Named parameters are just custom paths to your routes, you can access them for each request using context's c.Param("nameoftheparameter"). Get all, as array ({Key,Value}) using c.Params property.
No limit on how long a path can be.
package main
import ""
func main() {
// MATCH to /hello/anywordhere (if PathCorrection:true match also /hello/anywordhere/)
// NOT match to /hello or /hello/ or /hello/anywordhere/something
iris.Get("/hello/:name", func(c *iris.Context) {
name := c.Param("name")
c.Write("Hello %s", name)
// MATCH to /profile/iris/friends/42
// (if PathCorrection:true matches also /profile/iris/friends/42/ ,otherwise not match)
// NOT match to /profile/ , /profile/something ,
// NOT match to /profile/something/friends, /profile/something/friends ,
// NOT match to /profile/anything/friends/42/something
func(c *iris.Context){
name:= c.Param("fullname")
//friendId := c.ParamInt("friendId")
c.WriteHTML(iris.StatusOK,"<b> Hello </b>"+name)
// Will match any request which url's preffix is "/anything/" and has content after that
iris.Get("/anything/*randomName", func(c *iris.Context) { } )
// Match: /anything/whateverhere/whateveragain , /anything/blablabla
// c.Param("randomName") will be /whateverhere/whateveragain, blablabla
// Not Match: /anything , /anything/ , /something