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611 lines (534 loc) · 25.2 KB


'(.+)' platform responds(:? to '(.+)')? with '(.+)'

Purpose: Validating the response against source of truth.


Param Definition
sdk name of the sdk
appId appId used to fetch the object to validate the content
key key name of the firebolt data contains method/context/expected


  • Given 'Firebolt' platform responds for 'Validate device id'
  • Given 'Firebolt' platform responds to '1st party appt' for 'Validate device id'
  • Given 'Firebolt' platform responds to 'test.test.test' for 'Validate device id'

User validates lifecycle history for '(.+)' with '(.+)'

Purpose: Validating explicitly recorded lifecycle history against source of truth from feature.


Param Definition
appCallSign callSign of launched app
historyValidationList source of truth for lifecycle history validation


  • User validates lifecycle history for '1st party app' with 'background:foreground:background'
  • User validates lifecycle history for '3rd party app' with 'background:foreground'

Metrics collection process is '(initiated|stopped)'

Purpose: To start or stop performance metrics service in device by passing appropriate intent to performance test handler


Param Definition
action initiated or stopped


  • Given Metrics collection process is 'inititated'
  • Given Metrics collection process is 'stopped'

'(.+)' will (be|stay) in '(.+)' state

Purpose: To validate 3rd party app transitionss wrt state, event and history aagainst appObject as the source of truth

Here, be/stay determines whether the app will get transitioned to new state or will be staying in the same state. For the validation part, for the states when the app is not reachable for us to get the status or history, we use customValidation , where we get the validation key name from the moduleReqId.json of the specific testcase. The customValidation function will be defined in the corresponding confiModule. Refer to the [custom] validation.


Param Definition
app app type
state expected state to be used for validation


  • Then '3rd party app' will stay in 'foreground' state
  • Then '3rd party app' will be in 'background' state

Supported Validations

Validation Type Description
regEx Used when the response value is to be validated against a particular regex expression provided.
miscellaneous Used when the response is to be validated with a specific function provided.
decode Used when the incoming response has to be decoded and validated. It can be base64 or JWT.
fixture Used when the response value is to be validated against an expected value already provided.
custom Used when the incoming response has to be validated using a customized function provided in the configModule.
undefined Used when the incoming response has to be validated against undefined value.
schemaOnly When validation type is schemaOnly, it will skip content validation and stops at schema validation



{ "data": [ { "type": "regEx", "validations": [ { "type": "", "description": "" } ] } ] }


Param type Description
data array An array that holds the entire set of validation objects
type string The value which indicates the type of validation
validations array The array that holds all the data for validation, like value, format, etc.
type string The type of regex the response has to be validated against.
description string The description of the validation executed with this type.


{ "data": [ { "type": "regEx", "validations": [ { "type": "LANGUAGE", "description": "Validation of the localization language" } ] } ] }



{ "data": [ { "type": "miscellaneous", "validations": [ { "type": "", "description": "" } ] } ] }


Param type Description
data array An array that holds the entire set of validation objects
type string The value which indicates the type of validation
validations array The array that holds all the data for validation, like value, format, etc.
type string The miscellaneous function to be used for validation.
description string The description of the validation executed with this type.


{ "data": [ { "type": "miscellaneous", "validations": [ { "type": "limitAdTrackingOFF", "description": "Validation of the Advertising AdvertisingId When LimitAdTracking OFF Format" } ] } ] }



{ "method": "The method name whose response is to be validated", "data": [ { "type": "decode", "specialCase": "jwt/ base64", "validations": [ { "field": "", "mode": "", "format": "TOKEN_JWT_REGEXP / TOKEN_REGEXP", "type": "", "description": "" } ] } }


Param type Description
method string The name of the method whose response is to be validated.
data array An array that holds the entire set of validation objects.
type string The value which indicates the type of validation.
specialCase string The value which indicates the type of decode. It can be either jwt/ base64
validations array The array that holds all the data for validation, like value, format, etc.
field string The response field, which needs to be validated.
mode string The value that indicates the mode with which the decoded value has to be validated, eg : regex
format string The type of regex the response has to be validated against. It can be TOKEN_JWT_REGEXP / TOKEN_REGEXP
type string The type of regex format the extracted response for the "field" has to be validated.
description string The description of the validation executed with this type.


{ "method": "authentication.token", "data": [ { "type": "decode", "specialCase": "jwt", "validations": [ { "field": "iat", "mode": "regex", "format": "TOKEN_JWT_REGEXP", "type": "NUMERIC_REGEXP", "description": "Validation of the Authentication Token issueDate Format" } ] } }



{ "method": "", "data": [ { "type": "fixture", "validations": [ { "mode": "", "type": "", "description": "" } ] } ] }


Param type Description
method string The name of the method whose response is to be validated.
data array An array that holds the entire set of validation objects.
type string The value which indicates the type of validation.
validations array The array that holds all the data for validation, like value, format, etc.
mode string The mode of validation like staticContentValidation( where a fixed value is provided ),
deviceContentValidation ( where the validation is done based on device specific value",
type string The content to be validated.
description string The description of the validation executed with this type.


{ "method": "accessibility.closedCaptionsSettings", "data": [ { "type": "fixture", "validations": [ { "mode": "staticContentValidation", "type": "ACCESSIBILITY_FONTFAMILY_CURSIVE", "description": "Validation of the accessibility fontfamily cursive" } ] } ] }



{ "method": "", "data": [ { "type": "custom", "assertionDef": "", "validations": [ { "type": "", "description": "" } ] } ] }


Param type Description
method string The name of the method whose response is to be validated.
data array An array that holds the entire set of validation objects.
type string The value which indicates the type of validation.
assertionDef string The name of customized function for validating the response.
validations array The array that holds all the data for validation, like value, format, etc.
type string The type to be validated ( depends on the validation function ).
description string The description of the validation executed with this type.


{ "method": "capabilities.permitted", "data": [ { "type": "custom", "assertionDef": "validateCapabilitiesPermitted", "validations": [ { "type": "permitted", "description": "Validation of capabilities.permitted to check if the capabilities are permitted" } ] } ] }

Custom Validation


The basic structure of the validation object in configModule with customValidation will be as : { "method": "", "data": [ { "type": "custom", "override": , "assertionDef": "", "validations": [ { "type": "", "description": "" } ] } ] }

Here, the value of the key "assertionDef" will be the customMethod we use for validation. The customValidation method should be added in this file in configModule : customValidations/validationFunctions.js, and should be exported from "customValidations/index.js".


{ "method": "authentication.token", "data": [ { "type": "custom", "override": 1, "assertionDef": "customMethod1", "validations": [ { "field": "issueDate1", "mode": "regex", "format": "TOKEN_REGEXP", "type": "DATEAUTHENTICATION_REGEXP", "description": "Validation of the Authentication Token issueDate Format" } ] } ] }



{ "method": "", "data": [ { "type": "undefined", "validations": [ { "field": "", "description": "" } ] } ] }


Param type Description
method string The name of the method whose response is to be validated.
data array An array that holds the entire set of validation objects.
type string The value which indicates the type of validation.
validations array The array that holds all the data for validation, like value, format, etc.
field string The field to be validated ( depends on the validation function ).
description string The description of the validation executed with this type.


    "method": "accessibility.closedCaptionsSettings",
    "data": [
            "type": "undefined",
            "validations": [
                    "field": "result.styles.windowColor",
                    "description": "Validation of the accessibility windowcolor undefined"


The 'schemaOnly` validation type allows to skip content validation and stops at schema validation.


        "method": "",
        "data": [
                "type": "schemaOnly"


Param type Description
method string The name of the method whose response is to be validated.
data array An array that holds the entire set of validation objects.
type string The value which indicates the type of validation.


        "method": "device.version",
        "data": [
                "type": "schemaOnly"

Dynamic Content Validation

Documentation added in

Validation Override


The basic structure of the validation object in configModule with override will be as : { "data": [ { "type": "", "override": , "validations": [ { "type": "", "description": "" } ] } ] }

While validating, if a key is present in both fcs-validation jsons (eg: cypress/fixtures/objects/validationObjects/accessibility.json ) and also in configModule's validation jsons (eg: in config module : fixtures/objects/validationObjects/account.json ) which will be in cypress/fixtures/external/objects/validationObjects/, it will be checking for the "override" value first. If the override value of config validation object is matching with fcs validation objects data's index value, then that specific object in the data array will be overriden with the object from configModule. Else, the configModule object will be pushed as a new object in the data array.


{ "data": [ { "type": "regEx", "override": 0, "validations": [ { "type": "COUNTRYCODE", "description": "Validation of the localization countrycode" } ] } ] }

Error Content Validation


There are some test cases which involves calling firebolt methods with invalid parameters, missing parameters. Here, we are expecting error to be returned from the device. FCS has some default error types defined which can be used in various test cases.

Default Validation Types in FCS

Below is the default error objects supported in FCS errorContentObjects.json. All of these validation objects have type schemaOnly This implies that FCS will perform schema validation but will not carry out content validation.

  • NOT_SUPPORTED - This can be used for api's which are not supported
  • NOT_PERMITTED - This can be used for api's which are not supported
  • NOT_AVAILABLE - This can be used for api's which are not supported
  • INVALID_TYPE_PARAMS - This can be used for error validation which involves calling firebolt methods with invalid parameters, missing parameters etc.


    "<Error object name>": {
        "type": "schemaOnly"


Param type Description
Error object name string Error object key name, which is given in the test case
type string The value which indicates the type of validation.
schemaOnly string By default FCS having validation as schemaonly, which will not perform content validation instead stops at schema validation.


        "type": "schemaOnly"

Content validation support

Extended error code validation

  • User can add error code validations to error validations by overriding in config module in the cypress/fixtures/objects/errorContentObjects.json file.

  • For that, they would need to use the same key name as any of the default error objects defined in FCS.


Below is the format need to be followed while adding override in config module

    "<Error object name>": {
        "type": "errorValidationFunction",
        "validations": [
                "type": {
                    "errorCode": [ERROR_CODE1, ERROR_CODE2]

Note: FCS expects the error object to be defined in the above format. Any deviation from the above format would cause failures in error content validation.

Param type Description
Error object name string Error object key name, which is given in the test case
type string The value which indicates the type of validation.
validations array Holds the array of objects having type and which is having error codes for validation.
        "type": "errorValidationFunction",
        "validations": [
                "type": {
                    "errorCode": [

Custom validation support

Users can further add their own error validations using custom validation objects.

  • To do custom validation, error object must have the type as custom shown in below format.
  • The value given for assertionDef represents the function name and this function should be defined in config module: cypress/fixtures/customValidations/

Below is the custom validation object format need to be followed while adding override in config module

    "<Error object name>": {
        "type": "custom",
        "assertionDef" : "<function name>"
Param type Description
Error object name string Error object key name, which is given in the test case
type string The value which indicates the type of validation.
assertionDef string holds the function name, which we are going to add custom validation logic

Note: The error object allows the user to add their own validations.

        "type": "custom",
        "assertionDef" : "validateErrorCodeAndMessages",
        "validations": [
                "type": {
                   "errorCode": [
                    "errorMessage": [
                        "Custom error"

Interactions collection process is '(initiated|stopped)'

Purpose: To start or stop listening to firebolt interactions in device by passing appropriate intent to designated handler


Param Definition
action initiated or stopped


  • Given Interactions collection process is 'initiated'
  • Given Interactions collection process is 'stopped'

Validate Firebolt Interactions logs

Purpose: Validating the firebolt interaction logs in configModule


  • Given Validate Firebolt Interactions logs