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Releases: pyTMD/pyTMD


24 Sep 23:23
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switching primary branch to main

generalize build opener function for different Earthdata instances

update reduce OTIS files for python3 and projections

adjust dimensions of input coordinates to be iterable


18 Sep 19:27
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add spatial program for reading/writing ascii, netCDF and HDF5
generalize LPET, LPT, OPT and tide scripts to use csv, netCDF4 or HDF5
add compute tidal current program that can use csv, netCDF4 or HDF5
use netrc within utilities for backup authentication
add utilities for parsing date strings in form "time-units since yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"


01 Sep 22:29
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replaced griddata with scipy regular grid interpolators
allow small extrapolations with bilinear interpolation
better incorporation of masked arrays in bilinear interpolation
update date conversions in jupyter notebooks
use pyproj2 transformations in jupyter notebooks
add time conversion test program
add ocean load tide test program
add comparison test for FES models
add wrapper function test to perth3 workflow


24 Aug 23:55
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added test for GOT models using perth3 outputs from GOT4.7
GOT4.7 tide model data is stored on s3
convert times for FES models to Dynamic time (TT)
add equilibrium tide program
add program for calculating equilibrium tides for Operation IceBridge
reorganize structure to put notebooks in directory


18 Aug 20:04
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Added download CATS2008 and read program check
Added comparison with Antarctic tide gauges (AntTG) and RMS values from King et al. (2011)
Updated testing suite to directly call Matlab program through octave (and oct2py)
Will compare the python and matlab versions for most Antarctic station sites
Added macos to testing strategy and upgraded linux tests to 20.04


11 Aug 01:45
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Adds delta time and leap second downloading from the NASA GSFC CDDIS https server with authentication from NASA Earthdata
updates list of models for OIB and ICESat-2 to include TPX09-atlas-v2
update grid files for TPX09-atlas-v2
use difference in leap seconds in calculate_tide_correction function
update testing routines