.. post:: July 12, 2023 :tags: builders :author: Manuel :location: BCN :category: Changelog
Historically Read the Docs has created a conf.py file for Sphinx projects and a mkdocs.yml file for MkDocs projects that don't provide one, to make onboarding easier. This has been confusing a lot our users in different ways and we will remove the auto-creation of a default Sphinx/MkDocs configuration file for projects that don't have one on August 28th. To avoid unexpected behavior or your documentation builds failing, you should add a configuration file to your project by this date.
The auto-creation of a default configuration file will be completely removed on August 28th. Add a conf.py/mkdocs.yml to your projects before this date to avoid unexpected build failures.
You can find a good example of a basic configuration file in our :doc:`example projects <readthedocs:examples>`:
- Sphinx example conf.py
- Mkdocs example mkdocs.yml
Please contact us about any issues you have regarding change.