- ES6, ES7, and ES8 Notes
- Template Literals
- Tagged Templates
- Rest operator and Default parameters
- Spread Syntax
- Arrow Functions
- Object Literals & Destructuring
- Classes
- Arrays
, & How JS Stores Stuff- Symbols (New Data Type)
- Promises
- Async & Await (ES8)
- ES8 Easy Wins
- ES7 Easy Wins (Only a couple of additions to ES7)
- Proxies
- Generators, Iterators, Iterables (& revisiting
Additions to each ECMAScript standard:
- ES6:
- Template Literals
- Tagged Templates
- Rest operator and Default parameters
- Spread Syntax
- Arrow Functions
- Object Literals & Destructuring
- Classes (Including Setters & Getters)
- Arrays
, andWeakSet
- Symbols (New Data Type)
- Promises
- Proxies
- Reflect Object
- Generators, Iterators, Iterables (and
- ES7:
- Exponentiation operator
- Rest Parameter Destructuring
- Exponentiation operator
- ES8:
- Async & Await
- Trailing commas in functions
- Function scoped
- Their declarations are hoisted to the top of the function they appear within. (If they are declared in the global scope then they are scoped to and hoisted in the global execution context)
function foo() {
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
console.log('loop ' + i);
console.log(i); // 'i' is still accessible outside the 'for' block
// 'i' is not acccessible here though! - since it is scoped & hoisted only to 'foo()'
/* Output:
loop 0
loop 1
loop 2
var x = 0;
function foo() {
var x = 1; // Declaration is hoisted within 'foo'
// (Note: only declaration is hoisted, not the assignment/value!)
/* Output:
- Behaves in a similar way to
but with two differences: - First, It is block-scoped (
), so it only exists inside the block that it appears in (& not the function that it appears in). That is, it only lasts as long as the brackets do... - Second, Hoisting does not apply to
! Unlikevar
declarations are not taken and hoisted to the top of the block
function foo() {
for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
console.log('loop ' + i);
console.log(i); // REFERENCE ERROR (X): 'i' is not defined
// Cannot access 'i' outside the 'for' BLOCK
// 'i' is not acccessible outside its block, & therefore, outside the function as well
function foo() {
let i; // 'i' is declared inside the function BLOCK (Hence, scoped to it)
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
console.log('loop ' + i);
console.log(i); // Since 'i' is now scoped to the function BLOCK (No error)
// 'i' is not acccessible outside its block
/* Output:
loop 0
loop 1
loop 2
let i = 10;
if(i === 10) {
let i = 0; // "shadowing" just like in 'var'
// (This block's 'let' takes precedence over parent block's due to "shadowing")
/* Output:
let x = 0;
function foo() {
console.log(x); // REFERENCE ERROR: 'x' is not defined
let x = 1; // 'let' declarations are not hoisted to the block
Note: Two tricky concepts regarding let
and var
- Even though
is not hoisted inside a block or a function, it will still "shadow" an outer block/function variable with the same name (whether it is anotherlet
or avar
var x = 0;
function foo() {
console.log(x); // ReferenceError: x is not defined
let x = 1; // Declaration is hoisted within 'foo'
// (Note: 'let' will still "shadow" outer variable with same name)
console.log(x); // 1
- Some REPLS of Javascript, for some weird reason, could hoist
when it is in the global scope (& this is the only exception)
- Is similar to
(i.e block-scoped, not hoisted to the block, capable of "shadowing") - It has to be initialized during declaration
- A
variable cannot be re-assigned using=
. That is, the reference to whatever it stores can never be changed
Note: Although a const
cannot be re-assigned later, if the value it references can be mutated(w/o using =
), it can be done so without causing any errors! This rule applies to mutable data types like arrays, objects, and functions but not to primitives
const x = 5;
x = 10; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
const x = [1, 2, 3];
x.push(4); // No error since this is a mutation and not a reassignment using '='
/* Output:
[1, 2, 3, 4]
function foo() {
console.log(x); // REFERENCE ERROR (X): 'x' is not defined
const x = 1; // Just like 'let', 'const's are not hoisted to the block
// `const` can also "shadow" outer consts of same name in nested functions:
const x = 0;
function foo() {
const x = 1;
/* Output:
Summary of var
, let
, and const
: is function-scoped, declaration is hoisted to the top of the function, and it "shadows" outer function variables of the same name in inner (nested) functionslet
: is block-scoped, declaration is not hoisted to the top of the block, and it "shadows" outer block variables of the same name in inner (nested) blocksconst
: is block-scoped, declaration is not hoisted to the top of the block, and it "shadows" outer block consts of the same name in inner (nested) blocks. Additionally, it cannot be reassigned using=
(throws error). However, if the value it was assigned is a mutable value (say, an object), that value can be mutated (without using=
Trick: We can use isolated blocks
let x = 5;
let a = 10;
const b = 20;
console.log(x, a, b); // 5 10 20
// Cannot access 'a' and 'b' here, but x can be accessed!
Earlier in ES5, Javascript strings were constructed using either ''
or ""
. While these work just fine, doing certain things like the following became cumbersome and hard to read:
- String interpolation (i.e Including dynamic values inside strings): We have to use the
to concatenate the different parts - Multiline strings: Not possible unless you use the
again or place each single-line string in an array and perform a.join('\n')
var str1 = 'SELECT * FROM Users WHERE name = "' + name + '" AND city = "' + city + '" AND age = "' + age + '"';
var multiline = 'This is line 1\n' + 'This is line 2\n' + 'This is line 3';
var multiline2 = ['This is line 1', 'This is line 2', 'This is line 3'].join('\n');
Template Literals in ES6 solve the above two issues. It uses the back-tick (`) for its syntax:
- Allows String Interpolation: By using
inside template strings to hold values/expressions - Allows Multiline Strings: It just preserves the whitespace and newlines (The syntax allows you to write on new lines until the closing back-tick(`))
Note: Any valid javascript expression can be interpolated, and not just variables (Ex: Ternary ?:
var str1 = `SELECT * FROM Users WHERE name = "${name}" AND city = "${city}" AND age = "${age}"`;
var str1 = `This is line 1,
and this is line 2, and
this is line 3 with some leading space`;
/* Output:
"This is line 1,
and this is line 2, and
this is line 3 with some leading space"
The use cases of this new syntax or feature are limited! But, it is still worth knowing...
What do tagged templates do?
Whenever we want to work with string templates inside a function, instead of passing all the dynamic params and static strings separately to the function, we can use a more concise and readable syntax
How tagged templates work:
The syntax for the call is:
The above calls a function which receives at least two things:
- First, an array of all the static parts of the string, in the order that they appear
- From the second arguments onwards, each interpolated expression, in the order that they appear
var flowers = ['Tulip', 'Lotus']; function buildHTML(arrayOfStaticStrings, expression1, expression2) { console.log(arrayOfStaticStrings); console.log(expression1, expression2); } buildHTML`I want to collect ${flowers[0]} and ${flowers[1]} flowers`; // This is equivalent to calling: // buildHTML(['I want to collect ', " and ", " flowers"], flowers[0], flowers[1]) /* Output: ["I want to collect ", " and ", " flowers"] Tulip Lotus */
Note: The function is any normal javascript function that can return anything
Use Cases of Tagged Templates:
- DOM insertion of templates, building HTML. Ex: append, prepend, etc
- Styled Components in React (Article Link) ... and similar stuff ...
// Append to a particular DOM element (with currying) example:
let flowers = ['Tulip', 'Lotus'];
function buildHTML(tags, list) {
let appendHTML = list.map(function(item) {
return `${tags[0]}${item}${tags[1]}`;
return function(element) {
document.querySelector(element).innerHTML += appendHTML.join('');
let appendFlowersTo = buildHTML`<li>${flowers}</li>`;
// Sends tags: ['<li>', '</li>], list = ['Tulip', 'Lotus']
Default Parameters
We can set default values on the parameters passed to the function. Therefore, if the parameter value is not passed (or is passed in undefined
) in the function invocation then the default value of that parameter is set for use within the function.
Note: The order of the params being passed cannot be changed (always has to match formal args' order)
function foo(a = 5, b, c = 1) {
return a * b * c;
console.log(foo(1, 2)); // 2
console.log(foo(undefined, 2, 3)); // 30
console.log(foo(undefined, 2)); // 10
Rest Parameters
Earlier in javascript, there was no mechanism to collectively refer to or combine the multiple arguments passed to a function. There is the arguments
object that is available but it is not exactly an array (in fact, it's an array-like object) and it will contain every argument ever passed to it (and in that order). They keys of this object are numbers starting from 0
upwards. Hence, we can refer to elements inside of it with array index access
function foo(a, b, c, d) {
console.log(arguments); // { 0: "a", 1: "b", 2: "c", 3: "d"}
foo('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
There are drawbacks to using arguments
- It is not an array but an array-like, iterable object
- It contains all the arguments, not customizable to contain only the things we want it to contain
This is where rest parameters come into play. We can use the ...
operator to combine the 'rest of the parameters' into elements of an array denoted by that rest param name.
- Rest parameter must always be the last argument in the function signature. Placing another argument after it will throw an error!
- We can have as many named params preceding the rest parameter, and only the remaining arguments are packed into the rest param's array value
function foo(a, b, ...remaining) {
console.log(a, b, remaining); // a b ["c", "d"]
foo('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
function foo(a, b, ...remaining, d) {
// ERROR (X): SyntaxError: Rest parameter must be last formal parameter
console.log(a, b, remaining);
foo('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
function findMaxUnderBound(upperBound, ...elements) {
return elements
.filter(el => el <= upperBound)
.reduce((prev, cur) => (prev < cur) ? cur : prev);
findMaxUnderBound(80, 90, 60, 77, 78, 45, 82, 56);
Rest parameter always appears only in the function's formal parameters list (that is, the arguments' list in the function signature)
The spread operator does exactly the opposite operation of what a rest parameter does. They both use the same ...
syntax but where they appear defines them
- A rest parameter "packs" all the data into one single array
- A spread operator "unpacks" values from an array or object and separates them out
Note that rest parameter always appear only in the function's formal parameters list (that is, the arguments' list in the function signature)
Spread on the other hand appears in the following places:
- Within a function invocation to separate out arguments from a list/object (i.e in the set of actual params)
- It can appear within arrays to spread out elements of another array within this array
- It can appear within objects to spread out elements of another object within this object
Note: Unlike rest parameters, spread syntax does not have to be the last item in an object/array/function call.
// For a function that accepts a specific set of arguments, we can use spread in the the function call to effectively pass an array/object which will be received as separate arguments:
function foo(a, b, c) {
console.log(a, b, c); // 5 6 7
let arr = [5, 6, 7];
foo(...arr); // Equal to: foo(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]);
// Also equal to: foo.apply(this, arr);
Therefore, the spread operator can replace .apply()
calls, unless you want to dictate the this
function foo(a, b, c = 1) {
console.log(a, b, c); // 5 6 1
let arr = [5, 6];
foo(...arr, 1); // Spread, unlike rest, does not have to be the last item in the args list
Spread item, unlike a rest parameter, does not have to be the last argument inside a function call or an array or an object
Spread syntax in arrays
We have already seen an example in the function invocation example above.
Common use case: Copying one array into another array (of same or bigger size)
let arr = [3, 4, 5];
let arr1 = [...arr]; // copying
let arr2 = [1, 2, ...arr];
let arr3 = [...arr, 1, 2];
let arr4 = [1, 2, ...arr, 6, 7];
console.log(arr1); // [3, 4, 5]
console.log(arr1 === arr); // false
console.log(arr2); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
console.log(arr3); // [3, 4, 5, 1, 2]
console.log(arr4); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Spread syntax in objects
It works in the way you can intuitively guess it, it copies the key-value properties of one object and puts them in another object.
Common use case: Copying one object into another object (of same or bigger size)
let obj = {
foo: 1,
bar: 2
// Copy object:
let obj2 = { ...obj }; // same as Object.assign({}, obj);
// Copy object as a subset of another object:
let obj3 = { baz: 3, ...obj };
console.log(obj, obj2, obj3);// {foo: 1, bar: 2} {foo: 1, bar: 2} {baz: 3, foo: 1, bar: 2}
console.log(obj2 === obj); // false (coz its a copy)
console.log(obj3 === obj); // false (coz it's a copy)
// Practical use: not mutating input state in a reducer (redux)
// Making a copy of state
function aReducer(state, action) {
if(action.type == 'ADD_ID') {
let newState = { ...state, id: action.payload.id };
return inputState;
return state;
Note: In function calls, we can only spread out arrays (& in function definition we use rest to fetch multiple args into one single array). We do not use spread and rest for objects in function calls and definition. We use something known as object destructuring (Later)
- Use
in formal params of a function (i.e signature) to assign default parameters - Rest params "pack" multiple arguments of a function into a single array. This happens in the function definition.
- Rest uses the preceding
syntax. It has to be the last parameter in a set of formal parameters - Spread, in a way, does the opposite of rest - It "unpacks" items of an array or object into separate items
- Spread deals with both arrays and objects (rest param deals only with arrays)
- Rest param can appear inside the function definition (i.e formal params), spread item can appear inside the function invocation (i.e actual params)
- Uses of spread: Copying one array into another, copying one object into another, separating out elements from an array and passing them to a function
- Important: We cannot use spread to separate out object key/value pairs and pass them to a function. For this purpose, we use something known as destructuring
Arrow functions in javascript are used to simplify the syntax of anonymous functions. They also server another explained below:
- Syntax:
function(...) { ... }
is now(...) => { ... }
- Syntax variations:
- No parameters?
() => { ... }
is the same asfunction() { ... }
- Single parameter?
param => { ... }
is the same asfunction(param) { ... }
- Multiple parameters?
(param1, param2, ..) => { ... }
is the same asfunction(param1, param2, ..) { ... }
- Direct return statement?
() => <expr>
is the same asfunction() { return <expr>; }
- No parameters?
Apart from syntax, there is a major difference between the earlier anonymous function calls and the arrow function: Arrow functions do not modify the this
. That is, they do not set the context (by following the 4 rules that govern the value of this
when a function is invoked. link)
The value of this
inside an arrow function is equal to what the this
is inside of the parent function inside which the call to the arrow function was made
let obj = {
foo: function() {
let bar = function() {
let baz = () => {
bar(); // Context is set: `this` inside is the `window` object
baz(); // No context set: `this` inside the arrow function
// is the same as the this for the parent function inside which it was called
// => parent is 'foo' and according to the way it was called, its `this` is `obj`
obj.foo(); // Context is set: 'this' inside foo() will be `obj`
/* Output:
Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, parent: Window, …}
{foo: ƒ}
Useful example of an arrow function: DOM manipulation & API call promises (Also, async callbacks)
// Earlier solution for accessing 'this' of parent function:
$doc.on('click', function() {
var self = this;
.then(function() {
console.log(self); // Will refer to the parent anonymous function's `this`
console.log(this); // Will refer to the makeAPICall() object
// New solution for accessing 'this' of parent function: Arrow functions
$doc.on('click', function() {
var self = this;
.then(() => {
console.log(self); // Will refer to the parent anonymous function's `this`
console.log(this); // Will also refer to the parent anonymous function's `this`
Objects in JS can be defined in the following 3 ways:
var x = new Object()
var x = Object.create(null)
var x = {}
(Object literals)
For defining and updating objects literals, ES6 has introduces new features:
If the name of the property and the variable being assigned to it are the same, we can shorten it like so:
let name = 'Tom', age = 25; let obj = { name, age }; obj.name; // 'Tom' obj.age; // 25
Methods can be written in a shorter syntax by omitting the
and thefunction
keyword:let name; let obj = { name, doSomething() { console.log('Method'); } }; obj.doSomething(); // 'Method' /* Equal to: doSomething: function() { console.log('Method'); } */
Given an object, we can pick individual properties out from it and set them as separate variables. The syntax is const/let/var { <propName>, <propName>, ... } = <Object>
. It does no affect the object itself in any way.
const obj = {
foo: 1,
bar: 'a',
baz: 'Hi'
const { foo, bar, baz } = obj; // 3 new constants created
console.log(foo, bar, baz); // 1 a Hi
// Original object is unchanged:
console.log(obj.foo, obj.bar, obj.baz); // 1 a Hi
Additionally, we can change the names of the variable that is being created, although this is less commonly used. The syntax changes to <propName>: <variableName>
const obj = {
foo: 1,
bar: 'a',
baz: 'Hi'
const { foo: a, bar: b, baz: c } = obj; // 3 new constants created
console.log(a, b, c); // 1 a Hi
console.log(foo); // ReferenceError: foo is not defined
Destructuring parameters of a function
When you need to access properties of an object passed to a inside the function, you can make use of destructuring. This makes us use only the properties of the object we intend to use in our function and also makes the code less messy/more readable
const obj = {
foo: 1,
bar: 'a',
baz: 'Hi'
function showFooBar({ foo, bar }) { // Receiving only the desired properties
console.log(foo, bar); // 1 a
showFooBar(obj); // Passing the whole object
Destructing an object into function params gives us a way to set named params where the order of arguments do not matter
Destructuring nested objects
We can destructure nested object in the following fashion. In case of accessing arrays inside an object, it has to be assigned a new variable name like so: <arrayPropName>: { [<index>]: <newVariableName> }
const obj = {
foo: 1,
bar: {
one: 'Hola',
two: 'Bye'
baz: [10, 20, 30]
const { bar: { one, two: theTwo }, baz: {[1]: middle } }= obj;
console.log(one, theTwo, middle);
console.log(two); // ReferenceError: two is not defined
console.log(baz); // ReferenceError: baz is not defined
It is similar to object destructuring except that instead of mapping the keys, here the indices of the array are mapped to variables (so every index used will have a new variable associated with it)
The variables are matched in the order of the indices. You can even "hop over" indices by leaving them blank (,
const arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
const [ first, second ] = arr;
console.log(first, second); // 10 20
const arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
const [ , second, , , fifth ] = arr;
console.log(second, fifth); // 20 50
Making use of rest operator (...
) in array destructuring
const arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
const [ , second, , ...others ] = arr;
console.log(second); // 20
console.log(others); // [40, 50]
You cannot use rest in object destructuring because, if you remember, it can only combine elements into an array (not an object)!
Classes in ES6 are just syntactical sugar over the existing prototype-based inheritance system of javascript. Every function that is created ss associated with a prototype object (__proto__
) and that object's constructor refers back to the function
Whenever the function is called with the new
keyword, the following things happen:
- A new object is created
- The
for the function is set the the newly created object - The function is executed (& therefore the newly created object now has properties) and it returns the newly created object
- The newly created object is added to the function's prototype chain (i.e connected to the
object associated with the function)
: Refers to the prototype object associated with the function
: Refers to the function associated with the prototype object
// Constructor functions are written in PascalCase (convention)
function Superhero(name, strength, speed, weapon, specialMove) {
// set object's properties:
this.name = name;
this.strength = strength;
this.speed = speed;
this.weapon = weapon;
// Define object's methods:
this.doSpecialMove = function() {
// Prototype methods shared by all object of this class:
Superhero.prototype.powerUp = function() {
this.strength += 5;
Superhero.prototype.speedBoost = function(boost) {
this.speed += 10;
// Instantiating an object from the class using the 'new' keyword:
var batman = new Superhero('Bruce Wayne', 70, 85, 'belt', 'kappow!');
console.log(batman); // Superhero {name: "Bruce Wayne", strength: 75, speed: 95, weapon: "belt", specialMove: ƒ}
batman.doSpecialMove(); // kappow!
Converting into class syntax
- Use
class <ClassName> { ... }
- Inside the class, define all the object's properties and methods inside the
method. This method is run first on every object instantiation - Set you prototype methods and prototype properties as other members of the class (outside the constructor)
class Superhero {
constructor(name, strength, speed, weapon, specialMove) {
// Set object's properties:
this.name = name;
this.strength = strength;
this.speed = speed;
this.weapon = weapon;
// Define object's methods:
this.doSpecialMove = function() {
// Prototype methods shared by all objects: Defined as class members
powerUp() {
this.strength += 5;
speedBoost(boost) {
this.speed += 10;
// Instantiating an object from the class using the 'new' keyword:
var batman = new Superhero('Bruce Wayne', 70, 85, 'belt', 'kappow!');
console.log(batman); // Superhero {name: "Bruce Wayne", strength: 75, speed: 95, weapon: "belt", specialMove: ƒ}
batman.doSpecialMove(); // kappow!
- Class methods (prototype methods) can be written similar to object literal method shorthands.
<name>() { ... }
- Class methods are not separated by commas(,) as is done between object literal methods
methods of a class
We can have methods defined on a class instead of any object or on the prototype. Precede the class method with the keyword static
in order to intialize it as a static method. This method is invoked directly using the class (& not the object) - It belongs to the class, not the object.
This is useful in cases where we have a method that is dependent on the class but not on the object
class Person {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
appendToName(app) {
this.name += app;
static someStaticMethod() { // A static method on the class `Person`
console.log('Static method of class Person');
Person.someStaticMethod(); // "Static method of class Person"
let boy = new Person('Pushkar');
boy.appendToName(' DK'); // No error -> It is prototype method (object related)
boy.someStaticMethod(); // TypeError: boy.someStaticMethod is not a function
Setters and Getters are special methods used in both classes as well as object literals.
Setters: bind an object property to a function to be called when there is an attempt to set that property.
// Setter syntax:
set prop(val) { . . . }
set [expression](val) { . . . } // For a computed property name to bind to the given function.
For a setter to get triggered, just use assignment =
on that set function name. Ex: obj.prop = 5
Getters: bind an object property to a function that will be called when that property is looked up.
// Getter syntax:
get prop() { ... }
get [expression]() { ... } // For a computed property name to bind to the given function.
For a getter to get triggered, just use it in a javascript expression with its name. Ex: let a = obj.prop
- Example use inside object literals:
var obj = {
log: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
set latest(value) {
get latest() {
return undefined;
return this.log[this.log.length - 1];
obj.latest = 'd';
- Example use inside classes:
Important: We have a problem when getter & setter names exactly match an object's property
When this is the case, and we are setting the same property inside the setter, JavaScript runs out of memory because call stack exceeds the limit. This problem occurs in both classes as well as object literals!
// This code throws an error:
class Person {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
set name(value) {
this.name = value;
get name() {
return this.name;
let boy = new Person('Pushkar');
boy.fullname = 'Rohit';
class Person {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
set name(value) {
this.name = value;
get name() {
return this.name;
let boy = new Person('Pushkar');
boy.fullname = 'Rohit';
Script snippet %239:1 RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Person.set name [as name] (Script snippet %239:5)
at Person.set name [as name] (Script snippet %239:6)
at Person.set name [as name] (Script snippet %239:6)
at Person.set name [as name] (Script snippet %239:6)
at Person.set name [as name] (Script snippet %239:6)
at Person.set name [as name] (Script snippet %239:6)
at Person.set name [as name] (Script snippet %239:6)
at Person.set name [as name] (Script snippet %239:6)
at Person.set name [as name] (Script snippet %239:6)
at Person.set name [as name] (Script snippet %239:6)
The reason is because:
- Properties of the object get initialized in the constructor() function
- Whenever a property is set, the setter by the same property name gets triggered (if it exists)
- Inside this triggered setter, we are again updating the same property - which causes the setter to be triggered again
- The recursion cycle continues indefinitely, causing the max call stack error
Solution? Use slightly different names for a property and its setter (& getter)
// This code works!
class Person {
constructor(name) {
this._name = name; // Using `_` to indicate a kind of a private variable
set name(value) {
this._name = value;
get name() {
return this._name;
let boy = new Person('Pushkar');
boy.name = 'Rohit';
/* Output:
A subclass can be defined with respect to a parent class. This new subclass:
- Will derive all the properties and methods of the parent class
- Can override a parent class method or property
- Can have its own set of properties and methods
: To inherit from a class you use the syntax: class <SubClass> extends <ParentClass> { ... }
: The super keyword inside a subclass is used to refer to the parent class. Inside the constructor of the subclass, you must invoke super(<propsForParentClassConstructor>)
first before you can set the properties of your own class. This is because, the this
keyword is not available to us in the subclass until and unless the parent class constructor has run - Hence, trying to initialize subclass props without parent class constructor call is going to throw an error!
As a habit, it is better to always run the super()
first inside your base class constructor before you do anything else:
constructor() {
// A parent class:
class Person {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
appendToName(app) {
this.name += app;
// A subclass:
class Indian extends Person {
constructor(name, language) {
// Cannot access `this` here
super(name); // passing props required by parent constructor
// Can access `this` here
this.language = language;
// Override parent method:
appendToName(app) {
this.name += `${app} Ji`;
// Have its own methods:
changeLanguage(newLang) {
this.language = newLang;
let push = new Indian('Pushkar', 'Kannada');
push.appendToName(' DK');
console.log(push); // Indian {name: "Pushkar DK Ji", language: "Hindi"
ES6 has provided many improvements on arrays.
Prior to ES6, we had mainly 3 ways of iterating over arrays:
for(<init>;<condtn>;<inc/dec>) {...}
loop: The traditional for loop construct to iterate a fixed number of times over somethingArray.prototype.forEach(<callback>)
: Loops over each element of the array and runs a callback function. It is limited only to arrays and not other iterable data structures
var arr = [10, 20, 30];
arr.forEach(function(el, i) {
console.log(el, i);
/* Output:
10 0
20 1
30 2
loop: This is mainly used to iterate over the keys of an object (recommended use). However, if you run it with arrays, it iterates over the indices of the arrays
var arr = [10, 20, 30];
var obj = {
foo: 'Hi',
bar: 'Bye'
for(var key in obj) {
console.log(key, obj[key]);
/* Output:
foo Hi
bar Bye
for(var key in arr) {
console.log(key, arr[key]);
/* Output:
0 10
1 20
2 30
This loop was introduced in ES6. It is very similar to for..in
The difference is that:
- It iterates over the values (and not the keys)
- It works on any iterable list like strings, DOM nodelists, maps, sets, etc
var arr = [10, 20, 30];
for(let value of arr) {
/* Output:
var str = 'Rahul';
for(let letter of str) {
/* Output:
// Objects are not iterable lists:
// They work based on keys (not values):
// The following snippet fails:
var obj = { foo: 'a', bar: 'b' };
for(let value of obj) { // TypeError: obj is not iterable
Note: Objects are not iterable (they are key based, not ordered like in index/value based systems)
This is a method which takes in any iterable list, converts it into an array, and returns it
// From a string:
var str = 'push';
console.log(Array.from(str)); // ['p', 'u', 's', 'h']
// From another array itself: Not very useful
var arr = [10, 20, 30];
console.log(Array.from(arr)); // [10, 20, 30]
// Also possible from a DOM NodeList, HTMLElements, etc.
The method can optionally take in a second argument which is a callback function that acts like a map method. So, the array is created from an iterable, and the the callback receives each item. Finally, the mapped array is returned from the Array.from()
var flowers = ['tulip', 'lotus', 'rose'];
var flowersList = Array.from(flowers, flower => `<li>${flower}</li>`);
console.log(flowersList); // ["<li>tulip</li>", "<li>lotus</li>", "<li>rose</li>"]
The Array.of()
method is used to convert a variable set of arguments into an array of such values. It is not very useful since Array()
itself can do that!
var arr = Array.of(5, 10, 15, ['A', 'B'], { foo: 1, bar: 2 });
console.log(arr); // [5, 10, 15, ["A", "B"], {foo: 1, bar: 2}]
// But, even Array() does the same:
arr = Array(5, 10, 15, ['A', 'B'], { foo: 1, bar: 2 });
console.log(arr); // [5, 10, 15, ["A", "B"], {foo: 1, bar: 2}]
// (Same result)
// Single element to array:
var arr = Array.of(7);
console.log(arr); // [7]
// Why not just use this?:
console.log([7]); // [7]
The Array.prototype.fill()
is used to replace certain items in the array with a given value (i.e to fill in something instead of the existing thing). It takes 3 arguments:
- Value to insert
- Optional: Start index (inclusive). If omitted, the whole array is replace with value to insert. If supplied a
index, it will start from the end index - Optional: End index (exclusive). When to stop inserting the new value. If omitted, will move till end of array
Note: This method mutates the original array! (i.e) It affects/changes the original array with no copy being created
// Array.prototype.fill():
var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
arr.fill('x', 2, 3);
var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
arr.fill('x', 2); // ["a", "b", "x", "x", "x"]
var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
arr.fill('x', -1); // ["a", "b", "c", "d", "x"]
var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
arr.fill('x'); // ["x", "x", "x", "x", "x"]
Both these methods run callbacks on the array in question. The callback receives two params, the item and its index (and a third param to set the this
but its not very useful).
will return the first element for which the callback returns true
will return the index of first element for which the callback returns true
In case the callback never returns true, both of these methods will then return undefined
var profits = [99, 85, 90, 125, 70, 112];
var first100PlusMark = profits.find((p, i) => p > 100);
console.log(first100PlusMark); // 125
var first100PlusMarkIndex = profits.findIndex((p, i) => p > 100);
console.log(first100PlusMarkIndex); // 3
Values versus Reference:
All Javacript primitives (number, strings, booleans, null, undefined, symbols) are immutable and whenever they are assigned to something, their value gets copied over
Javascript objects (including arrays, functions, etc), on the other hand, are mutable and whenever are assigned to something, their reference gets copied over (not a copy of their value). Reference basically means the address
let a = 5;
let b = a; // value gets copied
console.log(a, b, a === b); // 5 5 true
let c = 'A string';
console.log(c); // 'A string'
console.log(c.toUpperCase()); // 'A STRING'
console.log(c); // 'A string'
// `c`, a string, is immutable
let o1 = { foo: 1, bar: 2 };
let o2 = o1; // reference gets copied (not value)
console.log(o1 === o2); // true (because both refer to same object)
o2.foo = 10;
console.log(o1.foo, o2.foo); // 10 10
// Even o1.foo has changed even though only o2.foo was edited
// This is because:
// 1. o1 and o2 refer to the same object
// 2. objects are mutable
// Arrays are also a type of an object (& hence, mutable)
let arr1 = [5, 10, 15, 20];
let arr2 = arr1;
console.log(arr1 === arr2); // true
console.log(arr1, arr2); // [5, 10] [5, 10]
Primitives are "passed-by-value" into functions while objects are "passed-by-reference" into them
let x = 10;
function foo(x) {
x = 0;
console.log(x); // 10 (Unchanged! Passed a copy of value)
let x = { foo: 10 };
function foo(x) {
x.foo = 20;
console.log(x); // { foo: 20 } (Changed! Passed a reference)
What are Hash Maps?
Hash Maps are basically <key>
& <value>
pairs that exist inside a data structure that is optimized to fetch data (it is fast/Quick at accessing/updating data inside of it). There is a 1:1
mapping between the key and the value and we use the key to identify the value & read/update it
It is similar to how an object works (keys are property names) or how an array works (keys are indices).
Objects versus Maps:
- A map is far more protected than is a regular object.
- Syntax:
new Map()
- Syntax:
- A map also comes with some useful methods.
.set(<key>, <value>)
: Sets a key and its associated value inside a map.get(<key>)
: Gets the value associated with the key. (Notice that for get and set, this is exactly the same way in which we interact withlocalStorage
: This property length of the hash map (i.e The number of key-value pairs it contains).clear()
: Clears the map of all its values (removes them).entries()
: It returns an iterable (MapIterator) which we can loop over if we want to.forEach()
: Similar to an array, we can do a forEach on Maps as well. The callback receives each value..keys()
: Grabs every key in the Map and returns an iterable (MapIterator) (which we can loop over).values()
: Grabs every value in the Map and returns an iterable (MapIterator) (which we can loop over).has(<key>)
: Returnstrue
if the key-value pair is present (Entry exists).delete(<key>)
: Deletes the key & the value (BUT NO GARBAGE COLLECTION)
- A map is an iterable (Objects are not iterables)
let userLocation = new Map();
userLocation.set('Pushkar', 'Bangalore');
userLocation.set('Saurabh', 'Mumbai');
console.log(userLocation.get('Pushkar')); // Bangalore
console.log(userLocation.get('Saurabh')); // Mumbai
console.log(userLocation.entries()); // MapIterator {"Pushkar" => "Bangalore", "Saurabh" => "Mumbai"}
console.log(userLocation.keys()); // MapIterator {"Pushkar", "Saurabh"}
console.log(userLocation.values()); // MapIterator {"Bangalore", "Mumbai"}
console.log(userLocation.size); // 2
userLocation.forEach(value => {
console.log(userLocation.size); // 0
console.log(userLocation); // Map(0) {}
The cool thing about keys in a map is that we can have key functions (instead of just key values):
function keyFunc() {
return 'I am a key function';
let newMap = new Map();
newMap.set(keyFunc, 'A value associated with a key function');
newMap.get(keyFunc); // "A value associated with a key function"
Similarly, the keys can be objects as well!
- A regular object in javascript cannot have key functions as keys!
- You can use
as keys as well
let newMap = new Map();
newMap.set(null, 'A value associated with null');
newMap.get(null); // "A value associated with null"
- You can use Symbols to set keys as well
- Since Maps are iterables, we can use the
loop on them
let userAges = new Map();
userAges.set('Pushkar', 25);
userAges.set('Saurabh', 27);
userAges.set('Sukhdeep', 25);
userAges.set('Rohit', 29);
for(let age of userAges) {
/* Output:
["Pushkar", 25]
["Saurabh", 27]
["Sukhdeep", 25]
["Rohit", 29]
// We cannot use `for..of` on regular objects
What is a WeakMap
A WeakMap is essentially just a Map but with the following differences:
- WeakMaps allow garbage collection, if the key has no reference. This is a really nice feature to seal up memory leaks. Therefore, that 'key' must be an object (in order to garbage collect it)
- It is not an iterable: it has only the
, and.delete
let friends = new WeakMap();
let saurabh = { name: 'Saurabh' };
let simpson = { name: 'Simpson' };
friends.set(saurabh, 'Great friend');
friends.set(simpson, 'Flatmate');
console.log(friends.has(saurabh)); // true
console.log(friends.get(saurabh)); // Great friend
saurabh = null; // does garbage collection
console.log(friends.get(saurabh)); // undefined
console.log(friends.get(simpson)); // Flatmate
friends.delete(simpson); // does garbage collection
console.log(friends.get(simpson)); // undefined
Use Maps whenever you want to:
- Create a data structure that stores key-value pairs
- Has quick access to data
- Is iterable (unlike an object)
- Has garbage collection (WeakMap)
What are Sets
are similar to arrays. They can contain items of any data type. They differ from arrays in the following ways:
- It does not have array methods (
, etc) - All elements are unique
- A set is an iterable (And the iteration order is the same as the insertion order)
Syntax: new Set(<An Iterable>)
creates a new set out of the elements of the iterable. If duplicate elements are added, the duplicate is ignored (not added to the set)
Sets have:
: Propety containing the size of the set (similar tolength
of array).add()
: We can add an item to the set.clear()
: Clears the set of all its values.delete(<value>)
: Deletes the entry (NO GARBAGE COLLECTION).entries()
: Returns an iterable (SetIterator) which we can map through. But, it is a little quirky:- Each item in the entry is an array (two-element array)
- The index
and index1
both contain the value (index0
value will be the key)
: Since a set is an iterable, we can attach a callback function that receives each value in the array.has(<key>)
: Returnstrue
if the element is present (exists).delete(<key>)
: Deletes the key & the value (BUT NO GARBAGE COLLECTION)
Note: When two different object having the same properties and values are added, they are not considered the same - their references (address) differ - and set will not ignore one of them (both will be added)
let items = new Set(['A', 'B', 'C', 'A']); // The duplicate 'A' will be removed
console.log(items); // Set(3) {"A", "B", "C"}
console.log(items.size); // 3
console.log(items.size); // 4
console.log(items.has('C')); // true
console.log(items); // Set(3) {"A", "B", 56}
items.forEach(val => {
console.log(items.entries()); // SetIterator {"A", "B", 56}
for(let val of items.entries()) {
["A", "A"]
["B", "B"]
[56, 56]
Note: If object values are same but references are different, they are each considered unique
let items = new Set();
items.add({ name: 'Pushkar' }); // new obj
items.add({ name: 'Pushkar' }); // new obj
console.log(items); // Set(2) {{ name: 'Pushkar' }, { name: 'Pushkar' }}
Use Sets whenever you want to:
- Create a data structure that stores unique values
- Is iterable (just like an array)
- Ignores duplicate entries
What is a WeakSet
Unlike a Set, a WeakSet can only contain objects. The primary advantage again, is Garbage Collection. Hence, only deals with objects.
- As soon as refrence to the object is removed, it is garbage collected from the set
- It is not an iterable (cannot loop through it with say,
) - Does not have iterable methods like
(Only hasadd
) - The size is always
It is useful for tagging (flagging) a set of objects and check if they exist
let items = new WeakSet();
let one = { name: 'Pushkar' };
let two = { name: 'Saurabh' };
items.add(one, two);
console.log(items); // WeakSet {{…}}
console.log(items.size); // undefined
console.log(items.has(one)); // true
items.delete(one); // garbage collected
console.log(items.has(one)); // false
Symbols in JavaScript are a new data type. (Earlier ones included undefined, null, number, string, and boolean)
Syntax: Symbol(<descriptor>)
Even though the syntax is a function, it cannot be used as a constructor (i.e new Symbol()
is not valid: Error!)
The <descriptor>
does not affect a symbol. It is only useful in debugging to know where the Symbol was defined
So what is a Symbol?: It is something unique that is created which can be used as an identifier. No two symbols are equal to each other!
// Other primitives with same value will be equal:
let str1 = String('a');
let str2 = String('a');
console.log(str1 === str2); // true
// BUT: Two symbols can never be equal:
let aSymbol = Symbol();
let bSymbol = Symbol();
console.log(aSymbol === bSymbol); // false
console.log(aSymbol); // Symbol()
So, what is the point of symbols?: It can be used to avoid name collisions (since they are 'unique somethings')
// (A) Your library/utility (Module):
let NAME = Symbol();
let COLOR = Symbol();
let MODEL = Symbol();
class Car {
constructor(name, color, model) {
this[NAME] = name;
this[COLOR] = color;
this[MODEL] = model;
set name(val) {
this[NAME] = val;
get name() {
return this[NAME];
set color(val) {
this[COLOR] = val;
get color() {
return this[COLOR];
// Export the class Car
// (B) External script using your Module: Import the Car module
// It has no access to those symbols in the library:
let newCar = new Car('i20', 'Orange', '2018');
console.log(newCar.name); // i20 (getter)
newCar.color = 'blue'; // Triggers the setter
console.log(newCar.color); // blue (getter)
console.log(newCar.model); // undefined ('model' property doesn't exist)
// A symbol exists that refers to the model passed
Therefore, symbols can help protect object and class properties!
: This searches for (and creates) a symbol with a descriptor. It searches for an existing symbol based on the descriptor provided. If it is not found, it creates a new symbol with the descriptor. Later, if another symbol for the same descriptor is created then these two symbols ARE ACTUALLY EQUAL TO EACH OTHER! The catch is, they must both be created using the .for
let aSymbol = Symbol.for('test'); // created if it doesn't exist
console.log(aSymbol); // Symbol(test)
let bSymbol = Symbol.for('test');
console.log(aSymbol === bSymbol); // true
let cSymbol = Symbol('test'); // Without using for
console.log(aSymbol === cSymbol); // false (both should have been defined with '.for')
Promises are one of the most popular and most important additions to the JavaScript language
Javascript is:
- Single Threaded: It has only one process (cannot run multiple processes at the same time)
- Non-Blocking and IO/Event Driven: Even though it is single-threaded, it does not always work synchronously. It can do things that can be done immediately while waiting for others tasks to finish
Therefore, we can do asynchronous tasks in JS: Asynchronous call (ex: setTimeout
& setInterval
) are put on something known as the event loop. This loop is run after the synchronous tasks are finished (inside that function).
setTimeout(() => console.log('Hi'), 0); // Event though it is 0, it is run later
setTimeout(() => console.log('Uhmm'), 100);
setTimeout(() => console.log('Bye'), 50); // Run before '100' coz of placement in event queue
for(let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
if(i === 999)
/* Output:
/* Visualizing the Event queue:
[@0: () => console.log('Hi'),
@50: () => console.log('Bye'),
@100: () => console.log('Uhmm')]
One of the mistakes that new developers do is expecting async operations to happen synchronously... Consider an async API call which returns data. We cannot assign the call to a variable and read it. It won't work because the call has not finished returning the data.
var results = someAsyncAPICall(); // API Call starts
console.log(results); // WONT CONTAIN DATA (X)
// ...
// ...
// API Call finishes with data
Traditional Javascript solution: Callbacks
Callbacks are passed to the function that is doing the processing (since callbacks are functions which are first-class objects). The processing function then internally invokes our callback when it is done with its processing (i.e data becomes available)
function processSomething(input, cb) {
// ... usually some processing ...
let result = input * 5;
// When ready:
if(typeof cb === 'function') {
cb(result); // The processing function decides when to run our callback
function handler(result) {
processSomething(10, handler);
/* Output:
Most of our jQuery methods use the callback pattern:
// Example:
$('.main').on('click', () => alert('clicked main'));
Callback Hell: A Problem
In complex application, we might have a dependency built on callbacks where we are required to nest callback inside on another because for one task to be complete, another task has to finish first. This leads to deeply nested callbacks which is not readable and messy to manage
An example would be of a set of API calls where each of them requires data from another API call to make the request
fetchUsers(users => {
fetchSingleUser(users[5], user => {
fetchUserPosts(user.id, posts => {
fetchSinglePost(posts[10], post => {
console.log(post); // DEEPLY NESTED CALLBACK! *BAD*
Intro to Promises:
So, promises provide a solution to the problem of callback hell!
Q: Are promises faster than callbacks? A: No. In fact, they could be slightly slower because of the overhead involved
Q: Does a promise give us new powers that a callback did not? A: No.
Q: Then why do we need to use Promises? A: It improves code-readability (solves 'callback hell' issue) and makes our code manageable
ES6 now has native support for promises. Earlier promise libraries included Q and bluebird (by jQuery)
Q: What is a promise?
A: Promise is basically a constructor function (use new Promise()
) that returns an object with the following methods: .then
and .catch
- Promise constructor is run with
keyword. It takes in one arguments, a callback. It returns an object (known as the promise object) - The callback to promise constructor (above) is passed two arguments (automatically by javascript), first is a
function, and second, areject
function - The promise object returned from (1) contains the methods
- Whenever the
method is run inside the promise callback, the.then
method of the promise object is called. - Whenever the
method is run inside the promise callback, the.catch
method of the promise object is called.
The then
versus catch
: The callback receives the same parameter that was passed toresolve
: The callback receives the same parameter that was passed toreject
const status = true;
let aPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // resolve & reject names are just convention
setTimeout(() => {
if(status) {
} else {
}, 100);
aPromise.then(dataFromResolve => {
console.log(dataFromResolve); // Success (After 100 milliseconds)
// Since status is `true`:
// The following callback will not execute:
aPromise.catch(errorFromReject => {
console.log(errorFromReject); // Failure (After 100 milliseconds)
Promise.race(<Array of Promises>)
This function takes a list of promises (technically, promise objects) and itself returns a promise object. The then
function gets executed as soon as any of the promises in that array get resolved. The data received by the callback will be the data from the resolve of the fastest promise
Promise.all(<Array of Promises>)
This function takes a list of promises (technically, promise objects) and itself returns a promise object. The then
function gets executed when all of the promises in that array get resolved. The data received by the callback will be an array of all the data from the resolves of all the promises (in that order)
let aProm = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('a'), 100);
let bProm = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('b'), 90);
let cProm = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('c'), 110);
let arrOfProms = [aProm, bProm, cProm];
Promise.race(arrOfProms).then(dataFromFastestResolve => {
/* Output:
Promise.all(arrOfProms).then(dataFromFastestResolve => {
/* Output:
["a", "b", "c"]
jQuery AJAX success callback example with promises:
function makeAJAXCall(url, method) {
return Promise((resolve, reject) => {
success: (response) => {
error: (errorMsg) => {
let data = makeAJAXCall('google.com', 'get');
data.then(results => {
}).catch(msg => {
Note: The term returns a promise usually means returns a promise object (i.e the object that has the methods then
, catch
Bonus: Custom implementation of a Promise
Note: resolve
and reject
are actually methods of the Promise
constructor function: Promise.resolve
and Promise.reject
Really helpful at solving callback hell - no nesting is required!
and .catch()
methods always return a promise. So you can chain multiple .then
& .catch
calls together
- A call to
returns a promise, so that we can call the next.then
on it - When a value is returned (#) in a
callback, that promise becomes resolved, and the next.then
handler following it runs with this returned value (#) (as argument to its own callback).
let aProm = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('Success'), 1000);
.then(resolveData => { // (1)
return 'first then value';
.then(returnOfPrevThen => { // (2)
return 'second then value';
.then(returnOfPrevThen => { // (3)
/* Output:
first then value
second then value
/* Note:
(1) only runs after aProm has resolved
(2) only runs after (1) has resolved
(3) only runs after (2) has resolved
Therefore, chaining
Multiple then
or catch
on a single promise:
In this case, whenever the original promise gets resolved, then all the .then
associated with it get called in the order that they are defined.
- There is no chaining
- Therefore, one
does not depend on another.then
to finish (they all depend only on the original promise)
let aProm = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('Success'), 1000);
.then(resolveData => { // (1)
return 'first then value';
aProm.then(resolveData => { // (2)
aProm.then(resolveData => { // (3)
/* Output:
Returning a promise
Normally, a value returned by a .then
handler is immediately passed to the next handler. But there’s an exception!
If the returned value is a promise, then the further execution is suspended until it settles. After that, the result of that promise is given to the next .then
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(() => resolve(1), 1000);
}).then(function(result) {
alert(result); // 1
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // (*)
setTimeout(() => resolve(result * 2), 1000);
}).then(function(result) { // (**)
alert(result); // 2
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(result * 2), 1000);
}).then(function(result) {
alert(result); // 4
Here the first .then
shows 1
returns new Promise(…)
in the line (*)
. After one second it resolves, and the result (the argument of resolve
, here it’s result*2
) is passed on to handler of the second .then
in the line (**)
. It shows 2
and does the same thing.
So the output is again 1 → 2 → 4, but now with 1 second delay between alert
Returning promises allows us to build chains of asynchronous actions.
ES8 does not have enough support across all browsers (2019) and is not included even in the commonly used babel presets. If you intend to use it then make sure you add the necessary babel plugins. Also, it is supported only in Node7.6+
Just like promises, Async/Await is not a fundamentally new thing. Performance/power wise, it is not any better than callbacks pattern and promises.
Similar to promises, it helps make your code more readable and manageable. Unlike promises however, it is not used to return objects that resolve, (and we chain the then
) etc. Instead, it is applied on the function as a whole
Promises are more about adapting the human mind to the way in which the computer does async programming.
Async/Await is more about getting the code written to adapt to the human mind. That is, make it at least appear synchronous in nature (it is still asynchronous internally), so that the flow of reading & understanding code is unidirectional
Async/await work closely with promises
Place the async
keyword before the function that carries out the async task.
The word “async” before a function means one simple thing: a function always returns a promise. If the code has return <non-promise>
in it, then JavaScript automatically wraps it into a resolved promise with that value.
async function f() {
return 1; // non-promise gets wrapped into a resolved promise (with resolved value being what is returned)
f().then(alert); // 1
async function f() {
return Promise.resolve(1); // Explicitly returning a promise
f().then(alert); // 1
: It is a keyword that can only appear inside an async
The keyword await
makes JavaScript wait until that promise settles and returns its result. (Important because it pauses the execution of the function until the promise in the await gets resolved/rejected)
/* Syntax of await: */
// works only inside async functions
let value = await promise;
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("done!"), 1000)
async function f() {
let result = await promise; // wait till the promise resolves (*)
console.log(result); // "done!"
The function execution “pauses” at the line (*)
and resumes when the promise settles (that is, resolves/rejects), with result
becoming its result. So the code above shows “done!” in one second.
Important: Let’s emphasize: await
literally makes JavaScript wait until the promise settles, and then go on with the result. That doesn’t cost any CPU resources, because the engine can do other jobs meanwhile: execute other scripts, handle events etc. Therefore, JS is still asynchronous!
Note: Can’t use await
in regular functions. If we try to use await
in non-async function, that would be a Syntax Error. We need to have a wrapping async function for the code that awaits.
It takes in an object and returns all its values (without the keys - it does not care about the keys). The values are actually returned as an array of values.
let obj = {
name: 'Pushkar',
age: 25,
city: 'Bangalore'
console.log(Object.values(obj)); // ["Pushkar", 25, "Bangalore"]
It takes in an object and returns all its key-value pairs. The values are actually returned as an array of array of key & value pairs.
let obj = {
name: 'Pushkar',
age: 25,
city: 'Bangalore'
// [["name", "Pushkar"], ["age", 25], ["city", "Bangalore"]]
and String.prototype.padEnd
takes in two parameters: the length of the final string, the character to use for padding. The padding is done at the beginning of the string
also takes in two parameters: the length of the final string, the character to use for padding. The padding is done at the end of the string
If the length parameter specified in these two methods is less than original string length, no padding / trimming is done, returning the original string.
The default character used for padding (if it is not specified) is space (
let str = 'Wayne Rooney';
console.log(str.padStart(20, 'x')); // xxxxxxxxWayne Rooney
console.log(str.padEnd(20, 'z')); // Wayne Rooneyzzzzzzzz
console.log(str.padEnd(15) + '!!'); // Wayne Rooney !! (default pad is space)
console.log(str.padEnd(5, 'n')); // Wayne Rooney
Strings are primitives and so, immutable. Hence, the padEnd
and padStart
methods do not mutate the string (i.e cannot affect the original array)
Every object property has 4 descriptors attached to it:
: The value of the propertywritable
: Is the property writableconfigurable
: Is the property configurableenumerable
: Is the property enumerable (can it be counted?)
The Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors()
method takes in an object and prints out the descriptors of each of its properties
let obj = {
name: 'Pushkar',
age: 25,
city: 'Bangalore'
/* Output:
name: {value: "Pushkar", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true},
age: {value: 25, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true},
city: {value: "Bangalore", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}
Trailing commas in functions
Since ES1 we have been allowed to use trailing commas in arrays. [1, 2, 3, 4,]
Since ES5 we have been allowed to use trailing commas in objects. {foo: 1, bar: 2,}
But, leaving behind trailing commas in a function call or signature used to throw a syntax error.
Starting from ES8 however, we can have trailing commas in the function call/signature:
function foo(a, b) {
return a + b; // 3
foo(1, 2,); // trailing commas in fn. call
/* ************************* */
function foo2(a, b, ) { // trailing commas in fn. signature
return a + b; // 3
foo(1, 2);
The main additions to ES7 exponentiation and includes
Exponentiation **
This operator takes two operands and finds the exponent. That is, operand 1 (left) raised to the operand 2 (right).
It works with numbers, decimal point number, negative values, and even NaN
. If one of the values is NaN
, it returns NaN
console.log(5 ** 3); // 125
console.log(5 ** 1.5); // 11.180339887498949
console.log(5 ** -1); // 0.2
console.log(5 ** NaN); // NaN
Exponent operator is Right-to-Left associative:
console.log(2 ** 3 ** 2); // 512
// The above is equal to logging (2 ** (3 ** 2))
Earlier, we used to use indexOf()
method of arrays in order to locate an item inside. This is messy and not exactly readable because of the following syntax:
let arr = [10, 40, 50, NaN, 20, 25];
if(arr.indexOf(40) !== -1) // Bit of a mess here
console.log('Not found');
// found
does the same thing as indexOf
, that is, it searches for an item in the array. But, it returns a Boolean. true
if found, else false
It is much more easy to read than indexOf
let arr = [10, 40, 50, NaN, 20, 25];
if(arr.includes(40)) // very readable
console.log('Not found');
// found
One more advantage is that indexOf
does strict comparison (===
), so we cannot identify the presence of a NaN
value inside an array (Because NaN === NaN
returns false
However, with includes
we can match an NaN
as well.
let arr = [10, 40, 50, NaN, 20, 25];
console.log(arr.indexOf(NaN)); // -1
console.log(arr.includes(NaN)); // true
Destructuring Rest Parameters
This was not possible before ES8. It only works with arrays because the rest operator always combines multiples elements into arrays.
// Earlier (ES5/6/7-)
function add(...params) {
return params[0] + params[1];
console.log(add(2, 3)); // 5
// Now (ES8+)
function add(...[first, second]) {
return first + second;
console.log(add(2, 3)); // 5
This is a powerful new feature. Unlike promises/async/etc, proxies give new power to javascript.
Proxy basically means middleman. A proxy is what comes in between two communicating parties - the middleman is used to enable that communication (instead of the parties talking directly to each other)
In Javascript, a proxy allows you to cut-off almost any part of the process of object change. It comes in between the object and the external code trying to acces it - acting as the middleman. It is analogous to the use of middleware in express which interacts every route request. Proxies can be used to protect objects from abuse.
We use something known as traps: We set a trap of getting a property, setting it.
The power of proxies is that it gives us exclusive control over the access to the object.
Use cases:
- Middleware
- Validator, ... and so on
is a constructor, so it has to be invoked with thenew
keyword- It takes in two arguments: The "target" object, and the object that is going to act as the "handler" to the target object (the middleman). Therefore, two objects as params
- The handler object has properties. Each property corresponds to each "trap" that you want to set
- One will only interact with the object returned by the constructor in (1). Interacting directly with the target object directly is possible but then defeats the purpose of the Proxy
Common methods of the handler:
handler.get(<targetObject>, <propName>)
: This method runs any time the proxy object is accessed (read). It traps the access (think of it like a middleware) and whatever this method returns is what is available outside. It automatically has access to the "target" object and the property name that was being accessed
let handler = {
get(target, propName) {
return `${target[propName]} from handler's get()`;
let proxy = new Proxy({}, handler);
proxy.name = 'Tom cruise';
// Trying to 'get' a property will trigger the handler's get():
console.log(proxy.name); // Tom cruise from handler's get()
// Triggered on any property acces (even unset ones):
console.log(proxy.age); // undefined from get
handler.set(<targetObject>, <propName>, <newValue>)
: This method runs any time the proxy object is being written to. It is similar to get except for when it gets triggered. It automatically has access to the "target" object, the property name that was being set, and the new value
let handler = {
get(target, propName) {
return target[propName];
set(target, propName, newVal) {
target[propName] = `${newVal} set from proxy`;
let proxy = new Proxy({}, handler);
proxy.name = 'Nelson Mandela'; // triggers handler's set
console.log(proxy.name); // Nelson Mandela set from proxy
handler.has(<targetObject>, <propName>)
: This method is triggered whenever there is check for the property name, such as in theif..in
construct and reflectors. You would usually want to return a boolean value from here (although, technically, anything can be done since it's just a function that gets triggered)
let handler = {
get(target, propName) {
return target[propName];
set(target, propName, newVal) {
target[propName] = newVal;
has(target, propName) {
console.log('has was triggered');
return target[propName] ? true : false;
let proxy = new Proxy({}, handler);
proxy.name = 'Nelson Mandela'; // triggers handler's set
if('name' in proxy)
console.log('does not exist');
/* Output:
has was triggered
Note: The target object need not just be an object literal but also an object of a class.
let hondaHandler = { ... };
// ...
let honda = new Car('Honda');
let hondaProxy = new Proxy(hondaProxy, hondaHandler);
// ...
Proxies to functions
Since functions are objects, the proxies can be applied to them as well.
handler.apply(<targetFunction>, <thisArg>, <argsList>)
: This method is specifically for functions that are proxied. Apart from target object, it receives thethis
param for the function call, and a list of arguments. It gets triggered whenever the function is called
function sum(a, b) {
return a + b;
let handler = {
apply(targetFunc, thisArg, arguments) {
console.log('I have intercepted the call!');
return targetFunc(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
let sumProxy = new Proxy(sum, handler);
sumProxy(5, 10);
/* Output:
I have intercepted the call!
This is the full list of proxy methods (13):
It is not very useful, but has the same functions as a proxy. It does not intercept objects - it is meant only for observing and analyzing them. If you want to learn more: Link
All these features are linked to each other
A function in javascript can be defined as a generator function by appending *
to the function
keyword. When you do this and invoke the function, it does not run the function immediately, instead it returns a generator object (which is an iterator - later)
This generator object can be used to run the contents of the original function by using the .next()
function* aGenerator() {
console.log('I am a generator function');
return 'Execution done';
let genObj = aGenerator();
/* Output:
aGenerator {...}
I am a generator function
{value: "Execution done", done: true}
Notice that .next()
returns an object with value
and done
properties. In order to understand this object, we need to understand another concept called yield
pauses the execution of the generator function (when executed by using .next()
) and returns the expression linked to the yield statement (yield <expr>
). Every time .next()
is invoked on the generator object, the successive yield
expression is returned.
Basically, everytime .next()
is called, it picks up execution of the function from the previous yield to the next yield (or until function return)
indicates whether the function has finally returned or if there is still more to yield. In all the yields, the done
property of the next()
return object will be false
. When there is nothing more to yield, and the function has returneda final value, the done
is set to true
(so that we need not run .next()
once again)
function* aGenerator() {
yield 1; // pause here!
yield 2;
return 'Execution done';
let genObj = aGenerator();
/* Output:
aGenerator {...}
{value: 1, done: false}
{value: 2, done: false}
{value: "Execution done", done: true}
Useful example: Making an infinite counter (without getting stuck in an infinite loop)
function* counter() {
let i = 0;
while(true) {
yield i++;
let iValue = counter();
// Can be hooked up to an event handler:
console.log(iValue.next()); // {value: 0, done: false}
console.log(iValue.next()); // {value: 1, done: false}
console.log(iValue.next()); // {value: 2, done: false}
can be used to check if next
must be invoked again or not!
Passing data to yield via next(<expression>)
We can pass in something to the function from an external source. When yield
executes inside the function, it also returns the expression that was sent to it from the next
of the external code. This expression can be stored and used within the function
function* counter() {
let i = 0;
while(true) {
let valFromNext = yield i++;
let iValue = counter();
// can be hooked up to an event handler
console.log(iValue.next('A')); // First time: Discarded inside function (not consoled)
console.log(iValue.next({ foo: 1 }));
/* Output:
{value: 0, done: false}
{value: 1, done: false}
{foo: 1}
{value: 2, done: false}
Another example of generators: Fetching the fibonacci series (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ..)
indefinitely! Check MDN
Iterables & Iterators
- Iterables can be
..ed (looped) - Iterables have an iterator attached to them
- Iterables have the
In Javascript, data structures like Arrays, Strings, Maps, Sets, and TypedArrays have an in-built iterator (default) function that helps us loop over their elements using the for..of
In order for a data structure to be considered iterable, it must implement the iterator method. The object meant to be an iterable must have a Symbol.iterator
key. This key points to an iterator method. The for..of
construct makes use of the Symbol.iterator
method internally
Internals of for..of
: It invokes the Symbol.iterator()
on each loop (each iteration) to fetch the elements inside the iterable one by one
// Strings are iterables:
let str = "string";
console.log(str[Symbol.iterator]); // ƒ [Symbol.iterator]() { [native code] }
// Regular objects are not iterables:
let obj = { foo: 'bar' };
console.log(obj[Symbol.iterator]); // undefined
for(let letter of str) {
/* Output:
Note: For strings, the iterator returns a letter each time (in order defined). For arrays, the iterator returns each element (in the index order)
Making an object iterable!
By default, objects are not iterable. But, we can make them iterable by specifying a property inside it where the key is Symbol.iterator
. This key is supposed to point to an iterator.
Definition: It is a function that follows the iterator protocol. An object is an iterator if it implements the .next()
method that takes no arguments and returns at least the two properties: value
and done
(Notice that this is very similar to the generator object)
Real-world analogy of iterators: A disposable camera. Whenever we click a photo (next
) we get some data and we can only click more photos but are unable to go back. Once the cards are exhausted (all yield
s have been run), there is nothing more to do other than develop the photos (the function returns)
: An iterator function that returns an iterator object that has the next()
let str = "String";
// Next gives an error bcoz a string is an iterable not an iterator
// console.log(str.next()); // TypeError: str.next is not a function
// 'Symbol.iterator' key is an iterator:
console.log(str[Symbol.iterator]); // ƒ [Symbol.iterator]() { [native code] }
console.log(str[Symbol.iterator]()); // StringIterator {}
Writing our own iterator function (& object):
let rangeIteratorFunc = (start, end, step) => {
let cur = start;
let result;
let isDone = false;
return {
next() {
if(cur < end) {
result = { value: cur , done: isDone };
if(cur + step >= end) { // for the next 'next()'
isDone = true;
cur += step;
return result;
else {
return { done: isDone };
let rangeIterator = rangeIteratorFunc(0, 10, 2);
let result = rangeIterator.next();
while(!result.done) {
result = rangeIterator.next();
/* Output:
{value: 0, done: false}
{value: 2, done: false}
{value: 4, done: false}
{value: 6, done: false}
{value: 8, done: false}
{done: true}
Linking an iterator function to an object:
let someObj = {
[Symbol.iterator]: rangeIteratorFunc // the iterator function
// Now, someObj is iterable!
Comparison with Generators
Generators are Iterators! Because a generator object has next()
just like an iterator object does. And the function of the next
method is the same in both cases
Generators actually make writing an iterator easier! By using the yield
statement (which pauses flow of the generator function), it becomes easy to pass the value
and done
properties for a next()
Combining generators:
function* gen1() {
yield 'a';
yield 'b';
function* gen2() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
// you can yield from another generator
// using "yield* <genFuncCall>"
yield* gen1();
yield 3;
let res = gen2();
console.log(res.next()); // {value: 1, done: false}
console.log(res.next()); // {value: 2, done: false}
console.log(res.next()); // {value: "a", done: false}
console.log(res.next()); // {value: "b", done: false}
console.log(res.next()); // {value: 3, done: false}
console.log(res.next()); // {value: undefined, done: true}