By simply uploading Har obtained through packet capture, you can create HTTP task template required by the framework.
diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 01f57bbb308..e8ce01c1d3b 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
But if you don't change your direction, and if you keep looking, you may end up where you are heading.
python ./run.py
# Access the web page
If you are using the source code deployment method, please change the api request of
form in the template toapi://
manually in order to complete the related API request properly.Templates need to be published to be displayed in "Public Templates", and you need admin rights to approve them in "My Publish Requests".
python ./chrole.py your@email.address admin
The first registered user is the administrator by default, you need to log out and then login to get full administrator rights
variable name | required | default value | description |
BIND | No | | Listening address |
PORT | No | 8923 | Listening port |
QD_DEBUG | No | False | Whether to enable Debug mode |
WORKER_METHOD | No | Queue | Task timing execution method, The default is Queue, optional Queue or Batch, Batch mode is the old version of timing task execution method, the performance is weak, Recommended only when Queue timed execution mode fails |
MULTI_PROCESS | No | False | (Experimental) Whether to enable multi-process mode, invalid on Windows platform |
AUTO_RELOAD | No | False | Whether to enable automatic hot reload, invalid when MULTI_PROCESS=True |
STATIC_URL_PREFIX | No | /static/ | Static file URL prefix |
DOMAIN | No | '' | Specify the access domain name, (recommended modification), otherwise the function of resetting password by email is not valid |
AES_KEY | No | binux | AES encryption key, (Modification strongly recommended) |
COOKIE_SECRET | No | binux | cookie encryption key, (Modification strongly recommended) |
COOKIE_DAY | No | 5 | The number of days the cookie is kept in the client |
DB_TYPE | No | sqlite3 | Set to 'mysql' when MySQL is required |
JAWSDB_MARIA_URL | No | '' | When you need to use MySQL, set to mysql://username:password@hostname:port/database_name?auth_plugin= |
QD_SQL_ECHO | No | False | Whether to enable the log output of SQLAlchmey, the default is False, When set to True, the SQL statement will be output on the console, allow to set to debug to enable debug mode |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_NAME | No | QD.sql_engine | SQLAlchmey log name, default is 'QD.sql_engine' |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_LEVEL | No | Warning | SQLAlchmey log level, default is 'Warning' |
QD_SQL_ECHO_POOL | No | True | Whether to enable SQLAlchmey's connection pool log output, the default is True, allow setting to debug to enable debug mode |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_POOL_NAME | No | QD.sql_pool | SQLAlchmey connection pool log name, the default is 'QD.sql_pool' |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_POOL_LEVEL | No | Warning | SQLAlchmey connection pool log level, default is 'Warning' |
QD_SQL_POOL_SIZE | No | 10 | SQLAlchmey connection pool size, default is 10 |
QD_SQL_MAX_OVERFLOW | No | 50 | SQLAlchmey connection pool maximum overflow, the default is 50 |
QD_SQL_POOL_PRE_PING | No | True | Whether to ping before the connection pool gets a connection, the default is True |
QD_SQL_POOL_RECYCLE | No | 3600 | SQLAlchmey connection pool recovery time, the default is 3600 |
QD_SQL_POOL_TIMEOUT | No | 60 | SQLAlchmey connection pool timeout, the default is 60 |
QD_SQL_POOL_USE_LIFO | No | True | SQLAlchmey whether to use LIFO algorithm, the default is True |
REDISCLOUD_URL | No | '' | When you need to use Redis or RedisCloud, set to http://rediscloud:password@hostname:port |
REDIS_DB_INDEX | No | 1 | The default is 1 |
QD_EVIL | No | 500 | (Only when the Redis connection is enabled) Score = number of operation failures (such as login, verification, test, etc.) * corresponding penalty points When the score reaches the upper limit of evil, it will be automatically banned until the next hour cycle |
EVIL_PASS_LAN_IP | No | True | Whether to turn off the evil restriction of local private IP address users and Localhost_API requests |
TRACEBACK_PRINT | No | False | Whether to enable to print Exception's TraceBack information in the console log |
PUSH_PIC_URL | No | push_pic.png | The default is [push_pic.png](https 😕/fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/qd-today/qd@master/web/static/img/push_pic.png) |
PUSH_BATCH_SW | No | True | Whether to allow periodic push of QD task logs, the default is True |
MAIL_SMTP | No | "" | Email SMTP server |
MAIL_PORT | No | 465 | Email SMTP server port |
MAIL_USER | No | "" | Email username |
MAIL_PASSWORD | No | "" | Email password |
MAIL_FROM | No | MAIL_USER | The Email used when sending, the default is the same as MAIL_USER |
MAIL_DOMAIN_HTTPS | No | False | Whether to use HTTPS for email domain name. Not the framework itself HTTPS configuration. If you need HTTPS, please use an external reverse proxy |
PROXIES | No | "" | Global proxy domain name list, separated by "|" |
PROXY_DIRECT_MODE | No | "" | Global proxy blacklist mode, not enabled by default "url" is URL matching mode; "regexp" is regular expression matching mode |
PROXY_DIRECT | No | "" | Global proxy blacklist matching rules |
NEW_TASK_DELAY | No | 1 | Preparation time after new task, default is 1 second |
TASK_WHILE_LOOP_TIMEOUT | No | 900 | Maximum runtime of a single While loop during a task run, the default is 15 minutes |
TASK_REQUEST_LIMIT | No | 1500 | Maximum number of requests per task run, the default is 1500 |
USE_PYCURL | No | True | Whether to enable Pycurl module |
ALLOW_RETRY | No | True | When some requests in the Pycurl environment may cause Request errors, automatically modify the conflict settings and resend the request |
DNS_SERVER | No | "" | Use specified DNS for resolution via Curl (only supports Pycurl environment), such as |
CURL_ENCODING | No | True | Whether to allow to use Curl for Encoding operation |
CURL_CONTENT_LENGTH | No | True | Whether to allow Curl to use custom Content-Length request in Headers |
NOT_RETRY_CODE | No | See configuration for details... | See configuration for details... |
EMPTY_RETRY | No | True | See configuration for details... |
USER0ISADMIN | No | True | The first registered user is an administrator, False to close |
EXTRA_ONNX_NAME | No | "" | Customize the ONNX file name in the config directory (do not fill in the ".onnx" suffix) Separate multiple onnx file names with "|" |
EXTRA_CHARSETS_NAME | No | "" | Custom ONNX in the config directory corresponds to the custom charsets.json file name (do not fill in the ".json" suffix) Multiple json file names are separated by "|" |
WS_PING_INTERVAL | No | 5 | WebSocket ping interval, the default is 5 seconds |
WS_PING_TIMEOUT | No | 30 | WebSocket ping timeout, the default is 30 seconds |
WS_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE | No | 10485760 | WebSocket maximum message size, the default is 10485760 bytes |
WS_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | No | 100 | WebSocket maximum queue size, the default is 100 |
WS_MAX_CONNECTIONS_SUBSCRIBE | No | 30 | WebSocket subscribe page maximum number of connections, the default is 30 |
SUBSCRIBE_ACCELERATE_URL | No | jsdelivr_cdn | Subscribe page acceleration URL, the default is jsdelivr_cdn, See configuration for details... |
`,32),d=[r];function i(c,p,y,g,u,h){return l(),s("div",null,d)}const C=n(o,[["render",i]]);export{f as __pageData,C as default}; +http://localhost:8923/For details, please refer to config.py
If you are using the source code deployment method, please change the api request of
form in the template toapi://
manually in order to complete the related API request properly.Templates need to be published to be displayed in "Public Templates", and you need admin rights to approve them in "My Publish Requests".
python ./chrole.py your@email.address admin
The first registered user is the administrator by default, you need to log out and then login to get full administrator rights
variable name | required | default value | description |
BIND | No | | Listening address |
PORT | No | 8923 | Listening port |
QD_DEBUG | No | False | Whether to enable Debug mode |
WORKER_METHOD | No | Queue | Task timing execution method, The default is Queue, optional Queue or Batch, Batch mode is the old version of timing task execution method, the performance is weak, Recommended only when Queue timed execution mode fails |
MULTI_PROCESS | No | False | (Experimental) Whether to enable multi-process mode, invalid on Windows platform |
AUTO_RELOAD | No | False | Whether to enable automatic hot reload, invalid when MULTI_PROCESS=True |
STATIC_URL_PREFIX | No | /static/ | Static file URL prefix |
DOMAIN | No | '' | Specify the access domain name, (recommended modification), otherwise the function of resetting password by email is not valid |
AES_KEY | No | binux | AES encryption key, (Modification strongly recommended) |
COOKIE_SECRET | No | binux | cookie encryption key, (Modification strongly recommended) |
COOKIE_DAY | No | 5 | The number of days the cookie is kept in the client |
DB_TYPE | No | sqlite3 | Set to 'mysql' when MySQL is required |
JAWSDB_MARIA_URL | No | '' | When you need to use MySQL, set to mysql://username:password@hostname:port/database_name?auth_plugin= |
QD_SQL_ECHO | No | False | Whether to enable the log output of SQLAlchmey, the default is False, When set to True, the SQL statement will be output on the console, allow to set to debug to enable debug mode |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_NAME | No | QD.sql_engine | SQLAlchmey log name, default is 'QD.sql_engine' |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_LEVEL | No | Warning | SQLAlchmey log level, default is 'Warning' |
QD_SQL_ECHO_POOL | No | True | Whether to enable SQLAlchmey's connection pool log output, the default is True, allow setting to debug to enable debug mode |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_POOL_NAME | No | QD.sql_pool | SQLAlchmey connection pool log name, the default is 'QD.sql_pool' |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_POOL_LEVEL | No | Warning | SQLAlchmey connection pool log level, default is 'Warning' |
QD_SQL_POOL_SIZE | No | 10 | SQLAlchmey connection pool size, default is 10 |
QD_SQL_MAX_OVERFLOW | No | 50 | SQLAlchmey connection pool maximum overflow, the default is 50 |
QD_SQL_POOL_PRE_PING | No | True | Whether to ping before the connection pool gets a connection, the default is True |
QD_SQL_POOL_RECYCLE | No | 3600 | SQLAlchmey connection pool recovery time, the default is 3600 |
QD_SQL_POOL_TIMEOUT | No | 60 | SQLAlchmey connection pool timeout, the default is 60 |
QD_SQL_POOL_USE_LIFO | No | True | SQLAlchmey whether to use LIFO algorithm, the default is True |
REDISCLOUD_URL | No | '' | When you need to use Redis or RedisCloud, set to http://rediscloud:password@hostname:port |
REDIS_DB_INDEX | No | 1 | The default is 1 |
QD_EVIL | No | 500 | (Only when the Redis connection is enabled) Score = number of operation failures (such as login, verification, test, etc.) * corresponding penalty points When the score reaches the upper limit of evil, it will be automatically banned until the next hour cycle |
EVIL_PASS_LAN_IP | No | True | Whether to turn off the evil restriction of local private IP address users and Localhost_API requests |
TRACEBACK_PRINT | No | False | Whether to enable to print Exception's TraceBack information in the console log |
PUSH_PIC_URL | No | push_pic.png | The default is [push_pic.png](https 😕/fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/qd-today/qd@master/web/static/img/push_pic.png) |
PUSH_BATCH_SW | No | True | Whether to allow periodic push of QD task logs, the default is True |
MAIL_SMTP | No | "" | Email SMTP server |
MAIL_PORT | No | 465 | Email SMTP server port |
MAIL_USER | No | "" | Email username |
MAIL_PASSWORD | No | "" | Email password |
MAIL_FROM | No | MAIL_USER | The Email used when sending, the default is the same as MAIL_USER |
MAIL_DOMAIN_HTTPS | No | False | Whether to use HTTPS for email domain name. Not the framework itself HTTPS configuration. If you need HTTPS, please use an external reverse proxy |
PROXIES | No | "" | Global proxy domain name list, separated by "|" |
PROXY_DIRECT_MODE | No | "" | Global proxy blacklist mode, not enabled by default "url" is URL matching mode; "regexp" is regular expression matching mode |
PROXY_DIRECT | No | "" | Global proxy blacklist matching rules |
NEW_TASK_DELAY | No | 1 | Preparation time after new task, default is 1 second |
TASK_WHILE_LOOP_TIMEOUT | No | 900 | Maximum runtime of a single While loop during a task run, the default is 15 minutes |
TASK_REQUEST_LIMIT | No | 1500 | Maximum number of requests per task run, the default is 1500 |
USE_PYCURL | No | True | Whether to enable Pycurl module |
ALLOW_RETRY | No | True | When some requests in the Pycurl environment may cause Request errors, automatically modify the conflict settings and resend the request |
DNS_SERVER | No | "" | Use specified DNS for resolution via Curl (only supports Pycurl environment), such as |
CURL_ENCODING | No | True | Whether to allow to use Curl for Encoding operation |
CURL_CONTENT_LENGTH | No | True | Whether to allow Curl to use custom Content-Length request in Headers |
NOT_RETRY_CODE | No | See configuration for details... | See configuration for details... |
EMPTY_RETRY | No | True | See configuration for details... |
USER0ISADMIN | No | True | The first registered user is an administrator, False to close |
NOTEPAD_LIMIT | No | 20 | The maximum number of notepads within the same user, the default is 20 |
EXTRA_ONNX_NAME | No | "" | Customize the ONNX file name in the config directory (do not fill in the ".onnx" suffix) Separate multiple onnx file names with "|" |
EXTRA_CHARSETS_NAME | No | "" | Custom ONNX in the config directory corresponds to the custom charsets.json file name (do not fill in the ".json" suffix) Multiple json file names are separated by "|" |
WS_PING_INTERVAL | No | 5 | WebSocket ping interval, the default is 5 seconds |
WS_PING_TIMEOUT | No | 30 | WebSocket ping timeout, the default is 30 seconds |
WS_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE | No | 10485760 | WebSocket maximum message size, the default is 10485760 bytes |
WS_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | No | 100 | WebSocket maximum queue size, the default is 100 |
WS_MAX_CONNECTIONS_SUBSCRIBE | No | 30 | WebSocket subscribe page maximum number of connections, the default is 30 |
SUBSCRIBE_ACCELERATE_URL | No | jsdelivr_cdn | Subscribe page acceleration URL, the default is jsdelivr_cdn, See configuration for details... |
`,32),d=[r];function i(c,p,y,g,u,h){return l(),s("div",null,d)}const C=n(o,[["render",i]]);export{f as __pageData,C as default}; diff --git a/assets/guide_deployment.md.43a14557.lean.js b/assets/guide_deployment.md.7f4d2d65.lean.js similarity index 100% rename from assets/guide_deployment.md.43a14557.lean.js rename to assets/guide_deployment.md.7f4d2d65.lean.js diff --git a/assets/zh_CN_guide_deployment.md.e499162a.js b/assets/zh_CN_guide_deployment.md.0c50c3f8.js similarity index 90% rename from assets/zh_CN_guide_deployment.md.e499162a.js rename to assets/zh_CN_guide_deployment.md.0c50c3f8.js index 20693a33d9b..0db8ae1d5db 100644 --- a/assets/zh_CN_guide_deployment.md.e499162a.js +++ b/assets/zh_CN_guide_deployment.md.0c50c3f8.js @@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ import{_ as t,a as e}from"./chunks/panel2.d6705927.js";import{_ as l,o as n,c as cp config.py local_config.py # 根据需求和配置说明修改配置文件或环境变量值 vi local_config.pyFor details, please refer to config.py
python ./run.py
# 访问网页
形式的 api 请求改为api://
,以便正确完成相关API 请求。模板需要发布才会在「公开模板」中展示, 你需要管理员权限在「我的发布请求」中审批通过。
python ./chrole.py your@email.address admin
首位注册用户默认为管理员, 需要先登出再登陆后才能获得完整管理员权限
变量名 | 是否必须 | 默认值 | 说明 |
BIND | 否 | | 监听地址 |
PORT | 否 | 8923 | 监听端口 |
QD_DEBUG | 否 | False | 是否启用Debug模式 |
WORKER_METHOD | 否 | Queue | 任务定时执行方式, 默认为 Queue, 可选 Queue 或 Batch, Batch 模式为旧版定时任务执行方式, 性能较弱, 建议仅当 Queue 定时执行模式失效时使用 |
MULTI_PROCESS | 否 | False | (实验性)是否启用多进程模式, Windows平台无效 |
AUTO_RELOAD | 否 | False | 是否启用自动热加载, MULTI_PROCESS=True时无效 |
STATIC_URL_PREFIX | 否 | /static/ | 静态文件URL前缀 |
DOMAIN | 否 | '' | 指定访问域名, (建议修改), 否则通过邮件重置密码及邮箱推送等功能无效 |
AES_KEY | 否 | binux | AES加密密钥, (强烈建议修改) |
COOKIE_SECRET | 否 | binux | cookie加密密钥, (强烈建议修改) |
COOKIE_DAY | 否 | 5 | Cookie在客户端中保留的天数 |
DB_TYPE | 否 | sqlite3 | 需要使用MySQL时设置为'mysql' |
JAWSDB_MARIA_URL | 否 | '' | 需要使用MySQL时, 设置为 (mysql://用户名:密码@hostname:port/数据库名?auth_plugin=) |
QD_SQL_ECHO | 否 | False | 是否启用 SQLAlchmey 的日志输出, 默认为 False, 设置为 True 时, 会在控制台输出 SQL 语句, 允许设置为 debug 以启用 debug 模式 |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_NAME | 否 | QD.sql_engine | SQLAlchmey 日志名称, 默认为 'QD.sql_engine' |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_LEVEL | 否 | Warning | SQLAlchmey 日志级别, 默认为 'Warning' |
QD_SQL_ECHO_POOL | 否 | True | 是否启用 SQLAlchmey 的连接池日志输出, 默认为 True, 允许设置为 debug 以启用 debug 模式 |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_POOL_NAME | 否 | QD.sql_pool | SQLAlchmey 连接池日志名称, 默认为 'QD.sql_pool' |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_POOL_LEVEL | 否 | Warning | SQLAlchmey 连接池日志级别, 默认为 'Warning' |
QD_SQL_POOL_SIZE | 否 | 10 | SQLAlchmey 连接池大小, 默认为 10 |
QD_SQL_MAX_OVERFLOW | 否 | 50 | SQLAlchmey 连接池最大溢出, 默认为 50 |
QD_SQL_POOL_PRE_PING | 否 | True | 是否在连接池获取连接前, 先ping一下, 默认为 True |
QD_SQL_POOL_RECYCLE | 否 | 3600 | SQLAlchmey 连接池回收时间, 默认为 3600 |
QD_SQL_POOL_TIMEOUT | 否 | 60 | SQLAlchmey 连接池超时时间, 默认为 60 |
QD_SQL_POOL_USE_LIFO | 否 | True | SQLAlchmey 是否使用 LIFO 算法, 默认为 True |
REDISCLOUD_URL | 否 | '' | 需要使用Redis或RedisCloud时, 设置为 http://rediscloud:密码@hostname:port |
REDIS_DB_INDEX | 否 | 1 | 默认为1 |
QD_EVIL | 否 | 500 | (限Redis连接已开启)登录用户或IP在1小时内 分数 = 操作失败(如登录, 验证, 测试等操作)次数 * 相应惩罚分值 分数达到evil上限后自动封禁直至下一小时周期 |
EVIL_PASS_LAN_IP | 否 | True | 是否关闭本机私有IP地址用户及Localhost_API请求的evil限制 |
TRACEBACK_PRINT | 否 | False | 是否启用在控制台日志中打印Exception的TraceBack信息 |
PUSH_PIC_URL | 否 | push_pic.png | 默认为push_pic.png |
PUSH_BATCH_SW | 否 | True | 是否允许开启定期推送 QD 任务日志, 默认为True |
MAIL_SMTP | 否 | "" | 邮箱SMTP服务器 |
MAIL_PORT | 否 | 465 | 邮箱SMTP服务器端口 |
MAIL_USER | 否 | "" | 邮箱用户名 |
MAIL_PASSWORD | 否 | "" | 邮箱密码 |
MAIL_FROM | 否 | MAIL_USER | 发送时使用的邮箱,默认与MAIL_USER相同 |
MAIL_DOMAIN_HTTPS | 否 | False | 发送的邮件链接启用HTTPS, 非框架前端使用HTTPS, 如果前端需要HTTPS, 请使用反向代理. |
PROXIES | 否 | "" | 全局代理域名列表,用" |
PROXY_DIRECT_MODE | 否 | "" | 全局代理黑名单模式,默认不启用 "url"为网址匹配模式;"regexp"为正则表达式匹配模式 |
PROXY_DIRECT | 否 | "" | 全局代理黑名单匹配规则 |
NEW_TASK_DELAY | 否 | 1 | 新建任务后准备时间, 单位为秒, 默认为1秒 |
TASK_WHILE_LOOP_TIMEOUT | 否 | 900 | 任务运行中单个 While 循环最大运行时间, 单位为秒, 默认为 15 分钟 |
TASK_REQUEST_LIMIT | 否 | 1500 | 任务运行中单个任务最大请求次数, 默认为 1500 次 |
USE_PYCURL | 否 | True | 是否启用Pycurl模组 |
ALLOW_RETRY | 否 | True | 在Pycurl环境下部分请求可能导致Request错误时, 自动修改冲突设置并重发请求 |
DNS_SERVER | 否 | "" | 通过Curl使用指定DNS进行解析(仅支持Pycurl环境), 如 |
CURL_ENCODING | 否 | True | 是否允许使用Curl进行Encoding操作 |
CURL_CONTENT_LENGTH | 否 | True | 是否允许Curl使用Headers中自定义Content-Length请求 |
NOT_RETRY_CODE | 否 | 详见配置... | 详见配置... |
EMPTY_RETRY | 否 | True | 详见配置... |
USER0ISADMIN | 否 | True | 第一个注册用户为管理员,False关闭 |
EXTRA_ONNX_NAME | 否 | "" | config目录下自定义ONNX文件名 (不填 ".onnx" 后缀) 多个onnx文件名用"|"分隔 |
EXTRA_CHARSETS_NAME | 否 | "" | config目录下自定义ONNX对应自定义charsets.json文件名 (不填 ".json" 后缀) 多个json文件名用"|"分隔 |
WS_PING_INTERVAL | No | 5 | WebSocket ping间隔, 单位为秒, 默认为 5s |
WS_PING_TIMEOUT | No | 30 | WebSocket ping超时时间, 单位为秒, 默认为 30s |
WS_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE | No | 10485760 | WebSocket 单次接收最大消息大小, 默认为 10MB |
WS_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | No | 100 | WebSocket 最大消息队列大小, 默认为 100 |
WS_MAX_CONNECTIONS_SUBSCRIBE | No | 30 | WebSocket 公共模板更新页面最大连接数, 默认为 30 |
SUBSCRIBE_ACCELERATE_URL | No | jsdelivr_cdn | 订阅加速方式或地址, 用于加速公共模板更新, 仅适用于 GitHub. 详见配置... |
`,32),o=[d];function c(i,p,y,g,x,C){return n(),s("div",null,o)}const D=l(r,[["render",c]]);export{u as __pageData,D as default}; +http://localhost:8923/详细信息请查阅config.py
形式的 api 请求改为api://
,以便正确完成相关API 请求。模板需要发布才会在「公开模板」中展示, 你需要管理员权限在「我的发布请求」中审批通过。
python ./chrole.py your@email.address admin
首位注册用户默认为管理员, 需要先登出再登陆后才能获得完整管理员权限
变量名 | 是否必须 | 默认值 | 说明 |
BIND | 否 | | 监听地址 |
PORT | 否 | 8923 | 监听端口 |
QD_DEBUG | 否 | False | 是否启用Debug模式 |
WORKER_METHOD | 否 | Queue | 任务定时执行方式, 默认为 Queue, 可选 Queue 或 Batch, Batch 模式为旧版定时任务执行方式, 性能较弱, 建议仅当 Queue 定时执行模式失效时使用 |
MULTI_PROCESS | 否 | False | (实验性)是否启用多进程模式, Windows平台无效 |
AUTO_RELOAD | 否 | False | 是否启用自动热加载, MULTI_PROCESS=True时无效 |
STATIC_URL_PREFIX | 否 | /static/ | 静态文件URL前缀 |
DOMAIN | 否 | '' | 指定访问域名, (建议修改), 否则通过邮件重置密码及邮箱推送等功能无效 |
AES_KEY | 否 | binux | AES加密密钥, (强烈建议修改) |
COOKIE_SECRET | 否 | binux | cookie加密密钥, (强烈建议修改) |
COOKIE_DAY | 否 | 5 | Cookie在客户端中保留的天数 |
DB_TYPE | 否 | sqlite3 | 需要使用MySQL时设置为'mysql' |
JAWSDB_MARIA_URL | 否 | '' | 需要使用MySQL时, 设置为 (mysql://用户名:密码@hostname:port/数据库名?auth_plugin=) |
QD_SQL_ECHO | 否 | False | 是否启用 SQLAlchmey 的日志输出, 默认为 False, 设置为 True 时, 会在控制台输出 SQL 语句, 允许设置为 debug 以启用 debug 模式 |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_NAME | 否 | QD.sql_engine | SQLAlchmey 日志名称, 默认为 'QD.sql_engine' |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_LEVEL | 否 | Warning | SQLAlchmey 日志级别, 默认为 'Warning' |
QD_SQL_ECHO_POOL | 否 | True | 是否启用 SQLAlchmey 的连接池日志输出, 默认为 True, 允许设置为 debug 以启用 debug 模式 |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_POOL_NAME | 否 | QD.sql_pool | SQLAlchmey 连接池日志名称, 默认为 'QD.sql_pool' |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_POOL_LEVEL | 否 | Warning | SQLAlchmey 连接池日志级别, 默认为 'Warning' |
QD_SQL_POOL_SIZE | 否 | 10 | SQLAlchmey 连接池大小, 默认为 10 |
QD_SQL_MAX_OVERFLOW | 否 | 50 | SQLAlchmey 连接池最大溢出, 默认为 50 |
QD_SQL_POOL_PRE_PING | 否 | True | 是否在连接池获取连接前, 先ping一下, 默认为 True |
QD_SQL_POOL_RECYCLE | 否 | 3600 | SQLAlchmey 连接池回收时间, 默认为 3600 |
QD_SQL_POOL_TIMEOUT | 否 | 60 | SQLAlchmey 连接池超时时间, 默认为 60 |
QD_SQL_POOL_USE_LIFO | 否 | True | SQLAlchmey 是否使用 LIFO 算法, 默认为 True |
REDISCLOUD_URL | 否 | '' | 需要使用Redis或RedisCloud时, 设置为 http://rediscloud:密码@hostname:port |
REDIS_DB_INDEX | 否 | 1 | 默认为1 |
QD_EVIL | 否 | 500 | (限Redis连接已开启)登录用户或IP在1小时内 分数 = 操作失败(如登录, 验证, 测试等操作)次数 * 相应惩罚分值 分数达到evil上限后自动封禁直至下一小时周期 |
EVIL_PASS_LAN_IP | 否 | True | 是否关闭本机私有IP地址用户及Localhost_API请求的evil限制 |
TRACEBACK_PRINT | 否 | False | 是否启用在控制台日志中打印Exception的TraceBack信息 |
PUSH_PIC_URL | 否 | push_pic.png | 默认为push_pic.png |
PUSH_BATCH_SW | 否 | True | 是否允许开启定期推送 QD 任务日志, 默认为True |
MAIL_SMTP | 否 | "" | 邮箱SMTP服务器 |
MAIL_PORT | 否 | 465 | 邮箱SMTP服务器端口 |
MAIL_USER | 否 | "" | 邮箱用户名 |
MAIL_PASSWORD | 否 | "" | 邮箱密码 |
MAIL_FROM | 否 | MAIL_USER | 发送时使用的邮箱,默认与MAIL_USER相同 |
MAIL_DOMAIN_HTTPS | 否 | False | 发送的邮件链接启用HTTPS, 非框架前端使用HTTPS, 如果前端需要HTTPS, 请使用反向代理. |
PROXIES | 否 | "" | 全局代理域名列表,用" |
PROXY_DIRECT_MODE | 否 | "" | 全局代理黑名单模式,默认不启用 "url"为网址匹配模式;"regexp"为正则表达式匹配模式 |
PROXY_DIRECT | 否 | "" | 全局代理黑名单匹配规则 |
NEW_TASK_DELAY | 否 | 1 | 新建任务后准备时间, 单位为秒, 默认为1秒 |
TASK_WHILE_LOOP_TIMEOUT | 否 | 900 | 任务运行中单个 While 循环最大运行时间, 单位为秒, 默认为 15 分钟 |
TASK_REQUEST_LIMIT | 否 | 1500 | 任务运行中单个任务最大请求次数, 默认为 1500 次 |
USE_PYCURL | 否 | True | 是否启用Pycurl模组 |
ALLOW_RETRY | 否 | True | 在Pycurl环境下部分请求可能导致Request错误时, 自动修改冲突设置并重发请求 |
DNS_SERVER | 否 | "" | 通过Curl使用指定DNS进行解析(仅支持Pycurl环境), 如 |
CURL_ENCODING | 否 | True | 是否允许使用Curl进行Encoding操作 |
CURL_CONTENT_LENGTH | 否 | True | 是否允许Curl使用Headers中自定义Content-Length请求 |
NOT_RETRY_CODE | 否 | 详见配置... | 详见配置... |
EMPTY_RETRY | 否 | True | 详见配置... |
USER0ISADMIN | 否 | True | 第一个注册用户为管理员,False关闭 |
NOTEPAD_LIMIT | 否 | 20 | 单个用户拥有记事本最大数量, 默认为 20 |
EXTRA_ONNX_NAME | 否 | "" | config目录下自定义ONNX文件名 (不填 ".onnx" 后缀) 多个onnx文件名用"|"分隔 |
EXTRA_CHARSETS_NAME | 否 | "" | config目录下自定义ONNX对应自定义charsets.json文件名 (不填 ".json" 后缀) 多个json文件名用"|"分隔 |
WS_PING_INTERVAL | No | 5 | WebSocket ping间隔, 单位为秒, 默认为 5s |
WS_PING_TIMEOUT | No | 30 | WebSocket ping超时时间, 单位为秒, 默认为 30s |
WS_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE | No | 10485760 | WebSocket 单次接收最大消息大小, 默认为 10MB |
WS_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | No | 100 | WebSocket 最大消息队列大小, 默认为 100 |
WS_MAX_CONNECTIONS_SUBSCRIBE | No | 30 | WebSocket 公共模板更新页面最大连接数, 默认为 30 |
SUBSCRIBE_ACCELERATE_URL | No | jsdelivr_cdn | 订阅加速方式或地址, 用于加速公共模板更新, 仅适用于 GitHub. 详见配置... |
`,32),o=[d];function c(i,p,y,g,x,C){return n(),s("div",null,o)}const D=l(r,[["render",c]]);export{u as __pageData,D as default}; diff --git a/assets/zh_CN_guide_deployment.md.e499162a.lean.js b/assets/zh_CN_guide_deployment.md.0c50c3f8.lean.js similarity index 100% rename from assets/zh_CN_guide_deployment.md.e499162a.lean.js rename to assets/zh_CN_guide_deployment.md.0c50c3f8.lean.js diff --git a/guide/deployment.html b/guide/deployment.html index ba97bc8c777..e4c25fa3e02 100644 --- a/guide/deployment.html +++ b/guide/deployment.html @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@详细信息请查阅config.py
python ./run.py
# Access the web page
If you are using the source code deployment method, please change the api request of
form in the template toapi://
manually in order to complete the related API request properly.Templates need to be published to be displayed in "Public Templates", and you need admin rights to approve them in "My Publish Requests".
python ./chrole.py your@email.address admin
The first registered user is the administrator by default, you need to log out and then login to get full administrator rights
variable name | required | default value | description |
BIND | No | | Listening address |
PORT | No | 8923 | Listening port |
QD_DEBUG | No | False | Whether to enable Debug mode |
WORKER_METHOD | No | Queue | Task timing execution method, The default is Queue, optional Queue or Batch, Batch mode is the old version of timing task execution method, the performance is weak, Recommended only when Queue timed execution mode fails |
MULTI_PROCESS | No | False | (Experimental) Whether to enable multi-process mode, invalid on Windows platform |
AUTO_RELOAD | No | False | Whether to enable automatic hot reload, invalid when MULTI_PROCESS=True |
STATIC_URL_PREFIX | No | /static/ | Static file URL prefix |
DOMAIN | No | '' | Specify the access domain name, (recommended modification), otherwise the function of resetting password by email is not valid |
AES_KEY | No | binux | AES encryption key, (Modification strongly recommended) |
COOKIE_SECRET | No | binux | cookie encryption key, (Modification strongly recommended) |
COOKIE_DAY | No | 5 | The number of days the cookie is kept in the client |
DB_TYPE | No | sqlite3 | Set to 'mysql' when MySQL is required |
JAWSDB_MARIA_URL | No | '' | When you need to use MySQL, set to mysql://username:password@hostname:port/database_name?auth_plugin= |
QD_SQL_ECHO | No | False | Whether to enable the log output of SQLAlchmey, the default is False, When set to True, the SQL statement will be output on the console, allow to set to debug to enable debug mode |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_NAME | No | QD.sql_engine | SQLAlchmey log name, default is 'QD.sql_engine' |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_LEVEL | No | Warning | SQLAlchmey log level, default is 'Warning' |
QD_SQL_ECHO_POOL | No | True | Whether to enable SQLAlchmey's connection pool log output, the default is True, allow setting to debug to enable debug mode |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_POOL_NAME | No | QD.sql_pool | SQLAlchmey connection pool log name, the default is 'QD.sql_pool' |
QD_SQL_LOGGING_POOL_LEVEL | No | Warning | SQLAlchmey connection pool log level, default is 'Warning' |
QD_SQL_POOL_SIZE | No | 10 | SQLAlchmey connection pool size, default is 10 |
QD_SQL_MAX_OVERFLOW | No | 50 | SQLAlchmey connection pool maximum overflow, the default is 50 |
QD_SQL_POOL_PRE_PING | No | True | Whether to ping before the connection pool gets a connection, the default is True |
QD_SQL_POOL_RECYCLE | No | 3600 | SQLAlchmey connection pool recovery time, the default is 3600 |
QD_SQL_POOL_TIMEOUT | No | 60 | SQLAlchmey connection pool timeout, the default is 60 |
QD_SQL_POOL_USE_LIFO | No | True | SQLAlchmey whether to use LIFO algorithm, the default is True |
REDISCLOUD_URL | No | '' | When you need to use Redis or RedisCloud, set to http://rediscloud:password@hostname:port |
REDIS_DB_INDEX | No | 1 | The default is 1 |
QD_EVIL | No | 500 | (Only when the Redis connection is enabled) Score = number of operation failures (such as login, verification, test, etc.) * corresponding penalty points When the score reaches the upper limit of evil, it will be automatically banned until the next hour cycle |
EVIL_PASS_LAN_IP | No | True | Whether to turn off the evil restriction of local private IP address users and Localhost_API requests |
TRACEBACK_PRINT | No | False | Whether to enable to print Exception's TraceBack information in the console log |
PUSH_PIC_URL | No | push_pic.png | The default is [push_pic.png](https 😕/fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/qd-today/qd@master/web/static/img/push_pic.png) |
PUSH_BATCH_SW | No | True | Whether to allow periodic push of QD task logs, the default is True |
MAIL_SMTP | No | "" | Email SMTP server |
MAIL_PORT | No | 465 | Email SMTP server port |
MAIL_USER | No | "" | Email username |
MAIL_PASSWORD | No | "" | Email password |
MAIL_FROM | No | MAIL_USER | The Email used when sending, the default is the same as MAIL_USER |
MAIL_DOMAIN_HTTPS | No | False | Whether to use HTTPS for email domain name. Not the framework itself HTTPS configuration. If you need HTTPS, please use an external reverse proxy |
PROXIES | No | "" | Global proxy domain name list, separated by "|" |
PROXY_DIRECT_MODE | No | "" | Global proxy blacklist mode, not enabled by default "url" is URL matching mode; "regexp" is regular expression matching mode |
PROXY_DIRECT | No | "" | Global proxy blacklist matching rules |
NEW_TASK_DELAY | No | 1 | Preparation time after new task, default is 1 second |
TASK_WHILE_LOOP_TIMEOUT | No | 900 | Maximum runtime of a single While loop during a task run, the default is 15 minutes |
TASK_REQUEST_LIMIT | No | 1500 | Maximum number of requests per task run, the default is 1500 |
USE_PYCURL | No | True | Whether to enable Pycurl module |
ALLOW_RETRY | No | True | When some requests in the Pycurl environment may cause Request errors, automatically modify the conflict settings and resend the request |
DNS_SERVER | No | "" | Use specified DNS for resolution via Curl (only supports Pycurl environment), such as |
CURL_ENCODING | No | True | Whether to allow to use Curl for Encoding operation |
CURL_CONTENT_LENGTH | No | True | Whether to allow Curl to use custom Content-Length request in Headers |
NOT_RETRY_CODE | No | See configuration for details... | See configuration for details... |
EMPTY_RETRY | No | True | See configuration for details... |
USER0ISADMIN | No | True | The first registered user is an administrator, False to close |
EXTRA_ONNX_NAME | No | "" | Customize the ONNX file name in the config directory (do not fill in the ".onnx" suffix) Separate multiple onnx file names with "|" |
EXTRA_CHARSETS_NAME | No | "" | Custom ONNX in the config directory corresponds to the custom charsets.json file name (do not fill in the ".json" suffix) Multiple json file names are separated by "|" |
WS_PING_INTERVAL | No | 5 | WebSocket ping interval, the default is 5 seconds |
WS_PING_TIMEOUT | No | 30 | WebSocket ping timeout, the default is 30 seconds |
WS_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE | No | 10485760 | WebSocket maximum message size, the default is 10485760 bytes |
WS_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | No | 100 | WebSocket maximum queue size, the default is 100 |
WS_MAX_CONNECTIONS_SUBSCRIBE | No | 30 | WebSocket subscribe page maximum number of connections, the default is 30 |
SUBSCRIBE_ACCELERATE_URL | No | jsdelivr_cdn | Subscribe page acceleration URL, the default is jsdelivr_cdn, See configuration for details... |
-For details, please refer to config.py
By simply uploading Har obtained through packet capture, you can create HTTP task template required by the framework.
Use Tornado as a server to asynchronously respond to front-end and initiate HTTP requests.
Various APIs and filters are built in for template creation, and custom plugins will be provided later.
QD is an open source project based on the MIT license.
仅需上传通过抓包得到的 Har, 即可制作框架所需的 HTTP 任务模板。
使用 Tornado 作为服务端, 以实现异步响应前端请求和发起 HTTP 请求。
内置多种 API 和过滤器用于模板制作, 后续将提供自定义插件支持。
QD 是一个基于 MIT 许可证的开源项目。