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File metadata and controls

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Moodle on Azure Parameters

Our goal with these templates is to make it as easy as possible to deploy a Moodle on Azure cluster that can be customized to your specific needs. To that end we provide a great manay configuration options. This document attempts to document all these parameters, however, like all documentation it can sometimes fall behind. For a canonical reference you should review the azuredeploy.json file.

Extracting documentation from azuredeploy.json

To make it a litte easier to read azuredeploy.json you might want to run the following commands which will extract the necessary information and display it in a more readable form.

sudp apt install jq
jq -r '.parameters | to_entries[] | "### " + .key + "\n\n" + .value.metadata.description + "\n\nType: " + .value.type + "\n\nPossible Values: " + (.value.allowedValues | @text) + "\n\nDefault: " + (.value.defaultValue | @text) + "\n\n"' azuredeploy.json

Available Parameters


The base URI where artifacts required by this template are located. When the template is deployed using the accompanying scripts, a private location in the subscription will be used and this value will be automatically generated.

Type: string

Possible Values: null



The sasToken required to access _artifactsLocation. When the template is deployed using the accompanying scripts, a sasToken will be automatically generated.

Type: securestring

Possible Values: null



Switch to process or bypass all scripts/extensions

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: true


Switch to configure AzureBackup and enlist VM's

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: false


Switch to deploy a redis cache or not. Note that certain versions of Moodle (e.g., 3.1) don't work well with Redis, so use this only for known well-working Moodle versions (e.g., 3.4).

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: false


Switch to deploy a virtual network gateway or not

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: false


Switch to install Moodle Object FS plugins (with Azure Blob storage)

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: false


Switch to install Moodle Office 365 plugins. As of May 22, 2018, O365 plugins for Moodle 3.5 haven't been released, so to set this true, you must set the moodleVersion to 3.4 or below.

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: false


(Should be used only for Moodle 3.4 & 3.3) Switch to install Moodle GDPR plugins. Note these require Moodle versions 3.4.2+ or 3.3.5+ and these are included by default in Moodle 3.5. So if you choose MOODLE_35_STABLE as your moodleVersion, do not set this to true.

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: false


Switch to create a local copy of /moodle/html or not

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: true


Switch to create a DDoS protection plan

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: false


Switch to enable Azure Accelerated Networking on the controller VM. Default to false because currently the default controller VM SKU (D1) doesn't support AN. Change this to true if you set the controller VM SKU to eligibible ones (e.g., D2) for better performance.

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: false


Switch to enable Azure Accelerated Networking on all other VMs. Default to true because currently the default controller VM SKU for all other VMS (D2) does support AN. Change this to false if you set the SKU of any other VMs to an ineligibible one (e.g., D1) to avoid deployment failure.

Type: bool

Possible Values: null

Default: true


Indicates where https termination occurs. 'VMSS' is for https termination at the VMSS instance VMs (using nginx https proxy). 'AppGw' is for https termination with an Azure Application Gateway. When selecting this, you need to specify all appGw* parameters. 'None' is for testing only with no https. 'None' may not be used with a separately configured https termination layer. If you want to use the 'None' option with your separately configured https termination layer, you'll need to update your Moodle config.php manually for $cfg->wwwroot and $cfg->sslproxy.

Type: string

Possible Values: ["VMSS","AppGw","None"]

Default: VMSS


URL for Moodle site

Type: string

Possible Values: null



The Moodle version you want to install.

Type: string

Possible Values: ["MOODLE_35_STABLE","MOODLE_34_STABLE","v3.4.3","v3.4.2","v3.4.1","MOODLE_33_STABLE","MOODLE_32_STABLE","MOODLE_31_STABLE","MOODLE_30_STABLE","MOODLE_29_STABLE"]



ssh public key

Type: string

Possible Values: null

Default: null


ssh user name

Type: string

Possible Values: null

Default: azureadmin


VM size for the controller VM

Type: string

Possible Values: null

Default: Standard_DS1_v2


Web server type

Type: string

Possible Values: ["apache","nginx"]

Default: apache


VM size for autoscaled web VMs

Type: string

Possible Values: null

Default: Standard_DS2_v2


Maximum number of autoscaled web VMs

Type: int

Possible Values: null

Default: 10


Minimum (also initial) number of autoscaled web VMs

Type: int

Possible Values: null

Default: 1


Azure storage type for all VMs' OS disks. With htmlLocalCopySwith true, Premium_LRS (SSD) is strongly recommended, as PHP files will be served from OS disks.

Type: string

Possible Values: ["Premium_LRS","Standard_LRS"]

Default: Premium_LRS


Database type

Type: string

Possible Values: ["postgres","mysql","mssql"]

Default: mysql


Database admin username

Type: string

Possible Values: null

Default: dbadmin


MySql/Postgresql vCores. For Basic tier, only 1 & 2 are allowed. For GeneralPurpose tier, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 are allowed. For MemoryOptimized, 2, 4, 8, 16 are allowed.

Type: int

Possible Values: [1,2,4,8,16,32]

Default: 2


MySql/Postgresql storage size in GB. Minimum 5GB, increase by 1GB, up to 1TB (1024 GB)

Type: int

Possible Values: null

Default: 125


MySql/Postgresql sku tier

Type: string

Possible Values: ["Basic","GeneralPurpose","MemoryOptimized"]

Default: GeneralPurpose


MySql/Postgresql sku hardware family. Central US is Gen4 only, so make sure to change this parameter to Gen4 if your deployment is on Central US.

Type: string

Possible Values: ["Gen4","Gen5"]

Default: Gen5


Mysql version

Type: string

Possible Values: ["5.6","5.7"]

Default: 5.7


Postgresql version

Type: string

Possible Values: ["9.5","9.6"]

Default: 9.6


MySql/Postgresql SSL connection

Type: string

Possible Values: ["Disabled","Enabled"]

Default: Disabled


MS SQL database service object names

Type: string

Possible Values: ["S1","S2","S3","S4","S5","S6","S7","S9"]

Default: S1


MS SQL database size

Type: string

Possible Values: ["100MB","250MB","500MB","1GB","2GB","5GB","10GB","20GB","30GB","40GB","50GB","100GB","250GB","300GB","400GB","500GB","750GB","1024GB"]

Default: 250GB


MS SQL DB edition

Type: string

Possible Values: ["Basic","Standard"]

Default: Standard


Mssql version

Type: string

Possible Values: ["12.0"]

Default: 12.0


File server type: GlusterFS, NFS, and NFS-HA (2-VM highly available NFS cluster)

Type: string

Possible Values: ["gluster","nfs","nfs-ha","nfs-byo"]

Default: nfs


Size per disk for gluster nodes or nfs server

Type: int

Possible Values: null

Default: 127


Number of disks in raid0 per gluster node or nfs server

Type: int

Possible Values: null

Default: 4


VM size for the gluster or NFS-HA nodes

Type: string

Possible Values: null

Default: Standard_DS2_v2


(VMSS https termination only) Azure Resource Manager resource ID of the Key Vault in case you stored your SSL cert in an Azure Key Vault (Note that this Key Vault must have been pre-created on the same Azure region where this template is being deployed). Leave this blank if you didn't. Resource ID example: /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/yyy. This value can be obtained from output if you used the script to store your SSL cert in your Key Vault.

Type: string

Possible Values: null



(VMSS https termination only) Azure Key Vault URL for your stored SSL cert. This value can be obtained from output if you used the script to store your SSL cert in your Key Vault. This parameter is ignored if the keyVaultResourceId parameter is blank.

Type: string

Possible Values: null



(VMSS https termination only) Thumbprint of your stored SSL cert. This value can be obtained from output if you used the script to store your SSL cert in your Key Vault. This parameter is ignored if the keyVaultResourceId parameter is blank.

Type: string

Possible Values: null



(VMSS https termination only) Azure Key Vault URL for your stored CA (Certificate Authority) cert. This value can be obtained from output if you used the script to store your CA cert in your Key Vault. This parameter is ignored if the keyVaultResourceId parameter is blank.

Type: string

Possible Values: null



(VMSS https termination only) Thumbprint of your stored CA cert. This value can be obtained from output if you used the script to store your CA cert in your Key Vault. This parameter is ignored if the keyVaultResourceId parameter is blank.

Type: string

Possible Values: null



(App Gateway https termination only) Azure Key Vault URL for your stored SSL cert, again for App Gateway https termination case only. (Note that this Key Vault must have been pre-created on the same Azure region where this template is being deployed). Leave this blank if you didn't. Resource ID example: /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/yyy.

Type: string

Possible Values: null



(App Gateway https termination only) Name of the Azure Key Vault secret that's stored in the previously specified Key Vault as a PFX certificate (with no password) for your site's SSL cert. This secret must be pre-populated in the specified Key Vault with the matching name.

Type: string

Possible Values: null



(App Gateway https termination only) Name of the Applicate Gateway SKU

Type: string

Possible Values: ["Standard_Small","Standard_Medium","Standard_Large","WAF_Medium","WAF_Large"]

Default: Standard_Medium


(App Gateway https termination only) Tier of the Applicate Gateway

Type: string

Possible Values: ["Standard","WAF"]

Default: Standard


(App Gateway https termination only) Capacity instance count) of the Applicate Gateway

Type: int

Possible Values: null

Default: 2


Storage Account type. This storage account is only for the Moodle ObjectFS plugin and/or the (currently disabled) Azure Files file share option

Type: string

Possible Values: ["Standard_LRS","Standard_GRS","Standard_ZRS"]

Default: Standard_LRS


options of moodle global search

Type: string

Possible Values: ["none","azure","elastic"]

Default: none


options of enabling tika service for file searching in moodle

Type: string

Possible Values: ["none","tika"]

Default: none


the search service level you want to create.

Type: string

Possible Values: ["free","basic","standard","standard2","standard3"]

Default: basic


Replicas distribute search workloads across the service. You need 2 or more to support high availability (applies to Basic and Standard only).

Type: int

Possible Values: null

Default: 3


Partitions allow for scaling of document count as well as faster indexing by sharding your index over multiple Azure Search units.

Type: int

Possible Values: [1,2,3,4,6,12]

Default: 1


Applicable only for azureSearchSku set to standard3. You can set this property to enable a single, high density partition that allows up to 1000 indexes, which is much higher than the maximum indexes allowed for any other azureSearchSku.

Type: string

Possible Values: ["default","highDensity"]

Default: default


VM size for the elastic search nodes

Type: string

Possible Values: null

Default: Standard_DS2_v2


VM size for the tika search nodes

Type: string

Possible Values: null

Default: Standard_DS2_v2


Azure Resource ID of the Azure virtual network where you want to deploy your Moodle resources. A vnet resource ID is of the following format: /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/gggg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vvvv. Note that this virtual network must be on the same Azure location as this template deployment location. If this parameter is blank, a new Azure virtual network will be created and used. In that case, the address space of the newly created virtual network will be */16 of the following vNetAddressSpace parameter value below.

Type: string

Possible Values: null



Address range for the Moodle virtual network and various subnets - presumed /16 for a newly created vnet in case customVnetId is blank. Further subneting (a number of */24 subnets starting from the xxx.yyy.zzz.0/24 will be created on a newly created vnet or your BYO-vnet (specified in customVnetId parameter).

Type: string

Possible Values: null



Virtual network gateway type

Type: string

Possible Values: ["Vpn","ER"]

Default: Vpn


Virtual network gateway vpn type

Type: string

Possible Values: ["RouteBased","PolicyBased"]

Default: RouteBased


Loadbalancer SKU

Type: string

Possible Values: ["Basic","Standard"]

Default: Basic


Azure Location for all resources.

Type: string

Possible Values: null

Default: [resourceGroup().location]