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367 lines (288 loc) · 8.09 KB

File metadata and controls

367 lines (288 loc) · 8.09 KB


Notes for this project are here.

Here is the link to the target:


  1. Run the code in codespace. In the terminal, type ruby app.rb. Open a browser from the PORTS tab. Here is what I see:

Welcome to your Sinatra App!

Define some routes in app.rb
  • Create a file within the views folder called hello.erb. In the file, simply type Hi!
  • Note that the command require "sinatra/reloader" within app.rb allows changes to the app.rb file to be reflected immediately on the web-page without the need to restart the server.
  • To the app.rb, add a route called /howdy. Within the block, add a line to call the erb function to load hello.erb. Automatically, the function will load layout.erb, which serves as a universal template, as follows:
require "sinatra"
require "sinatra/reloader"

get("/howdy") do

get("/") do
  <h1>Welcome to your Sinatra App!</h1>
  <p>Define some routes in app.rb</p>
  1. Add form tag within hello.erb as follows:
<form action = "">
<h1> Form experiments </h1>
  <label for="first_name"> first name </label>
  <input id="first_name" type = "text" name="first">
  <label for="last_name"> last name </label>
  <input id ="last_name" type = "text" name="last">
  <button>Go to Wikipedia</button>

  • In the above, labels are assigned to each inputs having for attributes that match the inputs id. Clicking on the labels will automatically place the cursor within the textbox with the corresponding id.
  • Clicking on the Go to Wikipedia button leads to url:
  • Note that at the end of the wikipedia url, the following commands are passed from the textbox as a hash data structure: ?first=Johan&last=Moen, but it is not recognized by the url.
  1. Modify the code within hello.erb, so that clicking the button will process the textbox input, rather than transferring the browser to a wikipedia page, as follows:
<form action = "goodbye">
<h1> Form experiments </h1>
  <label for="first_name"> first name </label>
  <input id="first_name" type = "text" name="first">
  <label for="last_name"> last name </label>
  <input id ="last_name" type = "text" name="last">
  <button> Go to /goodbye </button>

At the same time, we need to add a /goodbye route in the app.rb page, as follows.

require "sinatra"
require "sinatra/reloader"

get("/howdy") do
  #"Hello there" #test

get("/goodbye") do

get("/") do
  <h1>Welcome to your Sinatra App!</h1>
  <p>Define some routes in app.rb</p>

Also, enter the contents of the bye.rb file as follows:

<h1> Goodbye </h1>
  • Clicking on the button append the hash data structure to the route, These parameters are, however, ignored.
  • You can parse and view the hash data structure by adding the command <%=params%> within bye.erb. On the /goodbye page, you will see:


{"first"=>"Johny", "last"=>"Moen"}
  1. Display user's inputs on the /goodbye page by modifying bye.erb as follows:
<h1> Goodbye </h1>


<div> First name: <%=params.fetch("first")%> </div>
<div> Last name: <%=params.fetch("last")%> </div>
  1. For number squaring calculator implementation, create two erb files within the views folder called new_sqare_calc.erb and square_results.erb. new_square_calc.erb is the page that contains the form into which a user inputs the number. Upon clicking on the button, the form directs the page to square_results.erb to display the results (see below).

<h1> Calculate the square of a number <h1>

<form action="/square/results">
    <label for="user_number">Enter a number</label>
    <input type="text" name="number" id="user_number" placeholder="What number do you want to take the square of?">
  <button>Calculate square</button>

  Square Results



<a href="/square/new">
  Calculate another square

  1. Instead of performing the arithmetic calculation within html tags, we can delegate the task to ruby within the app.rb file and pass it to the square_results.erb file with a variable called @the_num. Recall that the variable is preceeded with the symbol @ (see below for the modification to the app.eb and square_results.erb files).

get("/square/results") do
  @the_num = params.fetch("number").to_f
  @the_result = @the_num**2

  1. Follow similar steps to add the square root operation, as follows.
  • Create square_root_results.erb
  • Create new_square_root_calc.erb
  • Add a new section in app.rb, as below.
get("/square_root/new") do

get("/square_root/results") do
  @the_num = params.fetch("number").to_f
  @the_result = @the_num**(0.5)

  1. To display the square form on the main page, modify app.rb as follows.
get("/") do
  1. Likewise, to enable the payment operations add payment_calc.erb and payment_results.erb.

  2. Tried to enable .to_fs():

  • To the Gemfile, add gem "activesupport"
  • Install Gemfile by typing in the terminal bundle install
  • within the app.rb file, add the command "active_support/all"

The above steps, however, did not work.

  1. Define the payment/results route as follows.
get("/payment/results") do
  @apr = params.fetch("user_apr").to_f.round(4) #.to_fs(:percentage, {:precision => 4})
  @years = params.fetch("user_years").to_i
  @pv = params.fetch("user_pv").to_f.round(2) #to_fs(:currency)

  def payment(apr, pv, years)
    r = apr / 1200
    n = years*12

    numerator = r*pv
    denominator= 1-(1+r)**-n

    return numerator/denominator

  @the_result = payment(@apr, @pv, @years).round(2)

  1. As a temporary solution, format the outputs within the payment_calc.erb file as follows.
  Payment Results

    <%=sprintf('%.4f', @apr)%> %

    Number of years



<a href="/payment/new">
  Calculate another payment
  1. I got the .to_fs() method to work by placing it in payment_results.erb, as follows.
  Payment Results

    <%[email protected]_fs(:percentage, {:precision => 4})%>

    Number of years

    <%[email protected]_fs(:currency)%>


<a href="/payment/new">
  Calculate another payment

The require "active_support/all" statement in app.rb is indeed needed. If I remove it, the method stops working.

  1. Note that you will have to call the params.fetch() method in the erb file that is transmitted by the form, otherwise you will get an error. For example, the params.fetch() method is called within random_results.erb, rather than random_calc.erb.

  2. Finally, below is code within the app.rb file for generating the random numbers for the "Random with Form" tab.

get("/random/results") do

  @min_no = params.fetch("user_min").to_f
  @max_no = params.fetch("user_max").to_f
  @pick_random = rand(@min_no...@max_no)
