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SQLSaturday #89 - Atlanta 2011
17 September 2011

SQLSaturday #89 - Atlanta 2011

Event Date: 09/17/2011 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Georgia State University - Alpharetta location
  • 3775 Brookside Pkwy
  • Alpharetta, Georgia

PDF of Schedule

This event has completed. All data shown below is from the historical XML public data available.

If there are any data quality issues or corrections needed, please contact the webmaster for this site or submit a pull request for the appropriate file(s).


This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Inside SQL Server Latches

Abstract: The SQL Server database engine uses latches for internal synchronization to critical operations. So why would you care about what a latch is? Well, if you have ever monitored a SQL Server closely, you know you can’t escape latches. Come to this advanced session exploring the internals of how SQL Server uses the concept of latches for synchronization of key internal data structures. This talk is a very advanced “500” session that may include the use of advanced diagnostics such the Windows debugger and discussion of Windows APIs. I will assume the audience has a basic working knowledge of the SQL Server engine including an understanding of some of the more common SQL Server Engine DMVs such as sys.dm_exec_sessions, sys.dm_exec_requests


  • Bob Ward

Track and Room: DBA Track 2 - N/A

Title: Are you a Linchpin? Career management lessons...

Abstract: Full title is "Are you a Linchpin? Career management lessons to help you become indispensible."

Are consultants better that people who work for ‘regular’ companies? Perhaps it is the other way around? No classification of IT worker is inherently smarter or better than another. However, I believe that many successful SQL Server professionals share similar characteristics that shape their careers and success. Of course they have interesting differences as well! This session explores 20 years of my ideas, learning, and research on this topic. The session also shares the experience of several top SQL Server professions as they share personal thoughts on what has made them indispensible. This is a panel session.


  • Brian Moran

Track and Room: Professional Dev - N/A

Title: 15 Powerful SQL Server Dynamic Management Objects

Abstract: The Dynamic Management Objects--a set of views and functions that first shipped with SQL Server 2005--are a window into the inner workings of your SQL Server instance. Locked within is the data you need to help solve virtually any performance problem, quickly debug issues, and gain insight into what's actually happening on your server, right now. This session is a fast-paced tour of the ins, outs, whys, hows, and even pitfalls of 15 of the most important views and functions--information gleaned from heavy use of the objects in a number of environments. You will learn how to understand transaction behavior, locking, wait statistics, sessions, requests, and much more. Attend this session and you will be the master of your SQL Server instance.


  • Adam Machanic

Track and Room: DBA Track 1 - N/A

Title: Characteristics of a Great Relational Database

Abstract: When queried, most database professionals would mention normalized as one of the most important characteristics that tell the difference between a good and bad database design. I won't disagree in the least, but there is so much more to be considered. Even if you did a great job of normalization, poor naming, poorly implemented keys, too many or too few indexes, and so on can derail your design. In this session I will present seven primary characteristics of a design that differentiates between an ugly design that will have your colleagues nitpicking you to death and one that will have them singing your praises. Characteristics such as comprehendible, documented, secure, well performing, and more will be discussed


  • Louis Davidson

Track and Room: Development - N/A

Title: Inside SQL Server Wait Types

Abstract: Have you ever encountered a wait type with SQL Server but can’t find any information on what it means? Perhaps you have thought the meaning of these is hidden away somewhere in a dark closet? In this talk, we will explore the internals of wait types within the SQL Server Engine. Rather than cover some of the more common wait types such as lock and latches, we will explore the more advanced and obscure wait types that may be surfaced by the engine. The ones you can’t find much information about.


  • Bob Ward

Track and Room: DBA Track 2 - N/A

Title: Centralized auditing of permissions with SQL Serve

Abstract: As a DBA it can be a challenge to know who has permissions to what SQL instances and what objects. The more instances you have the more complex that task. In this presentation I'll share a method using PowerShell and TSQL that can be used to capture permissions from all of your SQL instances and load them into a centralized location. We'll even take it a step further by auditing those permissions so that we can quickly and easily identify any that might have changed.


  • Nicholas Cain

Track and Room: Powershell - N/A

Title: Leadership Coaching: A repeatable methodology...

Abstract: Leadership Coaching: A repeatable methodology for Leadership Development.

Leadership coaching is the practice of using relational influence, the people kind, not the database kind ?, to develop and empower adult leaders. Coaching embraces a set of structured techniques designed to help you make other people more effective in reaching their goals and developing as leaders and is very different from mentoring or counseling and is being embraced more and more by management guru’s around the world. Do you have a systematic approach for developing yourself as a leader? Do you have a systematic approach for investing in and equipping the next generation... (I will edit this to fit...)


  • Brian Moran

Track and Room: Professional Dev - N/A

Title: Does your Query and Reporting tool 'work'?

Abstract: Studies show that in most cases the Query Tool is not the problem! Today's challenge is Data, and no one can help manage your data better than WhereScape RED.

WhereScape and Microsoft have partnered for the newly announced Microsoft SQL Server Fast Track Data Warehouse 3.0. WhereScape RED provides Native support for Microsoft SSIS, SSAS, and T/SQL for the agile production of enterprise-level data integration and transformations solutions.

WhereScape RED is an IDE for managing data warehouses, marts, stores and vaults. RED is the only product that supports the entire data management life cycle by integrating source system exploration, schema design, metadata management, scheduling and enhancement into a single integrated design.


  • Mary Ledbetter

Track and Room: BI Track 1 - N/A

Title: Breaking out of your shell: Cube Dweller to Leader

Abstract: … in which our young hero tells his story of going from lonely developer to community leader. A discussion of discovery, education, and adventure. Learn how to grow beyond a cube dweller to become someone recognized in the community as an enabler and educator.


  • Bobby Dimmick

Track and Room: Professional Dev - N/A

Title: PowerShell: Are you checking out my profile?

Abstract: PowerShell is a very powerful management tool and you can spend hours writing magical scripts to provide automation for frequently run tasks. Often forgotten is the PowerShell profile, a place you can add your own functions which can provide you lightning fast access to information. In this session we'll talk about the power a profile puts at your fingertips. I will also demo (and share) several PowerShell functions that I use frequently for common tasks like checking database backups and disk space. I'll show you my PowerShell profile if you show me yours.


  • Nicholas Cain

Track and Room: Powershell - N/A

Title: The 4-hour DBA: Automate, Audit and Relax

Abstract: Do you feel that you are overworked and always fighting fires and never can get ahead? In this session, I will help you identify what is important to your job and how to find the time to address those critical tasks. I will share scripts to automate those tasks that are central to all DBAs and discuss how to establish a methodology to quickly automate daily database chores. The flip side of automation is auditing. Routine auditing your server is essential to avoid nasty surprises that can lead to a loss of control. We will create an auditing system using features within SQL Server, including Policy Based Management and scripts that will provide you peace of mind to enjoy your work and maybe even life beyond the office.


  • Sarah Barela

Track and Room: DBA Track 1 - N/A

Title: SQL Server Parallelism and Performance

Abstract: Over the past five years, multi-core processors have made the jump from semi-obscure to commonplace in the data center. Today we regularly expect to see 16, 32, or 64 cores in even our lower-end servers. Are you getting everything you can out of the wealth of processing power at your disposal? Attend this session to take a detailed look at how and why SQL Server processes queries in parallel, as well as methods for controlling parallel processing via configuration options, the Resource Governor, and query-level hints. This session will enable you to immediately evaluate, understand, and improve the state of parallel processing on your servers. .


  • Adam Machanic

Track and Room: DBA Track 1 - N/A

Title: Iceberg, Dead Ahead!

Abstract: What does a plane crash have to do with technical skills? You might be surprised. There are many lessons to be learned from disasters. Most accidents are caused not by one factor, but by a series of seemingly-small missteps; It’s the same for us. Even if a freak accident occurs, training and preparation can make all the difference; it's the same for us. In this session we’ll discuss as a group some real-life disasters and see what skills, attitudes and thought processes we can take back to our day jobs. We'll look at a handful of aviation disasters and look for patterns of behavior at fault or that saved the day. Hopefully you'll leave looking for those behaviors in yourself and on your project teams. Fasten your seatbelt!


  • Mike Walsh

Track and Room: DBA Track 3 - N/A

Title: Many-to-Many: Multiple Calendars in a Single Cube

Abstract: Including the fiscal calendars of major customers within the date dimensions of their own cubes has great appeal to some organizations, including financial services firms and the like. After all, having customer calendars in their cubes' date dimension means sales and marketing managers can analyze - and report upon - data according to the fiscal calendar of the customer, as well as within the context of their own. In this session, Microsoft BI Architect and SQL Server MVP Bill Pearson leads an examination into a way we can accomplish this by implementing a SQL Server Analysis Services "many-to-many" dimension scenario.


  • William E Pearson III

Track and Room: BI Track 2 - N/A

Title: SQL “Denali” AlwaysOn High Availability Solutions

Abstract: AlwaysOn is the new High Availability branding for Microsoft SQL Server that combines the best in Clustering, Mirroring, and Log Shipping for a simple, seamless experience. See what Microsoft is building into SQL Server Codename “Denali” and how you can plan for this new way to increase database availability in your shop.


  • Geoff Hiten

Track and Room: DBA Track 2 - N/A

Title: Social Marketing 2011 for Microsoft Professionals

Abstract: Developing a social media platform is a challenge for high-end professionals and consultants. The presenter has successfully leveraged web media to establish a blog (, cofound an online journal (, become a paid video presenter, and secure a spot at Microsoft TechEd 2011. This presentation introduces the basic elements for 2011 of a successful web strategy, starting with discovering your own best personal focus given current market needs. The presenter includes experiences with website development, WordPress blog hosting, leveraging social media services (including Twitter, Linked in, YouTube and Facebook), and working with Microsoft.


  • Mark Tabladillo

Track and Room: Professional Dev - N/A

Title: 7 Different Solutions for Bad Parameter Sniffing

Abstract: Parameter sniffing is a misunderstood issue on SQL Server. Most of the time parameter sniffing is helping performance on your servers. But sometimes, circumstances change and what was helping you is now hurting you, bad. In this session we'll gain an understanding of what exactly parameter sniffing is and why it's usually so helpful. Then, we'll explore how parameter sniffing can wrong and I'll show you seven different ways you can deal with it when it does. You'll bring back a wealth of knowledge so that you can identify and resolve bad parameter sniffing in your own environment.


  • Grant Fritchey

Track and Room: DBA Track 2 - N/A

Title: Log Your Database Objects Execution

Abstract: How do you know your scripts or T-SQL code ran successfully and accomplished what it was ment to? This talk will discuss a generic framework for testing/logging results from database scripts, stored procedures, and other T-SQL coded objects.


  • Alex Tocitu

Track and Room: DBA Track 3 - N/A

Title: Active Directory Content in a SQL Server Database

Abstract: This session will describe an ETL-based approach to loading Active Directory (AD) content into a SQL Server DB. This DB can then be used to provide program-based or interactive access to AD content using familiar SQL syntax without the complexity or limitations of using special AD tools or LDAP queries to directly access AD content. AD content includes users, computers, groups, and group memberships.


  • Scott Russell

Track and Room: DBA Track 1 - N/A

Title: Zero to Cube

Abstract: Come get hands on with Analysis Services and learn how to quickly build a cube in your environment as well as best practices from the SSAS Maestro program co-course director. Adam will get you building cubes right in this session! Come check it out and get to ask your questions!


  • Adam Jorgensen

Track and Room: BI Track 1 - N/A

Title: Storing BLOBs in SQL Server using FILESTREAM

Abstract: Are you faced with the dilemma of where to store large files that are related to your structured, relational data? In this session, FILESTREAM will be discussed in details, with lots of demos, so you'll know when to use this SQL Server 2008 and up feature to handle BLOB storage. The demos will show how to enable FILESTREAM at the instance level, database level and table level; and how to leverage the features for optimum performance in your applications.


  • Sven Aelterman

Track and Room: Development - N/A

Title: Getting Started with Powershell

Abstract: Powershell is becoming an essential skill for any IT professional working with Microsoft products. Many of the concepts upon which Powershell is built are new to non-developers . In this session, we learn the skills necessary to get started. You will learn the object-oriented concepts that are essential to understanding Powershell and see some examples of how Powershell can change the way you think about your job.


  • Jon Boulineau

Track and Room: Powershell - N/A

Title: SSIS Data Flow Buffer Breakdown

Abstract: This session will examine the different types of data flow components, execution trees, data buffers, performance metrics and logging mechanisms. In determining how the buffers are built and used, the developer will begin to understand if, how and why package performance will be impacted when new transformations or columns are added. The developer will further learn how to capture performance metrics to identifiably track these impacts. Finally, the session will take a look at the controls and effects of parallel package and parallel task execution.


  • Eric Wisdahl

Track and Room: BI Track 1 - N/A

Title: ETL Smackdown with Julie Smith

Abstract: In this session, you’ll learn how to load a database using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and PowerShell. You'll see a battle between two database professionals (Aaron Nelson and Julie Smith), attempting to load a database in the fastest, simplest, and most reliable way. You'll see side-by-side solutions developed in each language. In the end you decide which works best for you and who wins the ETL Smackdown


  • Aaron Nelson

Track and Room: Powershell - N/A

Title: SQL Server XML 201

Abstract: The xml datatype in SQL Server expands the potential of the relational platform to store increasingly complex forms of data, but without the use of the appropriate query language, much of that potential can remain unused. This session will cover the basics of SQL Server XQuery and FLWOR; the assumption is that attendees will have some basic exposure to XML (including the use of XML in SQL Server). Learn how to "run queries within a query", and how to extract XML data into a tabular format. Coverage will include the five basic XML methods (.exist(), .value(), .query(), .nodes(), and .modify()) and FLWOR (for, let, where, order by, and return).


  • Stuart Ainsworth

Track and Room: Development - N/A

Title: Monitoring SQL Server in a VMware Environment

Abstract: SQL Server on VMware??? Many of our customers are either virtualizing databases or planning to do so soon. I hear from many groups that attempted running their database on VMware but went back to physical hardware because of performance issues. There are many reasons this may have happened, but quite often the decision to go back to physical was not based on hard facts. This presentation will explore the fundamentals of monitoring databases running in a VMware environment. If you are using classic O/S monitoring tools, you may be getting misleading data. Understand what metrics are important and how to get to that data.


  • Dean Richards

Track and Room: DBA Track 3 - N/A

Title: Dashboards...How to Choose Which MSBI Tool?

Abstract: The Microsoft BI stack has a few choices for visualization. We will explore options, flexibility, limitations, and ease of use for creating dashboards scorecards with:

  • PerformancePoint Services 2010
  • Reporting Services 2008 R2
  • SharePoint Server 2010
  • PowerPivot
  • Crescent.

This session will be a fun one! We will compare and contrast options available in each tool, such as: charts, gauges, maps, indicators, sparklines, data bars, and decomposition trees. The goal is to determine when you might choose one tool in the Microsoft BI stack versus another.


  • Melissa Coates

Track and Room: BI Track 2 - N/A

Title: Diagnosing connectivity issues with SQL Server

Abstract: Evan will show you how to diagnose and solve common connectivity issues. This will include covering GNEs, Kerberos, and general connectivity. He will demonstrate how to use UDLs and network traces to easily identify the problem, plus provide tips that often solve the problem in seconds.


  • Evan Basalik

Track and Room: DBA Track 3 - N/A

Title: Light the Fire on Database Performance

Abstract: Come learn how Ignite for SQL Server is the one SQL Server performance monitoring solution that identifies, analyzes and resolves all of the performance problems affecting applications and users depending on a Microsoft SQL Server instance.

Ignite doesn't just show health metrics, it correlates the most important performance data to build a complete picture of SQL Server performance for the DBA, Developer, and DBA manager. Response time, queries, sessions, and server resources, are all analyzed by Ignite Performance Intelligence to show both historical and real-time conditions affecting database applications.


  • Dean Richards

Track and Room: DBA Track 1 - N/A

Title: It's TEMPDB Why Should You Care

Abstract: TEMPDB is just for temporary data right? It is installed by default and gets recreated each time SQL is restarted so what does it matter right? WRONG. This session will give you great insight into what uses TEMPDB, why TEMPDB is important, what are some best practices for configuring TEMPDB, and how to determine if you have contention. If you have systems where TEMPDB hasn't been touched since the install, you need to attend this session.


  • Tim Radney

Track and Room: Professional Dev - N/A

Title: Revenge: The SQL!

Abstract: Have you been wronged, cheated, lied to, lied about, or deceived by a coworker? Feel like your DBA position offers no opportunity for revenge? WRONG! This session is a light-hearted exploration of some delightfully mischievous SQL design patterns that will annoy, aggravate, and antagonize anyone who has to work with them. (But they deserved it!) Learn how to: create tables with no names; columns with duplicate names; and write perfectly valid yet utterly nonsensical SQL. You may never get to use these techniques…but you'll ache for the chance!


  • Rob Volk

Track and Room: Development - N/A

Title: EMC Strategy with Microsoft Technology

Abstract: EMC will be presenting it's overall EMC strategy in conjunction with Microsoft technology solutions including SQL, Sharepoint and Exchange with an emphasis on best practices around Microsoft SQL. EMC has a long history of partnership with Microsoft in terms of integration and solution deployment and EMC will walk through the partnership synergies and it's product portfolio innovation around SQL Server including storage, backup and recovery, virtualization and security.


  • Dilip Tailor

Track and Room: DBA Track 3 - N/A

Title: Stupid PowerShell Tricks

Abstract: Let's face it - I'm no SQL guy, and you're no .NET developer. But that just means there is a ton we can learn from each other.

Some spend an hour hearing and sharing practical, time-saving PowerShell hacks you can start using today. Start taking your one-liners and turn it into a crisp, clean, reusable PowerShell!


  • Jim Christopher

Track and Room: Powershell - N/A

Title: SQL Developer's Intro to SSAS

Abstract: This session covers a basic overview of SSAS in 08. The session will go over how cube and dimensions are build and developed, basic data mining, and the other information SQL Devs and Data Analysts need to know moving into Analysis Services.


  • Nathan Mourfield

Track and Room: Development - N/A

Title: Master Data Management with Master Data Services

Abstract: This session will provide attendees with an overview of how Master Data Management solutions can be delivered using SQL Server Master Data Services. This will include a brief overview of MDM concepts, a walkthrough of the Master Data Services capabilities, and a demonstration of the product.


  • Eric Melcher

Track and Room: BI Track 1 - N/A

Title: Transaction Log Deep Dive

Abstract: Time for another deep dive from TheSQLGuru, this time on the transaction log. Architecture and internals, monitoring, tuning/optimizing will all be covered. A great learning experience on another pillar of the SQL Server relational engine.


  • Kevin Boles

Track and Room: DBA Track 1 - N/A

Title: Using StudioShell to Automate Visual Studio

Abstract: StudioShell is an open-source deeply integrated PowerShell host available inside of Visual Studio 2010. It’s goal is to fundamentally change the way you interact with your IDE and your code. It exposes many of Visual Studio’s extensibility points in a simple and consistent way, and it makes the Visual Studio programmability features interactive and discoverable. What an add-in does in a compiled binary, StudioShell can accomplish with a one-liner. Come see the possibilities in a session of practical demonstrations given by the author.


  • Jim Christopher

Track and Room: Powershell - N/A

Title: PowerPivot Basics and Creative Implementations

Abstract: This session will cover what you need to know about PowerPivot, how to build PowerPivot models from a variety of data sources, common challenges and basic DAX. We will also look at some often overlooked creative implementations of PowerPivot to expedite BI application delivery and expand Self-Service BI.


  • Jen Underwood

Track and Room: BI Track 1 - N/A

Title: More of Bob Ward

Abstract: This session will wrap up Bob's first session and lead into his second.


  • Bob Ward

Track and Room: DBA Track 2 - N/A

Title: What's New for Business Intelligence in SQL Server

Abstract: This session will cover SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, PowerPivot, BISM and Crescent. We will walk through high level overviews of new features in SSIS, SSRS, SSAS and take a deeper look at improvements in PowerPivot, the new Business Intelligence Semantic Model and new Project Crescent for ad-hoc reporting.


  • Jen Underwood

Track and Room: BI Track 1 - N/A

Title: Introducing Business Intelligence Semantic Model

Abstract: SQL Server 2011 "Denali" unveils the Business Intelligence Semantic Model (BISM) that will support the full spectrum of BI needs for personal, team, and organizational business intelligence. This session introduces you to BISM and focuses on its tabular capabilities. My goal is bring you up to speed on the new developments in Analysis Services and PowerPivot for the "Denali" release.


  • Teo Lachev

Track and Room: BI Track 2 - N/A

Title: Top 10 Admin Mistakes on SQL Server

Abstract: Microsoft SQL Server is easier to administrate than any other relational database on the market. But “easier than everyone else” doesn’t mean it’s easy. And it doesn’t mean that database administration on SQL Server is problem free. And since SQL Server is constantly growing from small, home-grown applications, many IT professionals end up encountering issues that others had tackled and solved years ago. Why not learn from those who first blazed the trails of database administration, so that we don’t make the same mistakes over and over again. In fact, wouldn’t you like to learn about those mistakes before they ever happen?


  • Kevin Kline

Track and Room: DBA Track 3 - N/A

Title: Database Makeover: Renovate Your Data Model

Abstract: You know the concepts of normalization, logical modeling, and physical implementation. But what happens when you’ve inherited a less than perfect data model? You need to renovate while keeping the production system humming. In this session, we’ll talk about how to evaluate an existing model, how to approach design when your system is up and running and how to incrementally apply database design changes in a fast-moving environment. Every database, even ones consisting of a collection of flat, unrelated tables, has the potential to become a beautiful database. All you need is an eye for design and a strategy to get you there.


  • Audrey Hammonds

Track and Room: BI Track 2 - N/A

Title: Do More (ETL) with Less (Effort) - Automating SSIS

Abstract: SSIS is a great tool for transferring data from one data source to another, and for implementing complex ETL processes. However, for simple, straightforward data transfer tasks or packages that adhere to a pattern, creating SSIS packages by hand can be time-consuming and repetitious. By attending this session, you'll learn how to automate package creation in SSIS, including the dynamic generation of data flows. We’ll cover some of the free and open source tools available for this, and discuss “roll your own” options.


  • John Welch

Track and Room: BI Track 2 - N/A


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Aaron Nelson

Twitter: - SQLvariant

LinkedIn: Aaron Nelson


Aaron Nelson is an author, public speaker, blogger, and leader in the community. He has over 15 years of experience in architecture, Business Intelligence, development, and performance tuning of SQL Server. Aaron has received many certifications and is a six time winner of the Microsoft MVP Award.

Aaron leads the PowerShell Virtual Group of PASS (, is a board member of, and is a volunteer at his PASS Local Group, AtlantaMDF.

Mark Tabladillo


Mark Tabladillo is a Microsoft MVP and has a primary career consulting with companies across commercial and non-profit industries in the United States and around the world. Mark regularly presents at major technical conferences such as Microsoft’s TechEd and SAS Global Forum. Mark’s business mission is to empower and inspire executives, architects and developers with insights from data mining, predictive analytics and business intelligence to make actionable decisions. Mark has a blog at http:/

Sven Aelterman

Twitter: - @svenaelterman

LinkedIn: Sven Aelterman


Sven Aelterman is the Director of IT for the Sorrell College of Business at Troy University; a role with a global scope. He is also a lecturer in Information Systems and teaches courses in data warehousing and information security. He continues consulting work through Adduxis, where he assists customers with various Microsoft technology implementations. Co-author of The Art of SQL Server FILESTREAM, published by Red Gate; and SQL Server 2017 Administration Inside Out, published by Microsoft Press. Cloud Software Architect at Sorrell Solutions, L.L.C. developing a Microsoft Azure-hosted Electronic Health Record system.

Alex Tocitu

Alex Tocitu is a software engineer with an MSEE in Automation and Control, and an MBA in Finance. With over 2x years of software practice he has enjoyed 1x of them in Sillicon Valley. After a long time with Java and Sybase/Oracle, he currently works with C#/C++ and SQL Server and has lots of fun. Alex Tocitu speaks at local user groups, SQLSaturdays and code camps; he also writes articles for MSSQLTips and SQLServerCentral. Alex is an avid chess player both live and online.

Kevin Boles

Twitter: - @TheSQLGuru

LinkedIn: Kevin Boles

Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.

Eric Wisdahl

Twitter: - @EricWisdahl

LinkedIn: Eric Wisdahl

Eric Wisdahl is a computer engineer working in the database field. He has held multiple roles and positions in e-commerce, marketing and insurance industries. Currently, he is working as a database administrator in a development role for an e-commerce company.

Eric Wisdahl does not like writing about himself in the third person. It is kind of creepy.

Dean Richards

LinkedIn: Dean Richards

Dean Richards is a Senior DBA for DBMS Insights and has helped hundreds of companies solve database and virtualization performance issues. Dean has over 20 years of experience in both development and database administration and has focused his entire career on performance tuning of Oracle and SQL Server environments. Most recently Dean has focused on the trend to virtualize and move databases to the cloud.

Jon Boulineau


Jon Boulineau is a 12 year it veteran currently working as a DBA for a Fortune 500 company. In addition to his work as a DBA he has survived phases as a network engineer, systems administrator, and developer in his career. He resides in Columbus, GA with his wife and four children.

Teo Lachev

Twitter: -

LinkedIn: Teo Lachev


Teo Lachev is an internationally-recognized authority on Data Analytics. Through his Atlanta-based company Prologika, a Microsoft Gold Partner in Data Analytics, he helps organizations make sense of their most valuable asset: their data. His strategy formulation, trusted advisory and mentoring, design and implementation services empower clients to apply effectively data analytics in order to understand, improve, and transform their business processes.

Teo has authored and co-authored several bestselling books on organizational and self-service data analytics, and he has been leading the Atlanta Microsoft BI and Power BI group since he founded it in 2010. Teo has been a Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP) Data Platform since 2010.

Adam Jorgensen

Twitter: - wadamj

LinkedIn: Adam Jorgensen


As President of Pragmatic Works Consulting Adam drives market strategy, sales, partnerships, implementation and thought leadership. He has over 15 years of experience helping companies use their data to fuel their growth. Adam has been wowing audiences around the world for over a decade. He has delivered hundreds of sessions, published over a dozen books and hundreds of online videos and webinars on data and cloud topics. His passion is growing companies and mentoring leaders and companies to help them achieve their dreams.

Scott Russell

Scott Russell started working with SQL Server using pre-release version 4.2 on pre-release Windows NT 3.1. He currently works as a senior DBA at RPC in Atlanta. Scott has extensive experience in IT, including roles in database architecture and administration, technology planning, development, and operations. He received BS and MS degrees from Georgia Tech in Information and Computer Science.

Evan Basalik

I spent 10 years doing RD for a major textile manufacturer. I joined Microsoft 5 years ago and is currently a Support Escalation Engineer on the SQL Server team. I specialize in connectivity, database client code, and Reporting Services. In addition, he has been working on SQL Azure since before it was even called SQL Azure. .

Sarah Barela

Twitter: - @sarahspace


Sarah Barela is a Senior Manager at CBeyond Cloud Services, formerly MaximumASP. She has a Master’s degree in Information Science from the University of Texas, where she specialized in Database Management Systems. Sarah has spent over 15 years focusing on the administration of enterprise environments with large numbers of SQL Servers. Sarah is currently responsible for a rapidly growing environment with more than 2000 SQL Server instances. Her latest interests are in applying cloud technologies to SQL Server environments. Sarah has been a guest speaker at a number of PASS Chapter meetings, SSWUG Virtual Conferences, SQL Connections, SQLSaturday events, and the 2007, 2009, and 2010 PASS Summits.

Stuart Ainsworth

Twitter: - @codegumbo

LinkedIn: Stuart Ainsworth


Stuart Ainsworth (MA, MEd) manages a team of Service Reliability Engineers for the Gladiator Enterprise Information Security Services section of Profitstars, a division of Jack Henry and Associates. He's a former DBA, developer, consultant, and public speaking professor. He's one of the chapter leaders for AtlantaMDF, and a long-time organizer of SQLSaturday's. He tweets infrequently (@codegumbo) and blogs even less often at

Dean Richards

LinkedIn: Dean Richards

Dean Richards is a Senior DBA for DBMS Insights and has helped hundreds of companies solve database and virtualization performance issues. Dean has over 20 years of experience in both development and database administration and has focused his entire career on performance tuning of Oracle and SQL Server environments. Most recently Dean has focused on the trend to virtualize and move databases to the cloud.

Tim Radney

Twitter: - @tradney

LinkedIn: Tim Radney


Tim is a Data Platform MVP and has a whole collection of Microsoft and other industry certifications. His experience includes HA/DR, virtualization, SSIS, SSRS, and performance tuning, among everything else SQL Server-related. Tim is very active and passionate in the SQL Community. He runs the Columbus GA SQL Users Group, has been a PASS Regional Mentor for a number of years, was named a PASS Outstanding Volunteer in 2012, and is a frequent speaker at user groups, SQLSaturdays and PASS Summits. Tim is one of the top ranked in karma on, answers questions as @tradney on Twitter, and blogs at and SQLskills blog at

Adam Machanic

Twitter: - @AdamMachanic

LinkedIn: Adam Machanic


Adam Machanic is a Boston-based SQL Server developer, writer, and speaker. He focuses on large-scale data warehouse performance and development, and is the author of the award-winning SQL Server monitoring stored procedure, quot;sp_WhoIsActive.quot; He has contributed to several books on SQL Server, including quot;T-SQL Queryingquot; (Microsoft Press, 2015). He is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for SQL Server.

Mike Walsh

Twitter: - mike_walsh

LinkedIn: Mike Walsh


Mike Walsh is an experienced SQL Server professional and has worked with SQL Server since version 6.5. He has been in the role of DBA, developer, and performance tuner, but always leans on his DBA and tuning experience. He has been awarded the SQL Server (now Data Platform) designation 6 times since 2011 and is a current MVP. He runs a SQL Server consultancy focused on DBA services and cloud enablement. He has spoken several times at PASS and regional events. In his spare time, he runs a small farm with his family in rural New Hampshire and is a call Firefighter in his small town.

Grant Fritchey

Twitter: - @gfritchey

LinkedIn: Grant Fritchey


Grant Fritchey is a Data Platform MVP with over 20 years’ experience in IT, including time spent in support and development. He has worked with SQL Server since 6.0 back in 1995. He has also developed in VB, VB.NET, C#, and Java. Grant has written books for Apress and Simple-Talk. Grant presents at conferences and user groups, large and small, all over the world. He joined Redgate Software as a product evangelist in January 2011.

Adam Machanic

Twitter: - @AdamMachanic

LinkedIn: Adam Machanic


Adam Machanic is a Boston-based SQL Server developer, writer, and speaker. He focuses on large-scale data warehouse performance and development, and is the author of the award-winning SQL Server monitoring stored procedure, quot;sp_WhoIsActive.quot; He has contributed to several books on SQL Server, including quot;T-SQL Queryingquot; (Microsoft Press, 2015). He is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for SQL Server.

Louis Davidson

Twitter: - drsql

LinkedIn: Louis Davidson


Louis Davidson has worked in the IT industry for over 25 years as a corporate database developer and architect. He has been a Microsoft SQL Server MVP for 15 years and has written five books on database design, and contributed to many other SQL Server books as an author and tech editor. He has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. You can read more about Louis at

Melissa Coates


Melissa Coates is a Business Intelligence developer based in Charlotte, NC. As a Senior Consultant with Intellinet, she specializes in delivering BI and Data Warehousing solutions. Formerly a CPA, Melissa is ridiculously proud to be an IT geek. Her background gives her a valuable blend of technical, business, and training skills. When Melissa steps away from the laptop, you can probably find her hanging out with her border collie. Melissa blogs at

William E Pearson III

Twitter: - @Bill_Pearson

LinkedIn: William E Pearson III


Bill Pearson created Island Technologies Inc. in 1997, and has developed a large and diverse customer base since. Bill#39;s background as a CPA, Internal Auditor, Management Accountant, and SQL Server MVP (BI) enables him to provide value to clients as a liaison between Accounting / Finance and Information Services. Bill has implemented enterprise business intelligence systems over the years for many Fortune 500 companies and focuses his practice upon the integrated Microsoft Business Intelligence

Mary Ledbetter


Mary will be presenting a lunchtime session for WhereScape.

Geoff Hiten

Twitter: - SQLCraftsman

LinkedIn: Geoff Hiten

Geoff Hiten is a Technical Solutions Professional at Microsoft. Geoff began working with SQL Server in 1992 with version 4.2 and has used every version since. He specializes in highly available SQL systems, performance tuning, and systems migration. Geoff is heavily involved in the Microsoft SQL Server Community and was initially awarded MVP status in 2004. Geoff was appointed in 2011 to fill an interim Director position at the National PASS organization.

Jen Underwood

Twitter: - @idigdata

LinkedIn: Jen Underwood


Jen Underwood is a Senior Director at DataRobot. Over the past 20 years, Jen has held worldwide product management roles at Microsoft and served as a technical lead for system implementation firms. She has a unique blend of product management and “hands-on” experience in data warehousing, reporting, visualization, and advanced analytics. In addition to keeping a constant pulse on industry trends, she enjoys digging into oceans of data to solve complex problems with machine learning.

Jen has a Bachelor of Business Administration – Marketing, Cum Laude from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and a post-graduate certificate in Computer Science – Data Mining from the University of California, San Diego.

Jim Christopher

Twitter: -

LinkedIn: Jim Christopher


Jim gained 18 years of professional experience developing complex software projects in highly regulated industries, including education, gaming, and defense. His professional drive is designing software, systems, and user experiences for automation, a theme that has earned him a Microsoft MVP for PowerShell (2011-2016). Jim is a frequent speaker at technical user groups and conferences. He is currently Curriculum Director at Pluralsight.

Bob Ward

Twitter: - bobwardms


Bob Ward is a Principal Architect for the Microsoft Azure Data SQL Server team, which owns the development for all SQL Server versions. Bob has worked for Microsoft for 26+ years on every version of SQL Server shipped from OS/2 1.1 to SQL Server 2019 including Azure SQL. Bob is a well-known speaker on SQL Server, often presenting talks on new releases, internals, and performance at events such as PASS Summit, Red Hat Summit, Microsoft Ready, SQLBits, SQLIntersection, Microsoft Inspire, and Microsoft Ignite. You can follow him at @bobwardms or Bob is the author of the books Pro SQL Server on Linux and SQL Server 2019 Revealed available from Apress Media. Twitter:

Nathan Mourfield

Nathan has developing BI solutions with MS SQL and Sybase ASE for the last 11 years in health care, 8 of those involved working with SSAS. He currently works at a large hospital as a systems analyst, specializing in line and middle management analytic applications, specifically on the business/finance side.

Jen Underwood

Twitter: - @idigdata

LinkedIn: Jen Underwood


Jen Underwood is a Senior Director at DataRobot. Over the past 20 years, Jen has held worldwide product management roles at Microsoft and served as a technical lead for system implementation firms. She has a unique blend of product management and “hands-on” experience in data warehousing, reporting, visualization, and advanced analytics. In addition to keeping a constant pulse on industry trends, she enjoys digging into oceans of data to solve complex problems with machine learning.

Jen has a Bachelor of Business Administration – Marketing, Cum Laude from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and a post-graduate certificate in Computer Science – Data Mining from the University of California, San Diego.

Bob Ward

Twitter: - bobwardms


Bob Ward is a Principal Architect for the Microsoft Azure Data SQL Server team, which owns the development for all SQL Server versions. Bob has worked for Microsoft for 26+ years on every version of SQL Server shipped from OS/2 1.1 to SQL Server 2019 including Azure SQL. Bob is a well-known speaker on SQL Server, often presenting talks on new releases, internals, and performance at events such as PASS Summit, Red Hat Summit, Microsoft Ready, SQLBits, SQLIntersection, Microsoft Inspire, and Microsoft Ignite. You can follow him at @bobwardms or Bob is the author of the books Pro SQL Server on Linux and SQL Server 2019 Revealed available from Apress Media. Twitter:

Audrey Hammonds

Twitter: - @DataAudrey

LinkedIn: Audrey Hammonds


Audrey Hammonds is a Data Platform Specialist for Microsoft in South Florida. Twenty-one years ago, she volunteered for database training to escape the clutches of COBOL and has never looked back. A firm believer in good fundamentals and solid design, she gets her kicks from making data do nifty things. These days, she gets her kicks from helping customers adopt data services in Azure.

John Welch

Twitter: - @john_welch

LinkedIn: John Welch


John Welch joined SentryOne in spring 2018 as VP of Engineering with the acquisition by SentryOne of the software division of Pragmatic Works. John leads the development of a suite of products that make developing, managing, and documenting data solutions easier. John has been successfully delivering IT solutions to business problems since 1994, and has been focused on business intelligence and data warehousing technologies since 2001. He is a Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP), and a frequent presenter on SQL Server and data topics. He also contributes to several open source projects and community initiatives targeted toward making data professionals work more productive.

Brian Moran

Twitter: - @briancmoran

LinkedIn: Brian Moran


Brian Moran is Chief Servant Officer at Linchpin People and has been active in the SQL Server community for more than 20 years. Brian co-founded one of the first SQL Server user groups in the world, was one of the first SQL Server MVPs, was on the SQL Server Magazine launch team, and has served on the PASS Board of Directors in two separate terms. Brian#39;s roles in the SQL Server community include technologist, author, community leader, and entrepreneur.

Nicholas Cain


Nicholas Cain is a Microsoft Certified Master with over 12 years of enterprise database administration experience. He has worked with all versions of SQL Server since 7.0 in critical highly available production environments. He has not hired dozens of DBAs over the last few years.

Bobby Dimmick


Bobby Dimmick is a Software Architect at VC3, Inc., in Columbia, South Carolina. Between jet-setting around the world and trying to keep up with his 7 year old he acts as a modern-day technology Macgyver - defusing complex situations amongst techies, clients, and everyone in-between. He has a passion for travel, good sushi, languages, and challenging technical problems.

Dilip Tailor

Dilip Tailor is an Advisory Technical Consultant at EMC.

Jim Christopher

Twitter: -

LinkedIn: Jim Christopher


Jim gained 18 years of professional experience developing complex software projects in highly regulated industries, including education, gaming, and defense. His professional drive is designing software, systems, and user experiences for automation, a theme that has earned him a Microsoft MVP for PowerShell (2011-2016). Jim is a frequent speaker at technical user groups and conferences. He is currently Curriculum Director at Pluralsight.

Brian Moran

Twitter: - @briancmoran

LinkedIn: Brian Moran


Brian Moran is Chief Servant Officer at Linchpin People and has been active in the SQL Server community for more than 20 years. Brian co-founded one of the first SQL Server user groups in the world, was one of the first SQL Server MVPs, was on the SQL Server Magazine launch team, and has served on the PASS Board of Directors in two separate terms. Brian#39;s roles in the SQL Server community include technologist, author, community leader, and entrepreneur.

Bob Ward

Twitter: - bobwardms


Bob Ward is a Principal Architect for the Microsoft Azure Data SQL Server team, which owns the development for all SQL Server versions. Bob has worked for Microsoft for 26+ years on every version of SQL Server shipped from OS/2 1.1 to SQL Server 2019 including Azure SQL. Bob is a well-known speaker on SQL Server, often presenting talks on new releases, internals, and performance at events such as PASS Summit, Red Hat Summit, Microsoft Ready, SQLBits, SQLIntersection, Microsoft Inspire, and Microsoft Ignite. You can follow him at @bobwardms or Bob is the author of the books Pro SQL Server on Linux and SQL Server 2019 Revealed available from Apress Media. Twitter:

Kevin Kline


Kevin Kline is the Director of Engineering Services at SQL Sentry. A Microsoft SQL Server MVP, Kevin is a founding board member of PASS, editor-in-chief of and the author of popular IT books like “SQL in a Nutshell” (O’Reilly Associates). His twitter handle is @kekline and he blogs at Kevin is a top-rated speaker at industry trade shows and has been active in the IT industry for over 20 years.

Eric Melcher


Eric Melcher brings over 10 years of technology and consulting experience delivering data management and business intelligence solutions across a variety of industry verticals, with focuses on manufacturing, logistics, energy, services, and insurance. At Profisee, Eric leads the Master Data Management practice, guiding Profisee’s customers in the development of Master Data

Nicholas Cain


Nicholas Cain is a Microsoft Certified Master with over 12 years of enterprise database administration experience. He has worked with all versions of SQL Server since 7.0 in critical highly available production environments. He has not hired dozens of DBAs over the last few years.

Rob Volk

Twitter: - sql_r

LinkedIn: Rob Volk


Rob Volk is a SQL Server DBA in the Metro Atlanta area since 2001. He also moderates and answers the forums on While an old-time cranky DBA, he no longer considers quot;business intelligencequot; an oxymoron or quot;the cloudquot; as merely atmospheric moisture, and is delightedly dipping his toes into both of these new oceans, and loves to do things in new and and unusual ways.


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