Source: achFormat
Field Name | Length | Position | Description |
Routing Number | 9 | 1-9 | The institution's routing number |
Office Code | 1 | 10 | Main office or branch O=main B=branch |
Servicing FRB Number | 9 | 11-19 | Servicing Fed's main office routing number |
Record Type Code | 1 | 20 | The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank 1 = Send items to customer routing number 2 = Send items to customer using new routing number field |
Change Date | 6 | 21-26 | Date of last change to CRF information (MMDDYY) |
New Routing Number | 9 | 27-35 | Institution's new routing number resulting from a merger or renumber |
Customer Name | 36 | 36-71 | Commonly used abbreviated name |
Address | 36 | 72-107 | Delivery address |
City | 20 | 108-127 | City name in the delivery address |
State Code | 2 | 128-129 | State code of the state in the delivery address |
Zipcode | 5 | 130-134 | Zipcode in the delivery address |
Zipcode Extension | 4 | 135-138 | Zipcode extension in the delivery address |
Telephone Area Code | 3 | 139-141 | Area code of the CRF contact telephone number |
Telephone Prefix Number | 3 | 142-144 | Prefix of the CRF contact telephone number |
Telephone Suffix Number | 4 | 145-148 | Suffix of the CRF contact telephone number |
Institution Status Code | 1 | 149 | Code is based on the customers receiver code 1 = Receives Gov/Comm |
Data View Code | 1 | 150 | 1 = Current view |
Filler | 5 | 151-155 | Spaces |