You can easily create ERC721 and ERC1155 smart contracts using our Token Factories. Find addresses for token factories on Addresses page.
Token Factories create Beacon proxies: this means Rarible Protocol can upgrade these contracts automatically (when all token contracts are upgraded).
Currently, two token factories are available: ERC-721 and ERC-1155. These both contracts are public in terms of minting: anyone can mint tokens there.
Invoke function createToken
to create tokens with custom name, symbol. Set base uri to "ipfs:/" if you want to use ipfs for metadata storage.
There are the parameters supported:
- name - name of the smart contract
- symbol - symbol of the smart contract
- base URI - prefix for the URI for created tokens (will be prepended to URI for every token minted). By default, use "ipfs:/"
- contractURI - URI holding metadata for the contract. Set{address} if you want to control metadata using Rarible UI