now you know the tooling!
Let's use testing to DRIVE our development!
- Design
- Imlementation
- Test
- low test coverage
- late testing: rethink problem
- knowledge of implementation: changes how tests are written
- not automated
- Design
- Test
- Implementation
- Red
- Green
- Refactor
- no code without test
- untested code should not go live
- baby steps: only write code to make test pass
- "fake it til you make it"
- triangulation
- obvious implementation
- high test coverage
- increases modularity
- improves maintainability
- implicit documentation
let's code
Fizz-Buzz Kata
- Classical
- aka Detroit, Chicago, "inside-out", "fake it til you make it"
- K. Beck: Test-Driven Development By Example
- London
- aka moquist, "outside-in"
- Freeman & Pryce: Growing Object Oriented Software Guided by Tests
- Munich: David Voelkl
- Hamburg: Ralph Westpfahl