ };
- // ----- Implementation: -----
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, ticker: ActionTicker, timeDelta: number): void {
+ let childTicker: ActionTicker = ticker.data.childTicker;
+ let remainingTimeDelta = timeDelta * this.speed;
- /**
- * For relative actions, increments time by delta, and returns the change in easedTimeDistance.
- *
- * @param delta change in time to apply
- * @returns the relative change in easedTimeDistance.
- */
- protected applyDelta(delta: number): number {
- const before = this.easedTimeDistance;
- this.elapsed += delta;
+ remainingTimeDelta = childTicker.stepActionForward(remainingTimeDelta);
- return this.easedTimeDistance - before;
- }
+ if (remainingTimeDelta > 0) {
+ childTicker.elapsed = 0.0; // reset
+ childTicker.stepActionForward(remainingTimeDelta);
+ }
+ }
-// ----------------- Built-ins: -----------------
+class ScaleToAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
+ protected readonly x: number | undefined,
+ protected readonly y: number | undefined,
+ duration: TimeInterval,
+ ) {
+ super(duration);
+ }
-export class SequenceAction extends Action {
- index: number = 0;
- actions: Action[];
+ protected _setupTicker(target: TargetNode, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ return {
+ startX: target.scale.x,
+ startY: target.scale.y
+ };
+ }
- constructor(actions: Action[]) {
- super(
- // Total duration:
- actions.reduce((total, action) => total + action.duration, 0)
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, ticker: ActionTicker): void {
+ target.scale.set(
+ this.x === undefined ? target.scale.x : ticker.data.startX + (this.x - ticker.data.startX) * progress,
+ this.y === undefined ? target.scale.y : ticker.data.startY + (this.y - ticker.data.startY) * progress
- this.actions = actions;
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- // If empty, we are done!
- if (this.index == this.actions.length)
- return true;
- // Otherwise, tick the first element
- if (this.actions[this.index].tick(delta)) {
- this.index++;
- }
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new DelayAction(this.scaledDuration);
+ }
- return false;
+class ScaleByAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
+ protected readonly x: number,
+ protected readonly y: number,
+ duration: TimeInterval,
+ ) {
+ super(duration);
- public reset() {
- super.reset();
+ protected _setupTicker(target: TargetNode, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ return {
+ dx: target.scale.x * this.x - target.scale.x,
+ dy: target.scale.y * this.y - target.scale.y
+ };
+ }
- this.index = 0;
- for (const i in this.actions) {
- this.actions[i].reset();
- }
- return this;
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, ticker: ActionTicker): void {
+ target.scale.set(
+ target.scale.x + ticker.data.dx * progressDelta,
+ target.scale.y + ticker.data.dy * progressDelta,
+ );
- public setTarget(target: TargetNode): this {
- this.actions.forEach(action => action.setTarget(target));
- return super.setTarget(target);
- }
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new ScaleByAction(-this.x, -this.y, this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
+ }
-export class ScaleToAction extends Action {
- protected startX!: number;
- protected startY!: number;
- constructor(
- protected readonly x: number | undefined,
- protected readonly y: number | undefined,
- duration: TimeInterval,
+class SetVisibleAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
+ protected readonly visible: boolean,
) {
- super(duration);
+ super(0);
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- if (this.elapsed === 0) {
- this.startX = this.target.scale.x;
- this.startY = this.target.scale.y;
- }
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode): void {
+ target.visible = this.visible;
+ }
- this.elapsed += delta;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new SetVisibleAction(!this.visible);
+ }
- const factor: number = this.easedTimeDistance;
+class RemoveFromParentAction extends Action {
+ public constructor() {
+ super(0);
+ }
- const newXScale = this.x === undefined ? this.target.scale.x : this.startX + (this.x - this.startX) * factor;
- const newYScale = this.y === undefined ? this.target.scale.y : this.startY + (this.y - this.startY) * factor;
- this.target.scale.set(newXScale, newYScale);
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode): void {
+ target.parent?.removeChild(target);
+ }
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return this;
-export class ScaleByAction extends Action {
- constructor(
- protected readonly x: number,
- protected readonly y: number,
+class CustomAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
duration: TimeInterval,
+ protected stepFn: (target: TargetNode, t: number, dt: number) => void
) {
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- const factorDelta = this.applyDelta(delta);
- this.target.scale.set(
- this.target.scale.x + this.x * factorDelta,
- this.target.scale.y + this.y * factorDelta,
- );
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number): void {
+ this.stepFn(target, progress, progressDelta);
+ }
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return this;
-export class RemoveFromParentAction extends Action {
- constructor() {
+class RunBlockAction extends Action {
+ protected block: () => any;
+ public constructor(block: () => void) {
+ this.block = block;
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- if (this.target?.parent) {
- this.target.parent?.removeChild(this.target);
- }
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number): void {
+ this.block();
+ }
- return true;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return this;
-export class CustomAction extends Action {
- constructor(
- duration: TimeInterval,
- protected stepFn: (target: TargetNode, x: number) => void
- ) {
+class SpeedToAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
+ protected readonly _speed: number,
+ duration: TimeInterval,
+ ) {
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- this.elapsed += delta;
- this.stepFn(this.target, this.easedTimeDistance);
+ protected _setupTicker(target: TargetNode, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ return {
+ startSpeed: target.speed
+ };
+ }
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, ticker: ActionTicker): void {
+ target.rotation = ticker.data.startRotation + (this._speed - ticker.data.startSpeed) * progress;
-export class RunBlockAction extends Action {
- protected block: () => any;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new DelayAction(this.scaledDuration);
+ }
- constructor(block: () => void) {
- super(0);
- this.block = block;
+class SpeedByAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
+ protected readonly _speed: number,
+ duration: TimeInterval,
+ ) {
+ super(duration);
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- this.block.call(this);
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, ticker: ActionTicker): void {
+ target.rotation += this._speed * progressDelta;
+ }
- return true;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new SpeedByAction(-this._speed, this.duration);
-export class RotateToAction extends Action {
- protected startRotation!: number;
- constructor(
+class RotateToAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
protected readonly rotation: number,
duration: TimeInterval,
) {
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- if (this.elapsed === 0) {
- this.startRotation = this.target.rotation;
- }
+ protected _setupTicker(target: TargetNode, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ return {
+ startRotation: target.rotation
+ };
+ }
- this.elapsed += delta;
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, ticker: ActionTicker): void {
+ target.rotation = ticker.data.startRotation + (this.rotation - ticker.data.startRotation) * progress;
+ }
- const factor: number = this.easedTimeDistance;
- this.target.rotation = this.startRotation + (this.rotation - this.startRotation) * factor;
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new DelayAction(this.scaledDuration);
-export class RotateByAction extends Action {
- constructor(
+class RotateByAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
protected readonly rotation: number,
duration: TimeInterval,
) {
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- const factorDelta = this.applyDelta(delta);
- this.target.rotation += this.rotation * factorDelta;
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number): void {
+ target.rotation += this.rotation * progressDelta;
+ }
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new RotateByAction(-this.rotation, this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
-export class RepeatAction extends Action {
- protected action: Action;
- protected maxRepeats: number;
- protected n: number = 0;
+class MoveToAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
+ protected readonly x: number | undefined,
+ protected readonly y: number | undefined,
+ duration: TimeInterval,
+ ) {
+ super(duration);
+ }
- /**
- * @param action Targeted action.
- * @param repeats A negative value indicates looping forever.
- */
- constructor(action: Action, repeats: number) {
- super(
- // Duration:
- repeats === -1 ? Infinity : action.duration * repeats
+ protected _setupTicker(target: TargetNode, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ return {
+ startX: target.x,
+ startY: target.y
+ };
+ }
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, ticker: ActionTicker): void {
+ target.position.set(
+ this.x === undefined ? target.position.x : ticker.data.startX + (this.x - ticker.data.startX) * progress,
+ this.y === undefined ? target.position.y : ticker.data.startY + (this.y - ticker.data.startY) * progress
+ }
- this.action = action;
- this.maxRepeats = repeats;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new DelayAction(this.scaledDuration);
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- if (this.action.tick(delta)) {
- this.n += 1;
- if (this.maxRepeats >= 0 && this.n >= this.maxRepeats) {
- return true;
- } else {
- // Reset delta.
- this.reset();
- }
- }
- return false;
+class MoveByAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
+ protected readonly x: number,
+ protected readonly y: number,
+ duration: number,
+ ) {
+ super(duration);
- public reset() {
- super.reset();
- this.action.reset();
- return this;
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number): void {
+ target.position.x += this.x * progressDelta;
+ target.position.y += this.y * progressDelta;
- public setTarget(target: TargetNode): this {
- this.action.setTarget(target);
- return super.setTarget(target);
- }
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new MoveByAction(-this.x, -this.y, this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
+ }
-export class MoveToAction extends Action {
- protected startX!: number;
- protected startY!: number;
- constructor(
- protected readonly x: number | undefined,
- protected readonly y: number | undefined,
- duration: TimeInterval,
+class FadeToAction extends Action {
+ public constructor(
+ protected readonly alpha: number,
+ duration: TimeInterval
) {
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- if (this.elapsed === 0) {
- this.startX = this.target.x;
- this.startY = this.target.y;
- }
+ protected _setupTicker(target: PIXI.DisplayObject, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ return {
+ startAlpha: target.alpha
+ };
+ }
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, ticker: ActionTicker): void {
+ target.alpha = ticker.data.startAlpha + (this.alpha - ticker.data.startAlpha) * progress;
+ }
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new DelayAction(this.scaledDuration);
+ }
- this.elapsed += delta;
+class FadeInAction extends Action {
+ protected _setupTicker(target: PIXI.DisplayObject, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ return {
+ startAlpha: target.alpha
+ };
+ }
- const factor: number = this.easedTimeDistance;
- const newX = this.x === undefined ? this.target.position.x : this.startX + (this.x - this.startX) * factor;
- const newY = this.y === undefined ? this.target.position.y : this.startY + (this.y - this.startY) * factor;
- this.target.position.set(newX, newY);
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, ticker: ActionTicker): void {
+ target.alpha = ticker.data.startAlpha + (1.0 - ticker.data.startAlpha) * progress;
+ }
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new FadeOutAction(this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
-class MoveByAction extends Action {
+class FadeOutAction extends Action {
+ protected _setupTicker(target: PIXI.DisplayObject, ticker: ActionTicker): any {
+ return {
+ startAlpha: target.alpha
+ };
+ }
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number, ticker: ActionTicker): void {
+ target.alpha = ticker.data.startAlpha + (0.0 - ticker.data.startAlpha) * progress;
+ }
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new FadeInAction(this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
+ }
+class FadeByAction extends Action {
public constructor(
- protected x: number,
- protected y: number,
- duration: number,
- ) {
+ protected readonly alpha: number,
+ duration: TimeInterval,
+ ) {
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- const factorDelta = this.applyDelta(delta);
+ public updateAction(target: TargetNode, progress: number, progressDelta: number): void {
+ target.alpha += this.alpha * progressDelta;
+ }
- if (this.target) {
- this.target.position.x += this.x * factorDelta;
- this.target.position.y += this.y * factorDelta;
- }
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return new FadeByAction(-this.alpha, this.duration)
+ .setSpeed(this.speed)
+ .setTimingMode(this.timingMode);
+ }
+class DelayAction extends Action {
+ public updateAction(): void {
+ // Idle
+ }
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ public reversed(): Action {
+ return this;
-export class GroupAction extends Action {
- protected index: number = 0;
- protected actions: Action[];
+// ----- Action Ticker: -----
- constructor(actions: Action[]) {
- super(
- // Max duration:
- Math.max(...actions.map(action => action.duration))
- );
+class ActionTicker {
+ protected static _running: ActionTicker[] = [];
- this.actions = actions;
+ public static runAction(
+ key: string | undefined,
+ target: TargetNode,
+ action: Action,
+ ): void {
+ if (key !== undefined) {
+ const existingAction = this._running
+ .find(a => a.target === target && a.key === key);
+ if (existingAction !== undefined) {
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(existingAction);
+ }
+ }
+ this._running.push(new ActionTicker(key, target, action));
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- // Tick all elements!
- let allDone = true;
+ public static removeAction(actionTicker: ActionTicker): ActionTicker {
+ const index = ActionTicker._running.indexOf(actionTicker);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ ActionTicker._running.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ return actionTicker;
+ }
- for (const action of this.actions) {
- if (action.isDone) {
- continue;
- }
+ public static hasTargetActions(target: TargetNode): boolean {
+ return ActionTicker._running.find(at => at.target === target) !== undefined;
+ }
- if (action.tick(delta)) {
- action.isDone = true;
- } else {
- allDone = false;
- }
+ public static getTargetActionTickerForKey(
+ target: TargetNode,
+ key: string
+ ): ActionTicker | undefined {
+ return ActionTicker._running.find(at => at.target === target && at.key === key);
+ }
+ public static getTargetActionForKey(target: TargetNode, key: string): Action | undefined {
+ return this.getTargetActionTickerForKey(target, key)?.action;
+ }
+ public static removeTargetActionForKey(target: TargetNode, key: string): void {
+ const actionTicker = this.getTargetActionTickerForKey(target, key);
+ if (!actionTicker) {
+ return;
- return allDone;
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(actionTicker);
- public reset() {
- super.reset();
+ public static removeAllTargetActions(target: TargetNode): void {
+ for (let i = ActionTicker._running.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const actionTicker = ActionTicker._running[i];
- this.index = 0;
- for (const i in this.actions) {
- this.actions[i].reset();
+ if (actionTicker.target === target) {
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(actionTicker);
+ }
- return this;
- public setTarget(target: TargetNode): this {
- this.actions.forEach(action => action.setTarget(target));
- return super.setTarget(target);
- }
+ /**
+ * Tick all actions forward.
+ *
+ * @param deltaTimeMs Delta time given in milliseconds.
+ * @param categoryMask (Optional) Bitmask to filter which categories of actions to update.
+ * @param onErrorHandler (Optional) Handler errors from each action's tick.
+ */
+ public static stepAllActionsForward(
+ deltaTimeMs: number,
+ categoryMask: number | undefined = undefined,
+ onErrorHandler?: (error: any) => void
+ ): void {
+ const deltaTime = deltaTimeMs * 0.001;
-export class FadeToAction extends Action {
- protected startAlpha!: number;
- protected alpha: number;
+ for (let i = ActionTicker._running.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const actionTicker = ActionTicker._running[i];
- constructor(alpha: number, duration: TimeInterval) {
- super(duration);
- this.alpha = alpha;
- }
+ if (categoryMask !== undefined && (categoryMask & actionTicker.action.categoryMask) === 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- if (this.elapsed === 0) {
- this.startAlpha = this.target.alpha;
+ if (getIsPaused(actionTicker.target)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ try {
+ actionTicker.stepActionForward(deltaTime * getSpeed(actionTicker.target));
+ }
+ catch (error) {
+ // Isolate individual action errors.
+ if (onErrorHandler !== undefined) {
+ onErrorHandler(error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Any instance data that will live for the duration of the ticker. */
+ public data: any;
- this.elapsed += delta;
+ /** Time elapsed in the action. */
+ public elapsed: number = 0.0;
+ /** Whether the action ticker has been setup. This is triggered on the first iteration. */
+ public isSetup = false;
+ /** Whether the action has completed. */
+ public isDone: boolean = false;
- const factor: number = this.timingMode(this.timeDistance);
- this.target.alpha = this.startAlpha + (this.alpha - this.startAlpha) * factor;
+ /** Whether the action ticker will mark the action as done when time elapsed >= duration. */
+ public autoComplete: boolean = true;
+ /**
+ * Relative speed of the action ticker.
+ *
+ * Defaults to the action's speed and is capture at creation time, and updated on
+ * the setup tick.
+ */
+ public speed: number;
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ /**
+ * Expected duration of the action ticker.
+ *
+ * Defaults to the action's scaled duration and is capture at creation time, and updated on
+ * the setup tick.
+ */
+ public duration: number;
+ public constructor(
+ public key: string | undefined,
+ public target: TargetNode,
+ public action: Action,
+ ) {
+ this.speed = action.speed;
+ this.duration = action.scaledDuration;
-export class FadeByAction extends Action {
- constructor(
- protected readonly alpha: number,
- duration: TimeInterval,
- timingMode: TimingModeFn = Action.DefaultTimingMode
- ) {
- super(duration);
+ /** Whether action is in progress (or has not yet started). */
+ public get isPlaying(): boolean {
+ return this.isDone === false;
+ }
+ /** The relative time elapsed between 0 and 1. */
+ public get timeDistance(): number {
+ return this.duration === 0 ? 1 : Math.min(1, this.elapsed / this.action.scaledDuration);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The relative time elapsed between 0 and 1, eased by the timing mode function.
+ *
+ * Can be a value beyond 0 or 1 depending on the timing mode function.
+ */
+ protected get easedTimeDistance(): number {
+ return this.action.timingMode(this.timeDistance);
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- const factorDelta = this.applyDelta(delta);
- this.target.alpha += this.alpha * factorDelta;
+ /** @returns Any unused time delta. Negative value means action is still in progress. */
+ public stepActionForward(timeDelta: number): number {
+ if (!this.isSetup) {
+ this.speed = this.action.speed;
+ this.duration = this.action.duration;
+ this.data = (this.action as any)._setupTicker(this.target, this);
+ this.isSetup = true;
+ }
+ const target = this.target;
+ const action = this.action;
+ // If action no longer valid, or target not on the stage
+ // we garbage collect its actions.
+ if (
+ target == null
+ || target.destroyed
+ || target.parent === undefined
+ ) {
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ const scaledTimeDelta = timeDelta * this.speed /* target speed is applied at the root */;
+ if (this.duration === 0) {
+ // Instantaneous action.
+ action.updateAction(this.target, 1.0, 1.0, this, scaledTimeDelta);
+ this.isDone = true;
+ // Remove completed action.
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(this);
+ return timeDelta; // relinquish the full time.
+ }
- return this.timeDistance >= 1;
+ if (timeDelta === 0) {
+ return -1; // Early exit, no progress.
+ }
+ const beforeProgress = this.easedTimeDistance;
+ this.elapsed += scaledTimeDelta;
+ const progress = this.easedTimeDistance;
+ const progressDelta = progress - beforeProgress;
+ action.updateAction(this.target, progress, progressDelta, this, scaledTimeDelta);
+ if (this.isDone || (this.autoComplete && this.timeDistance >= EPSILON_ONE)) {
+ this.isDone = true;
+ // Remove completed action.
+ ActionTicker.removeAction(this);
+ return this.elapsed > this.duration ? this.elapsed - this.duration : 0;
+ }
+ return -1; // relinquish no time
-export class DelayAction extends Action {
- public tick(delta: number): boolean {
- this.elapsed += delta;
- return this.elapsed >= this.duration;
- }
+// ----- Global Mixin: -----
+ * Register the global mixins for PIXI.DisplayObject.
+ *
+ * @param displayObject A reference to `PIXI.DisplayObject`.
+ */
+export function registerGlobalMixin(displayObject: any): void {
+ const _prototype = displayObject.prototype;
+ // - Properties:
+ _prototype.speed = 1.0;
+ _prototype.isPaused = false;
+ // - Methods:
+ _prototype.run = function (_action: Action, completion?: () => void): void {
+ const action = completion ? Action.sequence([_action, Action.run(completion)]) : _action;
+ ActionTicker.runAction(undefined, this, action);
+ };
+ _prototype.runWithKey = function (action: Action, key: string): void {
+ ActionTicker.runAction(key, this, action);
+ };
+ _prototype.runAsPromise = function (
+ action: Action,
+ timeoutBufferMs: number = 100
+ ): Promise {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
+ const node = this;
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ const timeLimitMs = timeoutBufferMs + (node.speed * action.duration * 1_000);
+ const timeoutCheck = setTimeout(() => reject('Took too long to complete.'), timeLimitMs);
+ node.run(action, () => {
+ clearTimeout(timeoutCheck);
+ resolve();
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ _prototype.action = function (forKey: string): Action | undefined {
+ return ActionTicker.getTargetActionForKey(this, forKey);
+ };
+ _prototype.hasActions = function (): boolean {
+ return ActionTicker.hasTargetActions(this);
+ };
+ _prototype.removeAllActions = function (): void {
+ ActionTicker.removeAllTargetActions(this);
+ };
+ _prototype.removeAction = function (forKey: string): void {
+ ActionTicker.removeTargetActionForKey(this, forKey);
+ };
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index 122e42e..d8eef6e 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -1,2 +1,90 @@
-export * from "./TimingMode";
+import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
+import { Action, registerGlobalMixin } from "./Action";
+// ----- Library exports -----
export * from "./Action";
+export * from "./TimingMode";
+// ----- [Side-effect] Load global mixin: -----
+// ----- Additional types and documentation for the global mixin: -----
+declare module 'pixi.js' {
+ export interface DisplayObject {
+ /**
+ * A boolean value that determines whether actions on the node and its descendants are processed.
+ */
+ isPaused: boolean;
+ /**
+ * A speed modifier applied to all actions executed by a node and its descendants.
+ */
+ speed: number;
+ /**
+ * Adds an action to the list of actions executed by the node.
+ *
+ * The new action is processed the next time the scene’s animation loop is processed.
+ *
+ * After the action completes, your completion block is called, but only if the action runs to
+ * completion. If the action is removed before it completes, the completion handler is never
+ * called.
+ *
+ * @param action The action to perform.
+ * @param completion (Optional) A completion block called when the action completes.
+ */
+ run(action: Action, completion?: () => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Adds an identifiable action to the list of actions executed by the node.
+ *
+ * The action is stored so that it can be retrieved later. If an action using the same key is
+ * already running, it is removed before the new action is added.
+ *
+ * @param action The action to perform.
+ * @param withKey A unique key used to identify the action.
+ */
+ runWithKey(action: Action, key: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Adds an action to the list of actions executed by the node.
+ *
+ * The new action is processed the next time the scene’s animation loop is processed.
+ *
+ * Runs the action as a promise.
+ *
+ * @param action The action to perform.
+ */
+ runAsPromise(action: Action): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Returns an action associated with a specific key.
+ */
+ action(forKey: string): Action | undefined;
+ /**
+ * Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the node is executing actions.
+ */
+ hasActions(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Ends and removes all actions from the node.
+ */
+ removeAllActions(): void;
+ /**
+ * Removes an action associated with a specific key.
+ */
+ removeAction(forKey: string): void;
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/Action.test.ts b/src/test/Action.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..156525c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/Action.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+import { Container } from 'pixi.js';
+import { Action } from '../index';
+function simulateTime(seconds: number, steps: number = 100): void {
+ const tickMs = seconds / steps * 1_000;
+ // Simulate in multiple increments to mimic real world conditions.
+ for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
+ Action.tick(tickMs);
+ }
+describe('Action Chaining', () => {
+ describe('sequence()', () => {
+ it('complete all steps in order', () => {
+ const action = Action.sequence([
+ Action.moveByX(5, 5.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 0.0),
+ Action.waitForDuration(1.0),
+ Action.moveByX(-10, 2.0),
+ Action.moveByX(-5, 0.0),
+ ]);
+ expect(action.duration).toBeCloseTo(8.0);
+ expect(action.scaledDuration).toBeCloseTo(8.0);
+ const node = new Container();
+ node.run(action);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ simulateTime(5.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(10.0);
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(10.0);
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(5.0);
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(-5.0);
+ // Sanity check: We've stopped.
+ simulateTime(10.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(-5.0);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(false);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('group()', () => {
+ it('should run all groups simultaneously', () => {
+ const action = Action.group([
+ Action.moveByX(10, 10.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 0.0),
+ Action.moveByX(-20, 2.0),
+ ]);
+ expect(action.duration).toBeCloseTo(10.0);
+ expect(action.scaledDuration).toBeCloseTo(10.0);
+ const node = new Container();
+ node.run(action);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ simulateTime(2.00);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(-13);
+ simulateTime(10.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(-5);
+ // Sanity check: We've stopped.
+ simulateTime(10.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(-5);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(false);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('repeat()', () => {
+ it('should loop accurately', () => {
+ const action = Action.repeat(Action.moveByX(2, 1.0), 11);
+ expect(action.duration).toBeCloseTo(11.0);
+ expect(action.scaledDuration).toBeCloseTo(11.0);
+ const node = new Container();
+ node.run(action);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ simulateTime(10.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(20);
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(22);
+ // Sanity check: We've stopped.
+ simulateTime(10.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(22);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(false);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('repeatForever()', () => {
+ it('should loop accurately', () => {
+ const action = Action.repeatForever(Action.moveByX(5, 5.0));
+ expect(action.duration).toBe(Infinity);
+ expect(action.scaledDuration).toBe(Infinity);
+ const node = new Container();
+ node.run(action);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ simulateTime(5.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(5);
+ simulateTime(10.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(15);
+ simulateTime(10.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(25);
+ // Sanity check: We're still going.
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ // Cleanup.
+ node.removeAllActions();
+ });
+ });
+describe('Action', () => {
+ describe('scaleTo', () => {
+ it('can be initialized with one value', () => {
+ const node = new Container();
+ expect(node.scale.x).toBe(1); // Sanity check.
+ expect(node.scale.y).toBe(1);
+ node.run(Action.scaleTo(2, 1.0));
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.scale.x).toBe(2);
+ expect(node.scale.y).toBe(2);
+ });
+ it('can be initialized with x and y', () => {
+ const node = new Container();
+ expect(node.scale.x).toBe(1); // Sanity check.
+ expect(node.scale.y).toBe(1);
+ node.run(Action.scaleTo(2, 1.5, 1.0));
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.scale.x).toBe(2);
+ expect(node.scale.y).toBe(1.5);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('scaleBy', () => {
+ it('can be initialized with one value', () => {
+ const node = new Container();
+ expect(node.scale.x).toBe(1); // Sanity check.
+ expect(node.scale.y).toBe(1);
+ node.run(Action.scaleBy(2, 1.0));
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.scale.x).toBe(2);
+ expect(node.scale.y).toBe(2);
+ });
+ it('can be initialized with x and y', () => {
+ const node = new Container();
+ expect(node.scale.x).toBe(1); // Sanity check.
+ expect(node.scale.y).toBe(1);
+ node.run(Action.scaleTo(2, 1.5, 1.0));
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.scale.x).toBe(2);
+ expect(node.scale.y).toBe(1.5);
+ });
+ });
+describe('Action and nodes', () => {
+ describe('speed', () => {
+ it('works on nested actions', () => {
+ const action = Action.sequence([
+ Action.moveByX(5, 5.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 0.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 5.0).setSpeed(2.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 0.0),
+ ]);
+ expect(action.duration).toBeCloseTo(7.5);
+ expect(action.scaledDuration).toBeCloseTo(7.5);
+ const node = new Container();
+ node.speed = 2.0;
+ node.run(action);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ simulateTime(2.5);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(10);
+ simulateTime(1.25);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(20);
+ // Sanity check: We've stopped.
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(20);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(false);
+ });
+ it('works on parent values', () => {
+ const action = Action.sequence([
+ Action.moveByX(5, 4.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 0.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 4.0).setSpeed(2.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 0.0),
+ ]);
+ expect(action.duration).toBeCloseTo(6.0);
+ expect(action.scaledDuration).toBeCloseTo(6.0);
+ const grandparent = new Container();
+ const parent = new Container();
+ const node = new Container();
+ grandparent.addChild(parent);
+ parent.addChild(node);
+ grandparent.speed = 4.0;
+ parent.speed = 0.5;
+ node.run(action);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ simulateTime(2.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(10);
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(20);
+ // Sanity check: We've stopped.
+ simulateTime(1.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(20);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(false);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('isPaused', () => {
+ it('pauses current actions', () => {
+ const action = Action.sequence([
+ Action.moveByX(5, 5.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 0.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 5.0).setSpeed(2.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 0.0),
+ ]);
+ expect(action.duration).toBeCloseTo(7.5);
+ expect(action.scaledDuration).toBeCloseTo(7.5);
+ const node = new Container();
+ node.run(action);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ simulateTime(5.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(10);
+ node.isPaused = true;
+ // Sanity check: We've paused.
+ simulateTime(2.5);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(10);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('falls back to parent value', () => {
+ const action = Action.sequence([
+ Action.moveByX(5, 5.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 0.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 5.0).setSpeed(2.0),
+ Action.moveByX(5, 0.0),
+ ]);
+ expect(action.duration).toBeCloseTo(7.5);
+ expect(action.scaledDuration).toBeCloseTo(7.5);
+ const grandparent = new Container();
+ const parent = new Container();
+ const node = new Container();
+ grandparent.addChild(parent);
+ parent.addChild(node);
+ node.run(action);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ simulateTime(5.0);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(10);
+ grandparent.isPaused = true;
+ // Sanity check: We've paused.
+ simulateTime(12.5);
+ expect(node.position.x).toBeCloseTo(10);
+ expect(node.hasActions()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/src/util.ts b/src/util.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0a50c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
+/** @returns Whether the target is paused, including via any ancestors. */
+export function getIsPaused(target: PIXI.DisplayObject): boolean {
+ let leaf = target;
+ do {
+ if (leaf.isPaused) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ leaf = leaf.parent;
+ }
+ while (leaf);
+ return false;
+/** @returns The targets action speed, after factoring in any ancestors. */
+export function getSpeed(target: PIXI.DisplayObject): number {
+ let leaf = target;
+ let speed = leaf.speed;
+ while (leaf.parent) {
+ speed *= leaf.parent.speed;
+ leaf = leaf.parent;
+ }
+ return speed;
diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json
index 777c6eb..92988e3 100644
--- a/tsconfig.json
+++ b/tsconfig.json
@@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
- "compilerOptions": {
- "outDir": "./dist/",
- "sourceMap": true,
- "noImplicitAny": true,
- "module": "es6",
- "target": "es6",
- "allowJs": true,
- "moduleResolution": "node",
- "downlevelIteration": true,
- "declaration": true,
- "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
- "esModuleInterop": true,
- "baseUrl": "./",
- "paths": {
- "mini-signals": [
- "node_modules/resource-loader/typings/mini-signals.d.ts"
- ]
- },
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "outDir": "./dist/",
+ "sourceMap": true,
+ "noImplicitAny": true,
+ "module": "es6",
+ "target": "es6",
+ "allowJs": true,
+ "moduleResolution": "node",
+ "downlevelIteration": true,
+ "declaration": true,
+ "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
+ "esModuleInterop": true,
+ "baseUrl": "./",
"skipLibCheck": true
- },
- "include": ["src/**/*"],
+ },
+ "include": ["src/**/*"],
+ "exclude": ["src/test/**/*"]
\ No newline at end of file