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Simple Tutorial for Stream Data Processing with Apache Flink.


We will practice Apache Flink with simple activities:

  • setup Apache Flink in local machine
  • write streaming applications with Flink
  • run Flink streaming applications
  • change the application to run it on remote server
  • understand relationships between developers and platform providers through tools/supports

Note: there are many tutorials about Apache Flink that you can take a look in the Internet, e.g. Flink DataStream API Tutorial or Apache Flink with in AWS

Setup Apache Flink for Practices

Download Apache Flink from Apache and follow the installation guide for a local machine. In this simple tutorial, we use Apache Flink 1.14.3 for Scala 2.11.

The example we use to run is for the BTS data and we will use Kafka and RabbitMQ as the message broker through the streaming analytics application obtains data.

You can setup your own RabbitMQ or use a test RabbitMQ during the tutorial. A very simple way of starting a test RabbitMQ is via docker. Use the command:

$ docker run -d -p 5672:5672 --hostname my-rabbit --name rabbitMQ rabbitmq

It will start a container of rabbitMQ with both username and password as guest.

You can also follow the Kafka instructions to start a Kafka cluster or use our simple Kafka tutorial. Then you have to create a few topics before running the experiment and test if your Kafka server works

$ bin/ --create --topic <your topic name> --bootstrap-server <your Kafka host ip>:<Kafka port>
$ bin/ --list --zookeeper <zookeeper host>:<zookeeper port>


Check if the installation is OK

Following Flink guide to see if the installation is ok. Move into the directory of your Flink installation and start Flink:

/opt/flink$ bin/

then check the UI

Alternatively, you can also use docker-compose to start a cluster. The relevant compose configuration file is in code/docker-compose.yml. You can start the cluster using :

$ docker-compose up -d

and then check the UI

Practices with Flink SocketWindowWordCount example

You can check the Flink example and test it to see how it works.

Hint: You can also use the web UI to submit a job to a Session cluster. Alternatively, use Flink CLI on the host if it is installed: flink run -d -m ${FLINK_JOBMANAGER_URL} /job.jar [jar_arguments]

BTS example

Check the source code and compile it

Check the source of BTS in our Git. It is a simple example for illustrating purposes. The program is built with maven.

$ mvn install
$ ls target/simplebts-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

the file *target/simplebts-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar is the one that will be submitted to Flink.

Test RabbitMQ with the BTS data

Before running BTS Flink, check if we can send and receive data to/from RabbitMQ. We have two python test programs in scripts/ and the data file in cs-e4640/data/bts:

Start a BTS test producer using Kafka client:

$ python3 --queue_name [your_selected_queue_name] --input_file  [cs-e4640/data/bts/bts-data-alarm-2017.csv] --kafka [your_kafka_host]

Then start a BTS test receivers in both Kafka client and RabbitMQ:

$ python3 --queue_name [your_selected_queue_name] --kafka [your_kafka_host]

$ python3 --queue_name [your_selected_queue_name] --rabbit [your_rabbitmq_uri]

if you see the receiver outputs data, it means that the RabbitMQ is working.

Run Flink BTS

Now assume that you choose two queue names:

  • iqueue123: indicate the queue where we send the data
  • oqueue123: indicate the queue where we receive the alert.
  • amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672: is the AMQPURI
  • localhost:9092: is the Kafka url

Run the Flink BTS program:

bin/flink run simplebts-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --amqpurl  amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672 --iqueue iqueue123 --oqueue oqueue123 --kafkaurl localhost:9092 --parallelism 1

Now start our test producer again with the queue name as iqueue123:

python3 --queue_name iqueue123 --input_file  cs-e4640/data/bts/bts-data-alarm-2017.csv --kafka localhost:9092

and then start a BTS test receivers with queue name as oqueue123:

$ python3 --queue_name oqueue123 --kafka localhost:9092
$ python3 --queue_name oqueue123 --rabbit  amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672

to see if you can receive any alerts.

Check logs

Check the logs under flink/log:

  • flink * taskexecutor *.log
  • flink * taskexecutor *.stdout

to see errors, printout. Alternatively, you can also see the logs on the flink UI.


Change the code to submit Flink job to a remote server.

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