To run browser tests in a local dev environment:
make sure
points to QuestDB Web Console -
disable telemetry in QuestDB Web Console. Use env variable
if running with docker, you can pass the variable like this:docker run -e QDB_TELEMETRY_ENABLED=false -p 9000:9000 -p 9009:9009 questdb/questdb:latest
yarn workspace browser-tests test
If you want to interact with cypress, you can start it like so:
yarn workspace browser-tests run cypress open
This package uses simonsmith/cypress-image-snapshot. It adds a cy.matchImageSnapshot()
command to Cypress.
To take a screenshot while running tests, use cy.matchImageSnapshot()
This will take a screenshot and save it in relevant location (depending
on test name) in browser-tests/cypress/snapshots
On the next run, cy.matchImageSnapshot()
will compare the screenshot with the one saved in snapshots
and fail the test if they don't match.
If you want to update the screenshot, run yarn workspace browser-tests test:update