As with all things, take away an assumption and you can find other uses for a tool. Whenever you read about or work with a level of detail system, you will be aware that the constraint on what level of detail is shown has always been some distance function in space. It’s now time to take that assumption, discard it, and analyse what is really happening.
First, we find that if we take away the assumption of distance, we can infer the conditional as some kind of linear measure. This value normally comes from a function that takes the camera position and finds the relative distance to the entity under consideration. What we may also realise when discarding the distance assumption is a more fundamental understanding of that what we are trying to do. We are using a runtime variable to control the presentation state of an entity. We use runtime variables to control the state of many parts of our game already, but in this case, there is a passive presentation response to the variable, or axis being monitored. The presentation is usually some graphical, or logical level of detail, but it could be something as important to the entity as its own existence.
How long until a player forgets about something that might otherwise be important? This information can help reduce memory usage as much as distance. If you have ever played Grand Theft Auto IV, you might have noticed that the cars can dissappear just by not looking at them. As you turn around a few times you might notice that the cars seem to be different each time you face their way. This is a stunning use of temporal level of detail. Cars that have been bumped into or driven and parked by the player remain where they were, because, in essence, the player put them there. Because the player has interacted with them, they are likely to remember that they are there. However, ambient vehicles, whether they are police cruisers, or civilian vehicles, are less important and don’t normally get to keep any special status so can vanish when the player looks away.
In adition to time-since-seen, some elements may base their level of detail on how far a player has progressed in the game, or how many of something a player has, or how many times they have done it. For example, a typical bartering animation might be cut shorter and shorter as the game uses the axis of how many recent barters to draw back the length of any non-interactive sections that could be caused by the event. This can be done simply, and the player will be thankful. It may even be possible to allow for multi-item transactions after a certain number of transactions have happened. In effect, you could set up gameplay elements, reactions to situations, triggers for tutorials or extensions to gameplay options all through these abstracted level of detail style axes.
This way of manipulating the present state of the game is safer from transition errors. Errors that happen because going from one state to another may have set something to true when transitioning one direction, but not back to false when transitioning the other way. You can think of the states as being implicit on the axis, not explicit, calculated purely as a triggered event that manipulates state.
An example of where transition errors occur is in menu systems where though all transitions should be reversible, sometimes you may find that going down two levels of menu, but back only one level, takes you back to where you started. For example, entering the options menu, then entering an adjust volume slider, but backing out of the slider might take you out of the options menu all together. These bugs are common in UI code as there are large numbers of different layers of interaction. Player input is often captured in obscure ways compared to gameplay input response. A common problem with menus is one of ownership of the input for a particular frame. For example, if a player hits both the forward and backward button at the same time, a state machine UI might choose to enter whichever transition response comes first. Another might manage to accept the forward event, only to have the next menu accept the back event, but worst of all might be the unlikely but seen in the wild, menu transitioning to two different menus at the same time. Sometimes the menu may transition due to external forces, and if there is player input captured in a different thread of execution, the game state can become disjoint and unresponsive. Consider a network game’s lobby, where if everyone is ready to play, but the host of the game disconnects while you are entering into the options screen prior to game launch, in a traditional state machine like approach to menus, where should the player return to once they exit the options screen? The lobby would normally have dropped you back to a server search screen, but in this case, the lobby has gone away to be replaced with nothing. This is where having simple axes instead of state machines can prove to be simpler to the point of being less buggy and more responsive.