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LANCER Rules FAQ & Errata

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Page 32, Integrated Mounts

What does it mean when it says that the weapons in an integrated mount cannot be modified in any way?

You cannot apply a Mod (a system with the Mod tag) to integrated weapons and you cannot apply core bonuses such as Overpower Caliber (which requires you to choose a weapon) or Auto-stabilizing Hardpoints (which requires you to choose a mount) to integrated weapons either. However, blanket effects such as Neurolink Targeting or Siege Stabilizers (which apply to all weapons of a specific type) can apply to them. wot:426288556902842368/773636612235591680

Page 34, Statistics

I have a weapon with higher Range than my Sensors - how does that work?

Your Sensor range is completely irrelevant when it comes to making ranged attacks. They do not represent what your mech can see - they are used for determining range for Searching for Hidden enemies, tech attacks, and other things such as Drone deployment.

Page 35, Core Bonuses

Core Bonuses Errata

The text currently reads "These ranks can be in any combination – for example, you might have the rank I and rank II license for one mech and three different rank I licenses, equaling six in total." This should instead read "These ranks can be in any combination – for example, you might have the rank I, rank II, and rank III license for one mech and three different rank I licenses, equaling six in total." Each rank in a license counts once, regardless of whether it is rank I, rank II, or rank III of its respective license.

Page 55, Get Focused

Can I use the Get Focused downtime action to improve Triggers such as Assault or Apply Fists to Faces, or can it only be used to improve the new Triggers created using Get Focused?

The latter. Get Focused cannot be used to improve the ranks of Triggers that it was not used to create. wot:426288556902842368/686780898636595205

Page 61, Types of Actions

Can I attack with the same weapon or mount multiple times in a turn?

There is no rule specifically preventing you from using a weapon multiple times in the same turn, but the rule preventing you from taking the same action more than once per turn (such as Skirmish) and the fact that Barrage specifies two different weapons means that by default, you will not be able to attack with the same weapon more than once per turn. You cannot spend both of your default quick actions on Skirmish and Barrage cannot be used to pick the same weapon twice.

However, free actions and reactions are explicit exceptions to the "No Duplicate Actions" rule, and so if you can Skirmish or otherwise attack with a weapon as a free action or reaction, you can use a weapon you have already used this turn. For example, if you Skirmish with a Heavy Machine Gun, you cannot Skirmish again with your other remaining quick action, but if you can somehow Skirmish as a free action (such as via Overcharge or the Everest's Initiative trait), you could use the Heavy Machine Gun again.

Additionally, if you have multiple copies of the same weapon, such as two Assault Rifles in different mounts, you can use both of them in a Barrage.

Page 62, Splitting Up Movement

If I choose to split up movement in a way that I move into an enemy's threat range, pause to attack them, and then continue my movement afterward, does that count as beginning a movement in their threat for the purpose of triggering Overwatch?


Page 62, Engagement

When I lose my unused movement from becoming engaged, do I lose ALL my movement, even the ones I didn't use?

No, if you did part of a standard move to get into engagement, you lose the rest of it, but you can still boost if you didn't boost already to get out of engagement. wot:426288556902842368/713498072336040008

Page 63, Flight

Flight Errata

The text currently reads "Flying characters that take structure damage or stress must succeed on an AGILITY save or begin falling." This should read "AGILITY check" instead of "AGILITY save".

Page 64, Attacks

Can tech attacks crit? / What happens when a tech attack crits?

Nothing. Only melee and ranged attacks can land a critical hit.

Page 65, Invisibility

Does Invisibility work against tech attacks? Do Reliable weapons deal their damage on a miss when the miss is caused by Invisibility? Are area-of-effect weapons affected by Invisibility?

Invisibility in Lancer is fairly straightforward. All incoming attacks, whether they're ranged, melee, or tech, have a 50% chance to miss before the attack roll is made. This applies to area-of-effect attacks just as much as single target attacks. If an attack made against an Invisible target misses due to the 50% miss chance, that is a miss and it triggers any effects that may be activated on a miss, including Reliable damage.

Page 67, Harm

Do half-damage effects stack? (e.g. Heavy Gunner, HyperDense Armor)

They do not stack. "Dealing half damage" is a binary state, similar to Resistance.

Does the Saladin's Paracausal Mod bypass half-damage effects?

It does not -- the halved damage from effects such as Heavy Gunner is not a reduction like Resistance is; it happens "before" step 1 of damage calculations.

How does Resistance to Burn work? Does it halve the end of turn damage twice?

It does not. Resistance to Burn only affects the initial damage, and not the end-of-turn ticks. If you take 4 Burn and resist it, you will take 2 Burn damage and mark 2 Burn stacks, but you will take 2 Burn damage if you fail the EOT check.

If a character is hit by an attack and the damage is reduced to 0, such as by armor or a system like the Drake's Aegis Shield Generator, does that still count as "taking damage" for the purpose of triggers such as the Genghis' Auto-Cooler?

Yes, an instance of damage that is reduced to 0 damage such as by armor still counts as taking damage for those purposes. Immunity to damage overrides this as it specifically notes on page 68 under the Immunity section. wot:426288556902842368/718463769826820143

Page 68, Immunity

Do "can't be reduced" effects (such as Paracausal Mod) override Immunity?

No. Immunity is not a reduction.

Page 70, Skirmish

When Skirmishing (or Barraging) in a way that grants bonus attacks with auxiliary weapons, such as with a Main/Aux mount, can I choose to attack with the bonus auxiliary attack first before the attack with the primary weapon?

Yes. When you make an attack with a Skirmish or Barrage that grants a bonus auxiliary weapon attack you can choose the order those weapons attack in. However, bonus auxiliary weapon attacks will still not deal bonus damage even if they come first. wot:426288556902842368/678782825541140499

Page 71, Barrage

Can I Barrage using the same weapon twice?


Page 81, Overheating Table

Overheating Table Errata

The 2 Stress remaining entry under Meltdown should read "A reactor meltdown can be prevented by retrying the ENGINEERING check as a full action." wot:441336855951048725/664175573966520340

When overheating, how exactly does the spillover heat work?

Any Heat in excess of your Heat Cap is applied to the next bar. For example, if your Heat Cap was 6, and you were at 5 Heat, taking 2 Heat would put you at 7/6, forcing you to take 1 Stress and make an overheating check, leaving you at 1 Heat out of 6 Heat Cap. Notably, you can safely stay at exactly your Heat Cap (in this case, taking 1 Heat and going to 6 Heat out of 6 Heat Cap will not cause you to overheat) and there is no way to overheat and roll over to exactly 0 Heat without some effect stating otherwise.

Page 90, Ace

Ace Errata

Taking the quick action to spin up your thrusters should grant you the Supersonic reaction if you end your turn flying until the end of your next turn. wot:426288556902842368/732468073612967968

Page 94, Executioner

When I miss with an attack and use No Escape, does that trigger Reliable? What about having to pay costs such as heat again? Are weapons with the Loading tag expended on the miss?

Missing with an attack that triggers No Escape (or Exemplar's Valiant Aid) will trigger Reliable, but do not incur additional costs or require reloading to make the rerolled attack. wot:426288556902842368/708389666981806201

Page 96, Hacker

Why does Last Argument of Kings have a clause saying what happens when you overheat a target with it?

Despite the fact that Last Argument of Kings doesn't deal any Heat by default, there are some effects such as Hacker's Snow_Crash or Nuclear Cavalier's Aggressive Heat Bleed that could result in it dealing Heat. This clause is here to prevent you from losing out on Burn if you so happen to overheat a target with those extra Heat effects.

Page 97, Hunter

Can I use Disdainful Blade to throw the same auxiliary melee weapon I used to hit a character with and trigger the ability in the first place?


Page 99, Leader

Field Commander says you can expend a Leadership Die to gain +1 Accuracy on any action that directly follows from that order. What if that action involves more than one roll, such as Barraging?

Every roll in the action gets the additional Accuracy. This means that all the attack rolls in a Barrage that directly follows the given order gets Accuracy if you spend a Leadership die in that way. wot:426288556902842368/775399535811231745

Page 100, Siege Specialist

Can you use the effect of Impact when attacking with a Cannon with Ordnance? Would the push from Impact trigger the clause in Ordnance that says you can't attack with an Ordnance weapon if you had already moved that turn?

You are allowed to use Impact with Cannons that have the Ordnance tag and it will not interfere with you firing the weapon. wot:426288556902842368/753974191220457543

Page 102, Tactician

Do I get the Solar Backdrop benefit for attacking at a higher elevation if my mech is a larger size than the target I'm shooting at?

No, Solar Backdrop doesn't care about relative mech size/height, only whether your position on the map is a higher elevation than the target you're shooting at. Measure from your feet, not from your head.

Page 105, Loading

Can I reload weapons with the Loading tag that haven't been fired to trigger effects that apply when reloading weapons?

No, a Loading weapon that hasn't been fully expended cannot be reloaded until it requires it.

Page 105, Ordnance

The Ordnance tag reads "This weapon can only be fired before the user moves or takes any other actions on their turn." Does this mean you cannot use Ordnance weapons outside of your turn, such as with Heavy Gunner?

This is a slight misprint. Ordnance should read " This weapon can only be fired before the user moves or takes any other actions on a turn." Ordnance weapons can be used outside of your turn with various reactions (except for Overwatch which is explicitly disallowed) as long as you abide by the tag's other restrictions. wot:426288556902842368/683147010723151943

Page 105, Smart

Do I add my Tech Attack bonus to attacks made with Smart weapons?

No. All Smart changes is the stat you target -- E-Defense rather than Evasion. You still use your Grit bonus when rolling.

Page 121, Stable Structure

Stabile Structure Errata

Stable Structure should read "You gain +1 Accuracy on saves to avoid Prone or forced movement (Knockback, Push, Pull, etc).wot:441336855951048725/710963654094225530

Page 120, Pattern-A Smoke Charges, Pattern-B HEX Charges

What kind of action is it to use the Pattern-A Smoke Charges and the Pattern-B HEX Charges? No action is listed.

By default, systems with the Grenade tag or the Mine tag take a quick action to use, which can be found in their tag descriptions on page 106. This applies to all Grenades and Mines, unless the specific system says otherwise.

Page 127, IPS-N Core Bonuses

Does the Gyges Frame core bonus give +1 Threat to integrated melee weapons, as those are listed as unable to be modified?

Yes, Gyges Frame does apply its effect to Integrated weapons as it is a blanket effect and not specifically applied to the weapon or mount. wot:426288556902842368/773636612235591680

Page 130, IPS-N Blackbeard

When I critically hit with a Chain Axe, does the Shredded effect apply before or after the weapon's damage?

You can choose to apply on hit or on crit effects in whatever order you choose, including before damage from the attack in question. So when you critically hit with a Chain Axe you can choose to apply the Shredded condition to the target before dealing damage, preventing them from benefitting from armor or resistance.

When a character with Synthetic Muscle Netting is engaged in a grapple with an opponent of equal size, they count as one size larger (i.e. a size 1 mech with SMN grappling another size 1 mech will count as size 2). Does this mean that the character with SMN equipped counts as size 2 for purposes of being rammed, such as if their opponent wanted to ram them to break the grapple?

No, Synthetic Muscle Netting doesn't make you count as a bigger size for the purpose of being rammed, only for the purposes of ramming other targets.wot:426288556902842368/712046292934590474

Does the Blackbeard's Reinforced Cabling count as a flight or propulsion system for the purposes of zero-gravity maneuvering?

No, it doesn't. Depending on the sort of battlefield environment you're fighting in the GM may decide to allow it contextually, but as a general rule the Reinforced Cabling system won't let you maneuver freely in zero-gravity simply on its own.wot:426288556902842368/710261251430809670

When I activate the SEKHMET Protocol, do I continue to take turns as normal or do I hand over control to the GM?

SEKHMET Protocol doesn’t hand over control of your mech to the GM as if your NHP was cascading, nor does it hand over control of your mech to the NHP as per the rules on page 107. Narratively SEKHMET may be in “control” of things while the protocol is active but you, the player, are still playing, it’s just that you have a series of restrictions and conditions on what actions and maneuvers you can try to take. You still control the mech, you may continue to use talents as per the protocol's description, and can make decisions within those restrictions as you like. You can also hand control over to Sekhmet using the normal rules for NHPs, and Sekhmet can make use of its berserker protocol after control has been formally handed over to it even without a pilot in the cockpit, but it abides by all normal rules and restrictions of NHPs controlling mechs when doing so, such as no longer being unable to use pilot talents etc.

Page 132, IPS-N Drake

Does the Drake's Guardian trait mean it provides soft cover against attacks that would be obstructed by it even if an ally isn't adjacent to it, as per the guidelines for Checking For Cover on page 66?

No. Any mech with the Guardian trait (and the Barbarossa's Colossus trait) only provide cover to allies who are adjacent to them, they do not act as actual pieces of environmental hard cover for the purpose of the Checking For Cover guidelines.wot:441336855951048725/684190967133110369

Page 140, IPS-N Nelson

How does the Skirmisher trait interact with weapons that make multiple attack rolls, such as weapons with an area-of-effect?

The Nelson's Skirmisher trait triggers once per overall attack with a weapon, regardless of how many attack rolls it may have, so an attack with an area-of-effect weapon will still trigger the trait and grant you movement only once. It can however, still trigger multiple times on the same Skirmish or Barrage, such as if you Skirmish with a Main weapon and an Auxiliary weapon in the Nelson's Main/Aux mount.

Page 144, IPS-N Raleigh

If at the end of my turn I reload my weapons due to the Full Metal Jacket trait, can I then use that reload as a trigger to fire the M35 Mjolnir as a free action even though the FMJ reload is at the end of my turn?


Page 148, IPS-N Tortuga

If I use Throughbolt Rounds on a weapon that has a Burst range/AoE type, such as the Bristlecrown Flechette Launcher, does the Burst retain the size it would have if measured from the mech or does it measure its size from the endpoint of the Throughbolt Round's line?

The latter. Bursts always measure their size from the targeted point. If a Burst is centered on a mech then you use that as the point of origin, but if launched away from the mech such as with Throughbolt Rounds the Burst will use the end of the line as its center point instead.

Page 158, SSC Core Bonuses

Does the Neurolink Targeting core bonus give +3 range to Integrated ranged weapons such as the Raleigh's M35 Mjolnir, as those are listed as being unable to be modified?

Yes, Neurolink Targeting does apply its effect to Integrated weapons as it is a blanket effect and not specifically applied to the weapon or mount. wot:426288556902842368/773636612235591680

Page 160, SSC Black Witch

Magnetic Cannon Errata

The Magnetic Cannon's effect should read "On Attack" instead of "On Hit"

Page 168, SSC Dusk Wing

If I position two Hall of Mirrors holograms to both hit the same target, then teleport to a hologram to detonate all of them at once, does this hit that target twice?

No. This is treated as a single effect, just one with a custom area-of-effect that consists of multiple burst 1 areas. The target only takes 1d6 damage (or half, if they make their save). wot:441336855951048725/722946911656607784

(This only applies to the teleportation action. Hostile characters can be affected by multiple Hall of Mirrors holograms if they move through or move adjacent to multiple holograms.)

Neurospike Errata

Shrike Code should read "they first take 2 heat whenever they make an attack roll." as opposed to triggering whenever they attack, meaning that attacks against multiple targets will trigger the penalty multiple times.wot:426288556902842368/738783942014009417

Page 176, SSC Monarch

If I position the two Blast areas of a Pinaka Missiles attack so that they both hit a size 2 or size 3 target without overlapping, does this hit that target twice?

No. The Pinaka Missiles are still treated as a single attack, just one with a custom area-of-effect that consists of two Blast areas. Even if you place both Blasts in a way that they could hit a single target without overlapping, you still only roll to hit that target once.

Page 192, HORUS Balor

If the Balor's Regeneration trait is disabled from taking stress or structure damage, when it reactivates at the end of the next turn do you then also regenerate HP at the end of that turn as well?

No, when the Regeneration trait is disabled you do not regain any HP at the end of your next turn, even though both reactivating the trait and regaining HP happen "at the end of your next turn." The trait simply reactivates. The next opportunity you'll have to regain HP with the Regeneration trait will be end of the turn after that.

Page 196, HORUS Goblin

Does the Autopod count as an attack and/or a hit for the purpose of things that trigger off attacks or hits, such as the Stormbringer talent?

Yes, the Autopod's Autonomous Assault reaction is considered an attack which automatically hits.

Page 210, HORUS Manticore

Is there any way at all I can activate CASTIGATE THE ENEMIES OF THE GODHEAD without being physically present in the mech itself at the time of detonation? A subaltern with a copy of my neural pattern? A clone? A brick on the accelerator? My long lost twin sibling, who I don't like very much? A service animal? Anything?


Page 218, HORUS Pegasus

What does ¿%:?EXTR!UDE GUN actually do?


Page 226, HA Barbarossa

If I use a system like the Flak Launcher which states targets "can no longer fly" in a zero-gravity environment where everyone is assumed to be flying at all times, does that prevent them from moving at all?


If I fire the Siege Cannon in Siege Mode, can I switch to Direct Fire mode and continue attacking without reloading it first since only Siege Mode has the Loading tag?

No, once a weapon has been used in a way that requires reloading in needs to be reloaded before it can be attacked with again in any mode or configuration it may have.

Page 230, HA Genghis

When the Plasma Thrower creates flames in free spaces, to characters take 1d6 damage for each space of flames they're pushed into, or does the 1d6 damage happen only once per round?

The 1d6 damage from the flames only happens once per round. wot:426288556902842368/718463769826820143

Page 234, HA Iskander

When the Iskander uses its Mine Deployers trait, do these additional deployed mines also consume charges from the system being used?


Is the Gravity Gun affected by Invisibility?

No. The Gravity Gun's use is, technically speaking, an attack. If your mech is unable to make attacks for some reason, such as being Jammed, it cannot use the Gravity Gun. But the actual effect of the Gravity Gun when you attack with it is one that has no associated to hit roll of any sort, functioning instead more like a grenade or mine, and so there's no way for it to "miss" like a regular attack would, even if the target is Invisible. This also means that the Gravity Gun does not benefit from anything that would trigger on hit or on crit since it can do neither of those things.

Page 241, HA Napoleon

If I create a Blinkshield, can I create another Blinkshield within it before the first one expires?

The Blinkshield can't be crossed with any effect, and that includes another Blinkshield. If you attempt to create a Blinkshield within a Blinkshield and any part of the two shields overlap or intersect, you cannot do so as it would violate the clause that states that no effect can cross the Blinkshield.

Page 246, HA Sherman

Can I repeatedly Stabilize outside of combat to add charges to the ZF4 Solidcore?

No. Strictly speaking, combat actions such as Stabilize don't really "exist" outside of combat. When resting or during downtime the Stabilize action isn't something you take, you have other options for repairing your mech available to you, the same way that if you were looking to use your mech to shoot at a guard tower during a narrative scene you wouldn't declare "I use a Skirmish," you would simply state your intent to shoot the tower.

Long Rim Page 53, HORUS Lich

Chronostutter Errata

Chronostutter's text currently reads "The character taking the action is pushed up to 3 spaces".

This should instead read "the target of the action is pushed up to 3 spaces". wot:426288556902842368/741749908448477281

Long Rim Page 59, HA Sunzi

Blink Charges Errata

The Warp Grenade effect of Blink Charges currently reads "choose any character within the affected area". This should instead read "choose any characters within the affected area" to make it clear that it can affect multiple targets. wot:441336855951048725/727938103209361478

Multi-license Interactions

Does the Tortuga's Sentinel trait give Accuracy to the contested attack roll from Stasis Bolt?


NPC Classes

Page 288, Archer NPC

The Archer's Covering Fire optional system doesn't list a duration. How long does it last?

The area created by Covering Fire, and the ability for the Archer to use the associated Got Your Back reaction, should last until the end of the Archer's next turn after it uses this ability.

Page 315 Sentinel NPC

The Sentinel's Rapid Response optional system is formatted differently from the Archer's version. Is this intentional?

No, the two should be identical. Use the Archer's version for both.