This is our website for Identifying Vulnerable Third-Party Java Libraries from Textual Descriptions of Vulnerabilities and Libraries
In folder tf-idf
, we include the source code of our TF-IDF matcher. It is invoked by initializing a search_engine
with a Maven corpus and directly invoking the search_topk_objects
In folder trainer_reranking
, we include the source code of our BERT-FNN model, this script can be directly executed by setting the input/outut paths.
, we show an motivating example case of our NER model, illustrating its effectiveness of identifying library-name entities.
We have open-sourced our VulLib and VeraJava dataset in the folder VulLib
and VeraJava
In VulLib
, VulLib/train.json
, VulLib/valid.json
, VulLib/test.json
corresponds to the training, validate, and testing set of VulLib (old version); in our revision, we extend our dataset upto 2024.04.28 in VulLib/vullib_new.json
, which includes 4,557 vulnerabilities and 7,280 <Vulnerability, Library> pairs.
Additionally, in RQ2, we split the testing set of into the zero-shot testing and the full-shot testing set, we also include them in VulLib/test_zero.json
and VulLib/test_full.json
In each file, an vulnerability entry includes its CVE id, vulnerability description, labels (affected libraries), Top-128 TF-IDF results and Top-128 results after BERT-FNN (output of VulLibMiner).
Now that we take the descriptions of library descriptions besides vulnerability descriptions as input, maven_corpus_new.json
corresponds to the descriptions of all Java libraries in Maven (311,233).
An Java libary entry includes its name, description, tokens in its name, tokens in its description.
In VeraJava
, VeraJava/cve_labels.csv
and VeraJava/verajava.csv
corresponds to the original dataset (including multiple programming languages) and the VeraJava dataset we extracted.
In Chronos
, FastXML
, LightXML
, we include our baselines and their running scripts.
In data_scripts
, we include our scripts for data-cleaning and generation for VulLibMiner and baselines.
In tf-idf-fig
, we include our evaluation results of RQ4: the selection of hyper-parameters.