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Release Process

Creating a new release

The first step when releasing a new version of the WebUI is to make a new release branch from master. Ensure that your local master branch is in sync with the remote master branch first.

git pull origin master
git checkout -b bump_version

The versions in Raiden WebUI are updated using bumpversion.

For the process to work, you should have a working virtual environment with bumpversion already installed.

After activating your virtual environment you have to ran the following command:

bumpversion --current-version 0.7.0 patch

This assumes that the current version is 0.7.0 and then next would be a patch version (0.7.1).

Running bumpversion will automatically update and package.json and creates a bump commit.

Updating the Change Log

Before a new release make sure to update For more information on the change log format please check keep a changelog.

The changes for the version should already be tracked as [Unreleased] so you just should need to replace [Unreleased] with the new version name.

After finishing with the changes you have to amend the commit that was created by bumpversion to include the manual changes. Then you can create a PR on the repository.

After getting the PR merged on master, you need to tag the release and push the tag to github. Alternatively you can create the whole release directly through the Github's release interface.

Please be sure to include the changelog for the new release on the Github release page.

The tag creation should trigger an automated release process on CircleCI that should then proceed to publish the generated artifacts on both GitHub and PyPI.

If for some reason the automated release process fails, you will have to generate the artifacts manually.

Manually creating the Packages

To build the python package first you have to be sure that you have the tags synchronized locally. You can synchronize the tags by running git fetch origin --tags. Then you can checkout the tag and start the manual build.

To build the package you have to run:

python build sdist bdist_wheel

This will create the packages on the dist/* folder. After the generation of the package you have to upload the packages on PyPI using twine:

 twine upload dist/*

You have to also upload the packages from the dist/* folder to the created release on GitHub.

Updating the WebUI dependency on raiden

Locally making and testing binaries

After the package is properly uploaded on PyPI the new package should be tested with the binary distribution.

In order to create a new binary distribution of raiden containing the new WebUI package you have to go to the directory where you cloned the Raiden repository and modify the requirements/requirements.txt, requirements/requirements-ci.txt and requirements/requirements-dev.txt.

You have to find the webui constraint and updated to the version of the new package.

If your old version is 0.7.1 and your new version is 0.8.0 you have to find the line:


and change it to


Then you have to manually build the binary that will include the new version of the WebUI. Please make sure you are using the same versions for the following command as in this config file.

export GETH_URL_LINUX=''
export SOLC_URL_LINUX=''
export SOLC_VERSION='v0.5.4'
export GETH_VERSION='1.9.2'
make bundle-docker

After the completion of the build process you should be able to find a raiden-master-linux.tar.gz in the build/archive directory under the raiden repository root folder.

You should use this binary to verify that there are no major issues with the new WebUI version.


You should always run some basic checks to ensure that the new version of the WebUI works on Firefox and Chromium based browsers when using either Geth or Parity for RPC calls.

Creating a PR on Raiden

If there is no major breaking issue with the updated WebUI, then the next step is to create a PR on the Raiden repository.

Along with the constraint update you should also add an entry to docs/changelog.rst pointing to the tag

* :feature:`-` Update WebUI to version 0.7.1