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File metadata and controls

424 lines (337 loc) · 15.3 KB

This file attempts to document the overall structure of a queue, and how persistence works.

Each queue is a gen_server2 Erlang process. The usual pattern of the API and implementation being in one file is not applied; rabbit_amqqueue is the API (a module) and rabbit_amqqueue_process is the implementation (a gen_server2).


The queue's supervisor initially starts the process as rabbit_prequeue. This is a gen_server which determines whether the process is an HA slave or a regular queue or master (see HA documentation), and if so whether it is starting afresh or needs to recover. This then uses the gen_server2 "become" mechanism to become the correct sort of process - for this document we'll deal with rabbit_amqqueue_process for regular queues.

The queue process decides for itself what it should be (rather than having some library function that starts different types of processes) so that it can do the right thing if it crashes and is restarted by the supervisor - it might have been started as a master but need to restart as a slave after crashing, for example. Or vice-versa.


The queue process probably has the most code running in it of any process; the rabbit_amqqueue_process has had various subsystems broken out of it into separate modules over the years. The most major such break-out is the queue implementation API, described by the rabbit_backing_queue behaviour.

The aim of the code within rabbit_amqqueue_process is therefore mainly to take the abstract queue implementation and make it support AMQPish features, by handling consumers, implementing features like TTL and max length in terms of lower level APIs, and coordinating everything.

Recently all the consumer-handling code was moved into rabbit_queue_consumers.


The behaviour rabbit_backing_queue (BQ) implements a Rabbit-ish queue with persistence and so on. The module rabbit_variable_queue (VQ) is the major implementation of this behaviour.

This split was introduced with the "new" persister in 2.0.0. At the time this was done so the old persister could be offered as a backup (rabbit_invariable_queue) if serious bugs were found in the new implementation. rabbit_invariable_queue is long gone but the mechanism to configure an alternate module is still there. At various times there have been proposals to provide alternate queue implementations (using Mnesia, SQL etc) but this never came to anything. (One rationale for optional e.g. SQL-based queues is that they would make queue-browsing, atomic transactions and so on trivial, at the cost of performance.)

The BQ behaviour had a secondary use that has turned out to be important - it provides an API where we can insert a proxy to modify how the queue behaves by intercepting calls and deferring to VQ. Currently there are two such proxies: rabbit_mirror_queue_master (see HA documentation) and rabbit_priority_queue (which implements priority queues by providing one BQ implemented in terms of several BQs.


So this is the meat of the queue implementation. This implements a queue in terms of various sub-queues, with various degrees of paged-out-ness.

publish -> [q1 -> q2 -> delta -> q3 -> q4] -> consumer

q1 and q4 contain "alpha" messages, meaning messages are entirely within RAM. q2 and q3 contain "beta" and "gamma" messages, meaning they have metadata in RAM (message ID, position etc) and contents on disk. Finally, delta messages are on disk only. Many of the subqueues can be empty so that messages do not need to pass through all states if the queue is short.

The essay at the top of rabbit_variable_queue goes into a great deal more detail on this.

Most of the complexity of VQ deals with moving messages between the various queues in an optimised way. The actual persistence is handled by rabbit_queue_index (QI) and rabbit_msg_store.


QI contains metadata that needs to be held per queue even if one message is published to multiple queues - publication records with a small amount of metadata, and delivery / acknowledgement record. In 3.5.0 the QI was extended to directly handle persistence of tiny messages to improve performance by reducing the number of I/O ops we do. The QI exists as "segment" files containing a log of the actions which have taken place for an ordered segment (i.e. part) of the queue, and an out of order journal which we write to any time anything happens. Again, see the module for much more detail.

Note that everything as far as this part is within the main queue process.


The following note applies to versions prior to 3.7

There are also two msg_store processes per broker - one for transient messages and one for persistent ones (the transient one can be deleted at startup).

Since version 3.7 message stores are organised according to per-vhost message store

The msg_store is a disk-based reference-counting key-value store, storing messages in log-structured files. Again, see its module for more details.

If one message is published to multiple queues, they will all submit it to the message store, and the store will detect the non-first requests to record the message and just increment the reference count.

The message store is designed to allow clients (i.e. queues) to read from store files directly without calling into the message store process. Only writes go via the process. There are a number of shared ETS tables to coordinate what's going on.

We go to some effort to avoid unnecessary work. For example, the message store maintains a table of "flying writes" - writes which have been submitted by queues but not yet actioned. If a request to delete a message is enqueued before the message is actually written, the write is cancelled.

The message store needs an index, from message-id to {file, offset, etc}. This is also pluggable. The default index is implemented in ETS and so each message has an in-memory cost.

Message store index also contains reference-counters for messages and serves as a synchronization point between queues, message store process and GC process. Message store inserts new entries to the index and updates reference-counters, GC prcess updates file locations and removes entries using delete_object, queue processes only read entries.

Reference-counter updates, file location updates and deletes from the index should be atomic.

Message store logic assumes that lookup operations for non-existent message locations (if message is not yet written to file) are cheap.

See the message store index behaviour module for more details.

The message store also needs to be garbage collected. There's an extra process for GC (so that GC can lock some files and the message store can concurrently serve from the rest). Within the message store, "GC" boils down to combining together two files, both of which are known to have over 50% messages where the ref count has gone to 0. See the rabbit_msg_store_gc module for more details on how that works.

Per-vhost message store

Per-vhost message store was introduced in version 3.7

Process structure

Since version 3.7 queues and message stores processes are grouped in supervision trees per-vhost.

The goal here is to isolate processes managing data (like queues and message stores) on different vhosts from each other. So when there is an issue in one vhost, others can function without interruptions. Vhosts that experienced errors can restart and recover their data or stay "down" for some time until an operator intervene and fix the error.

The data directories are also isolated per-vhost. Each vhost has its own data directory with all the queues and message stores in it.

The supervision tree for two vhosts and two queues per vhost would look like:

--- ...
--- rabbit_vhost_sup_sup
    --- <rabbit_vhost_sup_wrapper> - supervision tree for vhost_1
    |   |
    |   |
    |   --- <rabbit_vhost_process>
    |   |
    |   |
    |   --- <rabbit_vhost_sup>
    |       |
    |       |
    |       --- <rabbit_recovery_terms>
    |       |
    |       |
    |       --- <rabbit_msg_store> - persistent message store for vhost_1
    |       |
    |       |
    |       --- <rabbit_msg_store> - transient message store for vhost_1
    |       |
    |       |
    |       --- <rabbit_amqqueue_sup_sup> - supervisor to contain queues for vhost_1
    |           |
    |           |
    |           --- <rabbit_amqqueue_sup> - vhost_1/queue_1 supervisor
    |           |   |
    |           |   |
    |           |   <rabbit_amqqueue_process/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave> - vhost_1/queue_1 process
    |           |
    |           |
    |           --- <rabbit_amqqueue_sup> - vhost_1/queue_2 supervisor
    |               |
    |               |
    |               <rabbit_amqqueue_process/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave> - vhost_1/queue_2 process
    --- <rabbit_vhost_sup_wrapper> - supervision tree for vhost_2
        --- <rabbit_vhost_process>
        --- <rabbit_vhost_sup>
            --- <rabbit_recovery_terms>
            --- <rabbit_msg_store> - persistent message store for vhost_2
            --- <rabbit_msg_store> - transient message store for vhost_2
            --- <rabbit_amqqueue_sup_sup> - supervisor to contain queues for vhost_2
                --- <rabbit_amqqueue_sup> - vhost_1/queue_1 supervisor
                |   |
                |   |
                |   <rabbit_amqqueue_process/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave> - vhost_1/queue_1 process
                --- <rabbit_amqqueue_sup> - vhost_1/queue_2 supervisor
                    <rabbit_amqqueue_process/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave> - vhost_1/queue_2 process

Processes given in <angle brackets> are not registered. Names represent controlling modules.

As you can see, each vhost has it's own pair of message stores and all the vhost queue processes are grouped in the vhost queues supervisor (rabbit_amqqueue_sup_sup).


If a queue process fails, it can be restored without impacting other queues.

If a message store fails, the entire vhost message store will be restarted, including both message stores and all the vhost queues. This is because of callback based publish acknowledgements, if a message store restarts and queue processes keep going, some messages can never be acknowledged.

Vhost restart process follows same recovery steps as when a node starts.

More about vhost processes and modules


A simple_one_for_one supervisor. Serves as a container for vhosts. Has an API for starting and stopping vhost supervisors, retrieving a vhost supervisor by name, and checking if a vhost is alive.

Also manages an ETS table, containing an index of vhost processes.

The module is aware of the vhost_restart_strategy setting, which controls if a single vhost failure and inability to restart should take down the entire node.

If the rabbit_vhost_sup_sup supervisor crashes - the node will be shut down.


An intermediate supervisor to control vhost restarts. It allows several restarts (3 in 5 minutes). 3 restarts - to handle failures in both message stores, 5 minutes - so if there is a data corruption error, there is enough time to get the error during recover, so the supervisor will not retry recoveries forever.

After max restarts it gives up with shutdown message, which can be interpreted by the rabbit_vhost_sup_sup supervisor according to configured vhost_restart_strategy.

The wrapper makes sure that rabbit_vhost_sup is started before recovery process and is empty, because recovery process will dynamically add children to rabbit_vhost_sup.

Should this process fail, the vhost will not be restarted. If an exit signal is not normal or shutdown, the rabbit_vhost_sup_sup process will crash which will take down the node.


An entity process for a vhost. It manages the vhost recovery process on start and notifies that vhost is down on terminate.

The aliveness status of this process is used to check that the vhost is "alive".

This process will also terminate the vhost supervision tree if the vhost is deleted from the database.


A container supervisor for a vhost data store processes, such as message stores, queues and recovery terms.

The restart strategy is one_for_all, which will restart the vhost should any message store process fail. This will restart all the vhost queues.

Should this process crash, the vhost will be restarted (up to 3 times in 5 minutes) using recovery process.

Data storage

Each vhost data is stored in a separate directory. The directory name for a vhost is <mnesia_dir>/msg_stores/vhosts/<vhost_hash>, where <mnesia_dir> is a configured RabbitMQ data directory (RABBITMQ_MNESIA_DIR variable) and <vhost_hash> is a hash of the vhost name. The hash is used to comply with file name restrictions.

A vhost name hash can be generated using the rabbit_vhost:dir/1 function.

A vhost directory path can be generated using the rabbit_vhost:msg_store_dir_path/1 function.

Each vhost directory contains all its message stores and queues directories.

Example directory structure of a message store (with one vhost for simplicity):

--- ...
--- msg_stores
    --- vhosts
        --- <vhost_hash>
            --- .vhost - a file, containing the vhost name
            --- recovery.dets
            --- msg_store_persistent - persistent message store
            |   |
            |   |
            |   --- ... - the message store data files
            --- msg_store_transient - transient message store
            |   |
            |   |
            |   --- ...
            --- queues
                --- <queue_name_hash>
                |   |
                |   |
                |   --- .queue_name - a file, containing the vhost and the queue name
                |   |
                |   |
                |   --- ... - the queue data files
                --- <queue_name_hash>
                    --- .queue_name
                    --- ...

Each vhost directory contains .vhost file, with a name of the vhost. The file can be used for troubleshooting, when the RabbitMQ node cannot be used to generate the vhost directory name.

Each vhost has it's own recovery DETS table.

Queue directory names are also generated using a hash function.

Each queue directory contains a .queue_name file with the queue and the vhost names.