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base repository: rapidsai/rmm
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v24.02.00
Choose a base ref
head repository: rapidsai/rmm
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: main
Choose a head ref
Showing with 7,594 additions and 4,536 deletions.
  1. +15 −2 .clang-format
  2. +1 −1 .devcontainer/Dockerfile
  3. +7 −2 .devcontainer/cuda11.8-conda/devcontainer.json
  4. +7 −2 .devcontainer/cuda11.8-pip/devcontainer.json
  5. +10 −5 .devcontainer/{cuda12.0-conda → cuda12.8-conda}/devcontainer.json
  6. +10 −5 .devcontainer/{cuda12.0-pip → cuda12.8-pip}/devcontainer.json
  7. +11 −5 .github/CODEOWNERS
  8. +4 −0 .github/
  9. +1 −0 .github/copy-pr-bot.yaml
  10. +1 −0 .github/ops-bot.yaml
  11. +33 −10 .github/workflows/build.yaml
  12. +96 −16 .github/workflows/pr.yaml
  13. +3 −3 .github/workflows/test.yaml
  14. +26 −0 .github/workflows/trigger-breaking-change-alert.yaml
  15. +8 −7 .gitignore
  16. +95 −83 .pre-commit-config.yaml
  17. +305 −0
  18. +30 −14 CMakeLists.txt
  19. +251 −88
  20. +1 −1 VERSION
  21. +12 −6 benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt
  22. +11 −12 benchmarks/device_uvector/
  23. +6 −12 benchmarks/multi_stream_allocations/
  24. +1 −8 benchmarks/random_allocations/random_allocations.cpp
  25. +8 −9 benchmarks/replay/replay.cpp
  26. +2 −1 benchmarks/synchronization/synchronization.hpp
  27. +5 −5 benchmarks/utilities/log_parser.hpp
  28. +0 −8 benchmarks/utilities/simulated_memory_resource.hpp
  29. +8 −10
  30. +6 −5 ci/
  31. +18 −11 ci/
  32. +7 −11 ci/
  33. +0 −39 ci/
  34. +27 −0 ci/
  35. +41 −0 ci/
  36. +10 −7 ci/
  37. +65 −0 ci/
  38. +19 −29 ci/release/
  39. +9 −0 ci/
  40. +9 −0 ci/
  41. +12 −11 ci/
  42. +22 −20 ci/
  43. +13 −11 ci/
  44. +18 −0 ci/
  45. +0 −5 ci/
  46. +0 −22 cmake/thirdparty/get_fmt.cmake
  47. +7 −6 cmake/thirdparty/{get_gtest.cmake → get_nvtx.cmake}
  48. +14 −15 cmake/thirdparty/get_spdlog.cmake
  49. +12 −11 conda/environments/all_cuda-118_arch-x86_64.yaml
  50. +15 −13 conda/environments/{all_cuda-120_arch-x86_64.yaml → all_cuda-128_arch-x86_64.yaml}
  51. +14 −14 conda/recipes/librmm/conda_build_config.yaml
  52. +13 −51 conda/recipes/librmm/meta.yaml
  53. +11 −8 conda/recipes/rmm/conda_build_config.yaml
  54. +19 −11 conda/recipes/rmm/meta.yaml
  55. +130 −27 dependencies.yaml
  56. +9 −5 doxygen/Doxyfile
  57. +4 −2 include/rmm/aligned.hpp
  58. +11 −16 include/rmm/cuda_device.hpp
  59. +5 −4 include/rmm/cuda_stream.hpp
  60. +4 −3 include/rmm/cuda_stream_pool.hpp
  61. +5 −5 include/rmm/cuda_stream_view.hpp
  62. +5 −83 include/rmm/detail/aligned.hpp
  63. +0 −188 include/rmm/detail/dynamic_load_runtime.hpp
  64. +3 −94 include/rmm/detail/error.hpp
  65. +5 −3 include/rmm/detail/export.hpp
  66. +53 −0 include/rmm/detail/format.hpp
  67. +5 −4 include/rmm/detail/logging_assert.hpp
  68. +65 −0 include/rmm/detail/nvtx/ranges.hpp
  69. +79 −0 include/rmm/detail/runtime_async_alloc.hpp
  70. +7 −3 include/rmm/detail/stack_trace.hpp
  71. +17 −19 include/rmm/device_buffer.hpp
  72. +17 −12 include/rmm/device_scalar.hpp
  73. +14 −12 include/rmm/device_uvector.hpp
  74. +5 −4 include/rmm/device_vector.hpp
  75. +114 −0 include/rmm/error.hpp
  76. +14 −13 include/rmm/exec_policy.hpp
  77. +0 −135 include/rmm/logger.hpp
  78. +45 −25 include/rmm/mr/device/aligned_resource_adaptor.hpp
  79. +34 −23 include/rmm/mr/device/arena_memory_resource.hpp
  80. +66 −41 include/rmm/mr/device/binning_memory_resource.hpp
  81. +12 −10 include/rmm/mr/device/callback_memory_resource.hpp
  82. +29 −62 include/rmm/mr/device/cuda_async_memory_resource.hpp
  83. +10 −41 include/rmm/mr/device/cuda_async_view_memory_resource.hpp
  84. +6 −12 include/rmm/mr/device/cuda_memory_resource.hpp
  85. +40 −41 include/rmm/mr/device/detail/arena.hpp
  86. +8 −10 include/rmm/mr/device/detail/coalescing_free_list.hpp
  87. +6 −3 include/rmm/mr/device/detail/fixed_size_free_list.hpp
  88. +7 −3 include/rmm/mr/device/detail/free_list.hpp
  89. +20 −20 include/rmm/mr/device/detail/stream_ordered_memory_resource.hpp
  90. +14 −44 include/rmm/mr/device/device_memory_resource.hpp
  91. +36 −22 include/rmm/mr/device/failure_callback_resource_adaptor.hpp
  92. +48 −27 include/rmm/mr/device/fixed_size_memory_resource.hpp
  93. +41 −43 include/rmm/mr/device/limiting_resource_adaptor.hpp
  94. +101 −104 include/rmm/mr/device/logging_resource_adaptor.hpp
  95. +6 −12 include/rmm/mr/device/managed_memory_resource.hpp
  96. +5 −10 include/rmm/mr/device/owning_wrapper.hpp
  97. +244 −12 include/rmm/mr/device/per_device_resource.hpp
  98. +80 −41 include/rmm/mr/device/polymorphic_allocator.hpp
  99. +51 −86 include/rmm/mr/device/pool_memory_resource.hpp
  100. +136 −0 include/rmm/mr/device/prefetch_resource_adaptor.hpp
  101. +136 −0 include/rmm/mr/device/sam_headroom_memory_resource.hpp
  102. +104 −48 include/rmm/mr/device/statistics_resource_adaptor.hpp
  103. +165 −0 include/rmm/mr/device/system_memory_resource.hpp
  104. +30 −21 include/rmm/mr/device/thread_safe_resource_adaptor.hpp
  105. +29 −16 include/rmm/mr/device/thrust_allocator_adaptor.hpp
  106. +45 −49 include/rmm/mr/device/tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp
  107. +10 −3 include/rmm/mr/host/host_memory_resource.hpp
  108. +6 −4 include/rmm/mr/host/new_delete_resource.hpp
  109. +5 −10 include/rmm/mr/host/pinned_memory_resource.hpp
  110. +47 −0 include/rmm/mr/is_resource_adaptor.hpp
  111. +32 −35 include/rmm/mr/pinned_host_memory_resource.hpp
  112. +78 −0 include/rmm/prefetch.hpp
  113. +86 −0 include/rmm/resource_ref.hpp
  114. +0 −55 include/rmm/thrust_rmm_allocator.h
  115. +90 −4 pyproject.toml
  116. +0 −1 python/LICENSE
  117. +0 −1 python/
  118. +0 −189 python/docs/
  119. +25 −5 fetch_rapids.cmake → python/librmm/CMakeLists.txt
  120. +1 −0 python/librmm/LICENSE
  121. +1 −0 python/librmm/
  122. +1 −0 python/librmm/librmm/VERSION
  123. +15 −0 python/librmm/librmm/
  124. +7 −2 python/{rmm → librmm/librmm}/
  125. +77 −0 python/librmm/pyproject.toml
  126. +1 −0 python/{ → rmm}/.coveragerc
  127. +12 −24 python/{ → rmm}/CMakeLists.txt
  128. +1 −0 python/rmm/LICENSE
  129. +1 −0 python/rmm/
  130. +0 −1 python/rmm/VERSION
  131. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/Makefile
  132. +44 −21 python/{ → rmm}/docs/
  133. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/cpp.rst
  134. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/cpp_api.rst
  135. +325 −0 python/rmm/docs/
  136. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/index.rst
  137. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/librmm_docs/cuda_device_management.rst
  138. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/librmm_docs/cuda_streams.rst
  139. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/librmm_docs/data_containers.rst
  140. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/librmm_docs/deprecated.rst
  141. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/librmm_docs/errors.rst
  142. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/librmm_docs/index.rst
  143. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/librmm_docs/logging.rst
  144. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/librmm_docs/memory_resources.rst
  145. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/librmm_docs/thrust_integrations.rst
  146. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/librmm_docs/utilities.rst
  147. 0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/python.rst
  148. +9 −0 python/{ → rmm}/docs/python_api.rst
  149. +52 −69 python/{ → rmm}/pyproject.toml
  150. +1 −0 python/rmm/rmm/VERSION
  151. +9 −7 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/
  152. +9 −3 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/_cuda/CMakeLists.txt
  153. 0 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/_cuda/__init__.pxd
  154. 0 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/_cuda/
  155. +34 −34 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/_cuda/
  156. +15 −0 python/rmm/rmm/_cuda/stream.pxd
  157. +35 −0 python/rmm/rmm/_cuda/
  158. +19 −15 python/rmm/{allocators/ → rmm/}
  159. 0 python/rmm/{_lib/tests → rmm/allocators}/
  160. +4 −4 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/allocators/
  161. +4 −4 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/allocators/
  162. +41 −0 python/rmm/rmm/allocators/
  163. +10 −3 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/librmm}/CMakeLists.txt
  164. 0 python/rmm/{_lib/__init__.pxd → rmm/librmm/}
  165. +39 −0 python/rmm/rmm/librmm/_logger.pxd
  166. +1 −1 python/rmm/{_lib/lib.pyx → rmm/librmm/_logger.pyx}
  167. +11 −7 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/librmm}/_torch_allocator.cpp
  168. +3 −12 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/librmm}/cuda_stream.pxd
  169. +2 −4 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/librmm}/cuda_stream_pool.pxd
  170. +2 −2 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/librmm}/cuda_stream_view.pxd
  171. +58 −0 python/rmm/rmm/librmm/device_buffer.pxd
  172. +4 −4 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/librmm}/device_uvector.pxd
  173. +239 −0 python/rmm/rmm/librmm/memory_resource.pxd
  174. +14 −1 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/librmm}/per_device_resource.pxd
  175. +18 −8 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/
  176. +28 −0 python/rmm/rmm/pylibrmm/CMakeLists.txt
  177. 0 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/pylibrmm}/
  178. +27 −0 python/rmm/rmm/pylibrmm/cuda_stream.pxd
  179. +4 −2 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/pylibrmm}/cuda_stream.pyx
  180. +6 −21 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/pylibrmm}/device_buffer.pxd
  181. +64 −25 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/pylibrmm}/device_buffer.pyx
  182. +2 −6 python/rmm/{_lib/lib.pxd → rmm/pylibrmm/helper.pxd}
  183. +78 −0 python/rmm/rmm/pylibrmm/helper.pyx
  184. +13 −62 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/pylibrmm}/logger.pyx
  185. +15 −18 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/pylibrmm}/memory_resource.pxd
  186. +254 −235 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/pylibrmm}/memory_resource.pyx
  187. +3 −3 python/rmm/{_cuda → rmm/pylibrmm}/stream.pxd
  188. +15 −11 python/rmm/{_cuda → rmm/pylibrmm}/stream.pyx
  189. 0 python/rmm/{allocators → rmm/pylibrmm/tests}/
  190. +4 −3 python/rmm/{_lib → rmm/pylibrmm}/tests/test_device_buffer.pyx
  191. +5 −3 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/
  192. +350 −0 python/rmm/rmm/
  193. +36 −0 python/rmm/rmm/tests/
  194. +2 −2 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/tests/
  195. +218 −115 python/rmm/{ → rmm}/tests/
  196. +51 −0 python/rmm/rmm/tests/
  197. +336 −0 python/rmm/rmm/tests/
  198. +24 −0 python/rmm/rmm/tests/
  199. +0 −21 python/rmm/tests/
  200. +0 −37 python/rmm/tests/
  201. +34 −0 rapids_config.cmake
  202. +3 −0 scripts/
  203. +2 −0 scripts/
  204. +51 −26 tests/CMakeLists.txt
  205. +12 −12 tests/
  206. +2 −2 tests/cuda_stream_pool_tests.cpp
  207. +4 −3 tests/cuda_stream_tests.cpp
  208. +16 −11 tests/
  209. +13 −10 tests/device_check_resource_adaptor.hpp
  210. +6 −4 tests/device_scalar_tests.cpp
  211. +8 −7 tests/device_uvector_tests.cpp
  212. +10 −11 tests/logger_tests.cpp
  213. +6 −2 tests/mock_resource.hpp
  214. +9 −10 tests/mr/device/adaptor_tests.cpp
  215. +3 −15 tests/mr/device/aligned_mr_tests.cpp
  216. +31 −36 tests/mr/device/arena_mr_tests.cpp
  217. +27 −23 tests/mr/device/callback_mr_tests.cpp
  218. +26 −14 tests/mr/device/cuda_async_mr_tests.cpp
  219. +4 −9 tests/mr/device/cuda_async_view_mr_tests.cpp
  220. +2 −3 tests/mr/device/failure_callback_mr_tests.cpp
  221. +8 −8 tests/mr/device/limiting_mr_tests.cpp
  222. +0 −286 tests/mr/device/mr_multithreaded_tests.cpp
  223. +117 −19 tests/mr/device/mr_ref_multithreaded_tests.cpp
  224. +135 −47 tests/mr/device/mr_ref_test.hpp
  225. +68 −20 tests/mr/device/mr_ref_tests.cpp
  226. +0 −285 tests/mr/device/mr_test.hpp
  227. +0 −139 tests/mr/device/mr_tests.cpp
  228. +11 −9 tests/mr/device/polymorphic_allocator_tests.cpp
  229. +14 −29 tests/mr/device/pool_mr_tests.cpp
  230. +101 −0 tests/mr/device/prefetch_resource_adaptor_tests.cpp
  231. +53 −10 tests/mr/device/statistics_mr_tests.cpp
  232. +11 −11 tests/mr/device/stream_allocator_adaptor_tests.cpp
  233. +121 −0 tests/mr/device/
  234. +3 −3 tests/mr/device/test_utils.hpp
  235. +33 −19 tests/mr/device/
  236. +21 −22 tests/mr/device/tracking_mr_tests.cpp
  237. +7 −5 tests/mr/host/mr_ref_tests.cpp
  238. +0 −256 tests/mr/host/mr_tests.cpp
  239. +115 −0 tests/prefetch_tests.cpp
17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions .clang-format
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ BraceWrapping:
SplitEmptyFunction: false
SplitEmptyRecord: false
SplitEmptyNamespace: false
BreakAfterAttributes: Leave
BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false
BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
BreakBeforeBraces: WebKit
@@ -71,8 +72,20 @@ ForEachMacros:
- foreach
IncludeBlocks: Preserve
IncludeIsMainRegex: '([-_](test|unittest))?$'
IncludeBlocks: Regroup
- Regex: '^"' # quoted includes
Priority: 1
- Regex: '^<rmm/' # RMM includes
Priority: 2
- Regex: '^<(thrust|cub|cuda)/' # CCCL includes
Priority: 3
- Regex: '^<(cooperative_groups|cuco|cuda.h|cuda_runtime|device_types|math_constants|nvtx3)' # CUDA includes
Priority: 3
- Regex: '^<.*\..*' # other system includes (e.g. with a '.')
Priority: 4
- Regex: '^<[^.]+' # STL includes (no '.')
Priority: 5
IndentCaseLabels: true
IndentPPDirectives: None
IndentWidth: 2
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .devcontainer/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change

ENV SCCACHE_BUCKET="rapids-sccache-devs"
ENV AWS_ROLE_ARN="arn:aws:iam::279114543810:role/nv-gha-token-sccache-devs"
ENV HISTFILE="/home/coder/.cache/._bash_history"
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions .devcontainer/cuda11.8-conda/devcontainer.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,12 +5,17 @@
"args": {
"CUDA": "11.8",
"BASE": "rapidsai/devcontainers:24.02-cpp-cuda11.8-mambaforge-ubuntu22.04"
"BASE": "rapidsai/devcontainers:25.02-cpp-cuda11.8-mambaforge-ubuntu22.04"
"runArgs": [
"hostRequirements": {"gpu": "optional"},
"features": {
"": {}
"": {}
"overrideFeatureInstallOrder": [
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions .devcontainer/cuda11.8-pip/devcontainer.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,12 +5,17 @@
"args": {
"CUDA": "11.8",
"BASE": "rapidsai/devcontainers:24.02-cpp-llvm16-cuda11.8-ubuntu22.04"
"BASE": "rapidsai/devcontainers:25.02-cpp-cuda11.8-ubuntu22.04"
"runArgs": [
"hostRequirements": {"gpu": "optional"},
"features": {
"": {}
"": {}
"overrideFeatureInstallOrder": [
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,19 +3,24 @@
"context": "${localWorkspaceFolder}/.devcontainer",
"dockerfile": "${localWorkspaceFolder}/.devcontainer/Dockerfile",
"args": {
"CUDA": "12.0",
"CUDA": "12.8",
"BASE": "rapidsai/devcontainers:24.02-cpp-mambaforge-ubuntu22.04"
"BASE": "rapidsai/devcontainers:25.02-cpp-mambaforge-ubuntu22.04"
"runArgs": [
"hostRequirements": {"gpu": "optional"},
"features": {
"": {}
"": {}
"overrideFeatureInstallOrder": [
"initializeCommand": ["/bin/bash", "-c", "mkdir -m 0755 -p ${localWorkspaceFolder}/../.{aws,cache,config,conda/pkgs,conda/${localWorkspaceFolderBasename}-cuda12.0-envs}"],
"initializeCommand": ["/bin/bash", "-c", "mkdir -m 0755 -p ${localWorkspaceFolder}/../.{aws,cache,config,conda/pkgs,conda/${localWorkspaceFolderBasename}-cuda12.8-envs}"],
"postAttachCommand": ["/bin/bash", "-c", "if [ ${CODESPACES:-false} = 'true' ]; then . devcontainer-utils-post-attach-command; . rapids-post-attach-command; fi"],
"workspaceFolder": "/home/coder",
"workspaceMount": "source=${localWorkspaceFolder},target=/home/coder/rmm,type=bind,consistency=consistent",
@@ -24,7 +29,7 @@
"customizations": {
"vscode": {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,27 +3,32 @@
"context": "${localWorkspaceFolder}/.devcontainer",
"dockerfile": "${localWorkspaceFolder}/.devcontainer/Dockerfile",
"args": {
"CUDA": "12.0",
"CUDA": "12.8",
"BASE": "rapidsai/devcontainers:24.02-cpp-llvm16-cuda12.0-ubuntu22.04"
"BASE": "rapidsai/devcontainers:25.02-cpp-cuda12.8-ubuntu22.04"
"runArgs": [
"hostRequirements": {"gpu": "optional"},
"features": {
"": {}
"": {}
"overrideFeatureInstallOrder": [
"initializeCommand": ["/bin/bash", "-c", "mkdir -m 0755 -p ${localWorkspaceFolder}/../.{aws,cache,config/pip,local/share/${localWorkspaceFolderBasename}-cuda12.0-venvs}"],
"initializeCommand": ["/bin/bash", "-c", "mkdir -m 0755 -p ${localWorkspaceFolder}/../.{aws,cache,config/pip,local/share/${localWorkspaceFolderBasename}-cuda12.8-venvs}"],
"postAttachCommand": ["/bin/bash", "-c", "if [ ${CODESPACES:-false} = 'true' ]; then . devcontainer-utils-post-attach-command; . rapids-post-attach-command; fi"],
"workspaceFolder": "/home/coder",
"workspaceMount": "source=${localWorkspaceFolder},target=/home/coder/rmm,type=bind,consistency=consistent",
"mounts": [
"customizations": {
"vscode": {
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions .github/CODEOWNERS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,8 +10,14 @@ python/ @rapidsai/rmm-python-codeowners
**/CMakeLists.txt @rapidsai/rmm-cmake-codeowners
**/cmake/ @rapidsai/rmm-cmake-codeowners

#build/ops code owners
.github/ @rapidsai/ops-codeowners
ci/ @rapidsai/ops-codeowners
conda/ @rapidsai/ops-codeowners
dependencies.yaml @rapidsai/ops-codeowners
#CI code owners
/.github/ @rapidsai/ci-codeowners
/ci/ @rapidsai/ci-codeowners
/.pre-commit-config.yaml @rapidsai/ci-codeowners

#packaging code owners
/.devcontainer/ @rapidsai/packaging-codeowners
/conda/ @rapidsai/packaging-codeowners
/dependencies.yaml @rapidsai/packaging-codeowners
/ @rapidsai/packaging-codeowners
pyproject.toml @rapidsai/packaging-codeowners
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
## Description
<!-- We use issues for tracking work and features in RMM. If no issue exists for this PR, first -->
<!-- create a new issue. -->

<!-- Provide a standalone description of changes in this PR. -->
<!-- Reference any issues closed by this PR with "closes #1234". -->
<!-- Note: The pull request title will be included in the CHANGELOG. -->
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .github/copy-pr-bot.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@

enabled: true
auto_sync_draft: false
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .github/ops-bot.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ branch_checker: true
label_checker: true
release_drafter: true
recently_updated: true
forward_merger: true
43 changes: 33 additions & 10 deletions .github/workflows/build.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ concurrency:
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/conda-cpp-build.yaml@branch-24.02
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/conda-cpp-build.yaml@branch-25.02
build_type: ${{ inputs.build_type || 'branch' }}
branch: ${{ inputs.branch }}
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ jobs:
needs: [cpp-build]
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/conda-python-build.yaml@branch-24.02
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/conda-python-build.yaml@branch-25.02
build_type: ${{ inputs.build_type || 'branch' }}
branch: ${{ inputs.branch }}
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ jobs:
needs: [cpp-build, python-build]
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/conda-upload-packages.yaml@branch-24.02
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/conda-upload-packages.yaml@branch-25.02
build_type: ${{ inputs.build_type || 'branch' }}
branch: ${{ inputs.branch }}
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ jobs:
if: github.ref_type == 'branch'
needs: python-build
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/custom-job.yaml@branch-24.02
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/custom-job.yaml@branch-25.02
build_type: ${{ inputs.build_type || 'branch' }}
branch: ${{ inputs.branch }}
@@ -66,22 +66,45 @@ jobs:
arch: "amd64"
container_image: "rapidsai/ci-conda:latest"
run_script: "ci/"
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/wheels-build.yaml@branch-24.02
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/wheels-build.yaml@branch-25.02
matrix_filter: group_by([.ARCH, (.CUDA_VER|split(".")|map(tonumber)|.[0])]) | map(max_by(.PY_VER|split(".")|map(tonumber)))
build_type: ${{ inputs.build_type || 'branch' }}
branch: ${{ inputs.branch }}
sha: ${{ inputs.sha }}
date: ${{ }}
script: ci/
needs: wheel-build
script: ci/
needs: wheel-build-cpp
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/wheels-publish.yaml@branch-24.02
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/wheels-build.yaml@branch-25.02
build_type: ${{ inputs.build_type || 'branch' }}
branch: ${{ inputs.branch }}
sha: ${{ inputs.sha }}
date: ${{ }}
script: ci/
needs: wheel-build-cpp
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/wheels-publish.yaml@branch-25.02
build_type: ${{ inputs.build_type || 'branch' }}
branch: ${{ inputs.branch }}
sha: ${{ inputs.sha }}
date: ${{ }}
package-name: rmm
package-type: cpp
needs: wheel-build-python
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/wheels-publish.yaml@branch-25.02
build_type: ${{ inputs.build_type || 'branch' }}
branch: ${{ inputs.branch }}
sha: ${{ inputs.sha }}
date: ${{ }}
package-name: rmm
package-type: python