The ChartSeries
control: ChartSeries container for bar, line and other chart types. Based on C3.js..
Extends: sap.ui.core.Element This module inherits all methods and attributes from the extended module and from all other modules in the inheritence hierarchy.
This element must be used with the ui5.viz.Chart
control and was designed to work best in XML views and in combination with data binding.
<!-- tbd -->
All properties have corresponding getters and setters. (read which property methods are defined automatically)
Name | Type | Default | Description |
type |
ui5.viz.ChartSeriesType |
library.ChartSeriesType.Spline, |
Shows or hides series and legend. |
name |
string |
null, |
Name of the series. |
color |
sap.ui.core.CSSColor | null, |
Sets a custom color for the series, overwriting the default color palette. |
showLabels |
boolean |
false, |
Sets visibility of labels. |
lineStyle |
ui5.viz.LineStyle |
library.LineStyle.Solid, |
Sets style of series lines (supported types: line, spline, step, area, area-spline, area-step). |
shapeStyle |
ui5.viz.ShapeStyle |
library.ShapeStyle.Solid, |
Sets style of series shape (supported types: bar). |
lineAnimationSpeed |
ui5.viz.AnimationSpeed |
library.AnimationSpeed.None, |
Sets speed of animated dashes / dots (none, slow, medium, fast). |
lineAnimationForwards |
boolean |
true, |
Sets if line animation should run forwards or backwards. |
groupKey |
string |
null, |
ChartSeries with the same group key are displayed as a cluster (e.g. stacked bar). |
yAxis |
ui5.viz.Axis |
library.Axis.Y, |
Sets the referenced y axis the ChartSeriesData value property is related to. |
visible |
boolean |
true, |
Sets visibility of the element. |
key |
string |
null, |
Unique key for the series. |
All aggregations have one getter and several mutating methods depending on their cardinality. (read which aggregation methods are defined automatically)
Name | Cardinality | Type | Description |
data |
0..n |
ui5.viz.ChartDataPoint |
Defines the data points of our series. |
All events return to the event callback handler sap.ui.base.Event. (read which event methods are defined automatically)
- seriesDataUpdate Series was updated.
- seriesVisibilityChange Series visibility have changed.
Series was updated. Providing parameters:
) Chart update event code.
Series visibility have changed. Providing parameters:
) Reference to respective series.
There are no public methods defined for ui5.viz.ChartSeries