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Module 6: Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning

6.1.1: Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning

  • Introduction to Neural Networks:

    • Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are a key innovation in AI, commonly used in applications like YouTube recommendations.
    • For this module, ANNs will be referred to as neural networks.
  • Applications of Neural Networks:

    • Used by companies like Google and Tesla to develop self-driving cars.
    • Increasingly applied in various fields due to their ability to handle complex data.
  • Advantages Over Traditional Machine Learning Models:

    • Traditional models need to be more comprehensive in understanding complex relationships in data, suitable for linearly separable data.
    • Neural networks excel in processing datasets that are too complex for other machine learning algorithms.
    • Designed based on human brain neurons, capable of weighting input information to inform other system parts.
  • Neural Networks in Industry:

    • In finance: Used for fraud detection, risk management, and algorithmic trading.
    • In aerospace engineering: Crucial for flight simulations and auto-pilot systems.
    • In healthcare: Applied for cancer cell and electrocardiography analysis.
  • Learning Objectives for the Module:

    • Understand what a neural network is.
    • Compare neural networks with other types of machine learning models.
    • Distinguish between neural network models and deep neural network models.
    • Learn to preprocess data for neural networks.
    • Implement neural network models using TensorFlow and Keras.
    • Save trained TensorFlow neural network models.
    • Implement deep neural network models using TensorFlow and Keras.
  • Preparation for Upcoming Modules:

    • Completing this module is a foundation for success in future modules on natural language processing and emerging AI topics.

6.1.2: Your Neural Network and Deep Learning Background

  • Reflecting on Previous Exposure to Neural Networks and Deep Learning:
    • Consider personal experience with technology featuring neural network or deep learning capabilities in everyday life.
    • Reflect on whether neural networks or deep learning algorithms influence workplace decisions.
    • Identify what is perceived as the most disruptive application of deep learning or neural networks.
    • Assess current opinions and interest levels in neural networks and deep learning.

6.1.3: Getting Started

  • File Downloads for the Module:

    • Download "Module 6 Demo and Activity Files" before starting.
  • Installation Requirements:

    • Install TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras to implement neural networks.
    • Follow tutorials in subsequent sections for installation guidance.
  • Important Note for Apple M1 Chip Users:

    • Do not install TensorFlow and Keras directly if using an Apple computer with an M1 Chip.
    • Refer to the "Apple M1 Chip Users" section for alternative instructions.
  • Installing TensorFlow:

    • TensorFlow 2.0 dependencies should be present in the default Conda environment.
    • Activate the Conda environment and install TensorFlow using pip install --upgrade tensorflow.
    • Verify TensorFlow installation by checking the version (python -c "import tensorflow as tf;print(tf.__version__)").
  • Installing and Verifying Keras:

    • Keras is included with TensorFlow 2.0.
    • Verify Keras installation (python -c "import tensorflow as tf;print(tf.keras.__version__)").
  • Troubleshooting Installation Issues:

    • If you have any problems, please refer to the TensorFlow Install Guide.
    • Google Colab is an alternative platform that supports TensorFlow and can run Jupyter Notebook files.
  • Using Google Colab for Apple M1 Chip Users:

    • Use Google Colab to run module activities.
    • Upload activity notebook files to Google Colab and run the code as usual.

Artificial Neural Networks

6.2.1: What is a Neural Network?

  • Understanding Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs):

    • Inspired by neurons in the human brain.
    • Consists of layers of artificial neurons performing computations and communicating results.
  • Advantages of Neural Networks:

    • Excel in processing large, complex datasets.
    • Capable of detecting complex relationships in data.
    • It is better to handle large, noisy datasets by learning to ignore noise.
  • Disadvantages of Neural Networks:

    • Complexity results in a 'black box' problem, opaque the process from input to output.
    • Prone to overfitting, which limits their ability to generalize data trends beyond training data.
  • Examples of Neural Network Applications:

    • Voice-activated assistants (Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant) for speech recognition.
    • OpenAI's ChatGPT for conversational response generation in NLP.
    • Self-driving cars and facial recognition using computer vision systems.
    • Recommendation engines (Netflix, YouTube) using deep neural networks for personalized content recommendations.
  • Google's Contributions to Neural Networks:

    • Google has developed tools to make neural networks more accessible.
    • TensorFlow, created by Google Brain, is an open-source machine learning platform.
    • Encouragement to explore neural networks through interactive applications and games on Experiments with Google.
  • Next Steps in Learning:

    • Move towards a deeper understanding of how neural networks are built and function.

6.2.2: Making an Artificial Brain

  • Perceptron Inspired by Neurons in the Brain:

    • Neural networks consist of layers of neurons.
    • Each neuron in a neural network is akin to a perceptron, inspired by brain neurons.
  • Perceptron as a Computational Equivalent of Neurons:

    • Perceptrons make classification decisions based on input, similar to brain neurons.
    • Acts as a binary classifier, categorizing input data into two parts (1 or 0).
  • Working of a Perceptron:

    • Receives inputs (xn) as numeric values representing characteristics (e.g., 1 for presence, 0 for absence of a trait).
    • Each input is multiplied by a weight (wn), a process known as weighting.
    • Weighting is akin to assigning importance or value to each characteristic.
    • Weighted values are summed, including a bias value (w0).
    • An activation function determines the final output, setting a threshold for decision-making.
    • If the weighted sum exceeds the threshold, the output is 1 ("Yes"); otherwise, it's 0 ("No").
  • Role of Perceptron in Neural Networks:

    • Perceptrons are foundational units in neural networks.
    • They integrate input signals, weights, bias, and an activation function to produce binary output.

6.2.3: The Structure of a Neural Network

  • Composition of Neural Networks:

    • Neural networks consist of three interconnected layers: input, hidden, and output.
    • Input layer: Receives and transforms input values through weighting.
    • Hidden layer(s): Can contain one or more perceptrons.
    • Output layer: Reports the outcome of the neural network.
  • Role of Activation Functions:

    • Activation functions are critical in producing a clear output from complex inputs.
    • Applied at the end of each perceptron in the hidden and output layers (not in the input layer).
    • Transforms perceptron output into a quantitative value, used as input for the next perceptron.
    • In neural network design, various activation function combinations are tested for optimal performance.
  • Further Exploration of Activation Functions:

    • Detailed study of activation functions will be covered later in the module.
    • Encouragement to explore formulas and mathematical fundamentals of activation functions from external resources like Wikipedia and ML Glossary.

6.2.4: Recap and Knowledge Check

  • Introduction to Neural Networks:

    • Artificial neural networks simulate the functioning of the human brain.
    • Capable of processing large, complex, and noisy datasets.
  • Perceptron: Basic Unit of Neural Networks:

    • Perceptron acts as a binary classifier in a neural network.
    • Receives inputs, assigns weights, and calculates a weighted sum.
    • Applies an activation function to produce output.
  • Structure of Neural Networks:

    • Composed of multiple perceptrons forming various layers.
    • A neural network includes three distinct layers: input, hidden, and output.

Make Predictions with a Neural Network Model

6.3.1: Create a Neural Network

  • Introduction to Creating Neural Networks with Keras:

    • Learn to use the Keras library for building neural networks.
  • Approaches to Coding Neural Networks:

    1. Code from scratch using Python, Pandas, and NumPy.
    2. Use an API or framework for efficiency, focusing on model improvement.
  • Using TensorFlow and Keras:

    • TensorFlow: Open-source platform for efficient machine learning.
    • Keras: Abstraction layer over TensorFlow for easier model building.
    • Follow the standard model -> fit -> predict interface.
  • Prerequisites:

    • TensorFlow installation is required for this module.
  • Demonstration of Neural Network Creation:

    • Import necessary modules, including Pandas, TensorFlow, and Keras.
    • Use the Sequential model and the Dense class in Keras.
  • Steps to Create a Neural Network:

    1. Create a dummy dataset using make_blobs from sklearn.
    2. Preprocess data: Transform target variable y into a vertical vector.
    3. Create a DataFrame for visualization and plot the dummy data.
    4. Split the data into training and testing sets using train_test_split.
    5. Normalize the data using StandardScaler from scikit-learn for better neural network performance.
    6. Scale the feature data but not the target data.

6.3.2: Creating a Neural Network Model Using Keras

  • Creating a Neural Network with Keras:

    1. Create the Model Structure:

      • Initialize a Sequential model and store it in a variable named neuron.
    2. Input and Hidden Layers:

      • Define the number of inputs and hidden nodes.
      • Add input and hidden layers using the add function and Dense module.
      • Parameters for the Dense module:
        • input_dim: Number of inputs the neuron receives, set to number_inputs (2).
        • units: Number of neurons in the hidden layer, set to number_hidden_nodes (1).
        • activation: Type of activation function, relu (rectified linear unit), used for non-linearity in the first layer.
    3. Output Layer:

      • Add output layer using the Dense module with two parameters: units and activation.
      • units: Number of output neurons (1 for binary classification).
      • activation: sigmoid function to transform the output to a probability range between 0 and 1.
      • The model classifies data points as Class 1 or 0 based on a default threshold of 0.5.
  • Understanding the Model:

    • Use the summary function to check the model structure.
    • Summary includes:
      • The first row shows the input and hidden layer.
      • Second row detailing the output layer.
      • Total of five parameters in the model.

6.3.3: Compile a Neural Network

  • Understanding Neural Network Compilation in Keras:

    • Creating a neural network is akin to designing a house's blueprints, specifying layers and activation functions.
    • Compiling the neural network is like building the house, specifying loss, optimization, and activation functions.
  • Loss Functions, Activation Functions, and Evaluation Metrics:

    • Loss function: Indicates performance change over iterations during model training.
    • Optimization function: Shapes the neural network during training, reducing losses for accurate output.
    • Evaluation metric (accuracy): Tracks model predictive accuracy, especially for binary classification models. A higher value (closer to 1) indicates better accuracy.
  • Compiling the Neural Network Model:

    • Utilize the compile function in Keras.
    • For binary classification, use binary_crossentropy as the loss function.
    • Set the optimizer to adam to balance speed and quality.
    • Set the evaluation metric to accuracy, aiming for it to be as close to 1 as possible.

6.3.4: Train a Neural Network

  • Training the Neural Network Model:

    • The next step is to train the compiled neural network using the fit function.
    • Training requires x and y values and the number of epochs.
    • An epoch is a complete pass of the training dataset through the model.
    • The optimizer and loss functions adjust the weights during each epoch.
    • Example: model =, y_train, epochs=100).
  • Observing Training Results:

    • The output shows loss and accuracy results for each epoch.
    • The goal is to minimize loss and maximize accuracy.
  • Visualizing Model Performance:

    • Create a DataFrame from the model's history dictionary, storing loss and accuracy.
    • Plot loss and accuracy using Pandas to visualize improvements over epochs.
    • Ideal trend: Accuracy increases and loss decreases with more epochs.
  • Determining Optimal Number of Epochs:

    • Start with 20 epochs and adjust based on performance.
    • Aim for loss nearing zero and accuracy approaching 1.
    • Increase epochs in increments until the desired performance is achieved.
  • Evaluating Model Performance with Test Data:

    • Assess the model’s performance on test data to ensure reliability.
    • Use the evaluate function in TensorFlow for testing.
    • Example: Evaluate using model_loss, model_accuracy = neuron.evaluate(X_test_scaled, y_test, verbose=2).
    • Evaluate results by loss and accuracy on the test data.
  • Next Steps:

    • Learn to use the trained neural network to predict new, unseen data.

6.3.5: Make Predictions with a Neural Network

  • Reaching the Prediction Stage:

    • Utilize the trained neural network model for predicting binary classifications on new datasets.
    • Employ the predict function in the neural network for generating predictions.
  • Predict Function Requirements:

    • Supply the function with new data and a threshold value.
    • Classifications are based on the threshold: below the threshold is classified as 0, and above as 1.
  • Demonstration with Dummy Data:

    • Create a dummy dataset for prediction demonstration.
    • Use a threshold of 0.5 in the predict function.
    • Example: predictions = (neuron.predict(new_X) > 0.5).astype("int32").
  • Comparing Predictions to Actual Classifications:

    • Create a DataFrame to compare model predictions with actual data point classifications.
    • Visualize the comparison in a table format.
  • Outcome of the Prediction Process:

    • The model successfully classified all 10 data points in the dummy dataset.
    • Demonstrates the ability to create, train, and utilize a neural network for making accurate predictions.
  • Next Steps:

    • Apply the learned skills in a practical activity involving neural network creation, training, and prediction.

6.3.6: Activity: Predict Credit Card Defaults

  • Activity Overview: Building a Neural Network for Credit Default Prediction:

    • Use Keras to build a neural network model predicting credit card debt default.
    • Apply knowledge from previous demonstrations to a dataset with 22 features and one target.
  • Background of the Task:

    • Work on a project for a major credit card company.
    • Objective: Predict which customers will default on credit card debt.
    • Dataset: 30,000 records with 22 feature columns and one binary target column ("DEFAULT").
  • Features and Target in the Dataset:

    • Features: Include demographic info, credit limit, past payment details, etc.
    • Target ("DEFAULT"): 1 for defaulted card, 0 for non-defaulted.
  • Instructions for the Activity:

    1. Read the dataset into a Pandas DataFrame.
    2. Define features set X (excluding the "DEFAULT" column).
    3. Create target y from the "DEFAULT" column.
    4. Split data into training and testing sets using train_test_split.
    5. Scale features using StandardScaler.
    6. Create a neural network model with 22 inputs, one hidden layer (12 neurons), and an output layer (ReLU for hidden, sigmoid for output).
    7. Use the summary function to display the model structure.
    8. Compile the model with binary_crossentropy, adam optimizer, and accuracy metric.
    9. Fit the model with training data for 100 epochs.
    10. Plot loss function and accuracy over epochs.
    11. Evaluate the model with test data.
    12. Predict y values using the model and scaled X test data.
    13. Create and display a DataFrame comparing predicted and actual y values.
    14. Analyze model performance on test data and consider improvement strategies.
  • Post-Activity Evaluation:

    • Review and compare the completed work with the solution in the Solved folder.
    • Reflect on the differences in approach and any challenges faced.

6.3.7: Recap and Knowledge Check

  • Overview of Neural Network Process:

    • Creating, compiling, and training a neural network is essential before using it for predictions.
    • Building a neural network is akin to designing a house's blueprint.
  • Key Components in Neural Network Training:

    • Creation: Establishing the structure and layers of the neural network.
    • Compilation: Preparing the model for training.
    • Training: Fitting the model to the data.
  • Importance of Loss Function and Accuracy Metrics:

    • Essential for evaluating the performance of classification models.
    • Indicators of how well the model is learning and predicting.
  • Role of Optimization Function:

    • Shapes the neural network by adjusting input weights during each training epoch.
  • Understanding Epochs in Training:

    • An epoch represents a complete pass of the entire training dataset through the model.
    • The number of epochs directly impacts model performance.
    • Training typically begins with 20 epochs, with adjustments based on loss and accuracy.

Deep Learning

6.4.1: What is Deep Learning?

  • Deep Neural Networks and Deep Learning:

    • Deep neural networks are a subset of artificial neural networks characterized by multiple hidden layers.
    • More hidden layers allow for modeling complex relationships and concepts.
  • Understanding the Function of Layers in Deep Neural Networks:

    • Each layer in a neural network calculates weights of input data and passes it to the next layer.
    • In deep learning, added hidden layers enhance the model's ability to interpret data.
    • Examples: Image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing.
  • Processing Complex Data in Deep Learning:

    • Example: Identifying cats in images.
      • Input layer receives pixel data.
      • Each hidden layer progressively interprets more complex relationships, like color differences and shapes.
    • Deep learning models don't think like humans, but each layer understands more complex relationships.
  • Exploring Deep Learning Models with a Practical Example:

    • Use deep neural networks to predict wine quality in a demonstration.
  • Demystifying the Black Box in Deep Learning:

    • Deep learning models are complex and less interpretable (Black Box issue).
    • TensorFlow playground provides visualization to understand the effect of hidden layers on model performance and loss.
  • Skill Drill with TensorFlow Playground:

    • Experiment with different settings in the TensorFlow playground.
    • Observe changes in loss metric with varying numbers of hidden layers and neurons.
    • Explore how different configurations impact model performance.

6.4.2: Predict Wine Quality with Deep Learning

  • Using Deep Learning for Wine Quality Prediction:

    • Tasked with predicting wine quality scores for a Spanish winery to assist in forecasting revenue and assessing expansion risks.
  • Building a Deep Learning Model for Wine Quality Prediction:

    1. Create a DataFrame:

      • Read wine quality data into a Pandas DataFrame.
      • The data includes 11 variables characterizing different aspects of wine.
    2. Preprocessing the Data:

      • Create features set (X) and target set (y).
      • Code example: X = df.drop(columns=["quality"]).values and y = df["quality"].values.
      • Wine quality is assessed on a scale from 1 to 10.
    3. Creating Training and Testing Datasets:

      • Use train_test_split to divide the data into training and testing sets.
      • Normalize the data using StandardScaler.
    4. Note on Data Preparation for Neural Networks:

      • Data for neural networks must be numerical and normalized to the same scale, regardless of the number of hidden layers.
    5. Scaling the Features Data:

      • Fit and transform the training data with StandardScaler.
      • Apply the same transformation to the testing data.
  • Next Steps:

    • Ready to create and train the deep learning model for wine quality prediction.

6.4.3: Create a Deep Learning Model

  • Creating a Deep Learning Model with Keras:

    • Similar process to simple neural networks, with additional hidden layers.
    • Optimize model performance after compiling.
    • Neuron count in each layer generally decreases or remains equal to the previous layer.
  • Designing the Layers of the Deep Learning Model:

    1. Input Layer:

      • Consists of 11 nodes for the 11 characteristics in the input data.
    2. Hidden Layers:

      • Two hidden layers with decreasing neuron counts.
      • The first hidden layer has 8 nodes, and the second has 4.
      • Activation function for both layers: ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit).
    3. Output Layer:

      • One neuron in the output layer for continuous output.
      • Suitable for regression problems using a linear activation function.
  • Coding the Deep Learning Model in Keras:

    • Set up the number of inputs and hidden nodes.
    • Create a Sequential model (nn).
    • Add first and second hidden layers using Dense, specifying units and activation.
    • Add output layer with linear activation.
    • Important: Only define units and activation for the second hidden layer, not input_dim.
  • Next Steps:

    • Compile and fit the created deep learning model.

6.4.4: Train a Deep Learning Model

  • Compiling and Fitting the Deep Neural Network Model:

    • Use the compile and fit functions in Keras for the deep neural network.
    • Compile the model with mean_squared_error for the loss function and adam as the optimizer.
    • Set mse (mean squared error) as the evaluation metric.
    • Fit the model on scaled training data (X_train_scaled, y_train) for 100 epochs.
  • Understanding Key Components in the Training Process:

    • Epochs: Represent one complete pass of the training dataset through the model.
    • Loss Function: Evaluates model performance after each epoch; mean_squared_error is used for regression models.
    • Optimizer: Adjusts the model's parameters to minimize the loss function.
    • Evaluation Metric: mse is used as it's suitable for regression models, unlike accuracy, which is used for classification models.
  • Aim of the Model:

    • For regression models like the wine-quality prediction model, the goal is to achieve a mean squared error as close to zero as possible.

6.4.5: Test and Evaluate a Deep Learning Model

  • Deciding on the Number of Hidden Layers in Deep Learning:

    • More layers can increase performance but may only sometimes be necessary.
    • Sometimes, the initial layers sufficiently capture dataset complexity.
  • Demonstrating the Impact of Additional Hidden Layers:

    • Comparison of a new model with four hidden layers against a previous model.
  • Creating a New Deep Learning Model with Four Hidden Layers:

    • Step 1: Define a new model (nn_2) with increased hidden layers (22, 11, 8, and 6 nodes, respectively).
    • Step 2: Compile and fit the new model using mean_squared_error loss, adam optimizer, and mse metric for 100 epochs.
  • Evaluating and Comparing Model Performance:

    • Use evaluate function with testing data to compare MSE values of both models.
    • Results indicate minimal performance gain with additional layers in Model 2.
  • Insight:

    • Additional layers in Model 2 showed only slight improvement, suggesting Model 1's simplicity might be preferable.
    • Adding more layers isn’t always beneficial and can lead to overfitting.
  • Determining Optimal Model Depth:

    • No set rule for the best number of layers; a trial and error approach is needed.
    • Train and evaluate models with increasing depth until no significant improvements are observed.
  • Making Predictions with the Chosen Model:

    • Step 1: Predict wine quality using nn.predict on scaled test data.
    • Step 2: Compare predictions with actual values in a DataFrame.
  • Observations and Optimization Considerations:

    • Several predicted scores are incorrect, indicating room for optimization.
    • Consider applying optimization techniques from previous modules to improve model accuracy.

6.4.6: Save and Load a Deep Learning Model

  • Model Storage and Access for Complex Problems:

    • For formal applications, training a model each time for data analysis could be more practical due to time and resource constraints.
    • Complex neural network training can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
    • Data scientists save and access trained models outside the training environment for efficiency.
  • Sharing and Deploying Trained Models:

    • Trained models are shared through scientific papers, software deployment, GitHub, and among colleagues.
  • Using Keras to Save and Load Models:

    • Keras' Sequential model features a save function to export models in HDF5 format.
    • The save function exports model configurations, layer weights, activation functions, optimizers, losses, and metrics.
    • Keras load_model function allows importing trained models for analysis and predictions.
  • Demonstration with Wine Quality Model:

    • Step 1: Save the trained model as an HDF5 file using
    • Step 2: Load the model using TensorFlow's tf.keras.models.load_model function.
    • Step 3: Test the performance of the imported model on test data to ensure it matches the original model's performance.
  • Validation of Imported Model:

    • The imported model shows consistent performance metrics (loss and accuracy) with the original model.
    • This method allows the evaluation of imported Keras neural network models on any compatible dataset.

6.4.7: Activity: Detecting Myopia

  • Objective: Create a deep learning model to predict myopia diagnosis.

  • Dataset and Files:

    • Access the dataset and files in the 'activities/02-Detecting_Myopia/Unsolved' subfolder.
  • Steps in the Activity:

    1. Data Preparation:
      • Create features and target sets from the dataset, using the 'MYOPIC' column as the target.
      • Preprocess the input data using Scikit-learn's StandardScaler.
    2. Deep Learning Model Design:
      • First Dense layer: 14 inputs, 16 hidden nodes, ReLU activation function.
      • Second Dense layer: At least 16 neurons, ReLU activation function.
      • Output layer: One neuron, sigmoid activation function.
    3. Compile and Train:
      • Compile the model and train it for a maximum of 50 epochs.
    4. Model Evaluation:
      • Evaluate the model's performance by calculating test loss and accuracy.
    5. Make Predictions:
      • Use the model to predict myopia on test data.
    6. Results Comparison:
      • Create a dataframe to compare predictions with actual values.
      • Review the first 10 rows of this comparison dataframe.
  • Solution Review:

    • Compare your completed work with the provided solution in the 'Solved' folder.
    • Assess if all steps were completed correctly and note any differences in approach.
    • Reflect on any challenges or confusion encountered during the activity.

6.4.8: Recap and Knowledge Check

  • Deep Learning Networks vs. Neural Networks:
    • Multiple Hidden Layers: Deep learning networks differ from neural networks because they have more than one hidden layer.
    • Complex Data Handling: They can manage complex, unstructured datasets like images, text, and human speech, thanks to additional hidden layers.
    • Balance in Layers: Adding more layers can increase performance, but there's a risk of overfitting. More layers sometimes yield significant performance improvements.
    • Optimal Design Decisions: Determining the optimal number of layers and neurons involves performance evaluation over a set number of epochs and adjusting layers/neurons in each trial.
    • Regression Models: The key performance metric for regression models with continuous output is a mean squared error (MSE).
    • Performance Evaluation: The goal is to minimize MSE and loss; the closer these values are to zero, the better the model performs.
    • Model Saving and Sharing: Keras facilitates the saving and uploading of trained models, allowing for efficient sharing and reuse among data scientists.

Summary: Neural Networks and Deep Learning

6.5.1: Summary: Neural Networks and Deep Learning

  • Successfully learned to model, train, and make predictions with neural networks and deep learning models.
  • Gained an understanding of a neural network and its comparison with other machine learning models.
  • Learned to differentiate between neural network models and deep neural network models.
  • Acquired skills to preprocess data for neural network models.
  • Implemented neural network models using TensorFlow and Keras.
  • Learned to save trained TensorFlow neural network models for later use.
  • Developed deep neural network models using TensorFlow and Keras.
  • Recognized the wide application of these models in everyday technology and innovative AI developments.
  • Acknowledged the limitations of neural networks and deep learning, including computational expense and susceptibility to overfitting.
  • Understood the importance of mindful design and evaluation of these models.
  • Realized the potential and growing scope of applications for neural networks and deep learning, mirroring human brain functionality.
  • Prepared to explore natural language processing next, focusing on teaching computers to understand human speech and text nuances.

6.5.2: Reflect on Your Learning

  • Reflection on new insights or contradictions to previous understanding of neural networks and deep learning.
  • Consideration of how learning in this module may have altered perceptions of neural networks in everyday applications like recommendation systems and speech recognition.
  • Evaluation of industry applications introduced in the module and their impact on opinions about using neural networks and deep learning professionally.
  • Identification of challenging concepts or skills encountered during the module.
  • Recognition of enjoyable or particularly intriguing concepts or skills, sparking further curiosity.
  • Contemplation of potential applications of these models in personal or professional settings for insightful predictions.

6.5.3: References
American Optometric Association, n.d. Myopia (nearsightedness), Available: [2023, April 3]

Giamas, A. 2016. How YouTube's recommendation algorithm works, Available: [2023, March 31]

OpenAI. 2022. Introducing ChatGPT. Available: [2023, March 31]

Ramos, D. 2021. Real-life and business applications of neural networks, Available: [2023, March 31]