All assignments are individual work. You can discuss with your peer about possible technologies and solutions but the assignment result (the submission) is your sole work. The following things would be considered violations:
- Reuse existing work without clear clarification of the reuse and what is the new work
- it is always safe to write clearly how you reuse the code/material and provide a reference
- Using Generative AI for generating code/configuration without a clear declaration
- Using Generative AI for generating the report.
- Copy any part of existing solutions (code, design, document, etc.) from others
We do not have automatic assignment evaluation and we read, check and run the assignment so the chance we detect a violation is high.
Besides tools are also used for code and text similarity analysis
To avoid the violation, for code/software configuration, students should make clearly:
- Reuse code from where by given the source and license.
- Automatic generated code by tools, e.g. Github Copilot
Generative AI is allowed for ONLY for CODE and SOFTWARE/SYSTEM CONFIGURATION and a clear clarification must be provided.
Generative AI is NOT ALLOWED for the assignment report.
Violations will be treated according to the violation handling procedure.
- The Aalto detailed procedure
- Evidence (violated code, design, document, ...) will be sent to the School LES Manager
- The LES Manager will contact the students and have a hearing
- The (vice)dean will decide based on these, what will happen:
In case of violation: assignment cannot be evaluated (pending). The school will record the student in the case (more severe consequences if the student has already marking of violations) If the case is not violated, we will continue the evaluation
Any found/confirmed violation will result to 0 grade, regardless of the penalty from the procedure handling by the school.
- Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity and Handling Violations Thereof
- Instructions for investigating suspected cases of misconduct and disruptions of student learning
- Rules of Conduct - Students ́Rights and Responsibilities
- Aalto Code of Conduct
- Guidance for the use of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning at Aalto University