6.1.1: Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Introduction to Neural Networks:
- Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are a key innovation in AI, commonly used in applications like YouTube recommendations.
- For this module, ANNs will be referred to as neural networks.
Applications of Neural Networks:
- Used by companies like Google and Tesla to develop self-driving cars.
- Increasingly applied in various fields due to their ability to handle complex data.
Advantages Over Traditional Machine Learning Models:
- Traditional models need to be more comprehensive in understanding complex relationships in data, suitable for linearly separable data.
- Neural networks excel in processing datasets that are too complex for other machine learning algorithms.
- Designed based on human brain neurons, capable of weighting input information to inform other system parts.
Neural Networks in Industry:
- In finance: Used for fraud detection, risk management, and algorithmic trading.
- In aerospace engineering: Crucial for flight simulations and auto-pilot systems.
- In healthcare: Applied for cancer cell and electrocardiography analysis.
Learning Objectives for the Module:
- Understand what a neural network is.
- Compare neural networks with other types of machine learning models.
- Distinguish between neural network models and deep neural network models.
- Learn to preprocess data for neural networks.
- Implement neural network models using TensorFlow and Keras.
- Save trained TensorFlow neural network models.
- Implement deep neural network models using TensorFlow and Keras.
Preparation for Upcoming Modules:
- Completing this module is a foundation for success in future modules on natural language processing and emerging AI topics.
6.1.2: Your Neural Network and Deep Learning Background
- Reflecting on Previous Exposure to Neural Networks and Deep Learning:
- Consider personal experience with technology featuring neural network or deep learning capabilities in everyday life.
- Reflect on whether neural networks or deep learning algorithms influence workplace decisions.
- Identify what is perceived as the most disruptive application of deep learning or neural networks.
- Assess current opinions and interest levels in neural networks and deep learning.
6.1.3: Getting Started
File Downloads for the Module:
- Download "Module 6 Demo and Activity Files" before starting.
Installation Requirements:
- Install TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras to implement neural networks.
- Follow tutorials in subsequent sections for installation guidance.
Important Note for Apple M1 Chip Users:
- Do not install TensorFlow and Keras directly if using an Apple computer with an M1 Chip.
- Refer to the "Apple M1 Chip Users" section for alternative instructions.
Installing TensorFlow:
- TensorFlow 2.0 dependencies should be present in the default Conda environment.
- Activate the Conda environment and install TensorFlow using
pip install --upgrade tensorflow
. - Verify TensorFlow installation by checking the version (
python -c "import tensorflow as tf;print(tf.__version__)"
Installing and Verifying Keras:
- Keras is included with TensorFlow 2.0.
- Verify Keras installation (
python -c "import tensorflow as tf;print(tf.keras.__version__)"
Troubleshooting Installation Issues:
- If you have any problems, please refer to the TensorFlow Install Guide.
- Google Colab is an alternative platform that supports TensorFlow and can run Jupyter Notebook files.
Using Google Colab for Apple M1 Chip Users:
- Use Google Colab to run module activities.
- Upload activity notebook files to Google Colab and run the code as usual.
6.2.1: What is a Neural Network?
Understanding Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs):
- Inspired by neurons in the human brain.
- Consists of layers of artificial neurons performing computations and communicating results.
Advantages of Neural Networks:
- Excel in processing large, complex datasets.
- Capable of detecting complex relationships in data.
- It is better to handle large, noisy datasets by learning to ignore noise.
Disadvantages of Neural Networks:
- Complexity results in a 'black box' problem, opaque the process from input to output.
- Prone to overfitting, which limits their ability to generalize data trends beyond training data.
Examples of Neural Network Applications:
- Voice-activated assistants (Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant) for speech recognition.
- OpenAI's ChatGPT for conversational response generation in NLP.
- Self-driving cars and facial recognition using computer vision systems.
- Recommendation engines (Netflix, YouTube) using deep neural networks for personalized content recommendations.
Google's Contributions to Neural Networks:
- Google has developed tools to make neural networks more accessible.
- TensorFlow, created by Google Brain, is an open-source machine learning platform.
- Encouragement to explore neural networks through interactive applications and games on Experiments with Google.
Next Steps in Learning:
- Move towards a deeper understanding of how neural networks are built and function.
6.2.2: Making an Artificial Brain
Perceptron Inspired by Neurons in the Brain:
- Neural networks consist of layers of neurons.
- Each neuron in a neural network is akin to a perceptron, inspired by brain neurons.
Perceptron as a Computational Equivalent of Neurons:
- Perceptrons make classification decisions based on input, similar to brain neurons.
- Acts as a binary classifier, categorizing input data into two parts (1 or 0).
Working of a Perceptron:
- Receives inputs (xn) as numeric values representing characteristics (e.g., 1 for presence, 0 for absence of a trait).
- Each input is multiplied by a weight (wn), a process known as weighting.
- Weighting is akin to assigning importance or value to each characteristic.
- Weighted values are summed, including a bias value (w0).
- An activation function determines the final output, setting a threshold for decision-making.
- If the weighted sum exceeds the threshold, the output is 1 ("Yes"); otherwise, it's 0 ("No").
Role of Perceptron in Neural Networks:
- Perceptrons are foundational units in neural networks.
- They integrate input signals, weights, bias, and an activation function to produce binary output.
6.2.3: The Structure of a Neural Network
Composition of Neural Networks:
- Neural networks consist of three interconnected layers: input, hidden, and output.
- Input layer: Receives and transforms input values through weighting.
- Hidden layer(s): Can contain one or more perceptrons.
- Output layer: Reports the outcome of the neural network.
Role of Activation Functions:
- Activation functions are critical in producing a clear output from complex inputs.
- Applied at the end of each perceptron in the hidden and output layers (not in the input layer).
- Transforms perceptron output into a quantitative value, used as input for the next perceptron.
- In neural network design, various activation function combinations are tested for optimal performance.
Further Exploration of Activation Functions:
- Detailed study of activation functions will be covered later in the module.
- Encouragement to explore formulas and mathematical fundamentals of activation functions from external resources like Wikipedia and ML Glossary.
6.2.4: Recap and Knowledge Check
Introduction to Neural Networks:
- Artificial neural networks simulate the functioning of the human brain.
- Capable of processing large, complex, and noisy datasets.
Perceptron: Basic Unit of Neural Networks:
- Perceptron acts as a binary classifier in a neural network.
- Receives inputs, assigns weights, and calculates a weighted sum.
- Applies an activation function to produce output.
Structure of Neural Networks:
- Composed of multiple perceptrons forming various layers.
- A neural network includes three distinct layers: input, hidden, and output.
6.3.1: Create a Neural Network
Introduction to Creating Neural Networks with Keras:
- Learn to use the Keras library for building neural networks.
Approaches to Coding Neural Networks:
- Code from scratch using Python, Pandas, and NumPy.
- Use an API or framework for efficiency, focusing on model improvement.
Using TensorFlow and Keras:
- TensorFlow: Open-source platform for efficient machine learning.
- Keras: Abstraction layer over TensorFlow for easier model building.
- Follow the standard model -> fit -> predict interface.
- TensorFlow installation is required for this module.
Demonstration of Neural Network Creation:
- Import necessary modules, including Pandas, TensorFlow, and Keras.
- Use the
model and theDense
class in Keras.
Steps to Create a Neural Network:
- Create a dummy dataset using
from sklearn. - Preprocess data: Transform target variable
into a vertical vector. - Create a DataFrame for visualization and plot the dummy data.
- Split the data into training and testing sets using
. - Normalize the data using
from scikit-learn for better neural network performance. - Scale the feature data but not the target data.
- Create a dummy dataset using
6.3.2: Creating a Neural Network Model Using Keras
Creating a Neural Network with Keras:
Create the Model Structure:
- Initialize a Sequential model and store it in a variable named
- Initialize a Sequential model and store it in a variable named
Input and Hidden Layers:
- Define the number of inputs and hidden nodes.
- Add input and hidden layers using the
function andDense
module. - Parameters for the
: Number of inputs the neuron receives, set tonumber_inputs
: Number of neurons in the hidden layer, set tonumber_hidden_nodes
: Type of activation function,relu
(rectified linear unit), used for non-linearity in the first layer.
Output Layer:
- Add output layer using the
module with two parameters:units
. units
: Number of output neurons (1 for binary classification).activation
function to transform the output to a probability range between 0 and 1.- The model classifies data points as Class 1 or 0 based on a default threshold of 0.5.
- Add output layer using the
Understanding the Model:
- Use the
function to check the model structure. - Summary includes:
- The first row shows the input and hidden layer.
- Second row detailing the output layer.
- Total of five parameters in the model.
- Use the
6.3.3: Compile a Neural Network
Understanding Neural Network Compilation in Keras:
- Creating a neural network is akin to designing a house's blueprints, specifying layers and activation functions.
- Compiling the neural network is like building the house, specifying loss, optimization, and activation functions.
Loss Functions, Activation Functions, and Evaluation Metrics:
- Loss function: Indicates performance change over iterations during model training.
- Optimization function: Shapes the neural network during training, reducing losses for accurate output.
- Evaluation metric (accuracy): Tracks model predictive accuracy, especially for binary classification models. A higher value (closer to 1) indicates better accuracy.
Compiling the Neural Network Model:
- Utilize the
function in Keras. - For binary classification, use
as the loss function. - Set the optimizer to
to balance speed and quality. - Set the evaluation metric to
, aiming for it to be as close to 1 as possible.
- Utilize the
6.3.4: Train a Neural Network
Training the Neural Network Model:
- The next step is to train the compiled neural network using the
function. - Training requires x and y values and the number of epochs.
- An epoch is a complete pass of the training dataset through the model.
- The optimizer and loss functions adjust the weights during each epoch.
- Example:
model = neuron.fit(X_train_scaled, y_train, epochs=100)
- The next step is to train the compiled neural network using the
Observing Training Results:
- The output shows loss and accuracy results for each epoch.
- The goal is to minimize loss and maximize accuracy.
Visualizing Model Performance:
- Create a DataFrame from the model's history dictionary, storing loss and accuracy.
- Plot loss and accuracy using Pandas to visualize improvements over epochs.
- Ideal trend: Accuracy increases and loss decreases with more epochs.
Determining Optimal Number of Epochs:
- Start with 20 epochs and adjust based on performance.
- Aim for loss nearing zero and accuracy approaching 1.
- Increase epochs in increments until the desired performance is achieved.
Evaluating Model Performance with Test Data:
- Assess the model’s performance on test data to ensure reliability.
- Use the
function in TensorFlow for testing. - Example: Evaluate using
model_loss, model_accuracy = neuron.evaluate(X_test_scaled, y_test, verbose=2)
. - Evaluate results by loss and accuracy on the test data.
Next Steps:
- Learn to use the trained neural network to predict new, unseen data.
6.3.5: Make Predictions with a Neural Network
Reaching the Prediction Stage:
- Utilize the trained neural network model for predicting binary classifications on new datasets.
- Employ the
function in the neural network for generating predictions.
Predict Function Requirements:
- Supply the function with new data and a threshold value.
- Classifications are based on the threshold: below the threshold is classified as 0, and above as 1.
Demonstration with Dummy Data:
- Create a dummy dataset for prediction demonstration.
- Use a threshold of 0.5 in the
function. - Example:
predictions = (neuron.predict(new_X) > 0.5).astype("int32")
Comparing Predictions to Actual Classifications:
- Create a DataFrame to compare model predictions with actual data point classifications.
- Visualize the comparison in a table format.
Outcome of the Prediction Process:
- The model successfully classified all 10 data points in the dummy dataset.
- Demonstrates the ability to create, train, and utilize a neural network for making accurate predictions.
Next Steps:
- Apply the learned skills in a practical activity involving neural network creation, training, and prediction.
6.3.6: Activity: Predict Credit Card Defaults
Activity Overview: Building a Neural Network for Credit Default Prediction:
- Use Keras to build a neural network model predicting credit card debt default.
- Apply knowledge from previous demonstrations to a dataset with 22 features and one target.
Background of the Task:
- Work on a project for a major credit card company.
- Objective: Predict which customers will default on credit card debt.
- Dataset: 30,000 records with 22 feature columns and one binary target column ("DEFAULT").
Features and Target in the Dataset:
- Features: Include demographic info, credit limit, past payment details, etc.
- Target ("DEFAULT"): 1 for defaulted card, 0 for non-defaulted.
Instructions for the Activity:
- Read the dataset into a Pandas DataFrame.
- Define features set
(excluding the "DEFAULT" column). - Create target
from the "DEFAULT" column. - Split data into training and testing sets using
. - Scale features using
. - Create a neural network model with 22 inputs, one hidden layer (12 neurons), and an output layer (ReLU for hidden, sigmoid for output).
- Use the
function to display the model structure. - Compile the model with
optimizer, andaccuracy
metric. - Fit the model with training data for 100 epochs.
- Plot loss function and accuracy over epochs.
- Evaluate the model with test data.
- Predict
values using the model and scaled X test data. - Create and display a DataFrame comparing predicted and actual
values. - Analyze model performance on test data and consider improvement strategies.
Post-Activity Evaluation:
- Review and compare the completed work with the solution in the Solved folder.
- Reflect on the differences in approach and any challenges faced.
6.3.7: Recap and Knowledge Check
Overview of Neural Network Process:
- Creating, compiling, and training a neural network is essential before using it for predictions.
- Building a neural network is akin to designing a house's blueprint.
Key Components in Neural Network Training:
- Creation: Establishing the structure and layers of the neural network.
- Compilation: Preparing the model for training.
- Training: Fitting the model to the data.
Importance of Loss Function and Accuracy Metrics:
- Essential for evaluating the performance of classification models.
- Indicators of how well the model is learning and predicting.
Role of Optimization Function:
- Shapes the neural network by adjusting input weights during each training epoch.
Understanding Epochs in Training:
- An epoch represents a complete pass of the entire training dataset through the model.
- The number of epochs directly impacts model performance.
- Training typically begins with 20 epochs, with adjustments based on loss and accuracy.
6.4.1: What is Deep Learning?
Deep Neural Networks and Deep Learning:
- Deep neural networks are a subset of artificial neural networks characterized by multiple hidden layers.
- More hidden layers allow for modeling complex relationships and concepts.
Understanding the Function of Layers in Deep Neural Networks:
- Each layer in a neural network calculates weights of input data and passes it to the next layer.
- In deep learning, added hidden layers enhance the model's ability to interpret data.
- Examples: Image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing.
Processing Complex Data in Deep Learning:
- Example: Identifying cats in images.
- Input layer receives pixel data.
- Each hidden layer progressively interprets more complex relationships, like color differences and shapes.
- Deep learning models don't think like humans, but each layer understands more complex relationships.
- Example: Identifying cats in images.
Exploring Deep Learning Models with a Practical Example:
- Use deep neural networks to predict wine quality in a demonstration.
Demystifying the Black Box in Deep Learning:
- Deep learning models are complex and less interpretable (Black Box issue).
- TensorFlow playground provides visualization to understand the effect of hidden layers on model performance and loss.
Skill Drill with TensorFlow Playground:
- Experiment with different settings in the TensorFlow playground.
- Observe changes in loss metric with varying numbers of hidden layers and neurons.
- Explore how different configurations impact model performance.
6.4.2: Predict Wine Quality with Deep Learning
Using Deep Learning for Wine Quality Prediction:
- Tasked with predicting wine quality scores for a Spanish winery to assist in forecasting revenue and assessing expansion risks.
Building a Deep Learning Model for Wine Quality Prediction:
Create a DataFrame:
- Read wine quality data into a Pandas DataFrame.
- The data includes 11 variables characterizing different aspects of wine.
Preprocessing the Data:
- Create features set (X) and target set (y).
- Code example:
X = df.drop(columns=["quality"]).values
andy = df["quality"].values
. - Wine quality is assessed on a scale from 1 to 10.
Creating Training and Testing Datasets:
- Use
to divide the data into training and testing sets. - Normalize the data using
- Use
Note on Data Preparation for Neural Networks:
- Data for neural networks must be numerical and normalized to the same scale, regardless of the number of hidden layers.
Scaling the Features Data:
- Fit and transform the training data with
. - Apply the same transformation to the testing data.
- Fit and transform the training data with
Next Steps:
- Ready to create and train the deep learning model for wine quality prediction.
6.4.3: Create a Deep Learning Model
Creating a Deep Learning Model with Keras:
- Similar process to simple neural networks, with additional hidden layers.
- Optimize model performance after compiling.
- Neuron count in each layer generally decreases or remains equal to the previous layer.
Designing the Layers of the Deep Learning Model:
Input Layer:
- Consists of 11 nodes for the 11 characteristics in the input data.
Hidden Layers:
- Two hidden layers with decreasing neuron counts.
- The first hidden layer has 8 nodes, and the second has 4.
- Activation function for both layers: ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit).
Output Layer:
- One neuron in the output layer for continuous output.
- Suitable for regression problems using a linear activation function.
Coding the Deep Learning Model in Keras:
- Set up the number of inputs and hidden nodes.
- Create a Sequential model (
). - Add first and second hidden layers using
, specifyingunits
. - Add output layer with linear activation.
- Important: Only define
for the second hidden layer, notinput_dim
Next Steps:
- Compile and fit the created deep learning model.
6.4.4: Train a Deep Learning Model
Compiling and Fitting the Deep Neural Network Model:
- Use the
functions in Keras for the deep neural network. - Compile the model with
for the loss function andadam
as the optimizer. - Set
(mean squared error) as the evaluation metric. - Fit the model on scaled training data (
) for 100 epochs.
- Use the
Understanding Key Components in the Training Process:
- Epochs: Represent one complete pass of the training dataset through the model.
- Loss Function: Evaluates model performance after each epoch;
is used for regression models. - Optimizer: Adjusts the model's parameters to minimize the loss function.
- Evaluation Metric:
is used as it's suitable for regression models, unlike accuracy, which is used for classification models.
Aim of the Model:
- For regression models like the wine-quality prediction model, the goal is to achieve a mean squared error as close to zero as possible.
6.4.5: Test and Evaluate a Deep Learning Model
Deciding on the Number of Hidden Layers in Deep Learning:
- More layers can increase performance but may only sometimes be necessary.
- Sometimes, the initial layers sufficiently capture dataset complexity.
Demonstrating the Impact of Additional Hidden Layers:
- Comparison of a new model with four hidden layers against a previous model.
Creating a New Deep Learning Model with Four Hidden Layers:
- Step 1: Define a new model (
) with increased hidden layers (22, 11, 8, and 6 nodes, respectively). - Step 2: Compile and fit the new model using
optimizer, andmse
metric for 100 epochs.
- Step 1: Define a new model (
Evaluating and Comparing Model Performance:
- Use
function with testing data to compare MSE values of both models. - Results indicate minimal performance gain with additional layers in Model 2.
- Use
- Additional layers in Model 2 showed only slight improvement, suggesting Model 1's simplicity might be preferable.
- Adding more layers isn’t always beneficial and can lead to overfitting.
Determining Optimal Model Depth:
- No set rule for the best number of layers; a trial and error approach is needed.
- Train and evaluate models with increasing depth until no significant improvements are observed.
Making Predictions with the Chosen Model:
- Step 1: Predict wine quality using
on scaled test data. - Step 2: Compare predictions with actual values in a DataFrame.
- Step 1: Predict wine quality using
Observations and Optimization Considerations:
- Several predicted scores are incorrect, indicating room for optimization.
- Consider applying optimization techniques from previous modules to improve model accuracy.
6.4.6: Save and Load a Deep Learning Model
Model Storage and Access for Complex Problems:
- For formal applications, training a model each time for data analysis could be more practical due to time and resource constraints.
- Complex neural network training can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
- Data scientists save and access trained models outside the training environment for efficiency.
Sharing and Deploying Trained Models:
- Trained models are shared through scientific papers, software deployment, GitHub, and among colleagues.
Using Keras to Save and Load Models:
- Keras' Sequential model features a
function to export models in HDF5 format. - The
function exports model configurations, layer weights, activation functions, optimizers, losses, and metrics. - Keras
function allows importing trained models for analysis and predictions.
- Keras' Sequential model features a
Demonstration with Wine Quality Model:
- Step 1: Save the trained model as an HDF5 file using
. - Step 2: Load the model using TensorFlow's
function. - Step 3: Test the performance of the imported model on test data to ensure it matches the original model's performance.
- Step 1: Save the trained model as an HDF5 file using
Validation of Imported Model:
- The imported model shows consistent performance metrics (loss and accuracy) with the original model.
- This method allows the evaluation of imported Keras neural network models on any compatible dataset.
6.4.7: Activity: Detecting Myopia
Objective: Create a deep learning model to predict myopia diagnosis.
Dataset and Files:
- Access the dataset and files in the 'activities/02-Detecting_Myopia/Unsolved' subfolder.
Steps in the Activity:
- Data Preparation:
- Create features and target sets from the dataset, using the 'MYOPIC' column as the target.
- Preprocess the input data using Scikit-learn's
- Deep Learning Model Design:
- First Dense layer: 14 inputs, 16 hidden nodes, ReLU activation function.
- Second Dense layer: At least 16 neurons, ReLU activation function.
- Output layer: One neuron, sigmoid activation function.
- Compile and Train:
- Compile the model and train it for a maximum of 50 epochs.
- Model Evaluation:
- Evaluate the model's performance by calculating test loss and accuracy.
- Make Predictions:
- Use the model to predict myopia on test data.
- Results Comparison:
- Create a dataframe to compare predictions with actual values.
- Review the first 10 rows of this comparison dataframe.
- Data Preparation:
Solution Review:
- Compare your completed work with the provided solution in the 'Solved' folder.
- Assess if all steps were completed correctly and note any differences in approach.
- Reflect on any challenges or confusion encountered during the activity.
6.4.8: Recap and Knowledge Check
- Deep Learning Networks vs. Neural Networks:
- Multiple Hidden Layers: Deep learning networks differ from neural networks because they have more than one hidden layer.
- Complex Data Handling: They can manage complex, unstructured datasets like images, text, and human speech, thanks to additional hidden layers.
- Balance in Layers: Adding more layers can increase performance, but there's a risk of overfitting. More layers sometimes yield significant performance improvements.
- Optimal Design Decisions: Determining the optimal number of layers and neurons involves performance evaluation over a set number of epochs and adjusting layers/neurons in each trial.
- Regression Models: The key performance metric for regression models with continuous output is a mean squared error (MSE).
- Performance Evaluation: The goal is to minimize MSE and loss; the closer these values are to zero, the better the model performs.
- Model Saving and Sharing: Keras facilitates the saving and uploading of trained models, allowing for efficient sharing and reuse among data scientists.
6.5.1: Summary: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Successfully learned to model, train, and make predictions with neural networks and deep learning models.
- Gained an understanding of a neural network and its comparison with other machine learning models.
- Learned to differentiate between neural network models and deep neural network models.
- Acquired skills to preprocess data for neural network models.
- Implemented neural network models using TensorFlow and Keras.
- Learned to save trained TensorFlow neural network models for later use.
- Developed deep neural network models using TensorFlow and Keras.
- Recognized the wide application of these models in everyday technology and innovative AI developments.
- Acknowledged the limitations of neural networks and deep learning, including computational expense and susceptibility to overfitting.
- Understood the importance of mindful design and evaluation of these models.
- Realized the potential and growing scope of applications for neural networks and deep learning, mirroring human brain functionality.
- Prepared to explore natural language processing next, focusing on teaching computers to understand human speech and text nuances.
6.5.2: Reflect on Your Learning
- Reflection on new insights or contradictions to previous understanding of neural networks and deep learning.
- Consideration of how learning in this module may have altered perceptions of neural networks in everyday applications like recommendation systems and speech recognition.
- Evaluation of industry applications introduced in the module and their impact on opinions about using neural networks and deep learning professionally.
- Identification of challenging concepts or skills encountered during the module.
- Recognition of enjoyable or particularly intriguing concepts or skills, sparking further curiosity.
- Contemplation of potential applications of these models in personal or professional settings for insightful predictions.
6.5.3: References
American Optometric Association, n.d. Myopia (nearsightedness), Available: https://www.aoa.org/healthy-eyes/eye-and-vision-conditions/myopia?sso=y [2023, April 3]
Giamas, A. 2016. How YouTube's recommendation algorithm works, Available:https://www.infoq.com/news/2016/09/How-YouTube-Recommendation-Works/ [2023, March 31]
OpenAI. 2022. Introducing ChatGPT. Available: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt [2023, March 31]
Ramos, D. 2021. Real-life and business applications of neural networks, Available: https://www.smartsheet.com/neural-network-applications [2023, March 31]