- added STEREO empirical model-based straylight by @s0larish in #104
- Support creating a projected target PSF by @svank in #105
- specify codecov path by @jmbhughes in #107
- Incorporate SOC2NOAA updates by @jmbhughes in #106
- Update issue templates by @jmbhughes in #109
- Updates for V4 RFR2 by @jmbhughes in #102
- Fix package version in docs by @jmbhughes in #83
- Update psf by @jmbhughes in #85
- Distortion mapping by @lowderchris in #86
- fix distortion path and make test more exhaustive by @jmbhughes in #87
- adds note that data is simulated by @jmbhughes in #88
- Save original WCS, fix starfield scale and distortion by @jmbhughes in #89
- fix path in create_synthetic_psf.py by @jmbhughes in #90
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #92
- copy the psf models into the database by @jmbhughes in #93
- Get new synthetic data created by @jmbhughes in #94
- Nov 17 Mega update by @jmbhughes in #96
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #97
- write to the outputdir by @jmbhughes in #98
- added synthetic polarized starfield by @s0larish in #95
- Improving synthetic data generation reliability by @jmbhughes in #99
- Adjust spike brightness by @jmbhughes in #100 -Accelerate and make more realistic by @jmbhughes in #101
Initital release