Check the subdirectories to see some small examples we use in our courses.
- Basic service discovery
- Queue-based data ingestion
- Basic AMQP
- Basic Kafka
- Basic Cassandra
- Consistency in NoSQL with Cassandra
- Scalable SQL with CockroachDB
- Data quality
- Data Ingestion and Apache Nifi
- Example of cloud data pipeline
- Data ingestion with MongoDb
- Hadoop systems
- MapReduce Programming
- Workflows with Apache Airflow
- Spark programming
- Spark streaming
- Stream processing with Flink
- An example of a mini edge-cloud big data platform
You might see many code examples about IoT, Edge and Clouds from our IoTCloudSamples that you can reuse for big data studies.
We also play with LLMs for assisting the study: