All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Categories: Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed, and Security.
- Loglevel as Setting
- load of Schema via Lazy Artifact instead of hard coded
- faster poi handling by treating pois as a DataFrame
Version 1.0.4 2023-05-15
- DataFrame as input for Path()
- poi label for startingPoint was not considered
- no poi output if a poi is outside of path existed
Version 1.0.3 2022-12-30
- documentation strings for functions in formulary.jl, output.jl, and behavior.jl
- loading errors with ill-structured path file
Version 1.0.2 2022-09-01
- output alternative with starting points of the driving modes
- renamed data points into 'support points'
- reduced number of decimal places of output data
- replace v_peak by the existing v_limit
- changed type of a point of interest from Tuple to NamedTuple
- dictionary MovingSection
- redundant keys from the dictionary CharacteristicSection
- dictionary BehaviorSection
- redundant keys from the dictionary SupportPoint
- function secureAcceleratingBehavior()
Version 1.0.1 2022-06-05
- automated Julia package registration
Version 1.0.0 2022-06-05
- dependency JSONSchema
- validation of YAML input via JSON schema
- labels for Points Of Interests
- DataFrame as output format
- renamed TrainRun into TrainRuns
- unified ouput format
- replaced settings::Dict with type Settings as struct
- replaced path::Dict with type Path as struct
- replaced train::Dict with type Train as struct
- restructured examples/ and data/ in docs/ and test/
- modified test to work with Julia Testsets and with simplier naming of input files
- renamed Validate.jl into types.jl
- renamed TrainRunCalc.jl into calc.jl
- moved trainrun function from calc.jl to TrainRun.jl
- moved createDataPoint() from behavior.jl to constructors.jl
- moved createBehaviorSection() from behavior.jl to constructors.jl
- moved createMovingSection() from characteristics.jl to constructors.jl
- moved createCharacteristicSection() from characteristics.jl to constructors.jl
- removed characteristics.jl and moved all functions inside to behavior.jl
- moved calculateTractiveEffort() from behavior.jl to calc.jl
- moved calculatePathResistance() from behavior.jl to calc.jl
- moved calculateForces!() from behavior.jl to calc.jl
- moved moveAStep() from behavior.jl to calc.jl
- moved getCurrentSpeedLimit() from behavior.jl to calc.jl
- moved getNextPointOfInterest() from behavior.jl to calc.jl
- moved determineCharacteristics() from behavior.jl to calc.jl
- changed title of include files from upper case to lower case
- changed seperation of submodules into a single module with file include
- updated test files to railtoolkit/schema (2022.05)
- dependency Plots and CSV
- AdditionalOutput.jl
- EnergySaving.jl
- energy calculation
- test/testEnums.jl
- import.jl
- export.jl
- settings for CSV export
Version 0.8 2022-01-20
Refactor the modular structure:
- Divide TrainRun into TrainRunCalc with the main functions and Import for importing data from yaml files
- Extract the modules Export and AdditionalOutput from TrainRunCalc
- Divide the module Operationsmodes and add its functions to TrainRunCalc and EnergySaving
- Add the remaining functions of the module types to EnergySaving
- Divide the module MovingPhases into Behavior and Formulary
- Rename the module Preparation to Characteristics
Version 0.7 2022-01-14
Refactor all mutable structs as a Dictionaries:
- Refactor the mutable struct EnergySavingModification from types.jl as a Dictionary in OperationsModes.jl
- Refactor the mutable struct CharacteristicSection from types.jl as a Dictionary in Preparation.jl
- Refactor the mutable struct BehaviorSection from types.jl as a Dictionary in MovingPhases.jl
- Refactor the mutable struct DataPoint from types.jl as a Dictionary in MovingPhases.jl
- Remove behavior section "cruisingAfterCoasting"
- Rename some variables
Version 0.6.2 2021-12-17
Add function addStandstill! for creating the BehaviorSection standstill:
- Add function addStandstill! to MovinPhases.jl
- Use function addStandstill! in OperationModes.jl
- Rename the BehaviorSection standStill to standstill
- Fix: Rename addStartingPhase! to addBreakFreePhase!
Version 0.6.1
Add an attribute to DataPoint to record the corresponding driving behavior
- Add the attribute behavior to Datapoint in types.jl
- Attach the corresponding behavior to data points in MovingPhases.jl
- Attach the behavior "standStill" to the last data point of the driving course in OperationModes.jl
- Rework Output.jl for outputting the data points' behavior
Version 0.6
Refactor some of the mutable structs from types.jl as Dictionaries
- Remove the mutable structs Train, Path, PathSection, Settings and MovingSection
- Create Dictionaries for train, path an settings in Validate.jl
- Create a Dictionary for the whole moving section in Preperation.jl and a function for copying the moving section in OperationModes.jl
- Change the type of existing Dictionary keys from String to Symbol
Version 0.5.3
Rename variables in every .jl an .yaml file
Version 0.5.2
Merge fixing branches
Version 0.5.1
Rename the real world path file
Version 0.5
Refactor modules for diminishing run and tractive effort velocity pairs
- Add the seperate moving phase "diminishing run" for steep ascents where a train runs with maximum tractive effort while the driving resistances are even higher
- Refactor tractiveEffortArray to tractiveEffortVelocityPairs
- Rename file path and folder path to directory
Version 0.4.1
Rename waypoints
- rename "waypoints" to "dataPoints" and "Waypoint" to "DataPoint"
Version 0.4
Refactor and fix modules EnergySaving, OperationModes and MovingPhases
- add the general used level of accuracy from v0.3 to EnergySaving and OperationModes
- fix OperationModes and MovingPhases for steep ascents where a train runs with maximum tractive effort while the driving resistances are even higher
Version 0.3
Refactor module MovingPhases
- extract repeatedly occuring code lines and create smaller functions (e.g. the function moveAStep)
- integrate a new approach for calculating the waypoints near intersections (e.g. including an editable level of accuracy)
Version 0.2
Modules and variables were renamed.
Version 0.1 2021-02-19
Proof of concept and master thesis submission.