diff --git a/DefaultMarker.js b/DefaultMarker.js
index 33f197d..6f70b92 100644
--- a/DefaultMarker.js
+++ b/DefaultMarker.js
@@ -66,10 +66,19 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
shadowOpacity: 0.2,
harmony: {
- height: 12,
- width: 12,
- borderRadius: 12,
- backgroundColor: '#0D8675',
+ height: 30,
+ width: 30,
+ borderRadius: 30,
+ borderWidth: 1,
+ borderColor: '#DDDDDD',
+ backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
+ shadowColor: '#000000',
+ shadowOffset: {
+ width: 0,
+ height: 3,
+ },
+ shadowRadius: 1,
+ shadowOpacity: 0.2,
default: {
height: 12,
@@ -88,11 +97,7 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
width: 20,
borderRadius: 20,
- harmony: {
- height: 20,
- width: 20,
- borderRadius: 20,
- },
+ harmony: {},
default: {
height: 20,
width: 20,
diff --git a/MultiSlider.harmony.js b/MultiSlider.harmony.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b4a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSlider.harmony.js
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { Text, Animated } from 'react-native';
+import {
+ StyleSheet,
+ PanResponder,
+ View,
+ Platform,
+ Dimensions,
+ I18nManager,
+ ImageBackground,
+} from 'react-native';
+import DefaultMarker from './DefaultMarker';
+import DefaultLabel from './DefaultLabel';
+import { createArray, valueToPosition, positionToValue } from './converters';
+export default class MultiSlider extends React.Component {
+ static defaultProps = {
+ values: [0],
+ onValuesChangeStart: () => {},
+ onValuesChange: values => {},
+ onValuesChangeFinish: values => {},
+ onMarkersPosition: values => {},
+ step: 1,
+ min: 0,
+ max: 10,
+ touchDimensions: {
+ height: 50,
+ width: 50,
+ borderRadius: 15,
+ slipDisplacement: 200,
+ },
+ customMarker: DefaultMarker,
+ customMarkerLeft: DefaultMarker,
+ customMarkerRight: DefaultMarker,
+ customLabel: DefaultLabel,
+ markerOffsetX: 0,
+ markerOffsetY: 0,
+ markerSize: 0,
+ sliderLength: 280,
+ onToggleOne: undefined,
+ onToggleTwo: undefined,
+ stepsAs: [],
+ showSteps: false,
+ showStepMarkers: true,
+ showStepLabels: true,
+ enabledOne: true,
+ enabledTwo: true,
+ allowOverlap: false,
+ snapped: false,
+ smoothSnapped: false,
+ vertical: false,
+ minMarkerOverlapDistance: 0,
+ minMarkerOverlapStepDistance: 0,
+ testID: '',
+ };
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ if (
+ this.props.minMarkerOverlapDistance > 0 &&
+ this.props.minMarkerOverlapStepDistance > 0
+ ) {
+ console.error(
+ 'You should provide either "minMarkerOverlapDistance" or "minMarkerOverlapStepDistance", not both. Expect unreliable results.',
+ );
+ }
+ this.optionsArray =
+ this.props.optionsArray ||
+ createArray(this.props.min, this.props.max, this.props.step);
+ this.stepLength = this.props.sliderLength / (this.optionsArray.length - 1);
+ var initialValues = this.props.values.map(value =>
+ valueToPosition(
+ value,
+ this.optionsArray,
+ this.props.sliderLength,
+ this.props.markerSize,
+ ),
+ );
+ var tempStepsAs = {};
+ this.props.stepsAs.forEach(step => {
+ if (step?.index !== undefined) {
+ tempStepsAs[step?.index] = step;
+ }
+ });
+ this.stepsAs = {};
+ this.optionsArray.forEach((ops, index) => {
+ if (tempStepsAs[index]) {
+ var step = tempStepsAs[index];
+ this.stepsAs[index] = {
+ stepLabel: step?.stepLabel ? step.stepLabel : ops,
+ suffix: step?.suffix ? step.suffix : '',
+ prefix: step?.prefix ? step.prefix : '',
+ };
+ } else {
+ this.stepsAs[index] = {
+ stepLabel: ops,
+ suffix: '',
+ prefix: '',
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ this.state = {
+ pressedOne: true,
+ valueOne: this.props.values[0],
+ valueTwo: this.props.values[1],
+ pastOne: initialValues[0],
+ pastTwo: initialValues[1],
+ positionOne: initialValues[0],
+ positionTwo: initialValues[1],
+ };
+ this.subscribePanResponder();
+ }
+ subscribePanResponder = () => {
+ var customPanResponder = (start, move, end) => {
+ return PanResponder.create({
+ onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,
+ onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true,
+ onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,
+ onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true,
+ onPanResponderGrant: (evt, gestureState) => start(),
+ onPanResponderMove: (evt, gestureState) => move(gestureState),
+ onPanResponderTerminationRequest: (evt, gestureState) => false,
+ onPanResponderRelease: (evt, gestureState) => end(gestureState),
+ onPanResponderTerminate: (evt, gestureState) => end(gestureState),
+ onShouldBlockNativeResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,
+ });
+ };
+ this._panResponderBetween = customPanResponder(
+ gestureState => {
+ this.startOne(gestureState);
+ this.startTwo(gestureState);
+ },
+ gestureState => {
+ this.moveOne(gestureState);
+ this.moveTwo(gestureState);
+ },
+ gestureState => {
+ this.endOne(gestureState);
+ this.endTwo(gestureState);
+ },
+ );
+ this._panResponderOne = customPanResponder(
+ this.startOne,
+ this.moveOne,
+ this.endOne,
+ );
+ this._panResponderTwo = customPanResponder(
+ this.startTwo,
+ this.moveTwo,
+ this.endTwo,
+ );
+ };
+ startOne = () => {
+ if (this.props.enabledOne) {
+ this.props.onValuesChangeStart();
+ this.setState({
+ onePressed: !this.state.onePressed,
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ startTwo = () => {
+ if (this.props.enabledTwo) {
+ this.props.onValuesChangeStart();
+ this.setState({
+ twoPressed: !this.state.twoPressed,
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ moveOne = gestureState => {
+ if (!this.props.enabledOne) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const accumDistance = this.props.vertical
+ ? -gestureState.dy
+ : gestureState.dx;
+ const accumDistanceDisplacement = this.props.vertical
+ ? gestureState.dx
+ : gestureState.dy;
+ const unconfined = I18nManager.isRTL
+ ? this.state.pastOne - accumDistance
+ : accumDistance + this.state.pastOne;
+ var bottom = this.props.markerSize / 2;
+ var trueTop =
+ this.state.positionTwo -
+ (this.props.allowOverlap
+ ? 0
+ : this.props.minMarkerOverlapDistance > 0
+ ? this.props.minMarkerOverlapDistance
+ : (this.props.minMarkerOverlapStepDistance || 1) * this.stepLength);
+ var top =
+ trueTop === 0
+ ? 0
+ : trueTop || this.props.sliderLength - this.props.markerSize / 2;
+ var confined =
+ unconfined < bottom ? bottom : unconfined > top ? top : unconfined;
+ var slipDisplacement = this.props.touchDimensions.slipDisplacement;
+ if (
+ Math.abs(accumDistanceDisplacement) < slipDisplacement ||
+ !slipDisplacement
+ ) {
+ var value = positionToValue(
+ confined,
+ this.optionsArray,
+ this.props.sliderLength,
+ this.props.markerSize,
+ );
+ var snapped = valueToPosition(
+ value,
+ this.optionsArray,
+ this.props.sliderLength,
+ this.props.markerSize,
+ );
+ this.setState({
+ positionOne: this.props.snapped ? snapped : confined,
+ });
+ if (value !== this.state.valueOne) {
+ this.setState(
+ {
+ valueOne: value,
+ },
+ () => {
+ var change = [this.state.valueOne];
+ if (this.state.valueTwo) {
+ change.push(this.state.valueTwo);
+ }
+ this.props.onValuesChange(change);
+ this.props.onMarkersPosition([
+ this.state.positionOne,
+ this.state.positionTwo,
+ ]);
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ moveTwo = gestureState => {
+ if (!this.props.enabledTwo) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const accumDistance = this.props.vertical
+ ? -gestureState.dy
+ : gestureState.dx;
+ const accumDistanceDisplacement = this.props.vertical
+ ? gestureState.dx
+ : gestureState.dy;
+ const unconfined = I18nManager.isRTL
+ ? this.state.pastTwo - accumDistance
+ : accumDistance + this.state.pastTwo;
+ var bottom =
+ this.state.positionOne +
+ (this.props.allowOverlap
+ ? 0
+ : this.props.minMarkerOverlapDistance > 0
+ ? this.props.minMarkerOverlapDistance
+ : (this.props.minMarkerOverlapStepDistance || 1) * this.stepLength);
+ var top = this.props.sliderLength - this.props.markerSize / 2;
+ var confined =
+ unconfined < bottom ? bottom : unconfined > top ? top : unconfined;
+ var slipDisplacement = this.props.touchDimensions.slipDisplacement;
+ if (
+ Math.abs(accumDistanceDisplacement) < slipDisplacement ||
+ !slipDisplacement
+ ) {
+ var value = positionToValue(
+ confined,
+ this.optionsArray,
+ this.props.sliderLength,
+ this.props.markerSize,
+ );
+ var snapped = valueToPosition(
+ value,
+ this.optionsArray,
+ this.props.sliderLength,
+ this.props.markerSize,
+ );
+ this.setState({
+ positionTwo: this.props.snapped ? snapped : confined,
+ });
+ if (value !== this.state.valueTwo) {
+ this.setState(
+ {
+ valueTwo: value,
+ },
+ () => {
+ this.props.onValuesChange([
+ this.state.valueOne,
+ this.state.valueTwo,
+ ]);
+ this.props.onMarkersPosition([
+ this.state.positionOne,
+ this.state.positionTwo,
+ ]);
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ endOne = gestureState => {
+ if (gestureState.moveX === 0 && this.props.onToggleOne) {
+ this.props.onToggleOne();
+ return;
+ }
+ var snapped = valueToPosition(
+ this.state.valueOne,
+ this.optionsArray,
+ this.props.sliderLength,
+ );
+ this.setState(
+ {
+ pastOne: this.props.smoothSnapped ? snapped : this.state.positionOne,
+ ...(this.props.smoothSnapped ? { positionOne: snapped } : {}),
+ onePressed: !this.state.onePressed,
+ },
+ () => {
+ var change = [this.state.valueOne];
+ if (this.state.valueTwo) {
+ change.push(this.state.valueTwo);
+ }
+ this.props.onValuesChangeFinish(change);
+ },
+ );
+ };
+ endTwo = gestureState => {
+ if (gestureState.moveX === 0 && this.props.onToggleTwo) {
+ this.props.onToggleTwo();
+ return;
+ }
+ var snapped = valueToPosition(
+ this.state.valueTwo,
+ this.optionsArray,
+ this.props.sliderLength,
+ );
+ this.setState(
+ {
+ twoPressed: !this.state.twoPressed,
+ pastTwo: this.props.smoothSnapped ? snapped : this.state.positionTwo,
+ ...(this.props.smoothSnapped ? { positionTwo: snapped } : {}),
+ },
+ () => {
+ this.props.onValuesChangeFinish([
+ this.state.valueOne,
+ this.state.valueTwo,
+ ]);
+ },
+ );
+ };
+ componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
+ const {
+ positionOne: prevPositionOne,
+ positionTwo: prevPositionTwo,
+ } = prevState;
+ const { positionOne, positionTwo } = this.state;
+ if (
+ typeof positionOne === 'undefined' &&
+ typeof positionTwo !== 'undefined'
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (positionOne !== prevPositionOne || positionTwo !== prevPositionTwo) {
+ this.props.onMarkersPosition([positionOne, positionTwo]);
+ }
+ if (this.state.onePressed || this.state.twoPressed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let nextState = {};
+ if (
+ prevProps.min !== this.props.min ||
+ prevProps.max !== this.props.max ||
+ prevProps.step !== this.props.step ||
+ prevProps.values[0] !== this.props.values[0] ||
+ prevProps.sliderLength !== this.props.sliderLength ||
+ prevProps.values[1] !== this.props.values[1] ||
+ (prevProps.sliderLength !== this.props.sliderLength &&
+ prevProps.values[1])
+ ) {
+ this.optionsArray =
+ this.props.optionsArray ||
+ createArray(this.props.min, this.props.max, this.props.step);
+ this.stepLength = this.props.sliderLength / this.optionsArray.length;
+ const positionOne = valueToPosition(
+ this.props.values[0],
+ this.optionsArray,
+ this.props.sliderLength,
+ this.props.markerSize,
+ );
+ nextState.valueOne = this.props.values[0];
+ nextState.pastOne = positionOne;
+ nextState.positionOne = positionOne;
+ const positionTwo = valueToPosition(
+ this.props.values[1],
+ this.optionsArray,
+ this.props.sliderLength,
+ this.props.markerSize,
+ );
+ nextState.valueTwo = this.props.values[1];
+ nextState.pastTwo = positionTwo;
+ nextState.positionTwo = positionTwo;
+ this.setState(nextState);
+ }
+ }
+ getSteps() {
+ const stepLength = this.props.sliderLength / (this.optionsArray.length - 1);
+ const textStyles = [
+ styles.stepLabel,
+ this.props.stepLabelStyle,
+ ...(this.props.vertical ? [{ transform: [{ rotate: '90deg' }] }] : []),
+ ];
+ const markerHeight = this.props?.trackStyle?.height || styles.track.height;
+ const markerStyles = [
+ styles.stepMarker,
+ {
+ height: markerHeight,
+ width: markerHeight,
+ borderRadius: markerHeight / 2,
+ },
+ this.props.stepMarkerStyle,
+ ];
+ return this.optionsArray.map((number, index) => {
+ var step = this.stepsAs[index];
+ return (
+ {this.props.showStepMarkers &&
+ index !== 0 &&
+ index !== this.optionsArray.length - 1 && (
+ )}
+ {this.props.showStepLabels && (
+ {`${step.prefix}${step.stepLabel}${step.suffix}`}
+ )}
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ render() {
+ const { positionOne, positionTwo } = this.state;
+ const {
+ selectedStyle,
+ unselectedStyle,
+ sliderLength,
+ markerOffsetX,
+ markerOffsetY,
+ } = this.props;
+ const twoMarkers = this.props.values.length == 2; // when allowOverlap, positionTwo could be 0, identified as string '0' and throwing 'RawText 0 needs to be wrapped in ' error
+ const trackOneLength = positionOne;
+ const trackOneStyle = twoMarkers
+ ? unselectedStyle
+ : selectedStyle || styles.selectedTrack;
+ const trackThreeLength = twoMarkers ? sliderLength - positionTwo : 0;
+ const trackThreeStyle = unselectedStyle;
+ const trackTwoLength = sliderLength - trackOneLength - trackThreeLength;
+ const trackTwoStyle = twoMarkers
+ ? selectedStyle || styles.selectedTrack
+ : unselectedStyle;
+ const Marker = this.props.customMarker;
+ const MarkerLeft = this.props.customMarkerLeft;
+ const MarkerRight = this.props.customMarkerRight;
+ const isMarkersSeparated = this.props.isMarkersSeparated || false;
+ const Label = this.props.customLabel;
+ const {
+ slipDisplacement,
+ height,
+ width,
+ borderRadius,
+ } = this.props.touchDimensions;
+ const touchStyle = {
+ borderRadius: borderRadius || 0,
+ ...(height && { height }),
+ ...(width && { width }),
+ };
+ const markerContainerOne = {
+ top: markerOffsetY - 24,
+ left: trackOneLength + markerOffsetX - 24,
+ };
+ const markerContainerTwo = {
+ top: markerOffsetY - 24,
+ right: trackThreeLength + markerOffsetX - 24,
+ };
+ const containerStyle = [styles.container, this.props.containerStyle];
+ if (this.props.vertical) {
+ containerStyle.push({
+ transform: [{ rotate: '-90deg' }],
+ });
+ }
+ const body = (
+ {twoMarkers && (
+ )}
+ {this.props.showSteps && this.getSteps()}
+ sliderLength / 2 && styles.topMarkerContainer,
+ ]}
+ >
+ (this._markerOne = component)}
+ {...this._panResponderOne.panHandlers}
+ >
+ {isMarkersSeparated === false ? (
+ ) : (
+ )}
+ {twoMarkers && positionOne !== this.props.sliderLength && (
+ (this._markerTwo = component)}
+ {...this._panResponderTwo.panHandlers}
+ >
+ {isMarkersSeparated === false ? (
+ ) : (
+ )}
+ )}
+ );
+ return (
+ {this.props.enableLabel && (
+ )}
+ {this.props.imageBackgroundSource && (
+ {body}
+ )}
+ {!this.props.imageBackgroundSource && (
+ {body}
+ )}
+ );
+ }
+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+ container: {
+ position: 'relative',
+ height: 50,
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ },
+ fullTrack: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ track: {
+ ...Platform.select({
+ ios: {
+ height: 2,
+ borderRadius: 2,
+ backgroundColor: '#A7A7A7',
+ },
+ android: {
+ height: 2,
+ backgroundColor: '#CECECE',
+ },
+ web: {
+ height: 2,
+ borderRadius: 2,
+ backgroundColor: '#A7A7A7',
+ },
+ harmony: {
+ height: 2,
+ borderRadius: 2,
+ backgroundColor: '#A7A7A7',
+ },
+ default: {
+ height: 2,
+ backgroundColor: '#CECECE',
+ }
+ }),
+ },
+ selectedTrack: {
+ ...Platform.select({
+ ios: {
+ backgroundColor: '#095FFF',
+ },
+ android: {
+ backgroundColor: '#0D8675',
+ },
+ web: {
+ backgroundColor: '#095FFF',
+ },
+ harmony: {
+ backgroundColor: '#095FFF',
+ },
+ default: {
+ backgroundColor: '#0D8675',
+ }
+ }),
+ },
+ markerContainer: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ width: 48,
+ height: 48,
+ backgroundColor: 'transparent',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ },
+ topMarkerContainer: {
+ zIndex: 1,
+ },
+ touch: {
+ backgroundColor: 'transparent',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ },
+ step: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ marginLeft: -5,
+ },
+ stepMarker: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: 2,
+ width: 6,
+ height: 6,
+ backgroundColor: '#0000008c',
+ borderRadius: 3,
+ },
+ stepLabel: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: 15,
+ color: '#333',
+ },
diff --git a/MultiSlider.js b/MultiSlider.js
index 9f10b41..e6c7d67 100755
--- a/MultiSlider.js
+++ b/MultiSlider.js
@@ -1,777 +1,3 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { Text, Animated } from 'react-native';
+import MultiSlider from "@ptomasroos/react-native-multi-slider";
-import {
- StyleSheet,
- PanResponder,
- View,
- Platform,
- Dimensions,
- I18nManager,
- ImageBackground,
-} from 'react-native';
-import DefaultMarker from './DefaultMarker';
-import DefaultLabel from './DefaultLabel';
-import { createArray, valueToPosition, positionToValue } from './converters';
-export default class MultiSlider extends React.Component {
- static defaultProps = {
- values: [0],
- onValuesChangeStart: () => {},
- onValuesChange: values => {},
- onValuesChangeFinish: values => {},
- onMarkersPosition: values => {},
- step: 1,
- min: 0,
- max: 10,
- touchDimensions: {
- height: 50,
- width: 50,
- borderRadius: 15,
- slipDisplacement: 200,
- },
- customMarker: DefaultMarker,
- customMarkerLeft: DefaultMarker,
- customMarkerRight: DefaultMarker,
- customLabel: DefaultLabel,
- markerOffsetX: 0,
- markerOffsetY: 0,
- markerSize: 0,
- sliderLength: 280,
- onToggleOne: undefined,
- onToggleTwo: undefined,
- stepsAs: [],
- showSteps: false,
- showStepMarkers: true,
- showStepLabels: true,
- enabledOne: true,
- enabledTwo: true,
- allowOverlap: false,
- snapped: false,
- smoothSnapped: false,
- vertical: false,
- minMarkerOverlapDistance: 0,
- minMarkerOverlapStepDistance: 0,
- testID: '',
- };
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- if (
- this.props.minMarkerOverlapDistance > 0 &&
- this.props.minMarkerOverlapStepDistance > 0
- ) {
- console.error(
- 'You should provide either "minMarkerOverlapDistance" or "minMarkerOverlapStepDistance", not both. Expect unreliable results.',
- );
- }
- this.optionsArray =
- this.props.optionsArray ||
- createArray(this.props.min, this.props.max, this.props.step);
- this.stepLength = this.props.sliderLength / (this.optionsArray.length - 1);
- var initialValues = this.props.values.map(value =>
- valueToPosition(
- value,
- this.optionsArray,
- this.props.sliderLength,
- this.props.markerSize,
- ),
- );
- var tempStepsAs = {};
- this.props.stepsAs.forEach(step => {
- if (step?.index !== undefined) {
- tempStepsAs[step?.index] = step;
- }
- });
- this.stepsAs = {};
- this.optionsArray.forEach((ops, index) => {
- if (tempStepsAs[index]) {
- var step = tempStepsAs[index];
- this.stepsAs[index] = {
- stepLabel: step?.stepLabel ? step.stepLabel : ops,
- suffix: step?.suffix ? step.suffix : '',
- prefix: step?.prefix ? step.prefix : '',
- };
- } else {
- this.stepsAs[index] = {
- stepLabel: ops,
- suffix: '',
- prefix: '',
- };
- }
- });
- this.state = {
- pressedOne: true,
- valueOne: this.props.values[0],
- valueTwo: this.props.values[1],
- pastOne: initialValues[0],
- pastTwo: initialValues[1],
- positionOne: initialValues[0],
- positionTwo: initialValues[1],
- };
- this.subscribePanResponder();
- }
- subscribePanResponder = () => {
- var customPanResponder = (start, move, end) => {
- return PanResponder.create({
- onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,
- onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true,
- onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,
- onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true,
- onPanResponderGrant: (evt, gestureState) => start(),
- onPanResponderMove: (evt, gestureState) => move(gestureState),
- onPanResponderTerminationRequest: (evt, gestureState) => false,
- onPanResponderRelease: (evt, gestureState) => end(gestureState),
- onPanResponderTerminate: (evt, gestureState) => end(gestureState),
- onShouldBlockNativeResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,
- });
- };
- this._panResponderBetween = customPanResponder(
- gestureState => {
- this.startOne(gestureState);
- this.startTwo(gestureState);
- },
- gestureState => {
- this.moveOne(gestureState);
- this.moveTwo(gestureState);
- },
- gestureState => {
- this.endOne(gestureState);
- this.endTwo(gestureState);
- },
- );
- this._panResponderOne = customPanResponder(
- this.startOne,
- this.moveOne,
- this.endOne,
- );
- this._panResponderTwo = customPanResponder(
- this.startTwo,
- this.moveTwo,
- this.endTwo,
- );
- };
- startOne = () => {
- if (this.props.enabledOne) {
- this.props.onValuesChangeStart();
- this.setState({
- onePressed: !this.state.onePressed,
- });
- }
- };
- startTwo = () => {
- if (this.props.enabledTwo) {
- this.props.onValuesChangeStart();
- this.setState({
- twoPressed: !this.state.twoPressed,
- });
- }
- };
- moveOne = gestureState => {
- if (!this.props.enabledOne) {
- return;
- }
- const accumDistance = this.props.vertical
- ? -gestureState.dy
- : gestureState.dx;
- const accumDistanceDisplacement = this.props.vertical
- ? gestureState.dx
- : gestureState.dy;
- const unconfined = I18nManager.isRTL
- ? this.state.pastOne - accumDistance
- : accumDistance + this.state.pastOne;
- var bottom = this.props.markerSize / 2;
- var trueTop =
- this.state.positionTwo -
- (this.props.allowOverlap
- ? 0
- : this.props.minMarkerOverlapDistance > 0
- ? this.props.minMarkerOverlapDistance
- : (this.props.minMarkerOverlapStepDistance || 1) * this.stepLength);
- var top =
- trueTop === 0
- ? 0
- : trueTop || this.props.sliderLength - this.props.markerSize / 2;
- var confined =
- unconfined < bottom ? bottom : unconfined > top ? top : unconfined;
- var slipDisplacement = this.props.touchDimensions.slipDisplacement;
- if (
- Math.abs(accumDistanceDisplacement) < slipDisplacement ||
- !slipDisplacement
- ) {
- var value = positionToValue(
- confined,
- this.optionsArray,
- this.props.sliderLength,
- this.props.markerSize,
- );
- var snapped = valueToPosition(
- value,
- this.optionsArray,
- this.props.sliderLength,
- this.props.markerSize,
- );
- this.setState({
- positionOne: this.props.snapped ? snapped : confined,
- });
- if (value !== this.state.valueOne) {
- this.setState(
- {
- valueOne: value,
- },
- () => {
- var change = [this.state.valueOne];
- if (this.state.valueTwo) {
- change.push(this.state.valueTwo);
- }
- this.props.onValuesChange(change);
- this.props.onMarkersPosition([
- this.state.positionOne,
- this.state.positionTwo,
- ]);
- },
- );
- }
- }
- };
- moveTwo = gestureState => {
- if (!this.props.enabledTwo) {
- return;
- }
- const accumDistance = this.props.vertical
- ? -gestureState.dy
- : gestureState.dx;
- const accumDistanceDisplacement = this.props.vertical
- ? gestureState.dx
- : gestureState.dy;
- const unconfined = I18nManager.isRTL
- ? this.state.pastTwo - accumDistance
- : accumDistance + this.state.pastTwo;
- var bottom =
- this.state.positionOne +
- (this.props.allowOverlap
- ? 0
- : this.props.minMarkerOverlapDistance > 0
- ? this.props.minMarkerOverlapDistance
- : (this.props.minMarkerOverlapStepDistance || 1) * this.stepLength);
- var top = this.props.sliderLength - this.props.markerSize / 2;
- var confined =
- unconfined < bottom ? bottom : unconfined > top ? top : unconfined;
- var slipDisplacement = this.props.touchDimensions.slipDisplacement;
- if (
- Math.abs(accumDistanceDisplacement) < slipDisplacement ||
- !slipDisplacement
- ) {
- var value = positionToValue(
- confined,
- this.optionsArray,
- this.props.sliderLength,
- this.props.markerSize,
- );
- var snapped = valueToPosition(
- value,
- this.optionsArray,
- this.props.sliderLength,
- this.props.markerSize,
- );
- this.setState({
- positionTwo: this.props.snapped ? snapped : confined,
- });
- if (value !== this.state.valueTwo) {
- this.setState(
- {
- valueTwo: value,
- },
- () => {
- this.props.onValuesChange([
- this.state.valueOne,
- this.state.valueTwo,
- ]);
- this.props.onMarkersPosition([
- this.state.positionOne,
- this.state.positionTwo,
- ]);
- },
- );
- }
- }
- };
- endOne = gestureState => {
- if (gestureState.moveX === 0 && this.props.onToggleOne) {
- this.props.onToggleOne();
- return;
- }
- var snapped = valueToPosition(
- this.state.valueOne,
- this.optionsArray,
- this.props.sliderLength,
- );
- this.setState(
- {
- pastOne: this.props.smoothSnapped ? snapped : this.state.positionOne,
- ...(this.props.smoothSnapped ? { positionOne: snapped } : {}),
- onePressed: !this.state.onePressed,
- },
- () => {
- var change = [this.state.valueOne];
- if (this.state.valueTwo) {
- change.push(this.state.valueTwo);
- }
- this.props.onValuesChangeFinish(change);
- },
- );
- };
- endTwo = gestureState => {
- if (gestureState.moveX === 0 && this.props.onToggleTwo) {
- this.props.onToggleTwo();
- return;
- }
- var snapped = valueToPosition(
- this.state.valueTwo,
- this.optionsArray,
- this.props.sliderLength,
- );
- this.setState(
- {
- twoPressed: !this.state.twoPressed,
- pastTwo: this.props.smoothSnapped ? snapped : this.state.positionTwo,
- ...(this.props.smoothSnapped ? { positionTwo: snapped } : {}),
- },
- () => {
- this.props.onValuesChangeFinish([
- this.state.valueOne,
- this.state.valueTwo,
- ]);
- },
- );
- };
- componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
- const {
- positionOne: prevPositionOne,
- positionTwo: prevPositionTwo,
- } = prevState;
- const { positionOne, positionTwo } = this.state;
- if (
- typeof positionOne === 'undefined' &&
- typeof positionTwo !== 'undefined'
- ) {
- return;
- }
- if (positionOne !== prevPositionOne || positionTwo !== prevPositionTwo) {
- this.props.onMarkersPosition([positionOne, positionTwo]);
- }
- if (this.state.onePressed || this.state.twoPressed) {
- return;
- }
- let nextState = {};
- if (
- prevProps.min !== this.props.min ||
- prevProps.max !== this.props.max ||
- prevProps.step !== this.props.step ||
- prevProps.values[0] !== this.props.values[0] ||
- prevProps.sliderLength !== this.props.sliderLength ||
- prevProps.values[1] !== this.props.values[1] ||
- (prevProps.sliderLength !== this.props.sliderLength &&
- prevProps.values[1])
- ) {
- this.optionsArray =
- this.props.optionsArray ||
- createArray(this.props.min, this.props.max, this.props.step);
- this.stepLength = this.props.sliderLength / this.optionsArray.length;
- const positionOne = valueToPosition(
- this.props.values[0],
- this.optionsArray,
- this.props.sliderLength,
- this.props.markerSize,
- );
- nextState.valueOne = this.props.values[0];
- nextState.pastOne = positionOne;
- nextState.positionOne = positionOne;
- const positionTwo = valueToPosition(
- this.props.values[1],
- this.optionsArray,
- this.props.sliderLength,
- this.props.markerSize,
- );
- nextState.valueTwo = this.props.values[1];
- nextState.pastTwo = positionTwo;
- nextState.positionTwo = positionTwo;
- this.setState(nextState);
- }
- }
- getSteps() {
- const stepLength = this.props.sliderLength / (this.optionsArray.length - 1);
- const textStyles = [
- styles.stepLabel,
- this.props.stepLabelStyle,
- ...(this.props.vertical ? [{ transform: [{ rotate: '90deg' }] }] : []),
- ];
- const markerHeight = this.props?.trackStyle?.height || styles.track.height;
- const markerStyles = [
- styles.stepMarker,
- {
- height: markerHeight,
- width: markerHeight,
- borderRadius: markerHeight / 2,
- },
- this.props.stepMarkerStyle,
- ];
- return this.optionsArray.map((number, index) => {
- var step = this.stepsAs[index];
- return (
- {this.props.showStepMarkers &&
- index !== 0 &&
- index !== this.optionsArray.length - 1 && (
- )}
- {this.props.showStepLabels && (
- {`${step.prefix}${step.stepLabel}${step.suffix}`}
- )}
- );
- });
- }
- render() {
- const { positionOne, positionTwo } = this.state;
- const {
- selectedStyle,
- unselectedStyle,
- sliderLength,
- markerOffsetX,
- markerOffsetY,
- } = this.props;
- const twoMarkers = this.props.values.length == 2; // when allowOverlap, positionTwo could be 0, identified as string '0' and throwing 'RawText 0 needs to be wrapped in ' error
- const trackOneLength = positionOne;
- const trackOneStyle = twoMarkers
- ? unselectedStyle
- : selectedStyle || styles.selectedTrack;
- const trackThreeLength = twoMarkers ? sliderLength - positionTwo : 0;
- const trackThreeStyle = unselectedStyle;
- const trackTwoLength = sliderLength - trackOneLength - trackThreeLength;
- const trackTwoStyle = twoMarkers
- ? selectedStyle || styles.selectedTrack
- : unselectedStyle;
- const Marker = this.props.customMarker;
- const MarkerLeft = this.props.customMarkerLeft;
- const MarkerRight = this.props.customMarkerRight;
- const isMarkersSeparated = this.props.isMarkersSeparated || false;
- const Label = this.props.customLabel;
- const {
- slipDisplacement,
- height,
- width,
- borderRadius,
- } = this.props.touchDimensions;
- const touchStyle = {
- borderRadius: borderRadius || 0,
- ...(height && { height }),
- ...(width && { width }),
- };
- const markerContainerOne = {
- top: markerOffsetY - 24,
- left: trackOneLength + markerOffsetX - 24,
- };
- const markerContainerTwo = {
- top: markerOffsetY - 24,
- right: trackThreeLength + markerOffsetX - 24,
- };
- const containerStyle = [styles.container, this.props.containerStyle];
- if (this.props.vertical) {
- containerStyle.push({
- transform: [{ rotate: '-90deg' }],
- });
- }
- const body = (
- {twoMarkers && (
- )}
- {this.props.showSteps && this.getSteps()}
- sliderLength / 2 && styles.topMarkerContainer,
- ]}
- >
- (this._markerOne = component)}
- {...this._panResponderOne.panHandlers}
- >
- {isMarkersSeparated === false ? (
- ) : (
- )}
- {twoMarkers && positionOne !== this.props.sliderLength && (
- (this._markerTwo = component)}
- {...this._panResponderTwo.panHandlers}
- >
- {isMarkersSeparated === false ? (
- ) : (
- )}
- )}
- );
- return (
- {this.props.enableLabel && (
- )}
- {this.props.imageBackgroundSource && (
- {body}
- )}
- {!this.props.imageBackgroundSource && (
- {body}
- )}
- );
- }
-const styles = StyleSheet.create({
- container: {
- position: 'relative',
- height: 50,
- justifyContent: 'center',
- },
- fullTrack: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- track: {
- ...Platform.select({
- ios: {
- height: 2,
- borderRadius: 2,
- backgroundColor: '#A7A7A7',
- },
- android: {
- height: 2,
- backgroundColor: '#CECECE',
- },
- web: {
- height: 2,
- borderRadius: 2,
- backgroundColor: '#A7A7A7',
- },
- harmony: {
- height: 2,
- backgroundColor: '#CECECE',
- },
- default: {
- height: 2,
- backgroundColor: '#CECECE',
- }
- }),
- },
- selectedTrack: {
- ...Platform.select({
- ios: {
- backgroundColor: '#095FFF',
- },
- android: {
- backgroundColor: '#0D8675',
- },
- web: {
- backgroundColor: '#095FFF',
- },
- harmony: {
- backgroundColor: '#0D8675',
- },
- default: {
- backgroundColor: '#0D8675',
- }
- }),
- },
- markerContainer: {
- position: 'absolute',
- width: 48,
- height: 48,
- backgroundColor: 'transparent',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center',
- },
- topMarkerContainer: {
- zIndex: 1,
- },
- touch: {
- backgroundColor: 'transparent',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center',
- },
- step: {
- position: 'absolute',
- marginLeft: -5,
- },
- stepMarker: {
- position: 'absolute',
- left: 2,
- width: 6,
- height: 6,
- backgroundColor: '#0000008c',
- borderRadius: 3,
- },
- stepLabel: {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: 15,
- color: '#333',
- },
+export default MultiSlider;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index c84999a..e118643 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"name": "@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-multi-slider",
- "version": "2.2.2-0.0.1",
+ "version": "2.2.2-0.0.2",
"description": "Android and iOS supported pure JS slider component with multiple markers for React Native",
- "main": "MultiSlider.js",
+ "main": "MultiSlider",
"types": "index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"prettier": "prettier --write \"**/*.js\""
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"prettier": "^1.14.3"
"harmony": {
- "alias": "react-native-multi-slider"
+ "alias": "@ptomasroos/react-native-multi-slider"
"bugs": {
"url": "https://github.com/ptomasroos/react-native-multi-slider/issues"