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Offline Installation

Carrie Roberts edited this page Oct 21, 2023 · 23 revisions

To prepare for offline installation you should install Atomic Red Team on an online system of the same OS version where the offline install is to be done. This allows you to easily grab all of the needed files from the online system and move them to the offline system. The instructions below are specific to Windows but you can adjust to make it work on Linux/macOS as well.

Steps to take from the online system:

  1. Install Atomic Red Team on the online system as shown here.
  2. Get the prereqs for all tests so you can copy as many as possible to the offline system. Use Invoke-AtomicTest All -GetPrereqs (preferably with AV disabled). You can skip\cancel any of the application installs because those won't copy over to the offline system.
  3. Copy the following 3 directories from the online system to the offline system:
  • C:\AtomicRedTeam folder
  • PowerShell powershell-yaml folder ($HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Modules or $env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\Modules)
  • We are in the process of standardizing atomics that have external dependencies to download them into the AtomicRedTeam\ExternalPayloads folder. This has be completed for the Windows atomics but not the Linux\macOS atomics. In the latter case, you may need to grab several of the prereqs from the temp directory.

Note: It is recommended that you add an AV exclusion for the C:\AtomicRedTeam folder so that no files from the project are quarantined or deleted.

Steps to take from the offline system:

  1. Make sure the file paths of the folders are the same on the offline system as the online. You should have a C:\AtomicRedTeam folder with three folders in it (atomics,ExternalPayloads, and invoke-atomicredteam). You should have a powershell-yaml folder at $HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Modules or $env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\Modules
  1. Import the Invoke-AtomicRedTeam module as described here.
  2. From an administrative PowerShell prompt run Invoke-AtomicTest All -GetPrereqs which will set any configurations or install prerequisite software onto your offline system. For example, the Wireshark executable will have been downloaded as a prereq that you copied to the offline system but you still need to install it on the offline system.