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Release Instructions

Sergio Rey edited this page Nov 3, 2018 · 13 revisions

Instructions for releasing a PySAL package

PySAL packages use a standard release process that involves two targets:

  • github release
  • pypi release

Following these two releases, updates for the site should be made to pubicize the releaes.

Github release

  1. Enusre all tests are passing
  2. On GitHUB, go to the main page of the repository
  3. Under the repository name, click Releases
  4. Click Draft a new release
  5. On your clone, use tools/gitcount.ipynb to generate the main content of your release notes
  6. Use that content also to update the that is part of your source.
  7. Commit your updated and issue a PR to upstream.
  8. After your PR is merged, Click Publish release on GitHUB.
  9. Move on to do the pypi release

PyPi release

  1. If you have not done so already, register your package on pypi.
  2. Based on the github release you just completed, download the tarball associated with that release
  3. Unpack the tarball, and cd into the source directory
  4. python sdist upload
  5. Move on to announce your release to the community.


  1. See the instructions for updating
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