WebRTC Boilerplate application
This is a web application, that lists the users connected on a websocket and allows "calling" them to start a video conference.
bower install
npm install
The client side
grunt serve
The server side
node server/server.js
##Contribute Contribute in order to improve this solution, so more people will benefit from the knowledge
The logic is on the webRtcConnection.js
file, this file is the responsible of the following things
- Notifying the socket that a new user has entered
- Refreshing the user list
- Sending a call request (A.K.A offer)
- Receiving a call request
- Sending a call response (A.K.A answer)
- Sending iceCandidates
- Receiving iceCandidates
This actions will talk with webrtcpak.js
that has the logic for the p2p communication
The users list and pages are rendered with React.js