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PostgreSQL The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database.
RadonDB PostgreSQL High availability, High scalability, QingCloud Publish Open Source, PostgreSQL Operator On K8s and Machine.
RadonDB PostgreSQL Kubernetes supports Kubernetes or machine platforms.
👀 This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy a RadonDB PostgreSQL cluster (Operator) on Kubernetes.
📦 Prepare a Kubernetes cluster.
Please select a method to deploy RadonDB PostgreSQL Operator.
- By Helm
- By Kubectl
helm repo add radondb-postgresql https://radondb.github.io/multi-platform-postgresql/
Create a Deployment named radondb-postgres-operator
helm install demo radondb-postgresql/postgres-operator
This step also creates the CRD required by the cluster.
kubectl create ns radondb-postgres-operator
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/radondb/multi-platform-postgresql/V3.0.0/platforms/kubernetes/postgres-operator/deploy/postgres-operator.yaml
Run the following command to create an instance of the postgresqls.postgres.radondb.io
CRD and thereby create a RadonDB PostgreSQL cluster by using the default parameters.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/radondb/multi-platform-postgresql/V3.0.0/platforms/kubernetes/postgres-operator/deploy/postgresql.yaml | sed -e "s/image: /image: radondb\//g" > postgresql.yaml
kubectl apply -f postgresql.yaml
See LICENSE for more information.
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For any bugs, questions, or suggestions about RadonDB multi-platform-postgresql, please create an issue on GitHub or feedback on the forum.