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Time Series Streaming Analytics Template

This repository can be used as a template for near real-time analytics using open source technologies.

The project sends events to a message broker (Apache Kafka), persists them into a fast time-series database (QuestDB), and visualizes them on a dashboard (Grafana). It also provides a web-based development environment (Jupyter Notebook) for data science and machine learning, and monitoring metrics are captured by a server agent (telegraf) and stored into the time-series database (QuestDB).

The template includes workflows to capture, process and analyze crypto currency trading data, public GitHub repositories data, and (simulated) smart meters and IoT data.

trading data dashboard

The dataset with most examples available in this project is the trading dataset, which contains real crypto currency trades observed between March 1st and March 12th 2024.

All the components can be started with a single docker-compose command, or can be deployed independently.

Note: Even if the template starts multiple instances of brokers and workers for higher availability, all the components use the bare minimum configuration needed to run this template. Make sure you double check the configuration and adjust accordingly if you are planning to run this in production.


A working installation of Docker and docker-compose.

Pre-requisities only for the GitHub Dataset

In order to run the GitHub ingestion script, you need a Github Token, so the script will be able to get live data from the GitHub API. I recommend using a personal token with read access to public repositories only.

Once you have the token, you can set is as an environment variable and it will be picked up by all the scripts (and by docker-compose for the Jupyter Notebook environment)

docker-compose up

or, if using sudo with Docker:

sudo GITHUB_TOKEN=<YOUR_TOKEN> docker-compose up

Starting up via Docker-compose

This is the recommended way to start all the components, as they will have all dependencies and configuration ready. If you prefer to start each component separately, read the Starting and configuring components individually section below. We will be going through each component, but you can check later in this document all the docker volumes and ports we are configuring.

From the root directory of this repository, execute:

docker-compose up

This might take a few moments the first time, as it needs to download several docker images and initialize them. For reference, a cold start on my laptop over a wired connection it takes between 30 seconds and 1 minute. Subsequent starts should be way faster. The downloaded images will use about 1Gb on your disk.

If you notice any permissions error on the logs (typically Grafana complaining a folder is not writable), this is probably due to your system running docker as root. You can fix this by setting the following env variable:

export DOCKER_COMPOSE_USER_ID=$(id -u)

or like this

sudo DOCKER_COMPOSE_USER_ID=$(id -u) docker-compose up

After a few moments, you should see the logs stabilize and stop scrolling fast. After a few seconds you should see several logs from Kafka Connect registering the connectors and showing the configuration on the logs. At that point the project is fully available.There will always be some activity, as the stack collects and store some metrics, but those appear only every few seconds.

graph TD
   subgraph "Data Analytics"

  subgraph "Data Science and ML"
    Q -->|SELECT FROM trades and github_events| DSN[Data Science Notebook]
    Q -->|SELECT FROM trades and github_events| FM[Forecast Model]

  subgraph "Data Ingestion"
    GE[GitHub Events] -->|Python, NodeJS, Java, Go, Rust into github_events topic | AK[Apache Kafka]
    AK -->|github_events topic| KC
    IE[IoT Events] -->|ILP Protocol into iot_data table| Q
    IE[Trading Events] -->|ILP Protocol into trades table| Q
    AK -->|trades topic| KC
    AK -->|trades topic| KSR[Kafka Schema Registry]
    AK -->|smart-meters topic| KC
    AK -->|smart-meters topic| KSR[Kafka Schema Registry]
    AK -->|transactions topic| KC
    AK -->|transactions topic| KSR[Kafka Schema Registry]
    KC[Kafka Connect] -->|into github_events table| Q[QuestDB]
    KC[Kafka Connect] -->|into trades table| Q[QuestDB]
    KC[Kafka Connect] -->|into smart_meters table| Q[QuestDB]
    KC[Kafka Connect] -->|into transactions table| Q[QuestDB]

  subgraph "Real-time dashboards"
    Q -->|SELECT FROM trades, github_events, smart_meters, transactions, and iot_data tables| G[Grafana]

  subgraph Monitoring
    Q -->|pulls Prometheus metrics| TA[Telegraf Agent]
    AK -->|pulls MX metrics| TA
    TA -->|into monitoring tables| Q

If you want to stop the components at any point, you can just ctrl+c and you can restart later running docker-compose up. For more permanent removal, please do check the Stopping all the components section.

End-to-end ingestion and visualization

Ingesting the trading real-time data

In this section we will use the Jupyter Notebook environment to ingest data using Python. To ingest the trading dataset using Golang, or Python from the command line, please go to the ingestion section of this document for details.

Navigate to http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Send-Trades-To-Kafka.ipynb.

This notebook will read the tradesMarch.csv file to read trading events, and will send the events to Apache Kafka in Avro binary format using a topic named trades. The CSV file contains real trades from different crypto currency symbols captured with the Coinbase API between March 1st and March 12th 2024. The raw data has been sampled in 30s intervals and it contains almost one million rows. By default, the script will override the original date with the current date and will wait 50ms between events before sending to Kafka, to simulate a real time stream and provide a nicer visualization. You can override those configurations by changing the constants in the script. It will keep sending data until you click stop or exit the notebook, or until the end of the file is reached.

The data you send to Kafka will be then polled by Kafka Connect and passed to QuestDB, where it will be stored into a table named trades.

Ingesting trading data directly into QuesDB, skipping Kafka

Having a message broker like Kafka in front of QuestDB makes sense, as you can replay messages in the case of any error, and also allows for interesting scenarios, like zero downtime upgrades. You can ingest data into Kafka and upgrade/restart QuestDB, and when QuestDB is available again the data from Kafka will be inserted into the database.

But, if you are fine skipping Kafka and want to ingest directly into QuestDB, you can check the http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Send-Trades-To-QuestDB-Directly.ipynb notebook.

This notebook, sends trades from several sub-processes in parallel, as this gives you higher throughput. The script uses QuestDB API to insert data directly

Visualizing the trading dataset

For now, you can navigate to the live dashboard at http://localhost:3000/d/trades-crypto-currency/trades-crypto-currency?orgId=1&refresh=250ms. User is admin and password quest.

You should see how data gets updated. The dashboard auto refreshes every 250 milliseconds. For the first few seconds some of the charts might look a bit empty, but after enough data is collected it should look better.

trading data dashboard

You can now proceed to checking Data on Kafka, unless you prefer to also ingest GitHub data. In the next sections discuss mostly the Trading dataset, but you can easily adapt all the queries and scripts to use the GitHub or any other dataset instead.

Ingesting the GitHub real-time data

In this section we will use the Jupyter Notebook environment to ingest data using Python. To ingest data using NodeJS, Golang, Rust, or JAVA, please go to the ingestion section of this document for details.

Navigate to http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Send-Github-Events-To-Kafka.ipynb.

This notebook will use the GitHub API to collect public events, will send the events to Apache Kafka using a topic named github_events, then wait 10 seconds to avoid any API rates. It will keep sending data until you click stop or exit the notebook.

Before you run the notebook, make sure you had set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. Or you can just paste it where it says <YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN>.

The data you send to Kafka will be passed to QuestDB, where it will be stored into a table named github_events. We will explore the database later.

For now, you can navigate to the live dashboard at http://localhost:3000/d/github-events-questdb/github-events-dashboard?orgId=1&refresh=5s. User is admin and password quest.

github events dashboard

You should see how data gets updated. The dashboard auto refreshes every 5 seconds, but data is only collected every 10 seconds, so it will take ~10 seconds to see new results on the charts. For the first few minutes some of the charts might look a bit empty, but after enough data is collected it should look better.

At this point you can see you already have a running system in which you are capturing data and running it through an end-to-end data analytics platform.

Checking Data on Kafka

Apache Kafka provides a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. Data is organized into topics and store reliably for a configured retention period. Consumers can then read data from those topics immediately, or whenever is more convenient for them.

Kafka uses a binary TCP-based protocol that is optimized for efficiency and allows Kafka to turn a bursty stream of random message writes into linear writes.

There are many open source and commercial tools to add a web interface to Apache Kafka, but Apache Kafka itself doesn't has any interface other than its API. However, Kafka includes several command line tools we can use to manage our cluster and to query configuration and data.

We can, for example, use the kafka-topics tool to list and manage topics. Since we are already running a container with docker, we can attach to the container and invoke Kafka topics from itself, as in:

docker exec -ti rta_kafka_broker kafka-topics --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

If you run the Jupyter Notebook Send-Trades-To-Kafka.ipynb, the output of this command should include a topic named trades.

We can also consume events from that topic by running: docker exec -ti rta_kafka_broker kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic trades.

You will notice the output is very weird. When you are running any of the examples (trades, smart_meters, or transactions) that use AVRO instead of JSON, the output will be in AVRO binary format. To check output of AVRO topics in kafka we provide a python script under ingestion/python. The script reads data from Kafka and then deserializes to a text format. You can execute using docker via:

docker exec -it rta_jupyter python /home/ingestion/ --topic smart-trades --broker rta_kafka_broker:29092 --schema-registry http://rta_schema_registry:8081

If you have been sending data using the GitHub dataset, you can just use the regular kafka-console-consumer as the GitHub example uses JSON, which is human readable and text-based.

If you didn't stop the Jupyter Notebook, you should see new entries every few seconds. If you stopped it, you can open the trades ingestion notebook, or the GitHub ingestion notebook and run it again. New entries should appear on your console as it runs.

Notice that even if we are consuming data from the topic, the data is still being ingested into QuestDB. This is one of the main advantages of Kafka: multiple consumers can read data from any topic without interfering with each other, and the system keeps track of the latest event each consumer saw, so it would send by default only newer messages.

However, a consumer can choose to replay data from any point in the past, as long as it is within the retention time range for a given topic. Or you can also choose to have multiple consumers reading data from a topic collaboratively, so each message is sent only to a single consumer. Not only that, but if you have demanding requirements, you can add several brokers to your cluster and partition the topics so the workload will be distributed. All of this with very high performance and configurable redundancy.

Having Apache Kafka as the entry point for your data analytics pipeline gives you a good and reliable way of dealing with data at any speed and helps you deal with ingestion peaks, decoupling ingestion from your analytical database. Even when you have a very fast database, as it is the case with QuestDB, that could keep up with the ingestion rate, it might still be a good idea to have Kafka in front so you can tolerate database restarts in the event of any upgrade, or data replaying in case of disaster recovery or debugging.

Checking the connector data on Kafka Connect

Apache Kafka is not a push system, by design. That means that consumers need to poll data at its own pace whenever they are ready to process a new batch of events. While this is a good idea from an architecture perspective, implementing that in a reliable way on your consumer is not trivial.

Very conveniently, Apache Kafka comes with Kafka Connect, a tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka and other data systems.

Kafka connect can run as a standalone process or in distributed mode — for scalability and fault tolerance —, and can also run conversions and transforms on the fly before sending data to its destination.

You need two things to stream data from Apache Kafka into another system: A connector plugin, in this case the kafka-questdb-connector-0.9.jar, and a configuration file which, at the very least, will define the origin topic(s), the data format, and the destination system.

As it happens with Apache Kafka, there is no native web interface for Kafka Connect, but it exposes a REST API — by default on port 8083 — where we can register new configurations for our connections, or check the ones we already have. If you are curious, you can inspect the docker-compose.yml file to see how it registers different configurations on startup. But it is probably easier to just open the Kafka-connect-inspect.ipynb jupyter notebook and execute the cells there, that will connect to the kafka-connect container and output the list of connector plugins available in the classpath, the registered connectors, and the configuration for each of the three.

You will notice the configurations will output data to the questdb-connector plugin, using different Kafka topics for the input data, and different tables on the QuestDB database for the output. You will also notice data is expected in JSON format or AVRO format, depending on the topic. The full list of parameters available to this connector is documented at the QuestDB website.

Querying Data on QuestDB

QuestDB is fast time-series database for high throughput and fast SQL queries with operational simplicity. It is designed to run performant analytics over billions of rows. Since we are working with streaming data, and streaming data tends to have a timestamp and usually requires timely analytics, it makes sense to use a time-series database rather than a generic one.

QuestDB can ingest data in a number of ways: using Kafka Connect, as we are doing in this template, via the QuestDB Client Libraries for fast ingestion,with any Postgresql-compatible library, issuing HTTP calls to the [REST API(, or simply uploading CSV files.

Data is stored into tables and queried via SQL. You can issue your SQL statements with any Postgresql driver or with any HTTP client via the REST API.

QuestDB offers a web console for running queries and uploading CSVs at http://localhost:9000.

If you have been ingesting data with the Jupyter Notebook Send-Trades-To-Kafka.ipynb, you should see one table named trades. If you have been ingesting other datasets, you will see a different table there. You will eventually see other tables with monitoring data from QuestDB itself and from the Kafka broker, as we are collecting metrics and ingesting them into QuestDB for monitoring.

Other than standard SQL, QuestDB offers SQL extensions for dealing with time-series data. You can for example run any of these queries (depending on which dataset you are using):

SELECT timestamp, symbol, COUNT() FROM trades SAMPLE BY 5m;
SELECT timestamp, repo, COUNT() FROM github_events SAMPLE BY 5m;

This query returns the count of trades or github events by symbol or by repository in 5 minute intervals. Intervals can be any arbitrary amount from microseconds to years.

Data on QuestDB is stored in a columnar format, partitioned by time, and physically sorted by increasing timestamp. Ingestion and Querying don't block each other, so ingestion performance remains steady even when there is high usage of queries. With a few CPUs, you can sustain ingestions of several millions of rows per second while querying billions of rows.

All of the above makes QuestDB a great candidate for storing your streaming data.

Querying QuestDB from a Jupyter Notebook

Since QuestDB is compatible with the Postgresql-wire protocol, we can issue queries from any programming language. You can, for example, use Python and the popular psycopg library to query data. Let's open the Jupyter Notebook http://localhost:8888/notebooks/questdb-connect-and-query.ipynb and execute the script in there.

You will notice QuestDB uses the user admin, password quest, postgresql port 8812, and dbname qdb by default.

Data Science and Machine Learning with a Jupyter Notebook

Many projects are happy analysing the past, some also want to predict what will happen based on past data. Time-series forecasting is a very frequent ask when doing streaming analytics.

Of course this is not trivial, but fortunately there are some ready-made models or algorithms that you can use as an starting point. This template provides the Jupyter Notebooks http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Time-Series-Forecasting-ML.ipynb and http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Time-Series-Forecasting-ML-trades.ipynb to show how you can train a model with data from from the QuestDB trades or github_events table, and use that to run predictions. The notebook shows how to train two different models: Prophet and Linear Regression.

Note: This notebook is not a comprehensive work in time-series forecasting, but just a show of what can be achieved. In a real-life scenario you would ideally use a large amount of training data and you would probably fine-tune the model for your use case. Other popular time-series models like ARIMA might give you better results in certain scenarios. If your dataset is very big, you might also want to try LSTM models that could perform better in some cases.

Visualizing data with Grafana

Grafana is an observability platform you can use to display business or monitoring dashboards and to generate alerts if some conditions are met.

Grafana supports a large number of datasources. In our case, you will be using Grafana to connect to QuestDB, and display business dashboards that get data running SQL queries behind the scenes. The grafana instance in this template is pre-configured with a database connection using the QuestDB native connector to run queries on QuestDB. If you want to check the details, the Grafana config, connection, and dashboards are available at the ./dashboard/grafana folder in this repository.

If you've been following the previous steps, you have already seen the trading dashboard at http://localhost:3000/d/trades-crypto-currency/trades-crypto-currency?orgId=1&refresh=250ms or the GitHub one at http://localhost:3000/d/github-events-questdb/github-events-dashboard?orgId=1&refresh=5s. (User is admin and password quest).

If you click at the three dots on the top right of any of the charts in that dashboard and then you click 'Explore', you will see the SQL query powering the dashboard. For example, one of the queries in that panel is:

SELECT timestamp as time, type, count(*) as total FROM github_events sample by 15s;

If you click on Edit rather than Explore, you can change the chart type and configuration, but you won't be able to save the pre-provisioned dashboard as they are protected. You can always click on the dashboard settings icon at the top right of the screen, and then save as to have your copy so you can play around.

For details on how to integrate QuestDB and Grafana you can visit the QuestDB Third Party Tools docs.


You have already seen how to send data to Kafka from a Jupyter Notebook. If you prefer to send data to Kafka from a stand-alone Python script, or if you want to use other programming languages, this template provides several scripts you can use.

If you prefer to skip sending data to Kafka and prefer to ingest directly into QuestDB, please skip to the next section

Ingesting streaming data into Kafka using Python, NodeJS, Java, Go, or Rust

The scripts will ingest the trades dataset sending data to a trades topic in Kafka. This script reads from a .CSV file and sends data to Kafka using AVRO and the Kafka Schema Registry. You can pass --help for options. The script will stop after reading the whole CSV (~1,000,000 rows)

Using the local python interpreter:

python ../../notebooks/tradesMarch.csv trades

Using the already running Jupyter container:

docker exec -it rta_jupyter python /home/ingestion/ --kafka_broker rta_kafka_broker:29092 --schema_registry http://rta_schema_registry:8081 --no-timestamp-from-file /home/jovyan/tradesMarch.csv trades

Alternatively, you can read data from the GitHub public API, and will send to a Kafka topic named github_events. New events will be fetched every 10 seconds to avoid any API rate limits.

All the scripts in this section require the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.



Open the ./ingestion/python folder and install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now just execute via


We also offer a smart meters dataset, that sends data to a smart-meters topic in Kafka. This script generates synthetic data and sends data to Kafka using AVRO and the Kafka Schema Registry. You can pass --help for options. Options allow you to control the number of devices or the message rate. The script will stop when reaching the max-messages number, which defaults to 1,000,000.

Using the local python interpreter:


Using the already running Jupyter container:

docker exec -it rta_jupyter python /home/ingestion/ --broker rta_kafka_broker:29092 --schema-registry http://rta_schema_registry:8081


Open the ./ingestion/go/github_events folder and get the dependencies

go get

Now just execute via

go run .

Alternatively, you can ingest the trades dataset sending data to a trades topic in Kafka. This script reads from a .CSV file and sends data to Kafka using AVRO and the Kafka Schema Registry. Change to the ./ingestion/go/trades folder and get the dependencies.

go get

Now just execute via

go run trades_sender.go --topic="trades" --csv=../../../notebooks/tradesMarch.csv --subject="trades-value"


In NodeJS we only expose the GitHub dataset example, but it should be easy to adapt for other datasets.

Open the ./ingestion/nodejs folder and install the dependencies

npm install node-rdkafka @octokit/rest

Now just execute via

node github_events.js


In Java we only expose the GitHub dataset example, but it should be easy to adapt for other datasets.

Open the ./ingestion/java/github_events folder and build the jar file

mvn package

Now just execute via

java -jar target/github-events-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar


In Rust we only expose the GitHub dataset example, but it should be easy to adapt for other datasets.

Open the ./ingestion/rust/github_events folder and execute via

cargo run

The initial execution will take a few seconds as the project is built. Subsequent executions should start immediately.

Ingesting streaming data directly into QuestDB

QuestDB is designed for high throughput, and can ingest streaming data at over 4 million events per second (using 12 CPUs and a fast drive).

If your only reason to use Kafka in front of QuestDB is for ingestion speed, it might be the case you don't need it.

Of course having Kafka as the ingestion layer gives you more flexibility, as you can easily send data to multiple consumers — other than QuestDB —, or you can restart the QuestDB server without stopping ingestion. On the other hand, adding Kafka means some (minor) extra latency and one more component to manage.

In the end, some teams would prefer to ingest into Kafka, and some directly into QuestDB. It all depends on your specific use case. QuestDB supports multiple ways of ingesting data, but the fastest is by using the ILP protocol via the official client libraries.

The Jupyter Notebooks http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Send-Trades-To-QuestDB-Directly.ipynb and http://localhost:8888/notebooks/IoTEventsToQuestDB.ipynb use the Python client for convenience, but the usage would be very similar using the client libraries available in NodeJs, Java, .Net, C/C++, Rust, or Go.

The notebooks connects to port 9000 of the questdb container and sends data into a table named "trades" or "iot_data". The data is just randomly generated to keep the demo as simple as possible.

While you are running the IoT notebook, you can see a live dashboard at http://localhost:3000/d/qdb-iot-demo/device-data-questdb-demo?orgId=1&refresh=500ms&from=now-5m&to=now. The user for Grafana login is admin and password quest.

Ingesting data using parallel processes

When ingesting into QuestDB, it is a good idea to send data in parallel from multiple senders, to achieve greater throughput.

If you want to experiment with inserting data faster, you can explore the Notebook http://localhost:8888/notebooks/ParallelIoTEventsToQuestDB.ipynb.

We have prepared a dashboard to show througput data, including total events seen and events per second, at http://localhost:3000/d/qdb-iot-parallel-demo/parallel-data-demo?orgId=1&refresh=1s. The user for Grafana login is admin and password quest.

Monitoring metrics

To monitor data, you usually have an agent running on your servers that collects metrics and then ingest into a time-series database. There are many agents to choose from, but a popular option that works well with Kafka and QuestDB is the Telegraf Agent.

Telegraf supports many input plugins as metrics origin, many output plugins as metrics destination, and supports aggregators and transforms between input and output.

In this template, we have a telegraf configuration in the ./monitoring/telegraf folder. The configuration reads metrics from the questdb monitoring endpoint (in prometheus format) http://questdb:9003/metrics and from the Kafka MX metrics server that we are exposing through a plugin on http://broker:8778/jolokia.

After collecting the metrics and applying some filtering and transforms, metrics are then written into several tables in QuestDB.

On a production environment you would probably want to store metrics on a different server, but for this template we are storing the metrics in the same QuestDB instance where we store the user data.

We are not providing any monitoring dashboard on this template, but feel free to explore the metrics on the Jupyter Notebook http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Monitoring-Kafka-and-Questdb.ipynb, or even better at http://localhost:9000, and then try to create a Grafana dashboard at http://localhost:3000.

Full list of components, ports, and volumes

We have already mentioned most of these in previous sections or notebooks, but for your reference, this is the full list of components, docker mounted volumes and open ports when you start with docker-compose up:

  • broker and broker-2: The Apache Kafka broker. We start two instances, for higher availability
    • volumes: It mounts a volume using the local ./monitoring/kafka-agent for a needed .jar dependency to enable monitoring, then three volumes under the ./broker-1 and broker-2 local folders for Kafka data and metadata
    • port 29092 (reachable only from the other containers) for bootstrap server
    • port 9002 (reachable from the host machine using localhost:9092) for bootstrap broker
    • port 9003 (reachable from the host machine using localhost:9093) for bootstrap broker 2
    • port 9101 for JMX metrics
    • port 9102 for JMX metrics of broker 2
    • port 8778 for the broker monitoring metrics we collect with Telegraf
    • port 8779 for the broker-2 monitoring metrics we collect with Telegraf
    • connects_to: it doesn't initiate any connections, but it gets incoming connections from kafka-conect, jupyter-notebook, and telegraf
  • kafka-connect: We also provide 2 workers, for higher throughput and higher availability
    • volumes: It mounts a volume using the local ./kafka-connect-plugins, needed to enable ingestion into questdb
    • port 8083 for the REST API for the connect service in worker 1
    • port 8084 for the REST API for the connect service in worker 2
    • connects to: broker:29092, broker-2:29092 and questdb:9000
  • schema_registry:
    • port 8081 for the Kafka Schema Registry HTTP interface
    • connects to: broker:29092 and broker-2:29092
  • questdb:
    • volumes: It will mount a volume using the local ./questdb_root folder. This folder will store all the database files. It is safe to remove the contents of the folder between restarts if you want to wipe the whole database.
    • port 9000 is the REST API and web console, available at http://localhost:9000
    • port 9000 is also used for streaming data via HTTP
    • port 9009 is for sending streaming data via socket (not used in this repository)
    • port 8812 is the Postgres-wire protocol. You can connect using any postgresql driver with the user: admin and password quest
    • port 9003 is for healthcheck http://localhost:9003 and metrics http://localhost:9003/metrics
    • connects to: it doesn't initiate any connections, but it gets incoming connections from kafka-conect, jupyter-notebook, and telegraf
  • grafana:
    • volumes: It mounts two volumes, pointing at the subfolders of ./dashboard/grafana/home_dir/. These are used for storing the pre-provisioned credentials, connections, and dashboards, and for any new dashboards you create.
    • port 3000 is the Grafana UI. http://localhost:3000. User is admin and password quest
    • connects to: questdb:8812 for getting the data to display
  • jupyter-notebook:
    • volumes: it mounts a volume using the ./notebooks folder. It contains the pre-provisioned notebooks and any new notebooks you create.
    • port 8888: web interface for the Jupyter Notebook environment http://localhost:8888
    • connects to: The pre-provisioned scripts will connect to questdb:8812, questdb:9000, and broker:29092
  • telegraf:
    • volumes: it mounts a read only volume using the local folder ./monitoring/telegraf/. This contains the configuration for metrics collection from Apache Kafka and QuestDB.
    • ports: No ports are opened for telegraf
    • connects to: It will connect to broker:8778, broker-2:8779, questdb:9003, and it will write metrics into questdb via questdb:9000

Stopping all the components

You can stop all the components by running docker-compose down

Alternatively you can also remove the associated docker volumes (the locally mounted directories will keep the data and configurations) docker-compose down -v

If you want to remove all the components and their associated docker images (they use about 1Gig on your disk), you can run docker-compose down -v --rmi all

Please note this will still keep the data in the locally mounted directories, most notably in the QuestDB, Kafka brokers, and Grafana folders. You can remove the local data like this rm -r questdb/questdb_root/* broker-1/kafka-data/* broker-1/tmp/* broker-1/kafka-secrets/* broker-2/kafka-data/* broker-2/tmp/* broker-2/kafka-secrets/* dashboard/grafana/home_dir/var_lib_grafana/alerting dashboard/grafana/home_dir/var_lib_grafana/grafana.db dashboard/grafana/home_dir/var_lib_grafana/csv

Starting and configuring components individually

TODO (refer to docker-compose documentation to start individual containers)