From 828dc9d63b75873ad5ce35d1b07ca304acea7ed2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: belsten <belsten@Alexanders-MacBook-Pro.local>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 19:53:15 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] add priors file and update tests to reflect new import

 sparsecoding/          | 167 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/inference/       |   3 +-
 tests/priors/         |   2 +-
 tests/priors/ |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 sparsecoding/

diff --git a/sparsecoding/ b/sparsecoding/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026ac43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sparsecoding/
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+import torch
+from torch.distributions.laplace import Laplace
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+class Prior(ABC):
+    """A distribution over weights.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    weights_dim : int
+        Number of weights for each sample.
+    """
+    @abstractmethod
+    def D(self):
+        """
+        Number of weights per sample.
+        """
+    @abstractmethod
+    def sample(
+        self,
+        num_samples: int = 1,
+    ):
+        """Sample weights from the prior.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        num_samples : int, default=1
+            Number of samples.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        samples : Tensor, shape [num_samples, self.D]
+            Sampled weights.
+        """
+class SpikeSlabPrior(Prior):
+    """Prior where weights are drawn from a "spike-and-slab" distribution.
+    The "spike" is at 0 and the "slab" is Laplacian.
+    See:
+    for a good review of the spike-and-slab model.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    dim : int
+        Number of weights per sample.
+    p_spike : float
+        The probability of the weight being 0.
+    scale : float
+        The "scale" of the Laplacian distribution (larger is wider).
+    positive_only : bool
+        Ensure that the weights are positive by taking the absolute value
+        of weights sampled from the Laplacian.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        dim: int,
+        p_spike: float,
+        scale: float,
+        positive_only: bool = True,
+    ):
+        if dim < 0:
+            raise ValueError(f"`dim` should be nonnegative, got {dim}.")
+        if p_spike < 0 or p_spike > 1:
+            raise ValueError(f"Must have 0 <= `p_spike` <= 1, got `p_spike`={p_spike}.")
+        if scale <= 0:
+            raise ValueError(f"`scale` must be positive, got {scale}.")
+        self.dim = dim
+        self.p_spike = p_spike
+        self.scale = scale
+        self.positive_only = positive_only
+    @property
+    def D(self):
+        return self.dim
+    def sample(self, num_samples: int):
+        N = num_samples
+        zero_weights = torch.zeros((N, self.D), dtype=torch.float32)
+        slab_weights = Laplace(
+            loc=zero_weights,
+            scale=torch.full((N, self.D), self.scale, dtype=torch.float32),
+        ).sample()  # [N, D]
+        if self.positive_only:
+            slab_weights = torch.abs(slab_weights)
+        spike_over_slab = torch.rand(N, self.D, dtype=torch.float32) < self.p_spike
+        weights = torch.where(
+            spike_over_slab,
+            zero_weights,
+            slab_weights,
+        )
+        return weights
+class L0Prior(Prior):
+    """Prior with a distribution over the l0-norm of the weights.
+    A class of priors where the weights are binary;
+    the distribution is over the l0-norm of the weight vector
+    (how many weights are active).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    prob_distr : Tensor, shape [D], dtype float32
+        Probability distribution over the l0-norm of the weights.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        prob_distr: torch.Tensor,
+    ):
+        if prob_distr.dim() != 1:
+            raise ValueError(f"`prob_distr` shape must be (D,), got {prob_distr.shape}.")
+        if prob_distr.dtype != torch.float32:
+            raise ValueError(f"`prob_distr` dtype must be torch.float32, got {prob_distr.dtype}.")
+        if not torch.allclose(torch.sum(prob_distr), torch.ones_like(prob_distr)):
+            raise ValueError(f"`torch.sum(prob_distr)` must be 1., got {torch.sum(prob_distr)}.")
+        self.prob_distr = prob_distr
+    @property
+    def D(self):
+        return self.prob_distr.shape[0]
+    def sample(
+        self,
+        num_samples: int
+    ):
+        N = num_samples
+        num_active_weights = 1 + torch.multinomial(
+            input=self.prob_distr,
+            num_samples=num_samples,
+            replacement=True,
+        )  # [N]
+        d_idxs = torch.arange(self.D)
+        active_idx_mask = (
+            d_idxs.reshape(1, self.D)
+            < num_active_weights.reshape(N, 1)
+        )  # [N, self.D]
+        n_idxs = torch.arange(N).reshape(N, 1).expand(N, self.D)  # [N, D]
+        # Need to shuffle here so that it's not always the first weights that are active.
+        shuffled_d_idxs = [torch.randperm(self.D) for _ in range(N)]
+        shuffled_d_idxs = torch.stack(shuffled_d_idxs, dim=0)  # [N, D]
+        # [num_active_weights], [num_active_weights]
+        active_weight_idxs = n_idxs[active_idx_mask], shuffled_d_idxs[active_idx_mask]
+        weights = torch.zeros((N, self.D), dtype=torch.float32)
+        weights[active_weight_idxs] += 1.
+        return weights
diff --git a/tests/inference/ b/tests/inference/
index 2ff14d2..eb5d574 100644
--- a/tests/inference/
+++ b/tests/inference/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import torch
-from sparsecoding.priors.l0 import L0Prior
-from sparsecoding.priors.spike_slab import SpikeSlabPrior
+from sparsecoding.priors import L0Prior, SpikeSlabPrior
 from import BarsDataset
diff --git a/tests/priors/ b/tests/priors/
index 7518ad5..12dcce6 100644
--- a/tests/priors/
+++ b/tests/priors/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import torch
 import unittest
-from sparsecoding.priors.l0 import L0Prior
+from sparsecoding.priors import L0Prior
 class TestL0Prior(unittest.TestCase):
diff --git a/tests/priors/ b/tests/priors/
index df4ec31..20804fe 100644
--- a/tests/priors/
+++ b/tests/priors/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import torch
 import unittest
-from sparsecoding.priors.spike_slab import SpikeSlabPrior
+from sparsecoding.priors import SpikeSlabPrior
 class TestSpikeSlabPrior(unittest.TestCase):