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Script that uses the YouTube API (search and video endpoints) to download all metadata (video id/title + statistics) of all PyCon 2017 talks and shows the most popular ones (as of now) by number of views and likes.


** Top 10 views
7063       Raymond Hettinger   Modern Python Dictionaries    A confluence of a dozen great ideas   PyCon 2017
6469       Kelsey Hightower - Keynote - Pycon 2017
3817       Jake VanderPlas   The Python Visualization Landscape   PyCon 2017
3228       David Dumas   Python for mathematical visualization a four dimensional case study   PyCon 2017
2943       Miguel Grinberg   Asynchronous Python for the Complete Beginner   PyCon 2017
2623       Larry Hastings   The Gilectomy How's It Going   PyCon 2017
2573       Jake Vanderplas - Keynote - PyCon 2017
1784       Susan Tan   Rants and Ruminations From A Job Applicant After 100 CS Job Interviews in Silicon Valley
1648       Alex Orlov   Cython as a Game Changer for Efficiency   PyCon 2017
1581       Miguel Grinberg - Microservices with Python and Flask - PyCon 2017

** Top 10 likes
165        Kelsey Hightower - Keynote - Pycon 2017
141        Raymond Hettinger   Modern Python Dictionaries    A confluence of a dozen great ideas   PyCon 2017
78         Jake VanderPlas   The Python Visualization Landscape   PyCon 2017
59         Miguel Grinberg   Asynchronous Python for the Complete Beginner   PyCon 2017
51         David Dumas   Python for mathematical visualization a four dimensional case study   PyCon 2017
44         Jake Vanderplas - Keynote - PyCon 2017
44         Larry Hastings   The Gilectomy How's It Going   PyCon 2017
42         Alex Orlov   Cython as a Game Changer for Efficiency   PyCon 2017
39         Miguel Grinberg - Microservices with Python and Flask - PyCon 2017
35         Sam Agnew   Hacking Classic Nintendo Games with Python   PyCon 2017