In this module, we will create a date database containing the user_id and date in json format. We will also join this table with the maternal table to indicate the date that the record is created.
First, in the worksheet, let's create a database named CHECK_DATE
to use for storing the semi-structured JSON data.
create database check_date;
Execute the following USE commands to set the worksheet context appropriately:
use role accountadmin;
use warehouse compute_wh;
use database check_date;
use schema public;
Next, let's create a table to store the JSON data. In the worksheet, execute the following CREATE TABLE command:
create table json_date_data (v variant);
Now, we want to put some data into the table. We will create some "fake" data here. Run the following command to input JSON data:
insert into json_date_data
Run the following command to create a columnar view of the semi-structured JSON data so it is easier for analysts to understand and query.
create or replace view json_date_data_view as
v:user_id::int as user_id,
v:date::string as date
from json_date_data;
select * from json_date_data_view;
We will now join the JSON date data to our MATERNALHEALTH.PUBLIC.MATERNAL data to track the date that the user made the record.
from maternalhealth.public.maternal_temp as mat
left outer join json_date_data_view as v
on mat.user_id = v.user_id;