From 5fdf27798c2be6c8007686ed8a905e56abc6d7f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Johnson Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 20:58:07 +1100 Subject: [PATCH] delete files for clean pr --- R/addin.R | 87 --- experiments/add_sf_to_df_add_row.R | 647 ---------------- experiments/editAttributes_testing/app.R | 6 - .../editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest.R | 3 - .../tests/shinytest/test1.R | 5 - .../tests/shinytest/test2-expected/001.json | 720 ------------------ .../tests/shinytest/test2-expected/001.png | Bin 536469 -> 0 bytes .../tests/shinytest/test2.R | 7 - 8 files changed, 1475 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 R/addin.R delete mode 100644 experiments/add_sf_to_df_add_row.R delete mode 100644 experiments/editAttributes_testing/app.R delete mode 100644 experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest.R delete mode 100644 experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest/test1.R delete mode 100644 experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest/test2-expected/001.json delete mode 100644 experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest/test2-expected/001.png delete mode 100644 experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest/test2.R diff --git a/R/addin.R b/R/addin.R deleted file mode 100644 index b85c3e5..0000000 --- a/R/addin.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ - - - -#' @title mapedit Addin -#' @description Create and save spatial objects within the Rstudio IDE -#' -#' @return sf object to .GlobalEnv and/or saved to file -#' @importFrom miniUI miniPage miniContentPanel gadgetTitleBar miniButtonBlock -#' @import shiny -#' @importFrom shinyWidgets switchInput updateSwitchInput -#' @importFrom mapview mapview -#' @importFrom sf write_sf -#' @importFrom leaflet setView -#' @importFrom rstudioapi getActiveDocumentContext -#' @export -#' -mapeditAddin <- function() { - - ui <- miniPage( - gadgetTitleBar("Edit Map"), - miniContentPanel( - editModUI("editor"), - miniButtonBlock( - div(style="display: inline-block;padding-top:22px;padding-left:30px;width:180px;", - switchInput('savefile', 'Save', value = FALSE, onStatus = "success", offStatus = "danger")), - div(style="display: inline-block; width: 400px;", - textInput('filename', '', value = 'saved_geometry.geojson')), - div(style="display: inline-block;padding-top:18px;width: 400px;font-size: 10pt;color: #313844;", - 'You can add folders and change output type.', - 'Created geometry will always save to .GlobalEnv') - ) - ) - ) - - server <- function(input, output, session) { - - # get values from rstudio - ct <- getActiveDocumentContext() - - TEXT <- ct$selection[[1]]$text - OBJECTNAME <- ifelse(TEXT == '', 'geom', TEXT) - FILENAME <- ifelse(TEXT == '', 'saved_geometry.geojson', paste0(TEXT, '.geojson')) - SF_OBJECT <- NULL - - # test selected text an sf object - try({ - SF_OBJECT <- get(TEXT) - if (class(SF_OBJECT) != 'sf') {SF_OBJECT <- NULL} - }) - - # update UI based on inputs - updateTextInput(session, 'filename', value = FILENAME) - if (FILENAME != 'saved_geometry.geojson') { - updateSwitchInput(session, 'savefile', value = TRUE) - } - - - # load mapedit - if (class(SF_OBJECT) == 'sf') { - geo <- callModule(editMod, "editor", mapview(SF_OBJECT)@map) - } else { - geo <- callModule(editMod, "editor", setView(mapview()@map, 80, 0, 3)) - } - - - # return geometry to file and object in .GlobalEnv - observeEvent(input$done, { - geom <- geo()$finished - - if (!is.null(geom) & !is.null(SF_OBJECT)) geom <- rbind(SF_OBJECT, geom) - - if (!is.null(geom)) { - assign(OBJECTNAME, geom, envir = .GlobalEnv) - if (input$savefile) { - sf::write_sf(geom, input$filename, delete_layer = TRUE, delete_dsn = TRUE) - } - } - - stopApp() - }) - - } - - viewer <- paneViewer(600) - runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer) - -} diff --git a/experiments/add_sf_to_df_add_row.R b/experiments/add_sf_to_df_add_row.R deleted file mode 100644 index 5b32dad..0000000 --- a/experiments/add_sf_to_df_add_row.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,647 +0,0 @@ -library(leaflet) -library(mapview) -library(mapedit) -library(sf) -library(DT) -library(shiny) -library(shinyWidgets) -library(htmltools) -library(tmaptools) -library(dplyr) - - - -#' @title Geo Attributes -#' -#' @description Geo Attributes launches a `shiny` application where you can add and edit spatial geometry -#' and attributes. Starting with a `data.frame` or an `sf data.frame`, a list of `sf data.frames` or nothing -#' at all. You can add columns, and rows and geometry for each row. Clicking on a row with geometry you can -#' zoom across the map between features. -#' -#' When you are done, your edits are saved to an `sf data.frame` for -#' use in R or to be saved to formats such as `geojson`. -#' -#' The application can dynamically handle: character, numeric, integer, factor and date fields. -#' -#' When the input data set is an `sf data.frame` the map automatically zooms to the extent of the `sf` object. -#' When the input has no spatial data, you must tell the function where to zoom. The function uses -#' \link{\code{tmaptools::geocode_OSM}} to identify the coordinates of your area of interest. -#' -#' @param dat input data source, can be a `data.frame` or an `sf data.frame`, or it can be left empty. -#' When nothing is passed to `dat` a basic `data.frame` is generated with `id` and `comment` fields. -#' @param zoomto character area of interest. The area is defined using \link{\code{tmaptools::geocode_OSM}}, -#' which uses \link{OSM Nominatim}{}. The area can be as ambiguous as a country, or -#' as specific as a street address. You can test the area of interest using the application or the example -#' code below. -#' @param col_add boolean option to add columns. Set to false if you don't want to allow a user to modify -#' the data structure. -#' @param reset boolean option to reset attribute input. Set to false if you don't want the attribute input to -#' reset to NA after each added row. -#' @param provider A character string indicating the provider tile of choice, e.g. 'Esri.WorldImagery' (default) -#' @import sf -#' @import leaflet -#' @import mapview -#' @import mapedit -#' @import dplyr -#' @import DT -#' @import shiny -#' @import htmltools -#' @importFrom shinyWidgets actionButtn show_alert useSweetAlert -#' @importFrom tmaptools geocode_OSM -#' -#' @return sf data.frame -#' @export -#' -#' @examples -#' \dontrun{ -#' -#' # with no input -#' data_sf <- geo_attributes(zoomto = 'germany') -#' -#' # a data.frame input -#' dat <- data.frame(name = c('SiteA', 'SiteB'), -#' type = factor(c('park', 'zoo'), levels = c('park', 'factory', 'zoo', 'warehouse')), -#' size = c(35, 45)) -#' -#' data_sf <- geo_attributes(dat, zoomto = 'berlin') -#' -#' # an sf data.frame input -#' data_sf <- geo_attributes(data_sf) -#' -#' # test zoomto area of interest -#' zoomto_area <- tmaptools::geocode_OSM('paris') -#' mapview(st_as_sfc(zoomto_area$bbox)) -#' -#' } -geo_attributes <- function(dat, zoomto = NULL, col_add = TRUE, reset = TRUE, provider = 'Esri.WorldImagery'){ - - - #creat df if nothing in dat - if (missing(dat)) { - dat <- data.frame(id = 'CHANGE ME', comments = 'ADD COMMENTS...') %>% mutate(leaf_id = 1) - } - - - APP_CRS <- 4326 - - dat_class <- class(dat) - - # trying to accept list of sf data.frames with multiple geom types - # (TODO: works but original geom continues to display. method works nicely except if editing - # replacing existing geoms) - original_sf <- NULL - if (all(dat_class == 'list')) { - original_sf <- lapply(dat, function(df){ - df %>% mutate(leaf_id = 1:nrow(df)) - }) - dat <- bind_rows(dat) %>% mutate(leaf_id = 1:nrow(.)) - } - - - # Need to parse out spatial objects if input data is spatial - # reason is module doesn't like tibbles - - type <- c('sf', 'SpatVector') - - if (!any(type %in% dat_class)) { - user_crs <- 4326 - assertthat::assert_that(!(is.null(zoomto)), - msg = 'If your input is a non-spatial data.frame you must define a zoomto location') - } - - if (any(type %in% dat_class)) { - if({dat <- dat %>% sf::st_set_crs(4326)} - user_crs <- sf::st_crs(dat) - if(dat_class[[1]] == 'SpatVector'){dat <- sf::st_as_sf(dat)} - if(dat_class[[1]] == 'sf'){class(dat) <- c('sf', 'data.frame')} - } - - # if data or empty (dat) need a zoom to place - # could go without but is nice to have as an arg - if (!is.null(zoomto)) { - zoomto_area <- tmaptools::geocode_OSM(zoomto) - zoomto <- st_as_sfc(zoomto_area$bbox) %>% st_sf() %>% st_set_crs(APP_CRS) - } - - - - # UI section - # i guess this could change to look more like mapedit if staying with mapedit - - ui <- tagList( - # script_zoom, - useSweetAlert(), - fluidPage( - fluidRow( - column(12, editModUI("map")) - ), - tags$hr(), - fluidRow( - column(ifelse(col_add, 6, 9), - DT::dataTableOutput("tbl",width="100%", height=200)), - column(3, - wellPanel( - h3('Add New Row'), - uiOutput('dyn_form'), - shinyWidgets::actionBttn("row_add", "Row", - icon = icon('plus'), - style = 'material-flat', - block = TRUE, - color = 'primary', - size = 'md')) - ), - {if (col_add) { - column(3, - wellPanel( - h3('Add New Column'), - shiny::textInput('new_name', 'New Column Name', width = '100%'), - shiny::radioButtons('new_type', 'Column Type', choices = c('character', 'numeric', 'integer', 'Date')), - shinyWidgets::actionBttn("col_add", "Column", - icon = icon('plus'), - style = 'material-flat', - block = TRUE, - color = 'primary', - size = 'md')) - )} else { - NULL - } - } - ), - fluidRow(tags$hr(), - div(style = 'padding: 20px', - shinyWidgets::actionBttn("donebtn", "Done", - icon = icon('check-circle'), - style = 'material-flat', - block = TRUE, - color = 'success', - size = 'lg'))) - - ) - ) - - #Server section - - server <- function(input, output, session) { - - - #adding leaf id to data and geometry to df - if (all(dat_class == 'data.frame')) { - dat <- dat %>% mutate(leaf_id = 1:nrow(dat)) - - data_copy <- st_as_sf( - dat, - geometry = st_sfc(lapply(seq_len(nrow(dat)),function(i){st_point()})) - ) %>% st_set_crs(APP_CRS) - - le = TRUE - } else if (any(type %in% dat_class)) { - - dat <- dat %>% mutate(leaf_id = 1:nrow(dat)) %>% sf::st_transform(4326) - data_copy <- dat # TODO check orig crs and transform to 4326 - - # this is used to make sure the edit toolbar is disabled when these are inputs - # if not, then the app will hang and requires ending task. - - le <- !any(sf::st_geometry_type(dat) %in% c('MULTILINESTRING', 'MULTIPOLYGON')) - - } - - # gather all up into reactiveValues - - df <- reactiveValues(types = sapply(dat, class), - data = data_copy, - zoom_to = zoomto, - edit_logic = le) - - # mapedit module - observe({ - - edits <- callModule( - module = editMod, - leafmap = { - - if (any(type %in% dat_class)){ - - mapv <- leaflet::leaflet() %>% - leaflet::addProviderTiles(provider = provider, - group = provider) %>% - leaflet::addLayersControl(baseGroups = provider, - position = 'topleft') %>% - leafem::addFeatures(data = df$data, - layerId = df$data$leaf_id, - group = 'editLayer', - popup = leafpop::popupTable(df$data)) - } else { - mapv <- mapview(df$zoom_to, - map.types = provider)@map %>% - leaflet::hideGroup('df$zoom_to') %>% - leafem::addFeatures(data = df$data, - layerId = df$data$leaf_id, - group = 'editLayer', - popup = leafpop::popupTable(df$data)) - } - mapv - }, - id = "map", - targetLayerId = 'editLayer', - sf = TRUE, - editorOptions = list(editOptions = leaflet.extras::editToolbarOptions(edit = df$edit_logic)), - ) - }) - - - - #make a proxy map - proxy_map <- leaflet::leafletProxy('map-map', session) - - observeEvent(input$col_add, { - - if (nchar(input$new_name)==0) { - - shinyWidgets::show_alert('Missing Column Name', - 'this column is missing a name, this must be entered before adding a column', - type = 'warning') - } else { - #TODO: add checks for missing inputs - add_col <- df$data - - add_col[[input$new_name]] <-'as.', input$new_type), list(NA)) - - df$data <- add_col - - # add input$new_name to df$type - ntype <- input$new_type - names(ntype) <- input$new_name - - df$types <- c(df$types, ntype) - - updateTextInput(session, 'new_name', value = NA) - showNotification('Added New Column') - } - }) - - - #create a vector input for 'row_add' - EVT_ADD_ROW <- "row_add" - - # determines whether to use 'row_add' or 'map_draw_feature' - # also, if rows are selected then it won't trigger the 'map_draw_feature' - - addRowOrDrawObserve <- function(event, id) { - observeEvent( - if({ - - input[[event]] - - } else { - - input[[nsm(event, id = id)]]},{ - - if(!is.null(input$tbl_rows_selected)){ - - } else { - - # creates first column and row (must be more elegant way) - new_row <- data.frame(X = input[[names(df$types[1])]]) - colnames(new_row) <- names(df$types[1]) - - # remaining columns will be correct size - for (i in 2:length(df$types)) { - new_row[names(df$types[i])] <- input[[names(df$types[i])]] - } - - new_row <- st_as_sf(new_row, geometry = st_sfc(st_point()), crs = APP_CRS) - - # add to data_copy data.frame and update visible table - df$data <- df$data %>% - rbind(new_row) - - showNotification('Added New Row') - - - # reset input table - if(isTRUE(reset)){ - for (i in 1:length(df$types)) { - typ <- df$types[i] - nm <- names(typ) - - if (typ == 'character') { - updateTextInput(session, nm, value = NA) - } else if (typ %in% c('numeric','integer')) { - updateNumericInput(session, nm, value = NA) - } else if (typ == 'Date') { - updateDateInput(session, nm, value = NA) - } - - } - } - } - }) - } - - addRowOrDrawObserve(EVT_ADD_ROW, id = NA) - addRowOrDrawObserve(EVT_DRAW, id = 'map') - - - - observe({ - - output$dyn_form <- renderUI({ - - tagList( - lapply(1:length(df$types), function(n){ - name <- names(df$types[n]) - label <- paste0(names(df$types[n]), ' (', df$types[n], ')') - if (df$types[n] == 'character') { - textInput(name, label, width = '100%') - } else if (df$types[n] == 'factor') { - selectInput(name, label, width = '100%', - choices = levels(dat[[names(df$types[n])]]), - selected = NULL, - selectize = TRUE) - } else if (df$types[n] %in% c('numeric','integer')) { - numericInput(name, label, width = '100%', value = NA) - } else if (df$types[n] == 'Date') { - dateInput(name, label, width = '100%', value = NA) - } - }) - ) - - }) - }) - - output$tbl <- DT::renderDataTable({ - - n <- grep('leaf_id|geom', colnames(df$data)) # used to hide geometry/leaf_id column - - DT::datatable( - df$data, - options = list(scrollY="200px", - pageLength = 50, - scrollX = TRUE, - columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets=n))), - # could support multi but do single for now - selection = "single", - height = 200, - editable = 'column', - ) - }) - - proxy = dataTableProxy('tbl') - - # unfortunately I did not implement last functionality - # for editMap, so do it the hard way - # last seems useful, so I might circle back and add that - EVT_DRAW <- "map_draw_new_feature" - EVT_EDIT <- "map_draw_edited_features" - EVT_DELETE <- "map_draw_deleted_features" - - nsm <- function(event="", id="map") { - paste0(session$ns(id), "-", event) - } - - addDrawObserve <- function(event) { - observeEvent( - input[[nsm(event)]], - { - evt <- input[[nsm(event)]] - - # get selected row section - # pretty nasty if/else going on... not sure how to clean-up? - - - # this allows the user to edit geometries or delete and then save without selecting row. - # you can also select row and edit/delete as well but this gives the ability to not do so. - - if(event == EVT_DELETE) { - - ids <- vector() - - for(i in 1:length(evt$features)){ - - iter <- evt$features[[i]]$properties[['layerId']] - - ids <- append(ids, iter) - } - - df$data <- filter(df$data, !df$data$leaf_id %in% ids) - df$ids <- ids - - } else if (event == EVT_EDIT) { - - - for(i in 1:length(evt$features)){ - - evt_type <- evt$features[[i]]$geometry$type - leaf_id <- evt$features[[i]]$properties[['layerId']] - - geom <- unlist(evt$features[[i]]$geometry$coordinates) - - - if (evt_type == 'Point') { - - sf::st_geometry(df$data[df$data$leaf_id %in% leaf_id,]) <- st_sfc(st_point(geom)) - - } else if (evt_type == 'Polygon'){ - - geom <- matrix(geom, ncol = 2, byrow = T) - sf::st_geometry(df$data[df$data$leaf_id %in% leaf_id,]) <- st_sfc(st_polygon(list(geom))) - - } else if (evt_type == 'LineString'){ - - geom <- matrix(geom, ncol = 2, byrow = T) - - sf::st_geometry(df$data[df$data$leaf_id %in% leaf_id,]) <- st_sfc(st_linestring(geom)) - } - - } - - - - } else { - - # below just determines whether to use 'row_add' or 'map_draw_feature' for adding geometries - - if(!is.null(input$tbl_rows_selected)) { - - selected <- isolate(input$tbl_rows_selected) - - - } else if (event == EVT_DRAW){ - - selected <- length(input$tbl_rows_all) + 1 - - } - - skip = FALSE - # ignore if selected is null - # not great but good enough for poc - if(is.null(selected)) {skip = TRUE} - - # replace if draw or edit - if(skip==FALSE) { - - sf::st_geometry(df$data[selected,]) <- sf::st_geometry( - mapedit:::st_as_sfc.geo_list(evt)) - - #adding the leaf_id when we draw or row_add - - df$data[selected, 'leaf_id'] <- as.integer(evt$properties[['_leaflet_id']]) - - - } - - - - } - }) - } - - addDrawObserve(EVT_DRAW) - addDrawObserve(EVT_EDIT) - addDrawObserve(EVT_DELETE) - - # this is used to keep the zoom of leaflet relavent - - observeEvent(input[[nsm(EVT_DRAW)]],{ - - click <- input[[nsm('map_draw_new_feature')]] - - if (click$geometry$type == 'Point') { - - clat <- click$geometry$coordinates[[2]] - clng <- click$geometry$coordinates[[1]] - - proxy_map %>% - leaflet::setView(lng = clng, lat = clat, zoom = input[[nsm('map_zoom')]]) - - } else { - - click_mat <- matrix(unlist(click$geometry$coordinates),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) - - if(click$geometry$type == 'LineString'){ - - clat <- click_mat[[1,2]] - clng <- click_mat[[1,1]] - - proxy_map %>% - leaflet::setView(lng = clng, lat = clat, zoom = input[[nsm('map_zoom')]]) - - } else { - bb <- sf::st_bbox(sf::st_geometry(sf::st_polygon(x = list(click_mat)))) - - proxy_map %>% - leaflet::fitBounds(bb[['xmin']], bb[['ymin']], bb[['xmax']], bb[['ymax']]) - } - } - }) - - # zoom to if feature available on selected row, same as above but with DT selected rows - observeEvent( - input$tbl_rows_selected, - { - selected <- input$tbl_rows_selected - - if(!is.null(selected)) { - rowsel <- df$data[selected, ] - # simple check to see if feature available - # and leaflet id populated - if (all(![[1]])))) { - - if (st_geometry_type(rowsel) == 'POINT') { - - pnt <- st_coordinates(rowsel) %>% - proxy_map %>% - leaflet::flyTo(lng = pnt$X, lat = pnt$Y, zoom = input[[nsm('map_zoom')]]) - - } else { - - bb <- st_bbox(sf::st_geometry(rowsel)) - proxy_map %>% - flyToBounds(bb[['xmin']], bb[['ymin']], bb[['xmax']], bb[['ymax']]) - - } - - } - } - } - ) - - # update table cells with double click on cell - observeEvent(input$tbl_cell_edit, { - - df$data <- editData(df$data, input$tbl_cell_edit, 'tbl', resetPaging = F) - - DT::replaceData(proxy, df$data, rownames = FALSE, resetPaging = FALSE) - - }) - - # provide mechanism to return after all done - observeEvent(input$donebtn, { - - if(grepl(class(df$data$geometry)[[1]], "sfc_GEOMETRY")){ - - if (any(st_is_empty(df$data$geometry))) { - shinyWidgets::show_alert('Missing Geometry', - 'some features are missing geometry, these must be entered before saving', - type = 'warning') - } else { - stopApp({ - - out <- df$data %>% dplyr::select(-leaf_id) %>% - dplyr::mutate(geo_type = as.character(st_geometry_type(.))) - - out <- st_sf(out, crs = user_crs) - out <- split(out , f = out$geo_type) - - # clean bounding box just in case - for(i in 1:length(out)){ - attr(st_geometry(out[[i]]), "bbox") <- st_bbox(st_union(out[[i]]$geometry)) - } - - out - - }) - } - - } else { - - if (any(st_is_empty(df$data$geometry))) { - shinyWidgets::show_alert('Missing Geometry', - 'some features are missing geometry, these must be entered before saving', - type = 'warning') - } else { - stopApp({ - # ensure export is sf and correct crs - out <- st_sf(df$data,crs=user_crs) - - # clean bounding box just in case - attr(st_geometry(out), "bbox") <- st_bbox(st_union(out$geometry)) - - out %>% dplyr::select(-leaf_id) - }) - } - } - }) - - } - - return(runApp(shinyApp(ui,server))) -} - - -# let's create a fake site list -data <- data.frame( - name = c('SiteA', 'SiteB'), - type = factor(c('park', 'zoo'), levels = c('park', 'factory', 'zoo', 'warehouse')), - size = c(35, 45), - stringsAsFactors = FALSE -) - - - -data_sf2 <- geo_attributes(zoomto = 'Montana', col_add = T, reset = F) -sf_pts <- geo_attributes(data_sf2, zoomto = 'Montana', col_add = T, reset = F) - -mapview(data_sf2) -mapview(sf_pts) diff --git a/experiments/editAttributes_testing/app.R b/experiments/editAttributes_testing/app.R deleted file mode 100644 index db07664..0000000 --- a/experiments/editAttributes_testing/app.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ - - -library(mapedit) - - -editAttributes(zoomto = 'victoria', testing = TRUE) diff --git a/experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest.R b/experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest.R deleted file mode 100644 index 7021f8e..0000000 --- a/experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -library(shinytest) -shinytest::testApp("../") - diff --git a/experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest/test1.R b/experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest/test1.R deleted file mode 100644 index 3612914..0000000 --- a/experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest/test1.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -app <- ShinyDriver$new("../../") -app$snapshotInit("test1") - -app$setInputs(donebtn = "click") -app$snapshot() diff --git a/experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest/test2-expected/001.json b/experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest/test2-expected/001.json deleted file mode 100644 index ccd67f0..0000000 --- a/experiments/editAttributes_testing/tests/shinytest/test2-expected/001.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,720 +0,0 @@ -{ - "input": { - "col_add": 0, - "comments": "", - "donebtn": 0, - "id": "", - "leaf_id": null, - "map-map_bounds": { - "north": -33.0270875800287, - "east": 156.07177734375, - "south": -40.0780714274501, - "west": 134.93408203125 - }, - "map-map_center": { - "lng": 145.4975919, - "lat": -36.6337861467553 - }, - "map-map_groups": [ - "Esri.WorldImagery", - "editLayer" - ], - "map-map_zoom": 6, - "new_name": "", - "new_type": "character", - "row_add": 0, - "tbl_cell_clicked": { - - }, - "tbl_cells_selected": [ - - ], - "tbl_columns_selected": null, - "tbl_rows_all": 1, - "tbl_rows_current": 1, - "tbl_rows_selected": null, - "tbl_search": "", - "tbl_state": { - "time": 1644924692440, - "start": 0, - "length": 50, - "order": [ - - ], - "search": { - "search": "", - "smart": true, - "regex": false, - "caseInsensitive": true - }, - "columns": [ - { - "visible": true, - "search": { - "search": "", - "smart": true, - "regex": false, - "caseInsensitive": true - } - }, - { - "visible": true, - "search": { - "search": "", - "smart": true, - "regex": false, - "caseInsensitive": true - } - }, - { - "visible": true, - "search": { - "search": "", - "smart": true, - "regex": false, - "caseInsensitive": true - } - }, - { - "visible": false, - "search": { - "search": "", - "smart": true, - "regex": false, - "caseInsensitive": true - } - }, - { - "visible": false, - "search": { - "search": "", - "smart": true, - "regex": false, - "caseInsensitive": true - } - } - ] - } - }, - "output": { - "dyn_form": { - "html": "