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-# Getting the WholeGraph Packages
-Start by reading the [RAPIDS Instalation guide](https://docs.rapids.ai/install)
-and checkout the [RAPIDS install selector](https://rapids.ai/start.html) for a pick list of install options.
-There are 4 ways to get WholeGraph packages:
-1. [Quick start with Docker Repo](#docker)
-2. [Conda Installation](#conda)
-3. [Pip Installation](#pip)
-4. [Build from Source](./source_build.md)
-## Docker
-The RAPIDS Docker containers (as of Release 23.10) contain all RAPIDS packages, including WholeGraph, as well as all required supporting packages. To download a container, please see the [Docker Repository](https://hub.docker.com/r/rapidsai/rapidsai/), choosing a tag based on the NVIDIA CUDA version you’re running. This provides a ready to run Docker container with example notebooks and data, showcasing how you can utilize all of the RAPIDS libraries.
-## Conda
-It is easy to install WholeGraph using conda. You can get a minimal conda installation with [miniforge](https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge).
-WholeGraph conda packages
- * libwholegraph
- * pylibwholegraph
-Replace the package name in the example below to the one you want to install.
-Install and update WholeGraph using the conda command:
-conda install -c rapidsai -c conda-forge -c nvidia wholegraph cudatoolkit=11.8
-## PIP
-wholegraph, and all of RAPIDS, is available via pip.
-pip install wholegraph-cu11 --extra-index-url=https://pypi.nvidia.com
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-# Building from Source
-The following instructions are for users wishing to build wholegraph from source code. These instructions are tested on supported distributions of Linux,CUDA,
-and Python - See [RAPIDS Getting Started](https://rapids.ai/start.html) for a list of supported environments.
-Other operating systems _might be_ compatible, but are not currently tested.
-The wholegraph package includes both a C/C++ CUDA portion and a python portion. Both libraries need to be installed in order for cuGraph to operate correctly.
-The C/C++ CUDA library is `libwholegraph` and the python library is `pylibwholegraph`.
-## Prerequisites
-* `gcc` version 11.0+
-* `nvcc` version 11.0+
-* `cmake` version 3.26.4+
-* CUDA 11.8+
-* Volta architecture or better
-You can obtain CUDA from [https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads).
-__Other Packages__:
-* ninja
-* nccl
-* cython
-* setuputils3
-* scikit-learn
-* scikit-build-core
-* nanobind>=0.2.0
-## Building wholegraph
-To install wholegraph from source, ensure the dependencies are met.
-### Clone Repo and Configure Conda Environment
-__GIT clone a version of the repository__
- ```bash
- # Set the location to wholegraph in an environment variable WHOLEGRAPH_HOME
- export WHOLEGRAPH_HOME=$(pwd)/wholegraph
- # Download the wholegraph repo - if you have a forked version, use that path here instead
- git clone https://github.com/rapidsai/wholegraph.git $WHOLEGRAPH_HOME
- ```
-__Create the conda development environment__
-# create the conda environment (assuming in base `wholegraph` directory)
-# for CUDA 11.x
-conda env create --name wholegraph_dev --file conda/environments/all_cuda-118_arch-x86_64.yaml
-# activate the environment
-conda activate wholegraph_dev
-# to deactivate an environment
-conda deactivate
- - The environment can be updated as development includes/changes the dependencies. To do so, run:
-# Where XXX is the CUDA version
-conda env update --name wholegraph_dev --file conda/environments/all_cuda-XXX_arch-x86_64.yaml
-conda activate wholegraph_dev
-### Build and Install Using the `build.sh` Script
-Using the `build.sh` script make compiling and installing wholegraph a
-breeze. To build and install, simply do:
-$ ./build.sh clean
-$ ./build.sh libwholegraph
-$ ./build.sh pylibwholegraph
-There are several other options available on the build script for advanced users.
-`build.sh` options:
-build.sh [ ...] [ ...]
- where is:
- clean - remove all existing build artifacts and configuration (start over).
- uninstall - uninstall libwholegraph and pylibwholegraph from a prior build/install (see also -n)
- libwholegraph - build the libwholegraph C++ library.
- pylibwholegraph - build the pylibwholegraph Python package.
- tests - build the C++ (OPG) tests.
- benchmarks - build benchmarks.
- docs - build the docs
- and is:
- -v - verbose build mode
- -g - build for debug
- -n - no install step
- --allgpuarch - build for all supported GPU architectures
- --cmake-args=\\\"\\\" - add arbitrary CMake arguments to any cmake call
- --compile-cmd - only output compile commands (invoke CMake without build)
- --clean - clean an individual target (note: to do a complete rebuild, use the clean target described above)
- -h | --h[elp] - print this text
- default action (no args) is to build and install 'libwholegraph' then 'pylibwholegraph' targets
-$ ./build.sh clean # remove prior build artifacts (start over)
-$ ./build.sh
-# make parallelism options can also be defined: Example build jobs using 4 threads (make -j4)
-$ PARALLEL_LEVEL=4 ./build.sh libwholegraph
-Note that the libraries will be installed to the location set in `$PREFIX` if set (i.e. `export PREFIX=/install/path`), otherwise to `$CONDA_PREFIX`.
-## Building each section independently
-### Build and Install the C++/CUDA `libwholegraph` Library
-CMake depends on the `nvcc` executable being on your path or defined in `$CUDACXX`.
-This project uses cmake for building the C/C++ library. To configure cmake, run:
- ```bash
- # Set the location to wholegraph in an environment variable WHOLEGRAPH_HOME
- export WHOLEGRAPH_HOME=$(pwd)/wholegraph
- cd cpp # enter cpp directory
- mkdir build # create build directory
- cd build # enter the build directory
- # now build the code
- make -j # "-j" starts multiple threads
- make install # install the libraries
- ```
-The default installation locations are `$CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib` and `$CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/include/wholegraph` respectively.
-### Building and installing the Python package
-Build and Install the Python packages to your Python path:
-cd python
-cd pylibwholegraph
-python setup.py build_ext --inplace
-python setup.py install # install pylibwholegraph
-## Run tests
-Run either the C++ or the Python tests with datasets
- - **Python tests with datasets**
- ```bash
- cd python
- pytest
- ```
- - **C++ stand alone tests**
- From the build directory :
- ```bash
- # Run the tests
- cd cpp/build
- gtests/PARALLEL_UTILS_TESTS # this is an executable file
- ```
-Note: This conda installation only applies to Linux and Python versions 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12.
-## Creating documentation
-Python API documentation can be generated from _./docs/wholegraph directory_. Or through using "./build.sh docs"
-## Attribution
-Portions adopted from https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md