- CVE-2015-5525 - Unsecured Unix Socket/IPC to root process for eapd
- CVE-2015-5526 - Path transversal in eapd
- CVE-2015-5527 - Backdoor for executing shell scripts as root
- Jon “jcase” Sawyer - [email protected]
- Tim “diff” Strazzere - [email protected]
- HTC Desire 310
- HTC Desire 310n
- HTC Desire 320
- HTC V1 (only a very limited number of firmwares)
- CAT S50 (untested, informally verified with user of device, hard to get hands on actual device)
- Likely other HTC devices
starts the process /system/bin/eapd
, which runs as root. This process’s entire purpose is to run shell scripts as the root user.
This process listens for input on a socket that is world readable and writable. This socket should be protected by more strict permissions,
and/or a SELinux policy (and eapd likely shouldn’t exist).
srw-rw-rw- root system 2015-08-04 15:22 eapd
The eapd
process (/system/bin/eapd
) is vulnerable to a path transversal vulnerability, when combined with CVE-2015-5525 this results in any app/user being able to execute a script as the root user. Input should be sanitized (and eapd shouldn't exist). By attaching to the eapd
socket, which this process listens on, the user can craft a directory traversal to a file that they control.
sprintf(path,"%s%s%s", "/data/data/com.cci.eapenhance/cache/", input, ".sh"
LDR R1, =(a_sh - 0xB3E)
ADD R6, SP, #0x220+var_C4
LDR R2, =(aSSS - 0xB42)
MOV R0, R6 ; char *
LDR R3, =(aDataDataCom_cc - 0xB46)
ADD R1, PC ; a_sh ; ".sh"
STR R7, [SP,#0x220+var_220]
ADD R2, PC ; "%s%s%s"
STR R1, [SP,#0x220+var_21C]
ADD R3, PC ; "/data/data/com.cci.eapenhance/cache/"
MOVS R1, #0x96 ; size_t
BLX snprintf
LDR R2, =(aScript_pathS - 0xB56)
MOV R1, R5
MOV R3, R6
MOVS R0, #6
ADD R2, PC ; "script_path = %s"
BLX __android_log_print
LDR R1, =(aR - 0xB60)
MOV R0, R6 ; char *
ADD R1, PC ; "r"
BLX fopen
MOV R9, R0
CBZ R0, loc_BAA
The below code simply performs;
LDR R2, =(aSS - 0xB74)
MOVS R1, #0x96 ; size_t
LDR R3, =(aSystemBinSh - 0xB76)
ADD R0, SP, #0x220+var_15C ; char *
STR R6, [SP,#0x220+var_220]
ADD R2, PC ; "%s %s"
ADD R3, PC ; "/system/bin/sh"
BLX snprintf
LDR R2, =(aCmdS - 0xB84)
MOV R1, R5
ADD R3, SP, #0x220+var_15C
MOVS R0, #6
ADD R2, PC ; "cmd========================%s"
BLX __android_log_print
ADD R0, SP, #0x220+var_15C ; char *
BLX system
MOV R0, R9 ; FILE *
BLX fclose
MOV R0, R6 ; char *
BLX remove
ADD R0, SP, #0x220+var_15C ; void *
MOVS R1, #0 ; int
MOVS R2, #0x96 ; size_t
BLX memset
The application /system/app/EAP_SU.apk
, package name com.cci.eapsu
, has an unprotected Broadcast Receiver that acts a backdoor. This allows
ab unprivledged user to execute shell commands as root through eapd
without relying on the two previous CVEs. This may be exploited from an
app or adb using a broadcast containing the script in an extra named 'cmd'. The broadcast receivers should be protected with a strict permission,
hoever in reality EAP_SU and eapd should not exist as they are outside of the normal Andorid permission model.
Vulnerable manifest;
<receiver android:name=".CmdReceiver">
<action android:name="com.cci.eapsu.DoSuCmd" />
Vulnerable code;
public class CmdReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private final String DO_SU_CMD;
static final String TAG = "EAP_SU";
private String cmd;
public CmdReceiver() {
this.DO_SU_CMD = "com.cci.eapsu.DoSuCmd";
this.cmd = "";
protected static boolean DoSuCmd(String arg8) {
boolean v4 = false;
SystemProperties.set("ctl.stop", "my_su_command");
Log.d("EAP_SU", "doCmdByDaemon - cmd = " + arg8);
String CmdPath = "/data";
String CmdName = "cmd.sh";
if(PlatformFeatures.getPlatformID() == 80 || PlatformFeatures.getPlatformID() == 66) {
CmdName = "command.sh";
File fileScript = new File(CmdPath, CmdName);
if(fileScript.exists()) {
if(!FileOperations.writeStrToFile(fileScript.getAbsolutePath(), arg8, false)) {
if(fileScript.exists()) {
Log.e("EAP_SU", "Write " + CmdPath + "/" + CmdName + " script Fail!!");
else {
SystemProperties.set("ctl.start", "my_su_command");
v4 = true;
return v4;
public void onReceive(Context arg4, Intent arg5) {
if(arg5.getAction().equals("com.cci.eapsu.DoSuCmd")) {
this.cmd = arg5.getExtras().getString("cmd");
Log.d("EAP_SU", "onReceive cmd: " + this.cmd);