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Creating a new Wagtail release

Matt Westcott edited this page Sep 15, 2015 · 26 revisions

Before making a new release

  • A 'stable' branch should exist in git, e.g. "stable/0.4.x"
  • wagtail/wagtailcore/ should be updated with the new version number
  • wagtail/project_template/requirements.txt should specify the new version number
  • There should be a release notes page about the release in docs/releases/ - ensure that any IN DEVELOPMENT text is removed
  • CHANGELOG.txt should contain a section about the new release - ensure that the date is filled in, not left as xx.xx.20xx
  • Update translations - see
  • Confirm that the latest revision is passing on Travis

GitHub release

From, click 'Draft a new release':

  • Tag version should be of the form "v0.4" - the target should be the stable/0.4.x branch (in practice, for a new 0.x version this will probably be identical to master)
  • Release title should be "0.4" (without the 'v')
  • For the "Describe the release", we usually just paste in the CHANGELOG.txt entry
  • Click "Publish release" - this will create a new git tag for the release, and a new entry on

Packaging dry run

From the root of the wagtail codebase on your machine - NOT within Vagrant (because it needs to fiddle with symlinks) - and with the correct branch checked out, run:

    python ./ sdist

This will create a .tar.gz package in the 'dist' directory. We now need to test that this installs successfully - from a location other than wagtail root (because the presence of the 'wagtail' directory confuses the installer), run:

    mkvirtualenv wagtailinstalltest
    pip install /path/to/wagtail-0.x.x.tar.gz
    wagtail start myproject
    cd myproject
    ./ migrate
    ./ runserver

and confirm that the site starts up successfully at http://localhost:8000/ . (Note that bringing up a Vagrant VM will not work at this point, because the provisioning script will try to install a version of Wagtail that isn't on PyPI yet)


For this step, you will need the wheel package (pip install wheel from a fresh empty virtualenv will work fine) and a working Node/NPM build on your host machine.

From the root of the wagtail codebase on your machine - NOT within Vagrant (because it needs to fiddle with symlinks) - and with the correct branch checked out, run:

    python ./ register

You will be prompted for a PyPI username/password - search pwman for 'pypi'. (If you're already logged in under your personal pypi account, edit ~/.pypirc with the Torchbox details. Or ask @gasman to add your own account as a maintainer of wagtail...). Then run:

    python ./ sdist upload
    python ./ bdist_wheel upload

The new version should now be up on .

Testing the release

  • install it in a clean virtualenv and check that "wagtail start myproject" creates a codebase that starts successfully under vagrant
  • bring up a fresh instance of wagtaildemo with the new version

Once the new release is out, please update accordingly.

Set up the AWS client, if you haven't already - pip install awscli, then aws configure and enter the credentials from pwman (Others -> Amazon -> Amazon Web Services).

With the AWS client configured, run:

cd wagtail/scripts
./ --version=1.1 --url=

replacing the version number as appropriate.

(It will take up to a day for changes to propagate to the Cloudfront cache. If you need it to update faster than that, you can purge it through the horrible AWS interface... log in with the "Sysadmin Amazon" details from pwman, and the relevant operation to perform is "Create invalidation".)


  • Update readthedocs so that the new version is visible and the 'stable' version points to it; if this is a minor point release, disable the docs for the previous minor release (see 'Documentation versions' below)
  • Email [email protected] with the release announcement
  • Blog and tweet about it


  • Update deprecated features:
    • Delete features deprecated in this release
    • Update wagtail.utils.deprecation

For example, lets say we are releasing wagtail 0.5:

  1. Look for RemovedInWagtail05Warning messages and remove the features they are warning about
  2. In wagtail.utils.deprecation:
    • Delete RemovedInWagtail05Warning
    • Change RemovedInWagtail06Warning to a DeprecationWarning
    • Create a new warning called RemovedInWagtail07Warning which inherits from PendingDeprecationWarning

Documentation versions

The Wagtail documentation is now versioned. To control which versions show up:

  • Go to Read The Docs versions
    • Tick or untick the "active" checkbox next to the relevant tag (or branch) and save the form.
  • Go to "Builds"
    • Select the new version to build from the dropdown and click "Build version"