Releases: qbicsoftware/projectwizard-portlet
Releases · qbicsoftware/projectwizard-portlet
Version 1.9.0
- add support for proteomics import format
- changing metadata after using import formats is now only possible until all entries are valid
- fix: project attachments can again be uploaded after project registration
- fix: metadata update of experimental design conditions and other properties stored at the experiment level
- some code refactoring
- fix travis deploy
Version 1.8.4
- use latest parent pom
- fix: registering imported openBIS/"QBiC" experimental design format does no longer cause an exception
Version 1.8.3
Release needed for travis to include missing dependencies.
Version 1.8.2
- it is now also possible to add omero projects and entities when creating projects via the import function
- clean up code responsible for omero connection
- many openbis calls now use the v3 API
- use latest dependency versions where possible
- use new dependency repo
- add maven central repo to pom to speed up building
- fix travis settings
Version 1.8.0
- Omero Imaging support: if the imaging option is selected, species and tissue IDs are used to create entities in a connected Omero instance
- Infection studies/expression systems: it is now possible to select a cross of species from which samples are taken. This can be a useful information for analysis of expressed genes or proteins
- Several small changes to make code more readable
- Metadata update is now faster if only properties that are stored on the experiment level (as opposed to sample properties) are changed
- Selectable properties for metadata update are now sorted by name
- Metadata update now warns the user about selecting the same property for two different columns - this is not possible any more, as information would get lost
Version 1.7.0
Bug fixes:
- ligandomic project import now allows download of barcodes again
- forwarding to project browser after project creation
- updating experimental factors now works even if multiple factor levels (experimental conditions) are overwritten by assigning samples to a different factor level
- number of samples is correctly displayed in metadata update table
- some speed up for manipulation of large projects
- uses new configuration manager, leading to much less code
- various updated dependencies
- various clean up of unused/clunky code
- easier input (less rules) for custom experimental factor labels
- add "transient expression" to available predefined experimental factors
- add separator option to imports (semicolon and comma)
- update available space list after new space is added
- Basic Omero support (not running, yet)
Version 1.5.3
Fix: adding samples via wizard steps that do not change the existing experimental design will not result in a crash
Version 1.5.2
- Fix: importing samples that do not change the existing experimental design will not result in a crash
- Fix: proteomics runs based on samples with experimental factors are now correctly registered
See version 1.5.1 for help with upgrading the openBIS data model from earlier versions.
Version 1.5.1
- Upgrade experimental design data model in order to speed up many processes in the portal. Sample properties are now stored in a single XML attached to the Project Info Experiment. openBIS data model update is necessary by using Old projects can be updated via the Admin Tab.
- Q_SAMPLE_TYPE property can now be updated in Metadata Upload Tab
- Small bug fixes