A Node.js command-line application for analysing your JavaScript file and generating a https://polyfill.io URL based on all the features that are being used from within the JavaScript file.
> npx create-polyfill-service-url analyse --file bundle.js
This project requires Node.js 10.x and npm. You can run it with:
> npx create-polyfill-service-url analyse --file bundle.js [--cwd "/custom/pwd" --omit "Array.prototype.includes" --hostname "polyfill.io"]
You can pass multiple files as argument if you split your bundle files:
npx create-polyfill-service-url analyse --file app.js vendor.js
Option | Description | Default |
--file | The path to the JavaScript file(s) to analyse | |
--cwd | The current working directory | process.cwd() |
--omit | A list of features to omit. Example: Array.prototype.map |
--hostname | The hostname of the polyfill service to use. | polyfill.io |
--use-compute-at-edge-backend | Defines the compute-at-edge-backend usage policy: yes or no . If empty the server will decide. |
--flags | Configuration settings for every polyfill being requested. Possible values are always and gated or both |
--unknown | Defines the policy for unsupported browsers: polyfill or ignore |
polyfill |
const analyze = require('create-polyfill-service-url');
const result = await analyze({
file: ['bundle.js'],
cwd: '/foo/bar', // Defaults to process.cwd()
omit: ['Array.prototype.includes'], // Defaults to []
hostname: 'example.com', // Defaults to 'polyfill.io'
unknown: 'polyfill', // Defaults to null. Accepts 'polyfill' or 'ignore'
useComputeAtEdgeBackend: 'yes', // Defaults to null. Accepts 'yes' or 'no'
flags: 'gated', // Defaults to null. Accepts 'always', 'gated' or both ['always', 'gated']
This module has a full suite of unit tests, and is verified with ESLint. You can use the following commands to check your code before opening a pull request:
npm test # verify JavaScript code with ESLint and run the tests
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
New versions of the module are published automatically by CI for every commit which lands on the master
- Jake Champion - Initial work - Jake Champion
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
If you have any questions or comments about this module, or need help using it, please raise an issue.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details