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SQLSaturday #46 - Raleigh 2010 |
18 September 2010 |
Event Date: 09/18/2010 00:00:00
Event Location:
- 4101 Doie Cope Road
- Raleigh, North Carolina
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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.
Abstract: When doing data integration, a common requirement is to work with flat files, whether for importing data into a system from an external source, or to export it to provide to other systems. SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) supports flat files, but there can be a number of challenges when working with them. This is particularly true if your flat files have multiple data formats contained in a single file, the data has complex formatting, or the files have inconsistent formatting. This session will help you to be more efficient when working with these types of files. You’ll learn to handle missing delimiters in the files, and parsing files that have multiple data formats. You’ll also see how to produce complex output formats.
- John Welch
Track and Room: Track 1 - N/A
Abstract: Starting with SQL Server 2005, Microsoft has made a significant effort to truly streamline partitioning data to be on par with industry leading databases like Oracle. The potential was not fully harnessed by the SQL Server community primarily due to the lack of any user interface associated with partitioning and due to lack of cohesive documentation. For many, Kimberly Tripp’s white paper on “Partitioned Tables and Indexes in SQL Server 2005” is generally regarded as a primary guiding source that bridges the void in MS documentation. Come and get a quick start on partitioning. It is simple, efficient. Manageability and performance come part and parcel.
- Jana Sattainathan
Track and Room: Track 3 - N/A
Abstract: In a world where separation of responsibilities becomes more and more important, the borders between DBAs and developers have grown wider than ever. For the developer seeking to employ the services of SQL Server, Interaction with one or more DBAs at certain stages of the development life cycle is nearly a given. This session discusses tips and techniques to follow that can ensure these interactions are civil, and maybe even pleasant. We will also briefly discuss features included in SQL Server 2008 R2 designed to help abstract DBA and developer division of responsibilities. This topic includes tips on TSQL scripting, deployment techniques, bad habits to avoid beginning execution plan analysis.
- Jason Hall
Track and Room: Track 5 - N/A
Abstract: This session will demonstrate how SQL Server execution plans can be used to identify problems with the database design, or the TSQL code, and address those problems. The session takes the user through various common issues such as poor or missing indexes, badly written code and generally bad query performance, demonstrating how to identify the issues involved using execution plans. The session will then demonstrate methods for addressing the issues and show how the fixed query's execution plans differ. Multiple methods for accessing execution plans including GUI, DMV's, and trace events are demonstrated. This lays a foundation for a general troubleshooting approach to empower the attendee to make their own queries run faster.
- Grant Fritchey
Track and Room: Track 3 - N/A
Abstract: Learn Windows PowerShell best practices as they apply to each stage of the script development lifecycle. See the differences between working interactively from the Windows PowerShell prompt, writing an inline script, adding basic function, advanced functions and finally the implementation of Windows PowerShell Modules. What is a local best practice for Windows PowerShell development is not the same as a global best practice, and this talk covers those differences.
- Ed Wilson
Track and Room: Track 6 - N/A
Abstract: We are going to examine a variety of oopsies MANY developers fall prey to - some obvious, some fairly subtle and some down right sneaky! Lots of code examples with the bad AND good code presented.
- Kevin Boles
Track and Room: Track 4 - N/A
Abstract: Some of the most common issues encountered with SSIS are related to configuring and deploying the packages in different environments. There are a number of options for how to configure your package, and more options for how to deploy them. When you combine the available options, the possibilities can be overwhelming. During this session, we will discuss several patterns for handling configurations and deployment in SSIS. Specifically, we’ll cover two patterns for configurations – a simple pattern that can be applied to most scenarios, and a more complex pattern that provides a great deal of flexibility. We’ll also cover two methods of deploying the packages that leverage the configuration patterns.
- John Welch
Track and Room: Track 1 - N/A
Abstract: This highly-interactive, demo-intense presentation is for beginners and developers just getting started with SSIS. Attend and learn how to build SSIS packages from the ground up
- Andy Leonard
Track and Room: Track 1 - N/A
Abstract: PowerPivot is one of the most significant, arguably Microsoft’s most important Business Intelligence (BI) advance since the advent of Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2005. It seriously delivers on the long-awaited promise of “self-service BI” and “BI for the masses”, by leveraging Microsoft Excel, the world’s most-used analysis platform, Microsoft SharePoint, the rapidly growing collaboration platform, and a new, in-memory version of Analysis Services. PowerPivot enables end users to build high performance analytic applications without having to wait for IT to build cubes and develop the extract transform and load (ETL) process to populate them, or to learn MDX to achieve multidimensional calculations.
- Flavio Almeida
Track and Room: Track 5 - N/A
Abstract: Change Data Capture (CDC) is used by data warehouse applications to retrieve Type I and Type II dimension updates. This sessions provides a walk through of Microsoft's newest SQL Replication feature called CDC. Sessions covers overview of CDC, setting up CDC and using various CDC functions to retrieve list of Type I and Type II data changes.
- Chris Skorlinski
Track and Room: Track 1 - N/A
Abstract: There are number of tools available on the market for the SQL Server performance troubleshooting. But do we use the full power of the internal SQL Server Data Management Views (DMVs)? Some very challenging issues can be solved using DMVs. What the Dynamic Management Views are? How diagnostics data is getting populated? Using the examples we are going to talk about diagnostic data analysis using T-SQL queries against SQL Server DMVs.
- Sergey Pustovit
Track and Room: Track 3 - N/A
Abstract: This session will be an in-depth session of the reasons for and against using dynamic SQL in applications. We'll look at different ways to write dynamic SQL statements, performance and security considerations that accompany using dynamic SQL, and how and when to take advantage of this powerful tool.
- Tim Chapman
Track and Room: Track 4 - N/A
Abstract: Excel provides a compelling and ubiquitous interface for Microsoft Data Mining. With new features available through PowerPivot, business users can apply the technology through a well-designed infrastructure of Microsoft technologies. This presentation will welcome any newcomers to data mining, and provide interactive demos which highlight data mining through these technologies.
- Mark Tabladillo
Track and Room: Track 2 - N/A
Abstract: Attribute discretization is an oft-overlooked feature in Analysis Services that allows us to automatically create a manageable number of groups of attribute values that are clearly separated by boundaries. Discretization can help us to make it easier for information consumers to work with large numbers of possible attribute member values. In this session, we will discuss the varied options, the design (and other) considerations involved, and best practices surrounding the use of this capability.
- William E. Pearson III
Track and Room: Track 2 - N/A
Abstract: When you mention CLR does your DBA run screaming from the room? Have you considered using the CLR but are intimidated by .Net and how foreign it seems compared to T-SQL? Have you ever thought that working with strings and dates in T-SQL is needlessly difficult and painful? This session will help demystify CLR integration, show you how to expose basic CLR functionality to your database, demonstrate how to get large performance gains from very little CLR code and give you the information and evidence you need to convince your DBA that the CLR is not inherently evil, and in the right circumstance, is the best solution to a problem
- Kevin Goode
Track and Room: Track 4 - N/A
Abstract: With the introduction of the XML data type in SQL Server 2005 a new level of flexibility has been introduced to relational database environments to support loosely structured data. To get that data back requires an understanding of XQuery, the powerful query language written for XML specifically. This session will cover the basics of XQuery and help you get up to speed on this new environment.
- Allen White
Track and Room: Track 4 - N/A
Abstract: “Like other occult techniques of divination, the statistical method has a private jargon deliberately contrived to obscure its methods from non-practitioners.” Ashley-Perry Statistical Axioms Statistics are the life blood of a cost based optimizers such as SQL Server and are a key component of performance tuning. This session will attempt to demystify statistics in regards to SQL Server the query optimizer. The internals of statistics will be examined and explained so that you will understand what statistics are available, how the optimizer uses those statistics, what causes statistics to be recomputed and when it happens.
- Kevin Goode
Track and Room: Track 3 - N/A
Abstract: Working together, Change Data Capture (CDC) and SSIS can identify changed data and move changes to your Data Warehouse. This session will focus on using SSIS package to pull daily, hourly, or near real-time Type I and Type II dimension changes from SQL Server running CDC.
- Chris Skorlinski
Track and Room: Track 1 - N/A
Abstract: This session is for experienced SSIS developers. Attend and learn the Parent-Child SSIS design pattern, how to leverage less-than-well-documented characteristics of SSIS to centralize logging, and how to pass variable values between parent and child packages by value and by reference.
- Andy Leonard
Track and Room: Track 1 - N/A
Abstract: How do you tell good code from bad? Bad SQL code makes the system work harder for the same results. Bad SQL does not scale well with larger data sizes, nor does it scale with increased server activity. Extreme Bad SQL can bring a server to a grinding halt. This presentation shows you how and why certain commonly used SQL constructions are Bad SQL. Bad SQL is not very useful by itself so each example includes its Good SQL counterpart.
- Geoff Hiten
Track and Room: Track 5 - N/A
Abstract: In this session we will look at what text mining tools are available for document classification with DMX (Data Mining Extensions). This example is a powerful yet often underutilized feature of SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services). We will walk through the process of allowing SSAS aid in document classification. We will look at criteria to decide implementations based on several different implementations. Finally we will evaluate where text mining can help you in a practical business environment.
- Mark Tabladillo
Track and Room: Track 2 - N/A
Abstract: In this session Mike shows you the new features in Reporting Services 2008 R2. You will learn how to use the Map control, Sparkline, Indicator, and Data Bars. See the new report builder 3.0. Learn about shared Data sets and report parts. Learn how to drill down from the US level to the state level using the map controls.
- Mike Davis
Track and Room: Track 5 - N/A
Abstract: Performance tuning is hard, everyone knows that. Attend this session and learn how to define, measure, and analyze performance issues as well as implementing changes and also how to make sure those changes continue to have the desired effects. In short, I break down performance tuning into pieces that anyone can understand. Leave this session knowing what actions to take when you get back to work on Monday.
- Thomas LaRock
Track and Room: Track 3 - N/A
Abstract: There is simply no substitute for proper planning when it comes to deploying and configuring a SQL Server instance. Do you know what options you should change or set when installing or configuring a SQL Server instance? If not you are certainly not alone. This session will cover the best practices for the key areas regarding the configuration of the SQL Server instance and the underlying server. Keeping these best practices mind will give you a head start on ensuring your database will be scalable and perform at its best.
- Andrew Kelly
Track and Room: Track 6 - N/A
Abstract: For DBAs PowerShell provides a simple but powerful way to automate everyday tasks. This session walks you through a dozen scripts to simplify and easily automate time-consuming and tedious elements of your day to day job. This isn’t stuff you’ll use SOMEDAY, these are scripts you can use when you get home tonight. Harness the power of PowerShell to easily find Servers short on space, Script out tables and constraints across all of your databases at once. Backup databases and restore them to a different environment. These tricks and many others will allow PowerShell to simplify your job like no other tool.
- Aaron Nelson
Track and Room: Track 6 - N/A
Abstract: Learn about the major changes in clustering in recent SQL and Windows releases and how clustering is something you can implement that will actually make your work life easier.
- Geoff Hiten
Track and Room: Track 6 - N/A
Abstract: This session is for software developers tasked with database development. Attend and learn about patterns and anti-patterns of database development, one method for building re-executable Transact-SQL deployment scripts, a method for using SqlCmd to deploy re-executable Transact-SQL deployment scripts, and fodder for a lively discussion about NULLs.
- Andy Leonard
Track and Room: Track 4 - N/A
Abstract: Object Relational Mappers (ORMs) are a tool often praised by developers and despised by DBAs. I'll show that, like most tools, ORMs have their place if used responsibly. They can also get out of hand if they are trusted to always do the right thing. I will demonstrate usage of the most common ORMs for .NET and how each can go awry as well as how to monitor each for proper usage. This will not be a validation or admonishment of their usage; simply a look at their advantages and how to overcome some of their disadvantages.
- Eric Humphrey
Track and Room: Track 6 - N/A
Abstract: Lack of plan reuse is one of the biggest performance killers in SQL Server and almost everyone has experienced problems in this area before. We will explore exactly how to determine if this is an issue for you and more importantly, how to address it. See what factors determine if a plan gets reused or not and why. We will cover how to issue calls to the database that guarantee reuse and peak performance. Understanding this aspect of SQL Server is something every good DBA should be fully aware of and attending this session will get you the insight to get started immediately.
- Andrew Kelly
Track and Room: Track 3 - N/A
Abstract: The range of real-world queries that can be performed using set-based TSQL solutions is astounding, but many of these are not well known and if you haven't been shown the light you might never realize what is possible. Come and join me as we delve into the inner recesses and corners of the TSQL envelope using a wide variety of expressions, clauses and techniques.
- Kevin Boles
Track and Room: Track 4 - N/A
Abstract: In this session Mike shows parameters in many different ways including cascading, Default Values, Available Values, Multi value with the Split Functions in Stored Procedures, and custom code. Learn how to change the formatting of a report using Parameters.
- Mike Davis
Track and Room: Track 2 - N/A
Abstract: This is a session for the SQL DBA that has SSAS in their environment, but is not sure what happens under the hood when it queried, much less how to tell if it's performing at its best. This is not a session on query optimization. But, this session will help you better understand if there is room for query optimization or if some basic configuration changes might provide that needed boost. We'll discuss the basic architecture of SSAS and cover some of the most pertinent metrics to give you a quick and easy view into your SSAS server's performance.
- Steven Wright
Track and Room: Track 2 - N/A
Abstract: The decision to incorporate a data warehouse into your company’s daily routine is not an easy process. This interactive session will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of having a data warehouse. As a group, we will present reporting and structural alternatives, as well as the pros and cons of building, maintaining, and using a data warehouse.
- Jessica Moss
Track and Room: Track 5 - N/A
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
Jessica Moss
Twitter: - @jessicammoss
Jessica M. Moss is a well-known architect, speaker, author, and Microsoft MVP of SQL Server Business Intelligence. Jessica#39;s expertise includes data warehouse modeling, Integration Services ETL, Analysis Services semantic modeling, Reporting Services report design, and helping customers across industries successfully implement and enhance their BI solutions. She enjoys sharing her knowledge with the SQL community and has co-authored numerous technical books.
William E. Pearson III
Bill created Island Technologies Inc. in 1997, and has developed a large and diverse customer base since. Bill's background as a CPA, Internal Auditor, Management Accountant and SQL Server MVP (BI) enable him to provide value to clients as a liaison between Accounting / Finance and Information Services. Bill has implemented enterprise business intelligence systems over the years for many Fortune 500 companies, and focuses his practice upon the integrated Microsoft business intelligence solution.
Allen White
Twitter: - SQLRunr
LinkedIn: Allen White
Allen White is a Data Platform consultant. He has been both a developer and an administrator, so he understands both perspectives towards database technology. He loves sharing his experiences and helping people learn how to use SQL Server. Allen has spent over 40 years in IT, using SQL Server since 1992, and has been awarded Microsoft’s MVP Award for the last 13 years. Allen was a PASS Director from 2016 - 2018.
Chris Skorlinski
Chris Skorlinski has been with Microsoft for 17 years. He is a Support Escalation Engineer at the Microsoft Charlotte NC office specializing in performance tuning and troubleshooting Replication. His is a contributor to training as well as his own BLOGs on Replication Performance at #160;
Jason Hall
Twitter: - @SQLSaurus
LinkedIn: Jason Hall
Jason Hall (@SQLSaurus) leads SentryOne's Product Management team, which is responsible for managing product design, development and delivery.
Jason has worked in varied technology roles for over 20 years and holds industry certifications including MCSE (legacy), MCSD, MCTS, MCPD, and PMC-III.
Kevin Goode
Twitter: - @goodesql
Kevin Goode is an MCSE, MCSD, and MCDBA. Currently, he is the Senior Data Architect for Inmar Inc. Kevin has over 12 years SQL Server experience starting with 6.5 and 15 years of IT experience. He has worked in many industries including manufacturing, distribution and logistics, financial services, IT outsourcing and has worked for several fortune 500 companies. His specialties include SQL Server development, Performance Tuning, Business Intelligence, and ETL.
Kevin Boles
Twitter: - @TheSQLGuru
LinkedIn: Kevin Boles
Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.
Andy Leonard
Twitter: - AndyLeonard
LinkedIn: Andy Leonard
Andy Leonard is founder and Chief Data Engineer at Enterprise Data Analytics, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, creator of the DILM (Data Integration Lifecycle Management) Suite, an SSIS trainer, consultant, developer, Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) developer and BimlHero, SQL Server database and data warehouse developer, community mentor, engineer, and farmer. He is a co-author of "The Biml Book and SQL Server Integration Services Design Patterns" and author of "Managing Geeks - A Journey of Leading by Doing", "Data Integration Lifecycle Management with SSIS", "Building Custom Tasks for SSIS", and the "Stairway to Integration Services". Andy blogs at where you can learn more on the About Andy page.
Chris Skorlinski
Chris Skorlinski has been with Microsoft for 17 years. He is a Support Escalation Engineer at the Microsoft Charlotte NC office specializing in performance tuning and troubleshooting Replication. His is a contributor to training as well as his own BLOGs on Replication Performance at #160;
John Welch
Twitter: - @john_welch
LinkedIn: John Welch
John Welch joined SentryOne in spring 2018 as VP of Engineering with the acquisition by SentryOne of the software division of Pragmatic Works. John leads the development of a suite of products that make developing, managing, and documenting data solutions easier. John has been successfully delivering IT solutions to business problems since 1994, and has been focused on business intelligence and data warehousing technologies since 2001. He is a Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP), and a frequent presenter on SQL Server and data topics. He also contributes to several open source projects and community initiatives targeted toward making data professionals work more productive.
Tim Chapman
Tim Chapman is a Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) and works as a dedicated field engineer (PFE) at Microsoft specializing in performance tuning and high availability. Tim is from Louisville, KY and has over 12 years of database architecture, programming, and administration experience.
Jana Sattainathan
Twitter: -
LinkedIn: Jana Sattainathan
Jana works as a Senior Oracle and SQL Server DBA at SCOR, a leading Reinsurance company in the world. He has spent most of his professional life around databases. At work, he has automated most aspects of his job using PowerShell.
Most recently, he created PowerPump, a “PowerShell Database Copy Server” for his company to copy 50 billion rows (> 20 TB,) from 4000+ of Oracle/SQL Server tables on a recurring basis to SQL Server targets for migration/testing. He has also fully automated the database deployment which supports all components of SQL Server and Oracle using PowerShell (with about 150 functions) that is tracked extensively.
Andy Leonard
Twitter: - AndyLeonard
LinkedIn: Andy Leonard
Andy Leonard is founder and Chief Data Engineer at Enterprise Data Analytics, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, creator of the DILM (Data Integration Lifecycle Management) Suite, an SSIS trainer, consultant, developer, Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) developer and BimlHero, SQL Server database and data warehouse developer, community mentor, engineer, and farmer. He is a co-author of "The Biml Book and SQL Server Integration Services Design Patterns" and author of "Managing Geeks - A Journey of Leading by Doing", "Data Integration Lifecycle Management with SSIS", "Building Custom Tasks for SSIS", and the "Stairway to Integration Services". Andy blogs at where you can learn more on the About Andy page.
Grant Fritchey
Twitter: - @gfritchey
LinkedIn: Grant Fritchey
Grant Fritchey is a Data Platform MVP with over 20 years’ experience in IT, including time spent in support and development. He has worked with SQL Server since 6.0 back in 1995. He has also developed in VB, VB.NET, C#, and Java. Grant has written books for Apress and Simple-Talk. Grant presents at conferences and user groups, large and small, all over the world. He joined Redgate Software as a product evangelist in January 2011.
Steven Wright
Twitter: - @SQL_Steve
LinkedIn: Steven Wright
Steve currently serves as Director of Advanced Analytics at SentryOne. As a member of the SentryOne team for over 13 years, Steve has broad experience working in various environments supporting the Microsoft Data Platform both on-prem and in the cloud. Steve has earned the Microsoft Professional Program Data Science Certification and manages a team of Data Scientists and BI Developers in support of SentryOne's internal and product facing advanced analytics initiatives.
Mike Davis
Twitter: - @mikedavisSQL
LinkedIn: Mike Davis
Mike Davis, MCITP, is a Consulting Team Lead at Pragmatic Works. He is an author with books covering Business Intelligence and SSIS. Mike is an experienced speaker and has presented at many events such as several SQL Server User Groups, Code Camps, SQL Server Launches, SQLSaturday, and SQL Rally. Mike is an active member at his local user group (JSSUG) in Jacksonville, FL.
Aaron Nelson
Twitter: - SQLvariant
LinkedIn: Aaron Nelson
Aaron Nelson is an author, public speaker, blogger, and leader in the community. He has over 15 years of experience in architecture, Business Intelligence, development, and performance tuning of SQL Server. Aaron has received many certifications and is a six time winner of the Microsoft MVP Award.
Aaron leads the PowerShell Virtual Group of PASS (, is a board member of, and is a volunteer at his PASS Local Group, AtlantaMDF.
Eric Humphrey
Twitter: - @lotsahelp
Eric Humphrey is a DBA at GameStop in the Dallas area. He earned his B.S. in Computer Science from Louisiana State University – Shreveport in 2004. He has been working in the tech industry since 2003 with companies big and small. His focus is on database development with SQL Server. Eric has a passion for improving his craft while contributing to the development community.
**Mark Tabladillo **
Mark Tabladillo provides consulting and training for data mining with Solid Quality Mentors. He has taught statistics at Georgia Tech and for the graduate business school of the University of Phoenix. In addition to his Microsoft certifications (MCAD .NET and MCT), Mark has years of deep experience with the SAS System, and has presented at many local, regional, and national technical conferences. Mark produces a data mining resource and blog at
Geoff Hiten
Twitter: - SQLCraftsman
LinkedIn: Geoff Hiten
Geoff Hiten is a Technical Solutions Professional at Microsoft. Geoff began working with SQL Server in 1992 with version 4.2 and has used every version since. He specializes in highly available SQL systems, performance tuning, and systems migration. Geoff is heavily involved in the Microsoft SQL Server Community and was initially awarded MVP status in 2004. Geoff was appointed in 2011 to fill an interim Director position at the National PASS organization.
Andrew Kelly
Andrew J. Kelly is a SQL Server MVP with over 20 years’ experience with relational databases and application development but specializes in Performance, Scalability and Maintainability of large scale SQL Servers. He is a regular speaker each year and a contributing editor and writer for SQL Server Magazine.
Geoff Hiten
Twitter: - SQLCraftsman
LinkedIn: Geoff Hiten
Geoff Hiten is a Technical Solutions Professional at Microsoft. Geoff began working with SQL Server in 1992 with version 4.2 and has used every version since. He specializes in highly available SQL systems, performance tuning, and systems migration. Geoff is heavily involved in the Microsoft SQL Server Community and was initially awarded MVP status in 2004. Geoff was appointed in 2011 to fill an interim Director position at the National PASS organization.
John Welch
Twitter: - @john_welch
LinkedIn: John Welch
John Welch joined SentryOne in spring 2018 as VP of Engineering with the acquisition by SentryOne of the software division of Pragmatic Works. John leads the development of a suite of products that make developing, managing, and documenting data solutions easier. John has been successfully delivering IT solutions to business problems since 1994, and has been focused on business intelligence and data warehousing technologies since 2001. He is a Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP), and a frequent presenter on SQL Server and data topics. He also contributes to several open source projects and community initiatives targeted toward making data professionals work more productive.
Mike Davis
Twitter: - @mikedavisSQL
LinkedIn: Mike Davis
Mike Davis, MCITP, is a Consulting Team Lead at Pragmatic Works. He is an author with books covering Business Intelligence and SSIS. Mike is an experienced speaker and has presented at many events such as several SQL Server User Groups, Code Camps, SQL Server Launches, SQLSaturday, and SQL Rally. Mike is an active member at his local user group (JSSUG) in Jacksonville, FL.
Ed Wilson
Twitter: - ScriptingGuys
LinkedIn: Ed Wilson
Contact: http://HTTP://WWW.ScriptingGuys.Com/Blog
Ed Wilson is the Microsoft Scripting Guy and a well-known scripting expert. He writes the daily Hey Scripting Guy! blog. He has also spoken at TechEd, Tech Ready, Geek Ready, SQL Rally and various SQLSaturday conferences. A Microsoft-certified trainer he has taught scripting to Microsoft Premier Customers worldwide. He has written 11 books including 9 on Windows scripting that were published by Microsoft Press. His Windows PowerShell 3.0 Step by Step for MSPress is a current best seller.
Kevin Goode
Twitter: - @goodesql
Kevin Goode is an MCSE, MCSD, and MCDBA. Currently, he is the Senior Data Architect for Inmar Inc. Kevin has over 12 years SQL Server experience starting with 6.5 and 15 years of IT experience. He has worked in many industries including manufacturing, distribution and logistics, financial services, IT outsourcing and has worked for several fortune 500 companies. His specialties include SQL Server development, Performance Tuning, Business Intelligence, and ETL.
Sergey Pustovit
As an Architect in Parallel Data Warehouse Center of Excellence Sergey designs complex EDW solutions based on Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) approach. He has 20+ years of industry experience, working with distributed database systems, designing and developing software. Sergey serves on advisory board for the SQL PASS local chapter in Charlotte, NC.
Thomas LaRock
Twitter: - @SQLRockstar
LinkedIn: Thomas LaRock
Thomas LaRock is a Head Geek at SolarWinds and a Microsoft Certified Master, Data Platform MVP, VMware vExpert, and a Microsoft Certified Trainer. He has over 15 years’ experience in the IT industry in roles including programmer, developer, analyst, and database administrator.
Kevin Boles
Twitter: - @TheSQLGuru
LinkedIn: Kevin Boles
Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.
Andy Leonard
Twitter: - AndyLeonard
LinkedIn: Andy Leonard
Andy Leonard is founder and Chief Data Engineer at Enterprise Data Analytics, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, creator of the DILM (Data Integration Lifecycle Management) Suite, an SSIS trainer, consultant, developer, Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) developer and BimlHero, SQL Server database and data warehouse developer, community mentor, engineer, and farmer. He is a co-author of "The Biml Book and SQL Server Integration Services Design Patterns" and author of "Managing Geeks - A Journey of Leading by Doing", "Data Integration Lifecycle Management with SSIS", "Building Custom Tasks for SSIS", and the "Stairway to Integration Services". Andy blogs at where you can learn more on the About Andy page.
Andrew Kelly
Andrew J. Kelly is a SQL Server MVP with over 20 years’ experience with relational databases and application development but specializes in Performance, Scalability and Maintainability of large scale SQL Servers. He is a regular speaker each year and a contributing editor and writer for SQL Server Magazine.
Flavio Almeida
Has 27 years experience in IT (mainframe, PC Client Server). Joined Microsoft 13 years ago and worked in Tech Support, Consulting, Training and Technical Sales. He is local to Raleigh, NC. Prior to Microsoft he spent 8 years working as a senior Analyst Programmer for the State of North Carolina. He also spent 6+ years as a developer for a major bank in Brazil.
**Mark Tabladillo **
Mark Tabladillo provides consulting and training for data mining with Solid Quality Mentors. He has taught statistics at Georgia Tech and for the graduate business school of the University of Phoenix. In addition to his Microsoft certifications (MCAD .NET and MCT), Mark has years of deep experience with the SAS System, and has presented at many local, regional, and national technical conferences. Mark produces a data mining resource and blog at
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event: