A collection of example designs for yapCAD
- boxcut — parametric design system for creating squeeze-fit rectangular boxes from laser-cut acrylic or similar flat sheet material. Specify desired length, width, and height on the command line and an appropriate DXF file will be created. Compensates for laser-cutter kerf, optionally visualizes the resulting box in 3D.
- example1.py — simple drawing example, uses pyglet OpenGL interactive rendering. Click and drag to rotate drawing, zoom in and out with the up and down arrow keys, quit with ESC.
- example2.py — simple computational geometry example demonstrarting computing the intersection of lines and lines, and lines and arcs. No rendered output.
- example3.py — combines drawing and computational geometry. Creates circles, computes tangent lines to circles, renders the output as a DXF drawing.
- example4.py — shows the use of the
class to create, draw, and sample iso-distance lines offset from a central convex polygon. Uses sampled isodistance line to position regularly spaced (in terms of distance along that line) circles. Produces DXF rendered output. - example5.py — another combined computational
geometry and DXF drawing example, this time using “simple”
vertex-list polygons rather than the full
class. Shows the creation, sampling, and drawing of such polygons. - example6.py — a combined computational geometry
and DXF drawing example that reproduces the computation and output of
example5.py but with rounded polygons using the
class. - example7.py — draw and compute intersections between polylines, arcs, and lines.
- example8.py — create “flowers” with random rounded petals using the Polygon geometry generation class and mirror them around two axes.
- example8-gl.py — same as previous, but render interactively using pyglet and OpenGL
- example9.py — three-dimensional geometry creation demonstration, rendered interactively using pyglet and OpenGL. Click and drag to rotate drawing, toggle lighting by hitting the ‘l’ key, zoom in and out with the up and down arrow keys, quit with ESC.
- example10.py — demo of inside testing for a
variety of geometry. Generates 60 random geometric figures and 2,000
random points, performs inside testing on all points with respect to
all geometry. Draws inside points in aqua, outside in red. Optionally
render interactively with pyglet OpenGL or DXF by way of command-line
arguments. Run
python3 example10.py help
to see options. - example11.py — demo of using boolean operations
(intersection, union, difference) with yapCAD Polygon() instances to
create simple combined shapes. Optionally render interactively with
pyglet OpenGL or DXF by way of command-line arguments. Run
python3 example11.py help
to see options. - example12.py — more complex demo of using
boolean operations (intersection, union, difference) with yapCAD
Polygon() instances to create combined shapes. Optionally render
interactively with pyglet OpenGL or DXF by way of command-line
arguments. Run
python3 example12.py help
to see options.