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File metadata and controls

456 lines (331 loc) · 19.7 KB

Getting started

This tutorial gives an overview how to start a LECO setup in Python.


Install PyLECO as described in the README.

Eventually, you will be able to install PyLECO via pip or conda: pip install pyleco

Setup the Infrastructure

The Coordinators

The core of the infrastructure are communication servers, called Coordinators. As LECO consists in two parts, the control protocol and the data protocol, there are two servers:

  1. The Coordinator in is the server of the control protocol.
  2. contains the server of the data protocol.

In order to start these Coordinators, execute coordinator and proxy_server in a terminal. Alternatively, execute the corresponding files with python: for example, change directory in the folder of this getting started file and execute python3 pyleco/coordinators/ under linux or py pyleco/coordinators/ under Windows with the Windows Launcher installed.

If you need settings which are different from the defaults, you can use command line parameters. The command line parameter -h or --help gives an overview of all available parameters. For example python3 pyleco/coordinators/ -h gives the information, while python3 pyleco/coordinators/ --port 12345 makes the Coordinator listen on tcp port 12345 instead of the default one.

The Starter

LECO allows to have many small parts working together instead of one monolithic program. For convenience, there is an additional server, the Starter, which can be used to start a bigger number of small parts all at once. With the starter, we can sidestep having to start all these small parts individually in their own terminal window.

The starter scans a directory (given as argument) for python files. It will start, if told to do so, the method task of a given file name in a separate thread. That allows to specify several different tasks, for example each one controlling one measurement instrument, and to start them by sending a command to the starter. How this works exactly, is described below.

In order to start the starter itself, execute starter --directory ~/tasks in a terminal with the tasks being in the subfolder tasks of the home directory. Alternatively, execute its file with the path to the directory, for example python3 pyleco/management/ --directory ~/tasks.

Define a Task File

The example file contains an example, how a task file in that directory could look like:

The first docstring of the file should be the description of that task. The starter offers that docstring, if you query it for its available tasks.

You have to specify a task method with exactly one parameter, the stop_event. The starter will give a threading.Event instance as an argument in order to tell the task when to stop. You could write any task method, which checks regularly the stop_event and stops, if that event is set. PyLECO offers helper methods to do most of the work for controlling an instrument.

If you have a python class you want to control remotely, for example a pymeasure instrument driver for a fiber laser called YAR, you can use the Actor.

In this case, this will be your task file

"""Example scheme for an Actor for pymeasure instruments. 'fiberAmp'"""

from import Actor
from pymeasure.instruments.ipgphotonics import YAR

# Parameters
adapter = "ASRL5"  # VISA resource string, for example serial port COM5

def task(stop_event) -> None:
    """The task which is run by the starter."""
    with Actor(
        name="fiberAmp",  # you can access it under this name
        device_class=YAR,  # the class to instantiate later on
    ) as actor:
        actor.connect(adapter)  # create an instance `actor.device = YAR(adapter)`

        actor.listen(stop_event=stop_event)  # listen for commands

The Actor will listen under the name fiberAmp for incoming commands and handle them until the stop_event is set. For example you can get or set properties of the YAR instance, or you can call methods.

Start / Stop a Task

Now we have our three servers (Coordinator, proxy_server, Starter) up and running, but the task is not yet started. In order to start a task, we have to tell the Starter to do so. The easiest way is to use the StarterDirector (found in the directors directory) in a python console or script:

from pyleco.directors.starter_director import StarterDirector
director = StarterDirector(actor="starter")

The actor parameter tells the Director the name of the Starter instance which defaults to "starter". As the task file is named, the task name is `"YAR_controller". You can give a list of tasks to start.

The starter director has also methods to stop a task, give a list of available tasks, and to give a list of the state of the known tasks (running, stopped, crashed).

Control an Experiment

Control the Instrument: The Director

Now we have our severs running and also the task controlling our fiber amplifier is running. In order to remotely control the fiber amplifier, we have to send messages to it. Again we have a director to direct the actions of the fiber amplifier.

This time, the director is a more generic one, the TransparentDirector (also in the directors directory). If you read or write any property of the TransparentDirector's device, it will read or write to the remotely controlled instrument. For example

from pyleco.directors.transparent_director import TransparentDirector

director = TransparentDirector(actor="fiberAmp")

if not director.device.emission_enabled:
    director.device.emission_enabled = True

will read, whether the emission of the fiber amplifier is enabled, if not, it will be enabled.

Behind the scenes, the transparent director sends a request to the Actor named "fiberAmp" (remember, that is the name we gave to the actor in the task file) to read the emission_enabled property of the YAR instance. The Actor will read the device.emission_enabled property and return it to the director.

Alternatively, you could get/set the parameters manually. The following lines are equivalent to the previous code:

if not director.get_parameters(parameters=["emission_enabled"])["emission_enabled"]:
    director.set_parameters({"emission_enabled": True})

The get/set parameters method allow to get/set more than one parameter in one message.

If you want to call the method clear of the YAR instance, you can use director.call_action(action="clear"). Any positional or keyword arguments you give to the call_action method will be given to the clear method. For example director.call_action(action="set_power", power=5) will cause the actor to call device.set_power(power=5).

Different Computers

LECO is not limited to a single computer, you can use it within a wider network.

Single Coordinator Setup

Each Component (any program participating in LECO) needs to connect to a Coordinator. Per default, the PyLECO components look for a Coordinator on the same computer (localhost). If the Coordinator is on another computer or listens on another port, you can specify these value as arguments. For example: Actor(host="", port=12345) will connect to the Coordinator on a computer available (via DNS) as which listens on the port 12345. You can also specify the IP address instead of urls.

Multi Coordinator Setup

Setup of the Coordinators

You can have more than one Coordinator, even on the same computer. Each Coordinator needs its own combination of host name and port number (a single socket). That means, they have at least to reside on different computers or have different port numbers.

You can tell a Coordinator about other Coordinators, either by specifying the --coordinators command line argument (a comma separated list of coordinator addresses) or by using the CoordinatorDirector's add_nodes({namespace: address}) command. If you tell one Coordinator about a second one, it will connect to all other Coordinators, to which the second one is connected. In this way, the network is established automatically, and Components connected to a single Coordinator, can get access to all other Components as soon as this single Coordinator is connected to the wider network.

The namespace

Each Coordinator establishes a Namespace, which defaults to the name of the computer it resides on. Each Component connected to that Coordinator belongs to that namespace. The full name of the Component consists of the namespace and its own name, joined by a period. For example, let's say the Coordinator of our setup in the beginning has the namespace N1, then the fiber amplifier would be available under the name N1.fiberAmp. If you do not specify the namespace, LECO assumes that the recipient's namespace is the same as the sender's namespace, similar to the area code of a phone number.

You can send from any Component connected to any Coordinator (which has to be connected to N1 Coordinator or be N1 Coordinator itself) a message to N1.fiberAmp and it will arrive there. The response will always return as well, as you must specify the sender's namespace.

All Components (rectangular elements) on different computers can communicate with each other in the following graph. Note that all Components connected to a certain Coordinator (circle) share the same Namespace, e.g. N1.

flowchart TD
    subgraph PC1[PC 1]
        (default port)"))
        (different port)"))
        cxz <--> CX

    subgraph PC2[PC 2]

    subgraph PC3[PC 3]

    C1 <--> C2
    cc <--> C1
    C1 <--> CX
    C2 <--> CX

    c1d <--> C1

Collect Data

If you're doing an experiment, you typically want to collect data as well.

You can publish data via the data protocol. As a helper class, you can use the DataPublisher:

from pyleco.utils.data_publisher import DataPublisher

publisher = DataPublisher(full_name="")

That will publish the data "def" from the sender "".

Anyone connected to the same proxy_server can listen to that published data. You have to subscribe to the sender "" first, though.

The DataLogger (in the management directory) collects these data snippets (if they are in the form of dictionaries: {variable: value} with a variable name and an associated value) and creates datapoints. Afterwards you can save the collected datapoints.

Include LECO in your own Programs

LECO Basics

Some basic information about LECO and its python implementation.

JSON-RPC and Remote Procedure Calls

Default messages are based on Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) according to the JSON-RPC protocol. Basically you request to execute a procedure call on a remote station and receive the response of that call.


There are several tools in the utils directory, which offer some convenience methods to send RPC requests via the LECO protocol and to deceipher the responses. For interchangeability, they all follow a consistent API defined in the CommunicatorProtocol and can be used as an argument for any communicator parameter.

For example communicator.ask_rpc(receiver="N1.fiberAmp", method="get_parameters", parameters=["emission_enabled"]) would call the get_parameters method of the actor called "N1.fiberAmp" with the keyword argument parameters=["emission_enabled"]. The result of that method is the content, for example {"emission_enabled": True}. This example is the spelled out code behind the call of the director example shown above.

The most simple util implementing the CommunicatorProtocol is the Communicator (in utils directory). It allows to send messages and read the answer. However, it does not listen continuously for incoming messages. It is great for scripts as it does not require additional threads. Directors create such a Communicator, unless they are given one.

Daemon Type

For a program, which runs happily in the background listening for commands and executing them, you can base your code on the MessageHandler (in utils directory). The MessageHandler will listen to incoming messages and handle them in a continuous loop. The listen method has three parts:

  1. The method _listen_setup, where you can specify, what to do at the start of listening,
  2. the method _listen_loop_element, which is executed in the loop until the stop_event is set. Typically, it listens for incoming messages and handles them,
  3. the method _listen_close, which finishes after having been told to stop.

If you want to make a method available for RPC calls, you can use the register_rpc_method method. That allows any Component to use that method via ask_rpc. For example register_rpc_method(do_something) would register the method do_something, such that someone else could do ask_rpc(method="do_something") calling that method.

The message handler (and its subclasses) have to be in their listening loop to do their work:

from pyleco.utils.message_handler import MessageHandler

message_handler = MessageHandler("my_name")
message_handler.listen()  # infinity loop

The ExtendedMessageHandler is a subclass, which can subscribe to the data protocol and act on received data messages.

In an Additional Thread

Sometimes, you want to have continuous LECO communication, but do not want to block the thread, for example in a GUI.

The Listener (in utils directory) starts a special form of the MessageHandler in another thread and offers a communicator:

from pyleco.utils.listener import Listener
from pyleco.directors.transparent_director import TransparentDirector

listener = Listener("my_name")
communicator = listener.get_communicator()


director = TransparentDirector(communicator=communicator)

In this example, the message handler will offer the my_method method via RPC (via the listener's register_rpc_method). However, that method will be executed in the message handler thread! You can send messages via the message handler by using the listener's communciator. Here the director uses this communicator instead of creating its own one with its own name.

The following graph shows how the Listener is used in a (multi-threaded) application. Rounded elements run in a continuous loop.

flowchart TD

    subgraph Application
        subgraph MainThread[Main Thread]
            main -.->|calls|sl
            subgraph Listener

            gc-.->|generates|LC[Listener Communicator]
            main <-->LC
            main <-->Director <-->LC
            main -.->|calls|rrm
        rrm-.->|registers method|ListenerEMH

        subgraph ListenerThread[Listener Thread]

        subgraph AnotherThread[Another Thread]
            Director6[Director]<-->LC2[Listener Communicator]


    ListenerEMH <---> C
    Proxy ==> ListenerEMH


The main method creates a Listener and calls its start_listen method, which creates a new thread (Listener Thread) with an ExtendedMessageHandler. It can use the Listener Communicator (generated via get_communicator) to communicate to the LECO network, either directly or via one or several Directors. Similarly, another thread can use (its own) Listener Communicator to communicate with the LECO network.

Graphical overview

Here a graphical overview over a single computer experimental setup. Solid lines indicate data flow, dashed lines actions. Rounded fields elements run in a continuous loop. Circles are Coordinators. Note that the control protocol (with the COORDINATOR) is symmetric, while the data protocol (proxy_server, bold lines) is one way only.

flowchart TD
    (control protocol)"))

    PUB[DataPublisher] ==> Proxy
    (data protocol)"))) ==> SUB[Subscriber]
    Proxy ==>SUBD

    subgraph DataLogger

    subgraph Jupyter Notebook
        Script <--> Director
        Director -.->|creates|COM2[Communicator]
        Director <-->COM2
        Script{{Script}} <--> Director2 <--> COM2
        subgraph Director2

    subgraph "`Actor`"
        MessageHandler([MessageHandler]) <--> InstrumentDriver[Instrument Driver]
        MessageHandler --> PUB2[DataPublisher]
    C <--> MessageHandler
    InstrumentDriver <--> Instrument{{Measurement Instrument}}
    PUB2 ==> Proxy

    subgraph GUI-App
        subgraph Main Thread
            Listener-.->|generates|ListenerCOM[Listener Communicator]

        subgraph ListenerThread[Listener Thread]

    ListenerEMH <---> C
    Proxy ==> ListenerEMH

    subgraph starter_p[Starter process]
        t1([task 1])
        t2([task 2])
        t3([task 3])
        starter -.->|start/stop thread|t1
        starter -.->|start/stop thread|t2
        starter -.->|start/stop thread|t3
    starter <-->C
    t1 <--> C
    t2 <--> C
    t2 ==> Proxy
    t3 ==> Proxy


The Actor contains a MessageHandler handling incoming messages in order to control a hardware measurement instrument via a Driver. It also has a DataPublisher to publish measurement data regularly.

A script uses Directors to send messages via a Communicator (generated by the first Director) to that measurement instrument.

The Starter controls several tasks in their own threads. These tasks may communicate via the LECO protocol individually. They can be, for example, instrument actors.

The GUI-App has a Listener in its main thread, which starts an ExtendedMessageHandler in another thread and offers its Listener Communicator in order to communicate. The GUI can then communicate via that Communicator to the network, either directly or using Directors. It can send commands to the measurement instrument via the Actor. It can also subscribe to the data published by the Actor.

The DataLogger collects the data published via the data protocol (proxy_server).